The Vista June 4, 1987

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Netters capture Firefighters Movie 'Ishtar' 6 recognized 8 4

ne THE 4, 1987


Vol. 85, No. 54


Thursday Edition

Central State University, Edmond, Oklahoma

Williams called upon by regents to take charge at Durant school Job swaps approved by regents

From staff reports

The Board of Regents of Oklahoma Colleges has named Dr. Larry B. Williams, Vice President of Administration at CSU, interim president of Southeastern Oklahoma State University (SEOSU) at Durant. Williams, 41, will replace Dr. Leon Hibbs, who retired last month. Williams will take over the duties of president immediately, although Hibbs' retirement is effective July 1. Williams is taking a temporary leave of absence in order to assume duties at SEOSU. "Dr. Lillard has graciously permitted me to accept this appointment, and at the request of the Board of Regents of Oklahoma Colleges, I have accepted the position on an interim basis in order to effect a smooth transition of authority at SEOSU, and at the same time insure an orderly continuation of business at CSU," Williams said.

From staff reports

(Related pictures on page 8.)

As administrative vice president of CSU, Williams is the school's chief financial officer, and has more than 20 years of experience in higher education administration. Williams said he has met with administrative staff members at SEOSU, and assured them the university would continue to represent the quality of higher education the people of Oklahoma deserve and demand. CSU President Dr. Bill Lillard said he is pleased the regents chose Williams to serve in a temporary capacity. Williams has taken a 90 day leave of absence, but Lillard said he doesn't plan to fill the vacancy. "We really don't know what will happen yet, except for the regents looking nation-wide for a permanent replacement for Hibbs," Lillard said. "As far as I know, Williams will return to CSU at the end of his leave of absence, unless he decides to apply for the permanent job. Until that time I have asked my other two vice presidents to take on extra work by doubling up on duties," Lillard added. Hibbs retired from the job at SEOSU after coming under fire by The Oklahoman for allegedly submitting false student payroll claims to the state in order to fund scholarships for the institution.

Dr. Larry Williams, here shown attending the 1987 commencement exercise, will return in 90 days from South Eastern Oklahoma State University, unless he is hired as president there permanently.

Classes affected little by poor economy By J. Money

Lillard said one of the ways then have to send a copy of the "It has taken us almost one

Summer Editor costs must be cut involve not fill- purchase orders to the Oklahoma month to get an order approved to

Despite the budget shortfall ing positions vacated by workers Public Affairs (OPA) office at the replace a faulty gas line running working against the state this in administrative support services. State Capitol," Lillard said. between the old Math building summer, CSU President Dr. Bill He added, however, the same All state agencies have been re- and the Business building replacLillard said this week that CSU is policy does not apply to positions quired to get purchases approved ed, and if that's not urgent, what offering the same amount vacated in the academic faculty through the OPA despite revenue is?" said Lillard. intakes by the state Tax Commis- Lillard said that despite the academic services this term as was departments. offered a year ago during the 1986 "We currently have 16 open sion above amounts estimated by poor economy, enrollment appositions, and we are advertising the state Equalization Board every pears to have maintained constant summer term. month this year. Agencies were as opposed to last summer's In fact, Dr. Lillard said despite or preparing to advertise to fill those positions with full or part forced to go through the OPA by enrollment. budget cuts experienced by the a special order issued by Governor "It's too soon to tell for sure, university during the 1982-83 and time people," Lillard said. Lillard said one problem the Henry Bellmon to cut spending but indications are the summer 1983-84 academic years, the term enrollment is approximately school is experiencing from the costs in government. budget has remained fairly cons- budget problems involves the pro- Lillard added the situation "is a the same or slightly larger than in taut since. curement of supplies deemed ab- real log jam," because not only 1986," Lillard said. "In fact," he "The academic portion of CSU solutely necessary to keep things does the OPA have to process and added, "the surprising thing to has not been affected by the cuts running. approve or disapprove requests me is more students have not thus far," said Lillard. "The ma- "Even after we get approval based on their urgency for the dropped because of lack of being jor cuts we have experienced on from the Board of Regents for higher education system, but it able to pay. ' We expected a campus have involved ad- Oklahoma Colleges and the State also must approve requests for dramatic increase there, but so far ministrative costs," he added. Regents for Higher Education, we each other agency in the state. it hasn't materialized."

Lindsey C. Owsley Jr. has been named Assistant Vice President of CSU following a reorganization of administrative positions. The announcement was made by CSU President Dr. Bill Lillard following the Board of Regents of Oklahoma Colleges at Tahlequah last month. The reorganization, which went into effect June 1, was brought on by the retirement of Dr. Barbara Ryan, associate vice president for administration. Owsley left his old job of the university comptroller to take the position. Owsley earned his Bachelor of Business Administration from the University of Oklahoma in 1958 and has been employed at CSU since 1964. Other new assignments announced by Lillard include Nick Widener, who left as director of purchasing to take over the comptroller spot. Sharon Martin, director of institutional research was named director of budget. Mark Fischer has been named director of institutional research, leaving his old job of budget research analyst and Ron Mattingly has been promoted for assistant director of purchasing to director of purchasing. Two academic posts were also filled according to Lillard. Dr. Kenneth E. Elsner, 51, has been appointed acting dean, College of Education, to fill the vacancy left by the retirement of Dr. Dale Mullins. Elsner earned his Bachelor of Science from Oklahoma Baptist University and his Education Masters from Oklahoma University as well as his Education Doctorate in 1969. Lillard also announced the appointment of Dr. Darry S. Carlstone to the position of acting dean, College of Mathematics and Science. Carlstone is a former chairperson of the department of physics and currently serves as a professor.

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