The Vista July 08, 2009

Page 1

Jul 8, 2009

www. thevistaonline. corn

Iran crisis grabs local attention Ryan Saylor


Emotions are still running high in Iran following the disputed re-election of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Ahmadinejad, running for a second term as the Abadgaran Party nominee, ran against Mir-Hossein Mousavi of the Independent Reformist Party, who is a former prime minister of the county, as well Mohsen Rezaee of the Independent Conservative Party and Mehdi Karroubi of the Eternad-e-Melli Party. The election was expected to be close between Ahmadinejad and Mousavi. Polls taken before the election showed the candidates within the margins of error. Some polls also had large numbers of undecided voters. Then on June 12, with record turnout, it was announced by Iranian state television that Ahmadinejad had won reelection, even before all of the votes were counted. The final vote count, as reported by BBC Persia, had Ahmadinejad winning about 62 percent of the vote while Mousavi only won a little under 34 percent, well below the predictions of the polls. The early victory declaration and the vote totals led many Iranians, as well as many western governments and journalists, to question the outcome of the election. Iranians, unhappy with the election results, have taken to the streets and are demanding action. Dr. Lou Furmanski, chairman of the Department of Political Science at UCO, says that the election has seriously affect-

ed the government of Ahamdinejad. "He has lost a hell lot of legitimacy," Furmanski said. "There is enough evidence to assume that the election was rigged." Evidence that exists includes the fact that over ioo percent of eligible voters voted in over 5o cities, this according to Iran's own state-run English news channel, Press TV. This means that people either voted twice or that there was other, more organized voter fraud taking place, Furmanski explained Even if the June election had turned out differently, Furmanski said Iran's foreign policy would probably not change. "The candidates have to be approved [by the Guardian Council]." The Guardian Council, Furmanski explained, is a council of mainly religious leaders who must approve candidates for the election. Due to the fact that the council chooses the candidates, it seriously limits much of a difference in candidates' views and policy positions. When asked about the differences between Ahmadinejad and Mousavi, Furmanski said that Ahamdinejad was more populist and in touch with the needs of the poor and lower class, while Mousavi was campaigning well with the middle and upper class of Iran. And while there have been many demonstrations due to the election in and around Tehran, the nation's capital, other regions of the country are not having the same reactions. Dr. Baha Jassemnejad, see IRAN, page 3

Photo by Musleh Alkhathami

Kodi Weatherholtz, who graduated last May, finds the coffee shop in Chambers Library a quiet place to prepare for his post graduate studies which start next Fall.

UCO photography student explores salt print process Tiffany Brown StaffWr iter

She removed her dark sunglasses as she introduced herself. She sat in a burgundy armchair with a smile on her face. Surrounded by a few patrons and Cafe employees, gourmet coffee was not the reason why Belinda Kinney visited the local Edmond Starbucks. As slow tempo music played in the background, Kinney recounted the experience of being the first photography student at UCO to create a photograph partially by using a historical photographic process created more than loo years ago. The salt print was developed in the mid1830s by William Henry Fox Talbot. Talbot began experimenting with salt and silver nitrate in an attempt to find a way to permanently fix an image to a paper. This process was the antecedent to print negatives. It became one of the first times in history negatives were made to create images that could be used to reprint photos. Talbot called the process he created photogenic drawing. The technique included the soaking of photographic paper in a salt solution, and coating it with silver nitrate. An object was placed on the paper and exposed to sunlight for up to two hours. The process was used until it was replaced by a new process. Now, there are few people who use the technique. Kinney had pondered the idea of creating a salt photograph in April 2009. "I was enrolled in Photo Process Non-silver in April when I decided to do the Salt prints," Kinney Photo by Dr. Bob Palmer said. She consulted Dr. Bob Palmer about creating a salt print. Belinda Kinney displays her salt print process photos in Dr. Bob Palmer's Palmer taught the Beginning Photography classroom, located in the College of Arts, Media and Design building. Class Kinney was a teacher's assistant for in June 2009. Palmer gave Kinney a non-silver processing book, and helped her find the resources she needed to make a salt print. process. "It's the whole idea of not knowing," Although Palmer has had several years the process himself," Kinney said. "Salt print was something that had never Kinney said. of experience in photography, he had never Since the technique had not been taught been taught at UCO," she said. As a result used the salt printing technique. "He kind of or used before, the photography studio Kinney had to do additional research on the 'ust let me loose." Since he had never done

