The Vista June 03, 2009

Page 1

June 3, 2009


. hc Student Voice cif the University of Central Oklahoma Since 1903

Construction booming at UCO

Mayfield appeals court ruling on discrimination

Caleb McWilliams Nelson Solomon




Construction for both the Forensic Science Institute and the Center for Transformative Learning buildings is on schedule, while sidewalk closures will remain brief to "tiy and not disrupt as much as possible." David Stapleton, university architect and director of Architectural and Engineering Services, said that different pieces of sidewalk around those buildings will be closed at different times, but that the closures will be no more than two or three weeks. One difficulty for the university during the summer will be the large crane on-site for the Center for Transformative Learning construction, Stapleton said. "Since the crane is larger, we have to secure a larger area around the perimeter of the building," he said. "There are some classrooms [in the Liberal Arts building] that have to be closed because of that." Stapleton said that the crane should be gone within 45 days, and that those classrooms will be opened again Photo by Laura Hoffert in time for the fall semester. The Forensic Science Institute building, at a Construction on two major projects continues this summer at UCO. A crane total cost of $12 million, is scheduled for completion boom hoists material for the steel work at the Center for Transformative Learnin November 2009 and will ing next to the Liberal Arts Building. begin being occupied this a recital hall and other amenities, including an outdoor January. The building will house the Forensic Science Institute, a classroom. Stapleton said that when the forensic science buildmultidiscipline program, with an 165-seat auditorium and ing was bid at "the height of the oil and gas boom" when three 50-seat classrooms, in addition to office space and an "construction materials were expensive and everything "evidence recovery training area" that will be utilized "in was expensive," the university looked at the Center for mock crime scenes and evidence collection from vehicles," Transformative Learning project and took out some of the the institute's website states. amenities like the outdoor classroom. The Center for Transfonnative Learning building has a "When we actually bid the CTL project," Stapleton said total cost of $io million and is scheduled to be occupied in "it actually bid a little lower than what the very original esti2 August 2010, after being completed the previous June. mate was from two years ago, so we got excellent prices on The center will include 11 new classrooms, office space, see BOOM, page 2

English professor Dr. Sandra Mayfield is not giving up on her gender discrimination suit against the university and its board of regents. Mayfield, director of UCO's Women's Studies Minor, filed an appeal with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit on June 1, a month after U.S. District Judge Robin Cauthron ruled in favor of UCO and the Regional University System of Oklahoma. Cauthron entered her judgment on April 3o. Mayfield filed the complaint on June 4, 2008, alleging that Dr. Brett Sharp, a political science professor and director of the leadership studies minor, is paid more than she is, despite the fact that both perform the same duties and should receive the same compensation for serving as directors of minor programs. In the gender discrimination suit, Mayfield sought $75,000, according to court papers. In granting the summary judgment, all pending motions were stricken as moot. Adrienne Nobles, director of dommunications and Marketing for UCO, told the Edmond Sun in a May 28 the court's decision is public record and the university will not be making further comment. Nobles said Mayfield remained employed by UCO. In their request for a summary judgment, the defendants contended that Mayfield had failed to exhaust administrative remedies and that she failed to sue UCO in a timely manner. As of Feb. 18, Mayfield was earning an overall salary of $69,598, according to information obtained by the Edmond Sun through an open records request. She was hired in August 1985 with a starting salary of $32, 90o. As of Feb. 18, Sharp was earning an overall salary of $61,409. He was hired in August 2000 with a starting salary of $46,860. Despite Mayfield's claims that she and Sharp should be paid the same due to their positions as directors of minor programs, the defendants contended Sharp performs a variety of duties Mayfield does not and that their work environments are significantly different. Mayfield did not refute arguments made by the defendants of the specific distinctions between the two positions, but contended that Sharp is not a chair of a department and therefore should not be paid as if he were. Cauthron ruled that while Mayfield and Sharp may perform similar and comparable job duties, this is insufficient to support her allegations of wage discrimination. Regarding the claim of discrimination filed by Mayfield, she declared she wanted to dismiss this claim without stating why. The defendants offered no objection to such a dismissal and the court found it appropriate to permit that request.




