The Vista July 11, 1991

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University of Central Oklahoma


The Student Voice Since 1903 \VW.

Miss Black Oklahoma gives up title

WRAP Montgomery first runner-up in Miss Black CSU pageant

Escaped mental patient sought VINITA, Okla. (AP)-Questions arose over a pass given to an Eastern State Hospital mental patient who had previously escaped for three weeks. Clyde Powell, 32, failed to return to the Vinita hospital Wednesday after being granted a pass to visit his brother. Powell was ruled insane after killing his mother and cutting out her heart in 1985. Powell left the hospital in August and was recaptured in Sacramento, Calif. where he married Connie Tuhn, a former Eastern State patient who was released two days before his escape. "I would just about put two and two together and say that they're together again," Sheriff Bob Cates said. "There's no telling where they're at or which way they're headed."

University offers new fall programs

By Sam Powell Editor in Chief The thrill of being Miss Black Oklahoma was gone for Sherita Rochelle Montgomery when she resigned June 29, after reigning less than two weeks. Montgomery, a University of Central Oklahoma (formerly Central State University) senior, was apprehended by Oklahoma City Police June 13 at Dillard's department store in Crossroads Mall. Police reports show she was transported to the Oklahoma City jail and charged with larceny of merchandise. Montgomery said she was not pleased with the way her arrest was reported in the July 4 edition of The Black Chronicle, an Oklahoma City newspaper. "All that was in the Chroni-

cle was not true, and I've talked to my lawyer about it," Montgomery said. Montgomery, competed in the Miss Black Oklahoma Pageant June 15 as Miss Black CSU even though she was first runner-up. She represented the university because the reigning Miss CSU, Sonya Carter, is not a resident of Oklahoma and was therefore ineligible to compete for Miss Black Oklahoma. Civil rights activist and Miss Black Oklahoma Pageant Director Clara Luper said she was aware Montgomery had resigned but she (Luper) was not aware of the reasons behind Montgomery's decision. Kycia Johnson, the first runner-up, became the current Miss Black Oklahoma upon Sherita R. Montgomery receives awards for first runnerMontgomery's resignation. up in the Miss CSU pageant. She won Miss Black OklaJohnson is also Miss Langston homa, but later resigned. (Photo by Paul McEntire) University. V

Student selected for national panel

TULSA, Okla. (AP)-Five academic exchange programs with Soviet Union and Eastern European schools will be offered in the fall at the University of Tulsa, officials announced last week. Programs in business management, the petroleum industry and history will join with Moscow State University, Zelenograd Business School near Moscow, Bucharest University in Romania and the Universities of Veszprem and Miskolo in Hungary.



THURSDAY July 11, 1991

By Kathy Karr Staff Writer

World Wrap,

back page.

Nigh seeking UCO presidency BULLETIN-- Former governor George Nigh became the first person to throw his hat in the ring when he announced his candidacy for president of the University of Central Oklahoma, Tuesday. The position comes open when President Lillard retires June 30, 1992. University officials said potential candidates may include former gubernatorial candidate Vince Orza, Southeastern State University President Larry Williams, Northeastern State University President Roger Webb and Rose State College President Larry Nutter.

Fireworks light up the night sky during the July 4 celebration at the University of Central Oklahoma. (Photo by Khalid Awang)

The University of Central Oklahoma Student Senate Activities Director Joaquin Stevens has been selected to serve on the steering committee of the south central region of the National Association of Campus Activities(NACA). NACA is an organization that showcases entertainment acts at spring and fall conferences. Campus representatives are able to view and assess the acts before committing campus money. "At each conference there are showcases of different entertainment acts and the delegates get to watch, so before

you commit your activity dollar you're able to see if this person is talented or not," Stevens said. "We try to provide anything activity-wise. It can be entertainment or educational," Stevens said. Stevens was selected for the NACA steering committee, from among 18 candidates. He co-serves with a delegate from another regional campus. "It's pretty competitive," Stevens said. The NACA steering cornmittee decides, among other things, budget, NACA recommendations and NACA guidelines. UCO has been a member

See Student, page 8.

INSIDE TODAY Editorial 2 Entertainment 4 Sports 6 Around Campus 7 Comics 7 Word Games 7 Classifieds 8

Weight room policy changes will affect hours of operation if graduate assistants are not hired to meet new requirements.


A Arnold Schwarzeneger comes back from the future again as a kinder gentler terminator.


Dusty, the University of Central Oklahoma's famous radio cat has gone to that great broadcast in the sky.

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