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didn't have the chemicals she needed. Some of the chemicals came from the chemistry department she said. "You have to be patient in trying new things," Kinney said. Compared to traditional photography, Kinney said it is hard since it is not easy to determine what the image would look like. With traditional photography, test strips could be used to avoid waste. The chemicals and supplies used for salt prints meant mistakes could be costly. "It's more expensive," Kinney said. For two days, Kinney drove eight-to-ten miles from her home in Oklahoma City to UCO to complete her photograph. She combined both modern technology and the antique photo technique. Unlike traditional photography that uses a roll of film and silver particles to create negatives, Kinney began the process of salt print by creating the negative she used in Photoshop. Normally it would take about hour to make a traditional print depending upon the supplies used. This includes the time it takes to remove the film from the canister and develop it; to the time the negative is used to transfer the image onto paper and placed in chemicals to make the image permanent. It took about 18 hours to make a photography using the salt technique. "I was there from about eight in the morning until five in the evening," Kinney said. Even though some of the same steps are used with the historical salt process, it took more time to expose the negative, develop it, wash it in a stop bath solution to further prevent the image from developing, fixing chemicals to prevent the image from further reacting to light, a final rinse, and then the drying process begins. This is the process used with traditional film developing. Kinney simplified the process by lying out supplies before they were needed. "I got a lot more accomplished by prepping," Kinney said. see PHOTOGRAPHY, page 3

"Inside the Lines" with Chris Wescott

"Liquid Assets" with Caleb McWilliams

Take time to volunteer Tiffany Brown stajpi rater

Many students plan for the summer semester months in advance. Who's going where and who's doing what becomes the talk amongst friends. On a 10o-degree-hot-summer-day, nature's remedy becomes going to the closest lake, beach or pool and swimming in sparkling waters. While it is good to take time out for yourself and relax and have fun, it is also good to practice beneficence and give to those who are not able to provide for themselves. At a time when the world is becoming more unstable and nations are threatening to destroy nations, the world is also calling upon servant leaders. It is calling for leaders who are willing to stand up against what is wrong. It all starts with one person who is willing to help change their own community for the better. One person who is willing teach a child the benefits of diversity, which is one of YWCA's programs developed to help end racism, or teaching nations how to solve their own problems instead of putting them in a position to be dependant, which is how World Neighbors is helping to eliminate the problems that have claimed millions of lives. If you want to spend the summer at the beach, that's okay. There is nothing wrong with going to the beach. But for those who want to spend the summer volunteering, and helping to change people's lives there are plenty of opportunities to do so. Many school clubs devote a lot of time, effort, and sometimes money to charities and/or organizations that are dedicated to the community in the fall and spring semesters. However, the campus becomes less involved during the summer. Unfortunately, issues such as poverty, domestic violence, hunger, and disease don't take a break. So, why should students stop volunteering? Over the next few weeks, I not only want to make it a habit to practice good journalism, but I also want to make it a habit to give back to my community. I want to find local not-for-profit organizations that need volunteers. Sometimes the process of volunteering can be overwhelming if you don't know who to call or where to go. I will be looking for volunteer opportunities with several organizations in an effort to make the process easier and more rewarding.

