University of Central Oklahoma
THURSDAY June 26, 1997
The Student Voice Since 1903
Former secretary of defense chosen to head OKC Memorial Foundation By Sandi Craig Staff Writer
ormer Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney addressed such topics as the United States' role in the world in respect to economic capabilities and the military status of the United States at a World Affairs Council of Central Oklahoma (WAC) luncheon last week in Oklahoma City. At the luncheon it was announced that Cheney, chairman of the board of Halliburton- Company, has agreed to serve as the National Chairman of the Oklahoma City Memorial Foundation that will work toward building the Oklahoma City Memorial as a tribute to the victims of the April 19, 1995, bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building. Approximately 300 attended the luncheon, including students from UCO and University of Oklahoma, (OU) as well as Gov. Keating, former governors George Nigh, David Boren and David Walters and other area business leaders. During the luncheon, distinguished service awards were presented to President George Nigh and Donald Paulsen, director of globalization at UCO. Cheney said, "The fact that we're ending the 20th century in an era of unparalleled prosperity is due in large part to U. S. leadership in the world, backed up by U. S. military force." He said his concern today is that we seem to be forgetting the lessons that we've learned all too painfully in the past. We are in danger of undermining our military
capability when we fail to draw the necessary conclusions from the lessons of the 20th Cenury and when we fail to make the investments that are required to insure our military superiority in the future, said Cheney. "What I see passing for policy oftentimes out of Washington, instead of being guided by some kind of broad strategic vision of the U. S. role in the world or a broad understanding of the global economy, is that Congress and sometimes the administration seem to be motived more by a desire to score short-term political points. The end result, all too often, is the pursuit of policies that don't work and have unanticipated negative consequences," said Cheney. Cheney served as Secretary of Defense under President Bush and said the thing he worried about during the Gulf War was the opening night at the first of the air war, because they thought the Iraqi air defenses would be most formidable that night. He said word came back that they had lost only one aircraft and he thought that was a small victory. Cheney said there was never any doubt about the outcome. Paulsen said the (WAC) has three programs a year, one each in Oklahoma City, Norman and Edmond. U. S. Ambassador to Mexico James R. Jones spoke at a reception in Edmond last fall, and there will be an event in Norman this fall, said Paulsen. The WAC is a joint program sponsored by UCO and OU. The purpose of the council is to ensure the existence of a comprehensive international affairs program by promoting the study and public education of world affairs.
Former secretary of defense Dick Cheney addresses a crowd of 300 at a luncheon held in Oklahoma City last week. He was chosen as national chairman of the OKC Memorial Foundation. (Photo by Daniel Smith)
Dedication, receptions scheduled to celebrate achievements By Sandi Craig Staff Writer
noon dedication and barbecue alongside UCO's Broncho Lake will kick off festivities celebrating the completion of campus construction June 26. Dr. Edward Pugh, executive assistant to President Nigh said, "We are having a number of distinguished speakers, followed by a picnic and barbecue." The price for the barbecue is $2.
Speakers include: Okla. Sen. Keith Leftwich; Okla. Rep. Gary Bastin, UCO alumnus; Chief Justice Yvonne Kauger, Oklahoma Supreme Court; Chancellor Hans Brisch, Oklahoma State Regents; Edmond Mayor Bob Rudkin; Wanda Cantrell, executive director, Edmond Chamber of Commerce; and Steve Kreidler, executive director, Edmond Economic Development Authority. That evening a "Town and Gown" celebration will highlight President Nigh's retirement, President-designate Roger
Webb's welcoming, and Regent Mike Brown's recognition. A reception will be held on the north terrace of the University Center at 6:15 p.m., followed by a banquet at 7 p.m. in the Ballroom. After dinner entertainment will be performed in the new conference lecture hall at the south end of the University Center. A reception, held at the Ramada Inn with a cash bar, will conclude the evening. The receptions are open to the public at no charge, said Pugh.
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FEATURE President George Nigh retires after five years of administration at UCO.
PAGEANT Nineteen women to vie for Mrs. Oklahoma title in a pageant held at UCO.
AROUND TOWN Check out what's happening in the Oklahoma City metro area this weekend.