UCO enrollment up 3 percent this summer Ryan Croft lylitor

Summer 2009 enrollment is up 3 percent so far from last year, said Jerry Legere, UCO's Associate VP for Enrollment Management. UCO's student headcount for summer 2008 totaled 5,479 students, according to UCO's Summer Demographics Book. Those statistics show a total 3.6 percent increase from

2004. Although UCO has not officially released statistics for Summer 2009's enrollment, Legere said over 5,500 students had enrolled as of the end of May and speculated that more students will enroll in the coming weeks. Graduate student Farzad Khalili named various reasons for taking his summer intersession class, titled "Lean Principles for Business." "I just like the class," Khalili said. "I work for an accounting firm. This class will help me ... in my business."

Poreintage of Total Hoacicount Summor 2008

Khalili explained that his class is only available during intersession because it is such a specialized topic. Legere said summer class enrollment tends to be more prevalent in graduate students. "Graduate enrollment is up pretty significantly ... 8 percent over last year," Legere said. "Summer schools just have more popularity among upperclassmen than underclassmen." Legere said underclassman enrollment for the summer is up 2.2 percent from last year. Legere also offered some other reasons for the rise in summer enrollment. "During the summer, people come home from other schools and decide to go to school locally," Legere explained. "It's an opportunity to take a course less expensive than out of state." UCO's Office of Institutional Research will not release comprehensive enrollment statistics until the middle of June, but Legere said UCO plans to graduate over 300 students at the summer's end. A lot of students, by taking a course this summer, will be able to graduate in the fall instead of the following spring, Legere said. .410111111,1111011MOMPIIIININA

Check Ole bk)gs at.

UCO student killed in crash Emily Michelle Gibson, a 20—year-old UCO student, was killed in a single-car crash at 3:3o a..m. on May 24 . 2009.

Gibson was driving northbound on Interstate 235 when she hit a bridge pillar between 36th street and 5oth, police reports indicate. Gibson was pronounced dead at the scene of the accident. See paw.? 3

It all adds up! Economics prof earns national family award Sue Lynn Sasser, Ph.D., said that when she first learner. she was awarded the national Friend of the Family Award she just sat and stared at the phone for 3o minutes. "When I pulled up that computer screen and saw ! â–ş ! those past recipients. I didn't know what to say, I didn ! know what to do," Sasser said. See pagt

Summer at UCO Catch a glimpse of summer at UCO. Photo essay Laura Hoffert, See pao, ,


Inside the Lines with Chris Liquid Assets with C. , L'L 1, Wescott

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TheVista Wednesday, June 3,


Page 2

Summer at UCO Blake Coward, Barnes & Noble

Renee Koerner and Mitsie Raju study in Chambers Library.

Rebecca Musgrove and Dee Scott, Barnes & Noble

The Vista

Comm. Building, Rm. 107 100 N. University Dr. • Edmond, OK 73034-5209 405-974-5549 • The Vista is published as a newspaper and public forum by UCO students. semi-weekly during the academic year except exam and holiday periods, and only on Wednesdays during the summer, at the University of Central Oklahoma. The issue price is free for the first copy and $1 for each additional copy obtained. EDITORIALS Opinion columns, editorial carLoons, reviews and commentaries represent the views of the writer or artist and not necessarily the views of The Vista Editorial Board, the Department of Mass Communication, UCO or the Board of Regents of Oklahoma Colleges. The Vista is not an official medium of expression for the Regents or UCO, LETTERS The Vista encourages letters to the editor. Letters should address issues and ideas, not personalities. Letters must be typed, doublespaced, with a maximum of 150 words. and must include the author's printed name, title, major, classification and phone number. Letter s are subject to editing for libel. ,;larity and space, or to eliminate statements of questionable taste. The Vista reserves the right not to publish submitted letters. Address letters to: Editor, The Vista, 100 N. University Dr., Edmund, OK 73034-5209, or deliver in person to the editor in the Communications Building, Room 107. Letters can be e-mailed to edikiriala_i,) .

