University of Central Oklahoma
TUESDAY May 2, 1995
The Student Voice Since 1903
Campus remembers victims Memorial set up to honor student, victims of bombing Photo and Story By John Clanton
Staff Writer Dana Cooper, one of the fatalities of the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Building, will not be forgotten by her classmates. A memorial was set up anonymously, next to where she usually sat, on Wednesday night in Room 202 of Old North. The memorial consisted of a teddy bear, flowers and poster that described Cooper: "The media described her as a `beautiful young woman who dedicated her life to caring for children.'Dana and her two-year-old son Christopher were taken from us by the terrible tragedy in the day care center of the federal building in Oklahoma City on Apri119, 1995. Please keep Dana, Christopher and their family in your thoughts and prayers. We miss you, Dana!" Anyone wanting to donate money to Cooper's family should contact the First
This teddy bear and roses represent the memory of student Dana Cooper, and her son, Christopher, who died in the explosion.
Baptist Church of Nicoma Park and make donations under the name of Christopher Cooper, Dana Cooper's 2year-old son who was also killed in the explosion.
VSee Related Stories, Page 5
Tuition hike supported by President's Council By Iris Knight
Staff Writer A tuition increase for all Oklahoma colleges was supported by the President's Council, a group of all Oklahoma university presidents, in April. "Every university president in the state has approved an increase in college tuition," said President George Nigh.
Editorial 2 Letters 2 World Wrap 6 Around Campus 11 Sports 8-9 Comics 11
The President's Council support three things, said Nigh. 1 - Higher education must be statefunded at a higher level. 2 - If the Legislature gave more state appropriations to universities, UCO and all other underfunded colleges must be treated separately. 3 - The Oklahoma Legislature must take a serious look at a tuition increase. VSee HIKE, Page 10
HARASS A sexual harassment suit against a professor raises questions about liability insurance for faculty.
In rememberance Tara Hodges and Whitney Wheeler, members of Alpha Gamma Delta sorority house, plant a tree outside of their sorority house in memory of the Oklahoma City bombing.
COMPUTE The U.S. Air Force donates a $4 million computer system to the physics department.
Former UCO baseball player and coach Scott Williams died in the OKC bombing April 19.