Sarah's spoilin chances for future in politics but that's just liberal media distorting his record. Wait a minute, that wasn't liberal StajP[ media distorting Romney's record. It was actually Romney himself spouting off about what a liberal he was. And as we all know, The shock of 2009 came last week with YouTube comes back to bite us in the butt. the surprise resignation of Alaska gover- But at least he finished his first term and has nor and former Republican vice presidential experience in reforming healthcare laws. nominee Sarah Palin. Palin, in only her first What about the Reverend Mike Huckabee, term as the governor of America's largest the good ole boy from Hope, Arkansas? state, made the announcement from her Nothing could be better than electing a Wasilla, Alaska, home on Friday. Southern Baptist preacher who told MSNBC's In her resignation Joe Scarborough that he speech, Palin made a point used to fry squirrels in his of talking about how she popcorn machine in colhas been battered and lege. And don't forget how beaten down by political he threw the people of his enemies and national outown state under the bus fits since her nomination when he told Don Imus for the Republican ticket that governing Arkansas last year. She also spoke of was like governing a not wanting to be a lame Banana Republic. But at duck during the last year least he actually knows and a half of her governorhow to keep a job. He, ship. Well, Sarah, my dear, like another good ole boy I have news for you: life from Hope, was actually isn't easy and sometimes governor of Arkansas for you have to finish what you ten- and-a-half-years. Not start, even if you don't like too weak, if you ask me. PA LIN it. Now did I vote for him Palin has been discussed when I turned 18? Well, by numerous political anano, I voted for Jimmy Lou lysts as a possible candidate for the presi- Fisher. But I sure would vote for the right dency in 2012, but that is now seriously in Reverend Huckabee over Palin any day. question. How in the world is she going to be Now, what about others? What about taken seriously by the American public after former Florida governor and former first this? Does she really think anyone would brother and first son Jeb Bush? He served vote for her to be the leader of the free world two full terms as governor, helping his after she quits after only two-and-a-half people through natural disasters and other years governing a state that has less people important crises, like his brother's 2000 than the Oklahoma City metropolitan area? presidential election, with calm, cool, colJust based on experience, let's look at lected leadership that was unquestioned by other potential Republican candidates in the people, even if he couldn't get his state to 2012 and see how she stacks up against fairly decide an election without having the them. First, let's take a look at South Carolina case go to the Supreme Court. governor Mark Sanford. Say what you will You also have Tim Pawlenty, who recently about ineffective leadership, at least Sanford decided that he would not seek a third doesn't just quit his job when the going term as Minnesota's governor, probably a gets tough. Sure, he might jet off to South smart move among Republicans considerAmerica to meet up with his mistress, but ing he just certified Stuart Smalley, aka Al at least he's not willing to quit the job the Franken, the next senator from his state, people of South Carolina elected him to do. an action required by the state's supreme No, he's not willing to quit, he's just willing court, much to the dissatisfaction of the to conveniently go missing for days on end. Republican party. And you see, while many people are countSo as you can see, Sarah Palin looks posiing him out, I'm willing to say that he would tively goofy for having resigned her office so stand a chance against Palin. early on. If she stands a chance to make it in In addition to Sanford, you also have other 2012, she needs to stay in a little longer, make Republican governors who could possibly a few more boneheaded moves and then she give Palin a good run for her money. Take, will be ready to beat out all of the other for instance, former Massachusetts governor governors in America to be the Republicans' Mitt Romney. Sure, he looked liberal in his nominee for president in 2012. 1995 senate debate against Ted Kennedy, Ryan Saylor

Photo by Musleh Alkhathami

Brittney Hodges, a senior community health major, picks a cold drink before she heads to her summer class on Thursday, July 2 in the Nigh University Center.

CAMPUS NOTES From Centralities Volunteers needed at recycling center

Wellness Center classes to run through July

The Edmond •Recycling Cent;` located at 20 W. 3rd, needs volunteers to work twohour shifts on Saturdays throughout the year. Stop by the center any Saturday between 10 a.m.-2 p.m. or call Zain Khanakah at 7155890 for more information. Please mention that you are from UCO.

