University of Central Oklahoma
TUESDAY May 3, 1994
The Student Voice Since 1903
District attorney debates balance of justice By Jimmy Hyde Staff Writer
"Justice, is it really balanced?"was the topic debated at the University of Central Oklahoma by Oklahoma County District Attorney Robert Macy and State of Oklahoma Department of Corrections Programs Administrator Arnold Waggoner. The debate held in the Liberal Arts' Pegasus Theatre was sponsored by the UCO chapter of Delta Tau Chi. Dr. Otto Schweizer, professor of criminal justice at UCO and moderator of the debate, said in his opening statement the debate will reflect the personal philosophy regarding the balance between the rights of inmates versus victims and society in general. The rules for the debate were unorthodox in that the debate was intended to stimulate audience participation in a non-antagonistic manner. Schweizer called the debate an "Otto style." Each participant was given five minutes to make an opening statement on his personal philosophy. Sixteen issues were mentioned that Schweizer had culled from articles, class discussions and other colleagues, followed IF See DEBATE, Page 4
Oklahoma County District Attorney Robert Macy debates the balance of justice against Arnold Waggoner, programs administrator for the Department of Corrections. The debate was held April 27 at Pegasus Theatre. (Photo by Chris Smith)
Regents add new degree requirements By Roy Howe Staff Writer
A college-level mathematics course, six credit hours of humanities and a laboratory accompanying a science class are new requirements to face all students earning a baccalaureate degree at the state' s universities. Currently, the University of Central Oklahoma demands five credit hours of humanities, no laboratory with science classes, and only one-third of the programs require a mathematics course. The additional requirements were mandated by the State Regents for Higher Edu-
cation at its regular meeting April 15. The new requirements will not affect students currently pursuing a degree atUCO. Only first-time students admitted this fall semester will face the changes in the general education requirements. "Existing students already enrolled in existing programs will virtually be unimpacted by this policy change," said Jerry Legere, assistant vice president for Enrollment Management and Registrar. The changes are to assure that all colleges and universities throughout the state require the same 37-hour general education core, thus allowing easy transferability. This is a move that UCO administrators were in the process of. "We have felt the need for a long time to
reexamine our own general education requirements, and it has been an issue of discussion for a long time," said Clyde Jacob, vice president for Academic Affairs. "General education (at UCO) has not been revised in many years. It's been in need for revision," Jacob said. "We needed to reexamine what is appropriate for a well- rounded general education program," Jacob said. University administrators stalled completion of their own general studies revision because they knew the State Regents were addressing the issue. "We've basically been delaying because we knew there was some development of the general education program at the state level," Jacob said.
Currently, UCO has three versions of required general education courses which total from 44 to 47 credit hours depending on the program. The changes affecting new students this fall at UCO will not increase the number of credit hours required in general education courses, said Albert Lynd, associate vice president for Academic Planning. A student could be out of school for up to two years and stay within the general education requirements of their current program, Legere said. "After two years out, then they would probably fall under the new requirements," he said. Jacob said he will work with the faculty and staff on these changes.
INSIDE TODAY Editorial 2 Letters 2
World Wrap...6 Around Campus 11 Comics 11
Finals are approaching. Inside, a schedule of finals is printed.
Sports Two of UCO's atheletes are awaiting invitations to the National Championship Tournament.
Two Cents Terri's Two Cents is a column of opinion and wit. This issue deals with how to remember Nixon.