The Vista July 21, 1994

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University of Central Oklahoma

THURSDAY July 21, 1994

The Student Voice Since 1903

Nigh addresses parking plans for fall in series of meetings By David Hanigar Student Writer Using a laser light to point to a projected map of the university parking areas, Nigh addressed a group of faculty, staff and students on the fall parking plan in a series of meetings held Monday and Tuesday. Eventually over 2,000 parking places will be added to the university. But, until then Nigh asks that everyone cooperate with the parking plans and endure the hardships and inconveniences of the construction across campus. Nigh credits the improvements to the standardizing of the parking fee. "Without charging for parking, there can be no parking as we know it. The gravel would have to remain gravel the grass would have to remain grass, the number of spaces would remain the way they were," Nigh said. Although all the parking construction will not be completed this fall, Nigh said

they made a head count and if everyone parks accordingly, there should be enough parking for everyone this fall. "We are going to leave every parking space that is here now, available for as long as possible,"Nigh said. Nigh asks that motorists find a reasonable parking area, keeping the distance of the lot in relation to the building they will be using most. Everyone is going to have to walk, Nigh said, so by using good judgment and consideration for other motorists, a lot of problems can be avoided. Contracts to purchase or lease additional parking from businesses surrounding the campus are in the works, Nigh said. Many of the businesses have complained in the past of students using the facilities anyway, Nigh said. The agreement would make certain areas of the campus more accessible. Nigh also addressed the parking enforcement. Nigh said that he feels the university has been "lax" with parking enforcement in the past. That's all going to change, he

said, enforcement in the future will be more abundant and less lenient. "So up front, like I would tell anyone else, if you have a parking ticket, pay it. If it says don't park there, don't park there. Regardless of how frustrated you may feel, if it says `no parking', it's no parking. Tow-away zones will mean towaway zones and fire lanes will be fire lanes." Nigh said his strategy is to take everyUCO President George Nigh discusses fall parking plans thing semester by sein front of faculty and staff at a series of meetings. (Photo by mester. He knows Christopher Smith)

ets at the university in 60 working days. Of the four tickets dismissed, two were thrown out because of written errors by the officers. Aside from failure to display a proper permit, other infractions appealed included incorrect parking such as pull through/back in, parking in faculty/staff areas and parking in an unauthorized lot or a no-parking zone. In two cases the parking officers could see the parking decal laying in the seat or floor of the vehicle and ticketed the person for an improperly located decal. The appeals board was comprised of two students, two UCO faculty and a staff member. "We're in here to decide if the ticket is valid or invalid, not to decide innocence or guilt," said board member Carl Breazeale, UCO professor. Greg Tunnell, parking services manager, said a good start for people to avoid being ticketed is to pay attention to the lot

they are parking in. "They ignore the signs," Tunnell said. "This is from people being in a hurry and ignoring the designated spots." Tunnel] said new signs designating where faculty, commuters, and resident students park will replace the current signs and are "up to 10 times bigger and very visible. "This (bigger signs) should solve this problem of parking in the wrong lots," he said. Tunnell also suggested that people visit the campus in advance to seek out the different parking places available to them. He also said Parking Services is available to assist people in finding the correct lots and to explain why a ticket was given. "If you get a citation and you don't know why, come in and see us," Tunnell said. He also explained that a payment plan can be arranged for citations if needed. Parking Services is located in the University Center and currently employs three

See PARKING, page 10

Students, faculty, staff appeal parking tickets By Roy Howe Staff Writer

Students, faculty and staff appealed parking citations last week at the summer's first hearings with a five-member board hearing 55 excuses lasting more than three hours. Even with people returning this summer to new parking lots in new locations, the majority of the tickets appealed were for having no parking permit displayed. After a year of portable decals which hang from rear view mirrors and allow people to transfer parking permits from one vehicle to another, the University of Central Oklahoma will give people an option this fall: an affixed decal or the hanging permit. At the hearings, 23 citations were upheld, four dismissed and 28 probations were granted where the ticket is dismissed if the person cited receives no more parking tick-

Editorial 2 Letters 2 World Wrap 6 Around Campus 11 Comics 11



Aerotrim, a machine that gives riders the feeling of weightlessness, returns to the Omniplex for the summer.



UCO's oldest summer graduate Janice Hull will graduate July 30 with a degree in business administration.

Parking Student Officers who police the campus lots from 8 a.m. until 9 p.m. This fall the number of student officers will rise to between 10 and 12. The majority of citations, parking without a proper permit displayed, cost $10. Tickets for parking in a no-parking zone cost $15, meter violations run $5, parking in a non-authorized lot cost $15 and illegally parking in a space designated for the handicapped carries a $25 fine. Parking Services officials say they will not void any tickets at their counter and any appeals must be filed with the department within 72 hours of receiving the citation. A bond must then be posted and is set at the amount of the ticket or $15, whichever amount is less. The parking appeals board meets monthly. After 5 p.m., commuter students may park in any space regardless of designation except those reserved for residents, handicap, 24 hour reserved and no- parking zones.



Men's and women's tennis coach Francis Baxtersigns six men and five women to join UCO's tennis team.

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