Photos by Laura Hoffert



Nelson Solomon, Co Editor Laura Hoffert, Co-Editor Ryan Croft, Web Editor

Continued from Page 1 EDITORIAL Caleb McWilliams, StalWriter Angela Morris, Staff Writer Austin Melton &a/Writer Otis wescott, sports wit,-

MAYFIELD Continued from Page 1

DESIGN KaYleighAdamek




Mayfield contended that she has suffered gender discrimination through her advocacy for the Women's Studies Program, according to court documents. According to Mayfield, she has attempted numerous times to have the program declared a major, but the administration has consistently denied her request. As reported by The Vista on June 26 last year, the original complaint stated that Mayfield, a faculty member since 1985, worked to develop the women's studies minor at the university. Despite an increase in students and the burdens associated with developing the minor, the suit alleged

that UCO refused to provide Mayfield with any support staff, release time from her other faculty teaching and related duties or extra compensation, court documents stated. The minor program, at a moment when it needed critical funding, was denied $1009100 to $12,00) after Mayfield adhered to the university's internal policies and protocol in regard to gaining assistance, court documents stated. Court documents state that Dr. William Radke, UCO provost and vice president for academic affairs, asked Mayfield to submit a proposal for the women's studies major and she did, after

"expending a large amount of time and energy to prepare and advocate for the proposal." At this point, court documents state, Mayfield was advised that President Roger Webb desired to focus on a leadership minor and the university hired Sharp in 2000 as its director. He was hired at a salary that was almost equal to that paid to Mayfield, who had 15 more years of service to UCO and was a tenured full professor when Sharp was hired as an associate professor.

the CTL." "Because of that, we've gone back in and added things like the service drive and an outdoor classroom and a plaza area," he said. "Those are some of the amenities that will be in and around the building that wouldn't have been possible if the CTL had been bid at the same time as the forensic science building." The total costs of the projects, bid on fixed contracts, include construction costs as well as building the parking lots, furnishing the buildings, consultant fees and testing fees. Stapleton said that, save for change orders from the owner or the contractor through a formal review process, if the material costs go up or down, the contractor takes the risk if the price goes up or the reward if the price goes down, at no cost to the university.

TheVista Wednesday, June 3, 2009 Page 3

Tuition to stay steady for 2009-2010 year University Relations UCO will not seek tuition increases for the 2009-10 academic year. University officials cited several reasons for the decision to keep tuition rates steady for students, including cost reductions on the university level and an increase in funding from the


Photo Provided

mitment, give us the opportunity to provide some relief to our students in this tough economic climate." Tuition per credit hour for undergraduate students is $122.70 for Oklahoma , residents and $214.30 for non-residents. For more information about UCO, visit www.uco. edu.

state legislature. "The UCO community made a focused effort this spring to find ways we could implement more lean, costsaving practices that would allow us to continue offering a quality educational experience to our students," said UCO's Executive Vice President Steve Kreidler. "These efforts, coupled with the legislature's com-

Emily Gibson, right, poses with her sister, Robin Gibson, left, outside the Delta Zeta House in this 2008 photo.


UCO student killed in crash


the type of friend who "could reach for your hand but touch your heart." slag 1 1 tier "She was the best. She treated everyone like royalty. She was full of love, and her Emily Michelle Gibson, a 20—year-old inner and outer beauty was unparallel," said UCO student, was killed in a single-car crash Gibson's close friend, Robert Flynn. at 3:3o a..m. on May 24, 2009. Gibson's previous dormmate, Chelsea Gibson was driving northbound on White said, "Emily was always the peace Interstate 235 when she hit a bridge pillar,' maker, always the positive one. She wanted between 36th street and 50th, police reports people to get along and accept each other for indicate. Gibson was pronounced dead at the what they were. She was also very eccentric scene of the accident. "Emily was a genuine, warm hearted and truly one of a kind." "Not only was Emily an awesome person," and compassionate person," said Gibson's said Kyle Hart, previous UCO classmate and younger sister, Robin Gibson. "We all love friend, "she was able to bridge social groups and miss her so much." that normally would not hang out with each Gibson graduated from Edmond Santa Fe High School where teachers remembered other." Emily Gibson is survived by her mother her as a lover of French culture and a talVictoria J. Gibson, father and step mother ented painter, family members said. She also had a love for animals and traveling Keith R. Gibson and Brandi D. Gibson, sister Robin B. Gibson of Boulder, CO, brother Europe. Kyle R. Gibson, stepbrother Ethan Cope both Gibson's friend, Kaitlin Nowell, spent last of Edmond, Norma Eastep of Oklahoma City summer visiting sites across Europe with Gibson and recalls, "Emily was very cul- and Keith and Rhetha Gibson of Oswego, turally diverse. She loved spending time NY. in Paris, and she had a great love for high Renaissance and post-impressionistic art." While in college, Gibson joined Delta Zeta. Her. Greek sisters said Gibson was