Wellness Center summer group fitness classes will run through Friday, Aug. i. UCO students, faculty and staff may purchase a summer pass for $35. Visit or contact Johnny Watley at or 974-3155 Student Involvement Fair, Aug. 19

Faculty, staff needed to teach Success Strategies

The 2009 Student Involvement Fair will be from 9:3o a.m.-2 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. The Office of First Year Experience 19, at Broncho Lake, with setup beginning Programs is looking for faculty and staff to at 9 a.m. teach Success Strategies in the Fall 2009 Go to Semester. sif.html for more information. To participate, Applications are available at http://bron- contact Janis Ferguson at jferguson25@uco. edu or 974-2625 for a registration form. Submit applications to the Office of First Year Experience Programs, Room 116, Nigh University Center.

The Vista

Nomination deadline for 'Modeling the Way'

Nomination deadline for the 2009-10 "Modeling the Way" awards is Wednesday, July 1. Please nominate exceptional candidates by submitting their name and a brief narrative of no more than one page. Send to the Provost's Office, Box 159, or e-mail Showcase your office for Stampede Week

Campus Activities and Events invites university departments/offices to hold events during Stampede Week 2009 to showcase your services to the students. Registration deadline is Thursday, July 10. Please contact Kay Robinson, director of Campus Activities and Events, at krobinson2l@ or 974-2593. Parking changes for faculty, staff

Faculty and staff members may park in any commuter lot from July 13-17.

Comm. Building, Rm. 131 100 N. University Dr. • Edmond, OK 73034-5209 405-974-5549 • editorial The Vista is published as a newspaper and public forum by UCO students, semi-weekly during the academic year except exam and holiday periods, and only on Wednesdays during the summer, at the University of Central Oklahoma. The issue price is free for the first copy and $1 for each additional copy obtained. EDITORIALS

Opinion columns, editorial cartoons, reviews and commentaries represent the views of the writer or artist and not necessarily the views of The Vista Editorial Board, the Department of Mass Communication, UCO or the Board of Regents of Oklahoma Colleges. The Vista is not an official medium of expression for the Regents or UCO.

MANAGEMENT' Nelson Solomon, Co-Editor Laura Hoffert, Co-Editor Ryan Croft, Web Editor

EDITORIAL Caleb McWilliams, Skiff Writer Austin Melton Sicf 144i/a. • Ryan Saylor, Stair fil-iter Chris Wescott, Sports Writer Tiffany Brown, Staff . Writer

DESIGN Kayleigh Adamek


The Vista encourages letters to the editor. Letters should address issues and ideas, not personalities. Letters must be typed, doublespaced, with a maximum of 150 words, and must include the author's printed name, title, major, classification and phone number. Letters are subject to editing for libel, clarity and space, or to eliminate statements of questionable taste. The Vista reserves the right not to publish submitted letters. Address letters to: Editor, The Vista, 100 N. University Dr., Edmond, OK 73034-5209, or deliver in person to the editor in the Communications Building, Room 107. Letters can be c-mailed to .

ADVERTI SI NG Stacey McEntire



TheVista Wednesday, July 8, 2009 Page 3


Continued from page 1 near as much violence and unrest as has been seen in and around the capital. "It's been peaceful," Jassemnejad said. Jassemnejad's family is from Kurdistan, a region consisting mainly of Kurdish people located in three countries: Iran, Iraq and Turkey. He says, while there have been reports of communications problems and crackdowns on others in Tehran, he has not faced the same problems when communicating with his family. "I spoke to my mother just last week," he said. "I had no problem at all." When asked about the view his family and others in the Kurdish area of Iran had regarding the election, Jassemnejad said that most of Above: Iranian supreme leader all they just want peace and freedom Ayatollah Ali Khamenei in the region. Jassemnejad said that many in that region do not even take part in the political process, partially because it is not perceived as fair. "You have to be a Shiite to 'be eligible to run for President. So that means Kurds cannot run," he said. That once again brings into question the legitimacy of the government in Iran, regardless of who is in power. Jassemnejad says that what the people of Iran want is not necessarily Mousavi but simply freedom, which is why people in Tehran have been taking to the streets in such large numbers. It appears some leaders in the country are listening to the protests. According to an article in the July 5th edition of The New York Times, some clerical leaders in Iran have suggested that the June election is indeed illegitimate and that the results should be thrown out. The Association of Researchers and Teachers of Qum's statement suggests that the group is now definitively on the side of the reformers, a split from the supreme leader of Iran. But regardless of the statements of groups of clerics or the protests of citizens in the streets, actually getting the Guardian Council or the

