The Vista June 24, 1993

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University of Central Oklahoma


The Student Voice Since 1903

Nigh earns A+, gets $12,500 raise despite tuition hikes


Clinton's plan would cut logging by a third WASHINGTON (AP) — A Northwest forest plan nearing approval by the Clinton administration would allow logging at only one-third the peak levels of the 1980s for western Oregon, western Washington and northern California, congressional aides say. House Speaker Tom Foley, DWash., said none of the administration options allow for much logging and predicted they would have trouble winning congressional approval.

By Roy Howe

Staff Writer

Gays who express preference will be banned, says Pentagon WASHINGTON (AP) —Men and women who declare their homosexuality by word of deed would be banned from military service, but would not be asked and could serve as long as they did not draw attention to their sexual orientation, according t o a pub 7 lished account of a Pentagon document. The plan outlined is essentially the so-called "don't ask, don't tell" ad hoc policy adopted earlier this year at the suggestion of Sen. Sam Nunn, DGa., chairman of the Senate Armed Service Committee.

Thailand residents demand return of good-luck meteor BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) —Villagers in central Thailand are demanding the return of a meteorite they had enshrined as a good-luck omen after it crashed on a village roadside. A bamboo altar had been erected around the place where the meteor fell and villagers came to pray there for good fortune. But the governor of Petchabun province ordered it seized last Thursday, citing laws that say objects falling from the sky are government property. ♦ see page 7

THURSDAY June 24, 1993

UCO Political Science Professor Dr. John George takes time to autograph a copy of his book, "Nazis Communists, Klansmen and Others

on the Fringe." George held a book signing at Bolinger's Book Store in Oklahoma City lastSaturday.. (Photo by Chris Smith)

George Nigh, University of Central Oklahoma president, received "very high marks" on his first evaluation by the Board of Regents for Oklahoma Colleges. At their regular meeting, June 18, board members discussed Nigh's employment at UCO for the past year during a half-hour executive session. Along with praise by board members, Nigh's salary was increased by $12,500, bringing it from the annual $76,000 to $88,500. According to board practices, all firstyear regional university presidents are paid the $76,000 salary with the $12,500 increase to be awarded after the first year. Enrollment increases are examined to determine additional pay the following years. Nigh's tenure at the university began in July of 1993, replacing Bill J. Lillard who retired after serving at UCOs top position for 17 years. Joyce Mounce, vice president for administration, said that the overall statements made at the meeting were that Nigh received an A-plus.

UCO to implement assessment program in '94 that do not work. "None of the assessment is tied to reStaff Writer stricting the graduates, it's all tied to curriculum improvement," said Maltby. Students working for a bachelors degree The University of Central Oklahoma will will be tested three times. They will be be implementing a new institutional assess- tested upon entry to the university, at mid ment program for the spring semester of level (general education level) ,at gradua1994. tion, and then for overall satisfaction with The program comes after a statewide the campus environment. mandate from the Oklahoma State Regents Students who are already enrolled at for Higher Education. UCO will only test at the mid level point, or "Schools are required to start showing if they have already completed general results of the assessment process," said Karen education , at the graduation level. Maltby, Director of Institutional AssessMaltby stressed that the assessment ment & Academic Support Services. would in no way act as a barrier for graduThe assessment is aimed at curriculum ation. improvement and not at the student. "There's just a wide range of methods Maltby said that the plan would not be that can be used for outcomes assessment fully implemented. And when the plan is and our departments are right now in the implemented it will be aimed at curriculum procas of developing those methods." improvement, it will be ever changing in The assessments will be handled by evthat there will be things that work and things ery different department on campus. By Steve Sager

Maltby said die regents did not mandate how the assessments had to be done so each deparunent will be able to decide it's own style of assessment. Maltby said that for entry level students they use predominantly test scores, they use ACT scores for the first cut and if students are below a certain level they will be required to take a computerized placement test. The placement tests are a series of three short tests in english, math and reading which will help the adviser and the student decide where they should start their studies at UCO. The students will not be forced to take any remedial courses, the tests are only for the purpose of telling the student where they would best be suited to begin. The program is going to be funded by charging students $1 per credit hour in the form of student fees.

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