University of Central Oklahoma
THURSDAY June 12, 1997
The Student Voice Since 1903
Coming to Edmond... Construction for the Edmond Area Chamber of Commerce is underway on the southeast side of the UCO campus. It is scheduled for completion Nov. 1. (Staff photo by John Clanton)
Graduate enrollment drops 2.7 percent from last summer By Patrice Patterson Staff Writer
decline in the number of graduate students enrolled in UCO's summer courses may be the cause for the 2.7 percent decrease from last year's summer enrollment. "The biggest decline in the student body is in the graduate level," said Jerry Legere, assistant vice president of
enrollment. "This has been recurring in the last couple of years," he said. The total enrollment for this summer was 6,126 students, in comparison to 6,299 last summer. The decrease is not found in graduates who have been at UCO previously, but in new graduates transferring from other universities, he said. In the summer of 1996, there were 1,848 graduates enrolled at UCO. This summer there are 1,656.
The House Bill 1017, passed in 1990, put new mandates on teacher's requiring them to take particular courses to maintain their certification level, said Legere. He said that now, six years later, most teachers have completed those requirements, which could explain the decrease in graduate enrollment, he said. The Education Department has one of the highest enrollment numbers within
the graduate program at UCO. Even though fewer students have enrolled for courses this summer, the number of credit hours taken by each student has increased, said Legere. This should balance the university's revenue, in comparing the two summers, he said. The enrollment period for June classes has ended, but students may continue enrolling for the July term through July 1. A:6
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