University of Central Oklahoma
THURSDAY July 8, 1993
The Student Voice Since 1903
WORLD Fred Gwynne dies of cancer at age 66 BALTIMORE (AP) — Actor Fred Gwynne, whose Lincolnesque physique and dour face delighted audiences of television's "Car 54, Where Are You?" and "The Miisters," died today. lie was 66. Gwynne, who most recently appeared as the Southern judge in the movie "My Cousin Vinny," died at his home outside Baltimore of complications of pancreatic cancer, said Roger Haber, an attorney representing the family.
`Slow Children' to be removed from roads SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (AP) — Is it a sign of the times? The last word in political correctness? "Slow Children" shms •tre falling by the wayside, not to mention from the roadside, across Massachusetts as state officials respond to complaints by offended motorists. "This is true," said Charles F. Sterling, who is in charge of traffic signs for the state. "A state representative sent a letter to our commissioner with a petition taking offense and contending the wording was insensitive to retarded and slow children."
The family that pays together stays together CHICAGO (AP) — The Kallao clan admitted faking injuries to defraud insurance companies of more than 5500,000 since 1987, but sometimes their pain was real. The Kallaos would rain cars in a remote t_rea, then load up the clan and stage a rear-end collision in public, he said. They pricked their foreheads with pins to smear blood on themselves. Thomas Kallao had someone punch him in the nose repeatedly. His colleague, Jimmy I laffington, struck a brick wall to break his hand. Both blamed the injuries on falls. The National Insurance Crime B ureau estimates consumers pay $30 billion to $45 billion a year in higher insurance premiums because of thiud
Phase I of the UCO parking lot construction recently began spaces for the campus. 3,100 additional spaces will follow as workers plowed near the old UCO softball fields. The next spring. A $25 parking fee will be charged to help pay phase I construction will result in 800-900 new parking for the construction. (Photo by Chris Smith)
Phase I parking gets underway By Roger Groce
Staff Writer Phase one of the parking lot construction is underway as bulldozers scrape and level the women's softball field and the once green lawn east of the University Center. "We're not going to tear out any existing parking lots until the new ones are in," said Nick Widener, executive assistant and risk manager of administration. Eight to nine hundred new spaces will be added during phase one, with about 3,100 additional spaces following next spring. The net parking space increase after tearing out (locations) will give University of Central Oklahoma students about 3,150 new spaces by next year, Widener said. The new spaces will accomodate more handicap students than what currently exists at UCO, Widener said.
UCO slapped with $25 parking fee By Steve Sager
Staff Writer
Beginning Aug. 16 free parking at the University of Central Oklahoma will be a thing of the past. New parking fees for students, staff and faculty will be $15 per semester or $25 per year. Residents will still have the green parking decals, while students, staff and faculty will be issued a hanging permit to be placed on the inside rear-view mirror. In a letter to the students and staff/faculty, Joyce Mounce, vice president for Administration, said the fees will be "pledged toward the construction of new lots and the improved safety and beauty of University grounds." Because of the increased parking area, there will be a new Parking. Services Office on campus. The office, which will be run by Bob Caldwell, will be located in the Auxiliary Services Office in the University Center.
Parking Services will be responsible for issuing parking permits/decals. A.K. Rahman, director of auxiliary services, said that because of the increase of parking space, the task of writing tickets will also go to parking services. "It's a good move. It will allow us to be much more thorough in the areas of law enforcement and crime prevention," said UCO Police Chief Bob Roberts. "We'll have six to eight student staczgers and they will issue tickets for violations such as parking in handicap zones and such," said Rahman. There will also be a $5-per-semester or $10-per-year fee for motorcycles, which must park in areas designated for motorcycle parking only. Temporary parking permits will be issued at a cost of $5 per month. Lost, damaged or stolen parking permits/decals must be reported to the campus police. If reported within 72 hours, there will be a replacement fee of $5. Anything reported after that will be charged the full replacement fee of $40.
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Editorial 2 Campus Quotes 2 Around Campus 7 Comics 7
UCO and Edmond hosted Libertyfest last weekend. See the Fourth of July photo layout inside.
Sports Less than eight weeks remain until the UCO football team hits the field. See the outlook for the 1993 Broncho season inside.