Angela Morris




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TheVista Wednesday, June 3, 2009 Page 4 Native American culture conference here June 13 Austin Melton Slaff[Vriter

UCO is hosting its fifth annual "connecting to American Indian Learners" conference on June 13. The conference is scheduled to run from 8 a.m to 5 p.m. It will be held in the Nigh University Center. Registration has been extended until Friday. The cost per person will be $75 and will include breakfast and lunch. Event organizers hope to show educators how to integrate American Indian culture with in the classroom. "[The event will] be able to provide classroom material for educators to use to bridge the gap with American Indian students," Oklahoma Center for Arts Education program manager Ines Burnham said. "This conference addresses the issues of American Indian culture into the classroom for these students and provides tools for teachers to enhance their curriculum," Burnham said. Coordinators say that the event focuses on art each

year, as well as a different aspect of Native American culture. This year, the event will focus on writing. The conference will feature more than a dozen speakers. Professor Juanita Pandopony-Mithlo of Comanche Nation College will serve as the keynote speaker. The event will feature three workshops, each focusing on a different aspect of Native American education. The event is open to all educators who wish to attend. Educators from other schools, UCO faculty, and UCO education students are attending the event. Education students attending the event are able to count the conference as elective credit. • One of the events allows participants the opportunity to take part in some aspect of native American culture. This year cornhusk dolls, painting, pottery and baskets are being offered. The conference is sponsored this year by the Chickasaw Nation, Muscogee Creek Nation, Choctaw Nation and other local tribal organizations.

Endeavor Games at UCO June 11 - 14 University Relations . The Endeavor Games will be held June 11-14 at UCO, Edmond North High School, Cheyenne Middle School and the UCO Center for Outdoor Recreation. Sports to be offered at this year's games are powerlifting, table tennis, wheelchair basketball, swimming, sitting volleyball, cycling, wheelchair track & field, outdoor archery, indoor archery, ambulatory track and field, and shooting. The Games will also feature special events this year to commemorate lo years of excellence in disabled sport. The Amp i standing ambulatory basketball team will host an open tournament at 2 p.m., Friday, June 12, followed by the Opening Ceremony at 7:30 p.m. An adaptive yoga class will be another new addition to the Games. The class will be offered at no extra charge on Saturday, June 13 for all

participants interested. The UCO Endeavor Games is recognized by U.S. Paralympics, Disabled Sports USA, United States Association of Blind Athletes, USA Track & Field, and Wheelchair Sports USA. The Games was created because of a large need for a multi-sport competition for athletes with physical disabilities. In 2004, The Sports Group, Inc. was absorbed by UCO becoming UCO Disabled Sports. The Games has continuously grown and now hosts 300-plus athletes from the U.S. and abroad. For more information about the UCO Endeavor Games, go to or contact Leigha Joiner at (405) 974 -3 160.