Above: Iranian President Mahmoud


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Above: A demonstration in the Hague, Neth-

erlands, Thursday, June 18, 2009.

supreme leader to allow another election is highly unlikely, according to Furmanski. "It just won't happen," he says in a matter of fact way. "This strains their relations with other nations, no doubt, but it won't change the outcome of the election. Ahmadinejad will be in office another four years and then we'll see what happens." Until then, the protests and cries of the Iranian people will be the only opposition this government has within its own borders. Left: Protesters in Iran. AP Photos


Want the lowdown on

Continued from page 1 chemicals for a period of time leaving Kinney to wait. She did not have the opportunity to be crooned by the likes of Mandy Moore, Ingrid Michaelson, Nora Jones and other artists she would have listened to if she had brought her MP3 to the lab while creating her salt print. "I wish I would have brought my MP3," Kinney said. She spent her extra time conversing with other students in the lab. When Kinney was done, she finished with more than a few prints. "I have roughly i6 salt prints and I believe 8 or io cyanotypes," she said. Cyanotype is another historical photographical process. "Old photo processes are much more artistic," she said. There was a lot more work involved. Much of the work was done by hand. Although the process was not without trials, Kinney One of Belinda Kinney's salt prints of the Colsaid she was pleased with the cord Hotel in Oklahoma City. way her prints turned out. "It was a lot of trial and error," Kinney said. "I'm be toxic. really happy with the way the salt prints "I fell in love with historic processes," turned out. My favorite is a shot of the Kinney said. Colcord in Downtown." Several of Kinney's photographs pay homHistory became more than an inspiration age to history. Her work will be on display at for Kinney. the Oklahoma Science Museum during the "I gained such admiration for people who latter part the fall. did [salt prints]," Kinney said. "Especially Kinney left the café and walked to her considering how often they worked in unsafe Silver Honda Accord. Before she shielded conditions with chemicals that may have her eyes with her sunglasses, Kinney said, "I been hazardous to their health." don't look at it as being the first student to Typically nitrate, citric acid, sodium car- use a historical process. I was just happy to bonate are chemicals used for salt prints. do something that is fa.scinating." Chemicals such as the silver nitrate could

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Wednesday, July 8, 2009 Page 4

In Remembrance UCO Jazz Lab

Nathaniel Martinez

_zoo E. 5th St

Edmond, OK (405) 359-7989 Doors open at 7 p.m. and show starts at 8 p.m. unless otherwise noted. Special event prices will vary. Admission Prices (unless otherwise noted): $7 for adults and $5 for children 12 & under

April 9, 1988 - July 3, 2009

Performance Schedule Nathaniel Martinez, a UCO political science sophomore, died Friday, July 3 after a long struggle with a rare form of brain cancer. He was 21. "Nathaniel was a very awesome student," Kimberly Fields, assistant director of Disability Support services, said. "I never saw that kid upset." Fields said that when the doctors told him he had four to six weeks to live, he contacted Harvard Medical and requested that his brain and body be donated for research because he had a rare form of brain cancer. Fields said he became blind a few years ago because of the illness, but that it never stopped him. "He was like, 'So what?' about being blind," she said. "He would always look you in the eye and students couldn't tell that he was blind." Because of a bout with cancer in his leg during his high school sophomore year, Martinez lost a year of credit, Laura Eckard, his Latin 2 teacher at Santa Fe High School, said. "He worked his tail off in order to graduate on time and he did," she said. "He was the most positive person I've met in my entire life." Eckard said after Martinez was hospitalized, she went to visit him and his first concern, even after his body was half paralyzed and he had become mostly blind, was that he be able to attend a Latin conference. She said he eventually was able to attend, and had won an award for being an outstanding Latin student. After being told by the doctors that he would probably not have long to live, Martinez went to the disability office at UCO and told Fields that he wanted to continue pursuing a degree because, "his dad told him it was the thing to do." A memorial service will be at io:3o a.m. Saturday, July 18, at Memorial Road Church of Christ in Edmond.

