The Vista May 2, 1996

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University of Central Oklahoma

THURSDAY May 2, 1996

The Student Voice Since 1903

UCO hits the jackpot with $300,000 land endowment By Roy Howe

Guest Writer A tract of Edmond land valued at nearly $300,000 has been donated to UCO by a San Francisco woman who became excited about the university after hearing that its president was a former governor and the institution has so many students in need of tuition aid. Inez Miller learned about UCO and its students during a recent cruise from Acapulco to Miami in which UCO political science professor Dr. John George and his wife boasted

about the university, said Dr. Nancy Hughes, foundation director. "She (Miller) said, 'That's the kind of university I want to give a gift to,"' said Hughes. "This could easily seem just a drop in the bucket to some of the other universities with large foundations and who receive many donations. "This is the kind of gift we really need to build up our endowment," she said. "And that was another selling point for her," said Hughes. The 10 acres of land to be donated is located near Second

Street and Kelly. "Although several people have expressed an interest in buying the land, we can hold onto it or sell it," Hughes said. "The Foundation's board of directors will make that decision. "Our main usage of Foundation money is always scholarships." On May 3, UCO President George Nigh, along with the university's Foundation board of trustees, will host a thank-you gathering for Miller at a local restaurant.

Rock the house...

Glass House lead guitarist performs Saturday at Wantland Stadium as part of SGA/SPB's Stress Break. (Photo by Brandon Snider)

Professors' poll pinpoints presidential pitfalls By Mary Reinauer Staff Writer

Nigh got favorable ratings for presenting a clear Other results showed that the highest number of vision of UCO's future, communicating goals and respondents thought Dr. Clyde Jacob, vice president for objectives, and being an effective leader, according to academic affairs, displays professional integrity and Would 27 percent of full-time UCO faculty members the poll. considers their opinion about problem situations. vote to ax President George Nigh if given the chance? However, 79 respondents (38.54 percent) said he was A survey conducted by the American Association of an effective leader and only 18 (8.82 percent) said they University Professors (AAUP) at UCO indicates that would vote to retain him in office. they would. Three questions about the Vice President of Student The poll recorded responses to 10 questions Services Dr. Dudley Ryan drew high percentages of "no concerning Nigh when 207 faculty members responded opinion." to statements by indicating either strongly agree, agree, "Effectively recruits high school seniors to attend no opinion, disagree or strongly disagree. UCO," drew the majority of "no opinion" responses (47 Fifty-five of the 207 who responded strongly percent) and "provides meaningful activities for nondisagreed with the statement. "If given the opportunity, I traditional UCO students" drew 91 votes, or 45 percent would vote to retain President Nigh as UCO president." "no opinion" responses. In comparison, 38 faculty members would strongly However, 8 1 faculty members or 49.10 percent, would agree with retaining Nigh, according to the poll. vote to retain Ryan in his position. '





Around Town


Around Campus ....19 Classifieds 20

SPORTS CO golf coach "Skip" Wagnon prepares the No. 3 Bronchos for regionals.

FACULTY SENATE Dr. Roberta Roberta Sloan is named presidentelect of the UCO Faculty Senate for 1996-97.

HALL OF FAME Nine inductees were honored into the Hall of Fame for journalistic contributions.


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