The Vista April 30, 1991

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Central State University

TUESDAY April 30, 1991

The Student Voice Since 1903

Elsner counters claims of poor management By Barbara Howry Staff Writer

Citizen's arrest Student Association Vice-President David Slane and Senator Rebekah Zahn find Central State University Police parked in vi-

olation of University parking rules east of University Center Wednesday morning. (Photo by Tom Huber)

Dean Kenneth Elsner came to his budget meeting well-prepared with facts and figures about the crisis in the College of Education. Administrative Vice President Joyce Mounce complimented Elsner on his presentation and said, "You get the award for being the most agressive dean on campus." "I'm not aggressive—I'm desperate," Elsner said. With the College of Education's enrollment showing increases of 57.8 percent in the spring and fall from 1986-1991 and summer enrollment increases of 37.8 percent, Elsner has run out of classrooms, class sections, faculty and patience. Education officials came to the budget meeting disgruntled over an alleged statement made by

someone in administration. Elsner addressed the statement in his memo to the budget committee: "It was mentioned recently that if the College of Education managed their resources better, there would not be closed sections and students complaining because they cannot enroll in certain classes." The statement was made after a group of students complained to administration after trying to enroll for summer and found only closed sections. Elsner said he did not know who had made the response to the student's complaints because it was relayed to him through another person. A section of Elsner's statistics compared the College of Education's growth fro- n 1986-1990 to an unnamed college on campus. V See ELSNER, page 4.

Faculty senate dismisses resolution Late payment penalties to begin next fall Gorbachev blasts critics, strikers MOSCOW (AP)—Mikhail S. Gorbachev condemned Communist Party hard-liners after defeating their attempt to force him out of the party's top job, reports said. But he also promised firm action to halt strikes and protests. In a speech Friday to the national legislature, the Soviet president said the party risks becoming politically isolated, and he called his hard-line attackers "irresponsible" in their attempt to oust him as party generalsecretary. Speaking to the Central Committee, he warned of the danger that "party organizations will occupy themselves exclusively with the settlement of internal party problems, and will remain outside the main developments" of politics, the party daily Pravda reported Saturday. Gorbachev also won approval of an "anti-crisis" plan under which he promised firm action as soon as next week to halt strikes and restore plummeting production in basic industries and consumer goods. V

See WORLD WRAP, back page.

By David LoBaugh Staff Writer Central State University's faculty senate voted against waiving the rules to consider a resolution that would have asked administrators to rescend late payment penalties that begin next fall. The policy drew attention because private businesses charging a similar late pen-

alty would be in violation of the law. Since CSU is a state institution, there is no limit to the late fee students must pay. "This was the last meeting of the semester and this issue was just brought up at this meeting. In order to take it up at this meeting we would have to suspend the rules, because resolutions that are introduced for the first time are voted on the following month," Dr. Sam Magrill, faculty senate parlimentarian said.

Senate members cited a number of reasons for the failure of the resolution. "I think this resolution was dismissed due to the harshness of the word "outrageous," Dr. Herbert Giles, faculty senate president said. He was referring to the title of the resolution: "Faculty Protest Against Outrageous Student Financial Delinquency Charges". V See FACULTY, page 4.

Faculty adopts AAUP policy By Audra Frantz Student Writer Central State University's faculty senate unanimously passed a resolution Thursday, requesting budgeting officials to make all budget information more readily available. The resolution follows a similar plan recently adopted by the American Association of University Professors. The resolution calls for more faculty communication and asks that copies of all budget information and policy manuals be distributed and placed on public file in complete form. CSU faculty expressed concern that some information was being left out and they were not being informed of budgetary measures until the budget was voted on by the regents. "People aren't aware, and they don't read about it until after the fact ... there's a lack of communication," assistant oral communications professor Dr. Gwendolyn M. Olivier said. Creative studies chairman Dr. Christopher F.

Givan said he had looked for information a few years ago and couldn't find it and the resolution needed to be passed. Although the resolution passed unanimously, Olivier said the only way it will take effect is if faculty at other state universities approve similar policies. "It has to be a statewide thing," Olivier said. Requirements passed in the proposal include: • budgeting officials should accept and consider all faculty communication; • agendas for all board meetings should be made public at the proper time and be distributed to hoard members; • board minutes and university budgets should be placed in the government documents section of the university library in full form; • current copies of the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education and pertinent governing boards policy manuals should be placed in the government documents section of the university library and be kept up to date at all times; • and every faculty handbook should contain a faculty appeals procedure. V


Speaker Carl Albert joined a three-man panel April 23 to discuss the Bill of Rights and celebrate its 200th anniversary in the Pegasus Theater.



Trackster Rodney Glenn has returned after bouting with a hamstring injury. He won the 110-meter high hurdles at the Southwest Relays.


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