James Corey Hammett„ 19, of Piedmont, OK, died Thursday, July 2, 2009 after being involved in a fatal car- accident. He was a resident of OKC until moving to Piedmont his sophomore year of high school. Corey was a 2008 graduate of Piedmont HS where he lettered in football his sophomore through senior years. He had a love for music, motorcross and spending time with family and his many friends. During his freshman year at the University of Central Oklahoma, he was a proud brother of the Sigma Nu Fraternity. Corey was preceded in death by grandparents, Velma Sue & Paul Goode of Chesnee, S.C. and James C. Hammett Jr. of Cowpens, S.C. Corey was the son of Beth Parrett and her husband David of Piedmont; his father Chuck Hammett and his wife Cathey of Spartanburg, S.C. He was the grandson of Diane & Leroy Daniels of Spartanburg, S.C. He was the loving brother of Austin & Brett Parrett. Corey is also survived by many aunts & uncles, Brent Hammett, Mike Daniels, Vicki Greene, Anne & Cliff Parrett, Ann & Steve Goode, plus multiple cousins. Services to celebrate his life will be 2 p.m. Wednesday, July 8 at Piedmont First United Methodist Church. There will also be a funeral Service on Saturday, July at 11:00 a.m. at Southside Baptist church in Chesnee, SC. The family will receive friends and loved ones an hour prior to the service in the Fellowship Hall. A Graveside service will immediately follow the funeral at Spring Hill Memorial Gardens in Chesnee, S.C. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that contributions be made to the Corey Drama Hammett Memorial Scholarship Fund, Union Bank, PO Box 12669, Okla. City, OK 73157. It would be Corey's wish to help another Sigma Nu brother in need. Buchanan Funeral Service is in charge of arrangements in Oklahoma City, and Graceland Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements in Chesnee, S.C.

Thursday, July 9: Funktet (Fusion) Friday, July 10: Miss Brown to You (Jazz) Saturday, July 11: Smilin' Vic (Blues) Monday, July 13 - Friday, July 17 - Modern Recording Technology Workshop, Hosted by

Brian Gorrell, call 359-7989 x 3 to enroll

Friday, July 17: AJ & Why Not (Blues) Saturday, July 18: Michael Summers (Jazz) Friday, July 24: Souled Out (Classic Rock)

Admission: $12 (Cash & Check) Dance Floor

Saturday, July 25: Big G (Blues) Friday, July 3o: The Jazz Company Feat. Brian Gorrell and Shane Conaway Saturday, August 1: Smilin' Vic (Blues)

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Crossword Puzzle

Across 1. Babe in the woods 5. Like a rainbow 10. Catch 14. United Nations agency concemed with civil aviation 15. Rice cooked in well-seasoned broth with onions or celery, poultry, game or shellfish, and sometimes tomatoes 16. Bank 17. Workout wear 19. Mine entrance 20. English exam finale, often 21. Remedy to stop the effects of a poison 23. Long 26. " rang?" 27. Drink from a dish 30. "So me!" 31. Symbol of thinness 35. Attorneys' org. 36. Band booking 38. Turn red, perhaps 39. Human conception without fertilization by a man 43. Mint, e.g. 44. Beachgoer's goal 45. "Rocks" 46. Bake, as eggs 47. An end to age? 49. Back muscle, familiarly 50. "You stink!" 52. alcohol 54. Teach without challenging 58. Dome-shaped shrines erected by Buddhist 62. Muslim pilgrimage 63. Created to do away with the system of pew rents 66. On the safe side, at sea 67. Archer, at times 68. "Your majesty" 69. Bank 70. Permitting the unwanted passage of fluids or gases 71. Flightless flock