It all adds up! Economics prof earns national family award giving." "One of the things that we were extremely cautious StaffWriter with was to not be judgemental on things like gambling, bankruptcy and debt," Sasser said. "All we are trying to Sue Lynn Sasser, Ph.D., said that when she first learned do is help students understand the consequences of their she was awarded the national Friend of the Family Award, decision. We have framed it in a reasoning, cost-benefit approach." she just sat and stared at the phone for 30 minutes. "When I pulled up that computer screen and saw all "I don't really believe in just teaching `thou-shalt-nots,' those past recipients. I didn't know what to say, I didn't especially when it comes to personal choices," she said. know what to do," Sasser said: "My first reaction was that The legislation, which was passed in 2007 as HB 1476 this was a hoax, that somebody was playing a really cruel or Oklahoma's Passport to Financial Literacy, will be game on me." fully implemented by 2014, but many schools are already Sasser, executive director of the incorporating the information into their curriculum. Oklahoma Council on Economic Education and assistant profes"We've seen districts that are jumping on sor of economics at UCO, received it immediately," Sasser said. As part of her work with the council, the award from the American Association of Family and Consumer Sasser wrote 34 lessons, incorporating the 14 areas, that teachers can use free in their Sciences which "acknowledges classroom, but are available to anyone on national or international leaders whose work has significantly and positively shaped policies that affect "It's our goal to see this as a tool for students to have a much higher quality of life," the family." Previous recipients of the Sasser said. award have been Senator John D. As an example of the need for financial literacy, Sasser mentioned her husband's Rockefeller, Senator Tom Daschle, illness and death 18 months ago and the filmmaker Rob Reiner, Al Gore and financial strain that caused. Hilary Rodham Clinton. "That, to me, is going to be the "As I sat down and went through those hospital bills and tried to figure out what really cool part is to see UCO listed was what and figure out the insurance, my on that website with all those other impressive individuals and instituhead was swimming," she said. "So how R does someone who has no background and tions," she said. SASSE "It's a very humbling experience to receive an honor no understanding of financial literacy deal with these like this, tut at the same time, it certainly is a tremendous thingsAvhen they come into a catastrophic situation?" honor to represent UCO, the council and really the state While the legislation has been passed, Sasser said that of Oklahoma and so many people that have been involved does not mean everyone can walk away from the issue. "We have to continually work to make sure teachers in making this happen," she said. "I feel blessed to be at a university that really supports have the tools they need and that people continually have the work that we do and recognizes the importance of updated information, because it's something that's critical financial literacy for all Oklahomans," Sasser said. in everyone's life," she said. Sasser received the award for her work the passage of Sasser said that when she first started on promoting legislation that requires every student that graduates from financial literacy, she felt like a missionary or lone voice high school in Oklahoma to have learned 14 areas of con- in the wilderness, but now there is a whole coalition of tent in personal finance. Those areas include taxes, saving people advocating for financial literacy. and investing and insurance. "It has been fun to be part of a movement rather than In addition to those, Sasser said that Oklahoma is "one Don Quixote fighting the windmills," Sasser said. "But you of the few, if not the only state, that addresses gambling, can never sit back, you have to keep going." . bankruptcy and one of the few that addresses charitable Caleb McWilliams

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Expert: Pharmacy robberies growing trend ti

Associated Press

A robbery that left a 16-yearOKLAHOMA CITY old boy dead and four people, including a pharmacist, charged with murder points up what industry officials say is an alarming trend - armed robbers who burst into pharmacies demanding money and powerful narcotics. While the numbers on pharmacy robberies are not tracked by federal officials, it's a crime that seems to be on the rise as growing numbers of drug addicts turn to prescription narcotics, said Valerie Briggs, a spokeswoman for the National Community Pharmacists Association. "It's a consistent problem and also a growing one," said Briggs, whose organization represents about 23,000 community pharmacies in all 50 states. "I think it's always been an issue, but we definitely have seen some increases ... not just for the money, but for the products they sell." According to the Office of National Drug Control Policy, prescription drugs account for the second most commonly abused category of drug, behind only marijuana. "Most of the robberies are done by people who are addicted to a certain substance, and they're robbing to support that addiction," said Stamford, Conn., police Capt. Richard Conklin, who runs RxPatrol, a pharmacy crime database and crime-prevention organization. Conklin recently began tracking pharmacy crimes, including robberies and burglaries, and already has more -

than 5,000 entries. He said states with a noticeable spike in pharmacy robberies include Washington, Ohio, Indiana, Florida and Massachusetts. And many of those who own and operate small, independent pharmacies are fighting back. So far this year, would-be pharmacy robbers have been shot and killed by employees in two separate incidents in Florida and one in San Antonio, Texas. In the Oklahoma City case, two robbers, one armed with a handgun, burst into Reliable Discount Pharmacy on May 19 demanding money and narcotics. Pharmacist Jerome Jay Ersland, 57, of Chickasha, drew a pistol and fired several shots at the robbers, striking 16-year-old Antwun Parker in the head. He chased the other suspect out of the store. When the pharmacist returned to the store, prosecutors contend he retrieved a second gun and fired five shots into Parker's abdomen. The state medical examiner's office said these were the fatal shots. Prosecutors say they were fired into Parker while he was on the ground, unconscious and unarmed. Oklahoma County District Attorney David Prater charged Ersland with first-degree murder, prompting an outcry from the public in this gun-loving state where nearly 20,000 people received permits last year to carry concealed weapons. "Did we realize there would be outrage, criticism, backlash? Yes, we knew it was coming," Prater said. "But ultimately you have to do the right thing, and that doesn't always mean the popular thing."


