THE YZ~Tg April 27, 1982
Central State University, Edmond, Oklahoma
Vol. 80, No. 55
Tradition more important than people of old China By Kim McConnell
"China as I knew it was not China for the Chinese. It was actually a mosaic of European-style architectures and many, many people," said Ruth Holmes. Ruth Holmes, president of Board of Regents for Oklahoma Universities, is on campus as part of the Distinguished Statesman and Scholars series. Holmes lived in China and she had the chance to revisit in 1981 as part of a scholastic tour. Holmes emphasized that the China of her childhood is vastly different than the China of today. Fifty years ago, foreigners were welcomed "intruders." "Foreigners had a entirely different life. The average life for a foreigner was that you had come overseas as a favored guest of the Chinese," Holmes said, adding that not all foreigners received this privileged treatment. She recalled that 50 years ago, Russians fleeing from Communist oppression were quite numerous in China, but were poorly treated, the men more so than the women. She recounted a story of a Russian with a Ph.D. in Philosophy who worked in a dance house to earn her living. Holmes' father and mother used to go to the club where she worked and "buy" some of her time so they could talk. When Holmes returned to China last year, she could find no traces of Russians. At one time, they numbered over 30,000 in Shang Hai alone. The "favored" foreigners lived in their own mini-cultures. "Chinese police were not allowed to arrest, try or even be rude to you," she said. This handling was quite dif-
ferent than that afforded to the average Chinese citizen. Holmes remembers looking out a train window and seeing police or soldiers elbowing a man clad only in underwear. When they reached a "filthy ditch," they ordered the man to cross it. He refused. When they forced him, he slid down into the ditch. When he came back up and turned around, he was shot. "I never found out why," she said. "The Chinese justice system needs a lot of work. Even to this day, they do not believe in representation of any kind. They still have in their background their awful old punishments," she said. "This is what gave the foreigners the idea that although the Chinese had an excellent tradition behind them, they had alot to learn about human relations.
Theory was more important than people," she added. Holmes' childhood China was violent and unpredictable, with war lords fighting to control the country. But while the soldiers were cruel, they could also be unexpectedly kind, Holmes said. When she was almost twoyears-old, her family had to flee from Peking. While in a car, she got loose from her governess and popped up at a window. Before her parents could pull her down, a soldier had seen her. Her parents' watched horrified as the soldier stooped down, picked a flower and presented it to her. "My parents," said Holmes, "always said that epitomized for them how much the Chinese loved children--even in the midst of war."
Vista photo by Daniel Smith
Ruth Holmes, president of the Board of Regents for Oklahoma Universities, is on campus this week as part of the Distinguished Statesmen and Scholars lecture series. The lecture is sponsored by the Political Science Department, The Bureau of Governmental Services and President Bill Lillard.
Common problems persist Editor's Note: This is the final segment of the two part series on the quality of education at CSU. In this installment we look at the teaching at CSU and the actual quality of the education offered. Part Two By Sheryl Kudy
Students can see the quality of their teachers in their attitudes. The North Central report noted that students felt the faculty is concerned about them and are readily accessible. The relationship between the teachers and
Trial date set for June The trial of Steve McKeaver, 22, CSU football player charged with two misdomeanor accounts for driving with a suspended license and • entering a building "with malicous intent" has been continued to June 1. The trial had been slated to begin this week. McKeaver had first been arrested Nov. 17, 1981, for breaking into Thatcher Hall. He entered a not guilty plea at his Dec. 19 arraignment and was scheduled to appear for trial Jan. 6. He failed to appear and a warrant was issued. Police arrested McKeaver again March 18, when he was stopped for a traffic complaint and a check with the Department of Public Safety revealed his license had been suspended. McKeaver pleaded innocent to the driving charge and was released after posting two $500 bonds.
In this issu e• • • Clinic set for 3 College Republicans tie for 4 Final exam 5 Judge to speak at 6 Broncs capture District 9 7 Baseballers split with 7
students is viewed favorably by both parties. The average CSU studentfaculty ratio is about 22.1 to 1., statistically only slightly higher than OU or OSU. However, many students from these schools complain of much larger classes, sometimes as many as 500, and the feeling that they are treated like a number. They don't feel that way here. Students, especially the transfers, also appreciate the fact that no graduate assistants teach classes. According to Dr. Patrick Cassens, vice president of academic affairs, approximately 60 percent of the instructors hold doctorate degrees. Many others have recent experience in the field they are teaching. Various deans have noted that the teachers link the theories they teach with what happens in the "real world." "They have done an excellent job of combining theory and practice, to make the curriculum exceedingly viable and very pragmatic. Students appreciate the dedication and have come here," said Dr. James Perry, chairman of the School of Business. As well as the quality of the instructors, the quality of the students is seen as good. Although many students test out at the lower to average end of testing scales, which does not mean the ability is low to average, the expertise of others helps in class. In the School of Business and the School of Math and Science, the number of older students with experience in their fields is definite advantage. Part of attending college is getting through the general education requirements. Terri Jones, a junior medical technician major, was unhappy wth this requirement
because for her, and other students, most of the classes are a repeat of high school material. In many foreign countries a
bachelors degree is not even recognized because of this. Part of the problem could be Continued on page 3.
Gov. Nigh recalls run for Oklahoma By Melissa Vierheller
When Rogers and Hammerstein adapted Oklahoma native Lynn Rigg's book "Green Grow the Lilacs" into a musical, they called it "Away We Go." However, after the play was such a success off-Broadway, they decided to change the name to "Oklahoma." But that still didn't have enough pizzaz to communicate the spirit of a brand new state. So they renamed it, "OKLAHOMA!" That's O-K-LA-H-O-M-A with an exclamation point. This was one of many anecdotes Gov. George Nigh shared with the 1889er's Society Thursday evening at their annual banquet in the University Center Ballroom. It was the first year the banquet has been held outside Oklahoma City. Nigh spoke on the 93rd anniversary of the historic land run that brought over 10,000 settlers into the area that later became the state of Oklahoma. Members of the society, descendents of the men and women who made the run in 1889, meet every April 22, to commemorate the historic event. Nigh reminisced about the "good old days" and recalled some of the historical events that made Oklahoma what it is today. "Back on April 22, 1889, those people that made the run and
drove stakes claiming land were putting an exclamation point behind Oklahoma," said Nigh. Nigh added that in 1910 Oklahoma was at a high point in population. It was the fastest growing state in the nation. Then came the depression and the saga of the "Okie." "But we've turned that around," said Nigh. "In 1982 Oklahoma is one of the five fastest growing states in the U.S. We are the most fully employed people in the nation and the least taxed." Nigh made history himself in 1958 when he was elected the youngest lieutenant governor in state history and again in 1978 when he became the first lieutenant governor to win the governorship. However, despite Nigh's long involvement in Oklahoma government, he takes no credit for Oklahoma's prosperity. "You are the people who have made this state great and it's a privilege to be governor," he said. And while it's fun to reminisce and talk about the good old days, really, the good old days are all the ones ahead of us, said Nigh. "And in this Diamond Jubilee year, it's super to be able to put an exclamation point again behind Oklahoma, not only as we remember the past, but as we look to what lies ahead."