1 14





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48 53 58









5. 30-day mo. 6. Backboard attachment 7. Fresh from the shower 8. Make, as money 9. NM-longer new 10. Confer an academictdegree upon 11. Change 12. Came down 13. Information unit 18. "The have it" 22. Hawkeye 24. Handttool for boring holes 25. Curb, with "in" 27. lazuli 28. Discompose 29. Zoroastrian 32. Light flintlock musket









37. Caught 38. Responsible person with admirable charateristics 40. Type of jettengine 41. Graceful bird 42. Bearing 48. Don't believe it 51. Garbage 52. Tomato blight 53. Spoil, with "up" 54. "Heartbreak House" writer 55. Far from ruddy 56. Horace volume 57. Ashtabula's lake 59. First part 60. Almond 61. The Beatles' " Leaving Home" 64. "A rat!" 65. Bawl

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Answers from July 1













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Sudoku 1


33. "All My Children" vixen 34. Change, as a clock



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1. Carpentry tool 2. Air force heroes 3. Tail motions 4. "Forget it!"







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Home opener to set tone Chris Wescott Sports Writer

Photo by Musleh Alkhathami

Coach Mike Cook with two girls from the kids' team before the match (kids versus coaches) at the end of the UCO Broncho soccer camp, Thursday June 2, 2009

A season filled with high expectations is ahead for UCO hockey. A national championship tournament team a year ago, the Bronchos lost only one player to graduation heading into this year. It is a team that, for the most part, has played side by side together for the better part of three years. A young team turned veteran, one that is no longer searching for an identity, rather refining and perfecting the one they have made for themselves. This coming season is filled with games that will define what the Bronchos have become. No game may be more

Remembering Steve McNair "Tear& ate Zated,


Chris Wescott Spoils Writer

I was ten at the time. The Tennessee Titans were driving down the field with crucial seconds ticking off the clock. The St. Louis Rams had their backs against the wall. Titan triggerman Steve McNair was magical. He drove his team 87 yards down the field only to miss victory in the Super Bowl by a single yard. That moment was a defining one for me in sports. A moment that showed me what it meant to be a great player, and it was a moment that taught me that not only football is a game of inches, but life can be one as well. 36 year old, ex-NFL quarterback Steve McNair was found dead with a gunshot wound to the head this past Saturday afternoon in Nashville, Tenn. McNair played 13 highlight filled seasons in the league, most of which were with the Houston Oilers/ Tennessee Titans. The four time pro-bowler, and one time league MVP leaves behind a legacy in Houston rivaled only by the great Warren Moon. McNair retired prior to last season, leaving the sport

he loved so much behind. The news of McNair's untimely death took me by a great surprise. McNair is not the kind of person you would think to be mixed up in a crime, murder or anything negative really. He has always been nothing but a standup citizen and an outstanding role model for kids and adults alike. McNair touched the lives of many in the cities he played in. Hundreds turned out hours after the news of his death broke to show support for his family and friends in their time of grief. McNair had just opened AP Photo a restaurant MCNAIR in Nashville a month earlier and many showed up to leave objects, notes and signs of condolences in a sort of un-official memorial service.

From a sign that reads, "We will miss you Steve" to a Teddy bear with the words, "once a Titan, always a titan" upon it litter the outside of the restaurant. All clear evidence of how much he meant to the people around him. From camps for the youth of America, to charity work and all in between McNair left his mark on many, that is for certain. Those who may miss him the most are those who had the privilege and honor to play with him. Former McNair teammate and friend Samari Rolle told ESPN, "If you were going to draw a football player, the physical part, the mental part, everything about being a professional, he is our guy." It is a quote that describes the very essence of the man behind the facemask. I always looked up to this great man. Even with the Titan's music city miracle over my Buffalo Bills in 1998, I still looked up to the man who defeated my hometown team. Steve McNair was an amazing player, and an amazing person. I only wish I could have met him in person before he was taken from this earth. I have lost a childhood hero, and the nation has lost a great human being. RIP Steve McNair, 1973-2009.

