Fuse lit for 'LibertyFest' celebration Dr. W Roger Webb, UCO president, said in general UCO has participated in LibertyFest for about 20 years. He said the relationship between the university and by Ashley Romano the City of Edmond "repreSenior Staff Writer sents the spirit" of the Fourth of July. "Keeping the American "This (LibertyFest) is a Spirit Alive" is the theme of really big deal in Edmond," the 34 annual LibertyFest, Webb said. Edmond's July 4 festival. He said the festival is "It's perhaps the largest ranked in the top 10 of July 4 Fourth of July patriotic cele- celebrations in the nation by bration (in Oklahoma)," said USA Today. Terry Officer, LibertyFest LibertyFest is a non-profpresident. it organization made up of
• Fireworks show begins at 10 p.m. July 4 on the UCO Campus
volunteers from the Edmond area. Officer said all the money raised from each event goes to support other LibertyFest events. Returning to the LibertyFest lineup this year is the Car Show, Concert in The Park, the Rodeo, KiteFest, a Taste of Edmond, the Road Rally, parade, ParkFest and the fireworks show. New to the festival is the Miss Edmond LibertyFest and Miss Edmond LibertyFest Teen Scholarship Pageant, bringing the total to 10 events spanning 10 days.
CONCERT IN THE PARK More than 80 area high school and college students and community musicia will perform in the 55t annual Concert in the Park 7:30 p.m. June 30 at Mitchell Hall. The UCO Summer Band, conducted by UCO music professor, Dr. Ron Howell, will feature patriotic and "popular" music, including selections from Ray Charles and the "Harry Potter" films. "We're going to close with the world-famous 1812
Overture, which is very well known in patriotic settings," Howell said. Free ice cream and watermelon will be served on the front lawn of Mitchell Hall following the performance. The concert is free and open to the public. PARKFEST & FIREWORKS ParkFest 2005 will be held 5-8:30 p.m. July 4 near Broncho Lake and Plunkett Park. Dr. Robert Epstein, UCO coordinator for the festival,
said UCO has been host to the pre-firework celebration for the last three years, and this year's event will feature a number of children's activities including a 24-foot rock wall, a 74-foot obstacle course, moon bounces and face painting. "ParkFest is meant for younger children," Epstein said. He said most of the activities, including vendors, will be set up around the communication and business build-
see LIBERTY FEST, page 5
Photo by Justin Avera
FlaTire Burgers located at Ayers and University will open July 2.
UCO design students 'pump up' Edmond eatery by Trisha Evans Staff Writer
The public will see the work of two sets of UCO design students when a new Edmond restaurant opens on University and Ayers on July 2. Students working for Charles Evans Studio designed the interior of the restaurant while two students in UCO's ClockTower Studio did the graphic design work. Michael Jones, the owner of FlaTire Burgers, heard about ClockTower Studio from a former manager who worked for him. Jones, who also owns Lottinvilles Woodgrill with his wife Lori, said he
contacted ClockTower to help him design a restaurant that would cater to college students. Jenkin Hammond and Jeff Mains designed everything from the menus, which offer burgers and beer, to letterhead and business cards. Jones said he gave the students 9095 percent leeway. He only needed the restaurant to be functional from an operations standpoint. The students picked the lighting, paint, tables, chairs and other inside and outside decor. Hammond, a spring 2005 graphic design graduate, and Mains, a graphic design senior, worked for ClockTower Studio under the direction of Dr. James Watson.
Hammond described the restaurant as "a vintage tire repair shop with a modern edge to it." He said there wouldn't be used tires or license plates hanging on the walls but, they hired a biker to bum some rubber on the cement floor to give the restaurant a garage feel. Hammond and Mains both said the design of Chipotle Grill, a chain of burrito restaurants, was a major influence on them. "We liked the interior textures, the contemporary industrial feel of sheet metal and cement," Mains said. Traditionally the design agency works for non-profit organizations where the budget isn't as large.
FlaTire Burgers is the first for-profit client they have had. Hammond said he was familiar with designing logos and menus from his graphic design classes. "There were some new challenges," Hammond said. "But by the time you are in ClockTower, you are flexing the muscles that you should already have." Jones said he was very pleased with the professionalism and followthrough that they put into the job. "You have to think on your feet, right here right now, they are making financial decisions and they count,"
see BURGERS, page 3
Miss Black UCO competes in state pageant INDEX local points of interest. Miss Black UCO Opinion 2 "The activTanischa Williams News 3 ities of the represented the uniSports 4 week were News & Entertainment 5 versity in the , Miss Classifieds & Photos 6 Black Oklahoma pageant June 24 at the Bricktown kind of like a mini-revival for youth. I got close with a lot of the girls. They were all very friendly, Central Plaza Hotel Convention Center. The theme of this year's competition was intelligent and fun," said Williams. Williams, who beat out 13 contestants in the "Making the American Dream a Reality." "Tanischa was great. She could have been the Miss Black UCO scholarship pageant, danced in winner. She is a winner. She is very beautiful and both pageants. "I have been dancing since eighth grade. I was Check out The Vista online talented and she rated very high in the pageant," Clara Luper, civil rights activist and pageant inspired by dancers that I saw on television and for up-td-date news, stories started taking lessons," Williams said. director said. and events Williams is a senior corporate communications www.thevistaonline.com The pageant started June 18 with a weeklong series of lectures, personal interviews and tours of major. by Latasha Ellis-Cobb Staff Writer
Photo by Naomi Takebuchi
Tanischa Williams Miss Black UCO 2004.2005