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SPORTS TheVista Wednesday, June 3, 2009 Page 6

Inside the Lines with Chris Wescott Cowboys need to improve gameday decisions There can be no doubt in anyone's mind that patience has been running thin in "Big D". Wade Phillips has yet to turn in a playoff win, and last year the team didn't even make the post season. Many point the finger at injuries and off season issues. I point the finger at the coaching staff. There can be no question that Tony Romo is a competent NFL quarterback. However, the Cowboys released Terrell Owens early in the off season. By doing so, they think they have relieved some locker room drama, but by releasing Owens they also get rid of production. Terrell Owens had 69 receptions, 1,052 yards and 10 touchdowns his final year with the Cowboys. That kind of production from a wide receiver is hard to replace. Dallas is now relying on Roy Williams to step it up and become the new receiving threat in Owens' place. Roy Williams has been in the league since 2004, but only has one 1,000 yard year. He'll need his second this season. The Cowboys will be relying on several rookies to come in and help out. Dallas is very high on their first pick of the 2009 draft; Jason Williams. Williams is an outside linebacker from Western Illinois. Williams is an athletic backer with some of the best speed and quickness at his position. Williams can add to the Cowboy's pass rush and should

contribute on special teams as well. Some other draft picks that may help the team this season are offensive tackle Robert Brewster, defensive end Victor Butler, and defensive end Brandon Williams. Flaying a powerhouse offense is one thing, but you need a complimentary defense to go far in this league. The additions of Jason Williams, Victor Butler and Brandon Williams will help with depth and rotation for their pass rush. The Cowboys have had the tools the past couple of years to make a run, but have fallen short as the season comes to a close. In order to change that around the Cowboys are going to have to improve game day decisions. Wade Phillips will have to coach more towards his player's strengths than his own, and he may have to tell Jerry Jones to back off a little on certain decisions. In regards to the upcoming season, the Cowboys are in such a competitive division that predicting their place now would be near impossible. Dallas still needs to beat the Giants, who finished 12-4 last season and have already improved their roster. Philadelphia looks like a Super Bowl contender, and Washington is not a bad football team. The Cowboys are looking at possibly having to post a record of 10-6 or better to even come close to the playoffs.

Broncho Sports: what you missed Chris Wescott Sports Writer

While you were struggling to study for your finals and planning out trips to the lake, back home and other summer activities, there were some things in sports you may have missed. Especially in the UCO sports world. Here are a couple headlines and need to know fads about what has happened at UCO. Women's Softball loses in the finals of the Lone Star Conference Championships: The Broncho girls had an up and down season, but finished strong down the stretch. The Bronchos were fueled by senior Alley Roberts who had another amazing season. Roberts finished the season with 42 runs and 14 homers, all team highs. The Bronchos made the LSC finals, but came up short losing 7-2 in the finals to Abilene Christian. The Bronchos finished the season 26-15. Andrew Green was a freshman phenom: Andrew Green turned in a great 2008-2009 season. The freshman was voted onto the All-Freshman team

for NCAA Division II golf. The Edmond native had a 73.7 scoring average, finished top-20 in seven tournaments and finished top-10 in five showings. UCO signs four wrestlers: The 15-time national champion Bronchos added four more pieces to the puzzle for this up-coming season. The Bronchos signed Tanner Keck from Marlow

and Tyler Greenshaw from Tulsa Union. From out of state, the Bronchos signed Chris Watson from Andover, Kan. and Eden Berstein of Allen, Texas. Keck placed state four times, and posted a 114-20 record. Greenshaw placed at state three times. Watson went 40-0 his junior and senior year in Kansas and pulled in two state championships.

Photo by Laura Hoffert

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