Blazers gone: AHL team a must for OKC Chris Wescott .Sports Writer

Its tough reading the morning paper and finding out your local sports team is no more. Especially one you enjoyed so much. The Blazers were a member of the community for 17 years. A welcomed member at that, and they brought professional hockey to this southern

state and made it interesting for people who would never watch the sport otherwise. The Blazer's Web site gives a message that blames the economic downturn for the choice to lose the franchise. That is a sad thing for Oklahoma City, because the Blazers were a great part of it. This whole thing makes the negotiations to bring an AHL team to Oklahoma even more important. I grew up

Vick to get shot in UFL fall debut Chris Wescott Sports If

The United Football League is set to begin its debut season this October. It may get a publicity boost, positive or negative, from receiving a well-known, former NFL player. Michael Vick may get his second shot to be a professional signal caller. It just may not be in the way he probably thought it would be. Providing that there are

no pending legal issues with Vick, Michael Huyghue, commissioner of the new UFL announced that his league would be willing to give him a place to play. His playing rights have been given to the Orlando franchise. This is undoubtedly a publicity stunt for the UFL. I'm not even sure many of the people reading this even new the UFL was in existence. Part of the reason for that was that it is new, part of it is because it really has no exposure.

on AHL hockey. As some of the readers know, I was born and raised in Rochester, NY. I spent myyouth attending both NHL and AHL games for both the Buffalo Sabres and Rochester Americans. AHL hockey is the real deal. It is hockey at its lower professional level's finest. It is a step below NHL and an experience OKC should be clamoring for. A lot of things don't make sense with bringing in an AHL team however. If OKC supposedly cannot support a CHL team like the blazers, they would surely need to step up the price for the AHL. The AHL being a more expensive league to play in, both in player and coaching salaries and in tickets, uniform and rink prices. That being said, we can

still not let minor league hockey die in Oklahoma. The Blazers worked so hard at making OKC into a hockey city. The fan base of the Blazers was a great selection of local die hards. The games were fun, the team was good and the sport was strong. I would love to see the day that the Rochester Amerks come to town to play against the Oklahoma City Twisters, or Cowboys or Storm or whatever we may call our new team. I would love to see the day that hockey becomes a permanent part of Oklahoma sports. Bringing hockey back to Oklahoma is a must. Whether we adopt an AHL team, or drop to a lower than CHL level, we must not let the hockey town part of OKC wither and die.

important than the season opener on September 18th. The Bronchos begin their 2009-2010 campaign when the defending 2009 ACHA National Champions come to Edmond, Okla. to square off at Artic Edge Arena. Lindenwood is good, there really is no other way to describe them. They are well-coached, well scouted and stocked full of talent that carried them through last year's national championship season. Lindenwood graduated senior star Henri Amault. Amault contributed 75 points last season, off of 21 goals and a whopping 54 assists. Although Amault is gone, The Lions return four of their top five contributors from last season. Chad Boekman, Steve Balint, Carson Hamill and Jake Ebner all return to the Lions for this upcoming season. Combined, the four players had a total of 268 points, with a total of 123 goals scored. The leading goal scorer of the 2008-2009 Lions returns to the ice this season as a junior. Jake Ebner, scored 35 goals last season, leading the team and coming in fifth overall in total points. Ebner, 6' 2", 200 lbs. from Port Coquitlam, British Columbia will surely put in another star performance this year as well. Last year, the Bronchos faced Lindenwood for their second series on the year, and came within one goal of the Lions in a game that ended in a shootout, at Lindenwood. It remains to be seen if the Bronchos were just a year away from turning that one goal loss into a victory. With four of their top five players returning, Lindenwood looks just as tough as they did a year ago. UCO however, gets the home ice advantage and they return all of their top performers as well. With everything lining up, the deciding factor may be whether or not UCO is ready to set the tone that early in the season. The fact remains, the Bronchos are a team that now has something to play for, more than they ever had in their first three years and this game is a major test of the Broncho's skill and will to achieve greatness.



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