The Vista Aug. 21, 2006

Page 1



Wireless technology expands across UCO by Steven Reckinger Copy Editor UCO hopes to expand its wireless Internet capability across campus within the next year. "I don't see it as a replacement technology; I see it as a supplement technology," Bill Elliott, director of Enterprise Services of Information Technology, said. Technology changes all the time and more people want wireless access to avoid the hassle of wires and plugs. Of course, the funds to pay for additional wireless areas around campus are difficult to obtain. Elliott said he hopes to have the entire campus set up for wireless Internet within a year. Max Chambers Library was the first to receive wireless access when the technology was first implemented at UCO. The Nigh University Center was the second location to have it last March. The Education Building, Murdaugh Hall, and West Hall were consecutively added later in June. The old residential halls didn't have any Internet capability in the past. The Commons and the Suites still use hard wire for their connection. As soon as Academic Affairs receives funding, both locations will become available for wireless technology. Due to the lack of funding, the College of Arts, Media, and Design works on a wireless cart, which is a mobile arrangement

that uses the campus network. "My main concern for wireless [Internet] is security," said Elliott. Theft is a major concern regarding the usage of wireless technology. Elliott said they are currently working on keeping multiple networks safe for the students to use. Elliott said he uses one appl ication to configure all access points, which provides a convenient and reliable system. Currently, Information Technology has a system that provides many access points that don't do anything, making theft meaningless. The wireless access is free to anyone who's within range of the hot spots. For precautions, anti-virus software is highly recommended. Students can obtain the software free through UCO. Once someone is in range, the computer should ask if the person wants to connect. The university uses network standards 802.11a, 802.11b and 802.11g. According to CyberScience Laboratory, these are the basic wireless networking standards. However, any new ones should work just as well. Nortel Networks is involved with the design for UCO's wireless set-up. The company is hoping to publicizeUCO'S increase of wireless capability in the future.

Steve Reckinger can be reached at .

by Vista photographer Travis Marak

Lindsay Mallary, Forensic Science grad student, takes advantage of wireless' Internet now available in the Nigh University Center.

Students and staff forced Former FBI man to direct to evacuate Comm building Forsenic Science Institute by No Lupov Staff Writer A former head of the FBI Laboratory in Quantico, VA, began work as a director of the UCO Forensic Science Institute July 1. Dr. Dwight Adams, UCO graduate, retired from the Federal Bureau of Investigation in June. He said he was pleased to accept President Webb's offer to be the new director of the institute. "We consider him world class," said Charles Johnson, UCO News Bureau Director. "He will bring our forensic program to the next level." Adams was part of a research team that was first to introduce DNA samples as criminal evidence and testify in court on DNA analysis. Adams has already focused on the educational priorities of the forensic institute. He said there are at least three things that he will try to accomplish in his first year in office. One is enhancing the graduate and undergraduate students' experience in foren-

sic science by providing opportunities such as workshops, research and internships, he said. The second area the institute will develop is continuing education for professionals in the field. "Any professionals that come in contact with the evidence preservation, analysis, testimony or anything related to evidence, we want to develop continuing education opportunities for them," Adams said. Educational and training materials are the third part the institute will work to develop. That will include online educational opportunities and DVD's, produced and distributed to police departments nationwide. "The really exciting part about this institute is that it already has an existing well-established program for undergraduate and graduate students," Adams said. The Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation Crime Lab is being built across from UCO campus, which Adams said will bring great opportunities for the forensic students. "Right across the street

by Vista photographer Alex Gambill

Former head of the FBI in Virginia, Dr. Dwight Adams.

will be a real working crime lab," Adams said. "It will bring excellent opportunities for UCO students to be involved in internships and other activities associated with forensic science." No Lupov can be reached at .

Broadcast room gets makeover by Divona Phillips Staff Writer by Vista photographer Alex Gambill

The UCO broadcasting department is in the process of remodeling their fresh air," said Leila Purpupile, newsroom to keep up with a senior journalism major who the outside news world. was taking an intersession class Jeff Hagy, general manager of in the Communications building. Academic Broadcast Services, "There was a concrete sealer said that the 40 by 40 foot stuthat was put on the floor that dio was gutted, from the sets contains a product called xylene, to equipment, and was painted black from floor to ceiling. see evacuation, page 3 The department is also hav-

Edmond Firefighter Paul Kress (left) and Daniel Laster listen to Leila Purpupile as she explains her symptoms from the fumes that caused the Comm. building to be evacuated Aug. 9.

by Heather Warlick Managing Editor The UCO Communications building was evacuated Aug. 9 by order of the Edmond Fire Department after a contracted painting company failed to

properly ventilate the broadcast studio it was remodeling. Nearly 100 people were exposed to the volatile fumes and several complained of side effects. "I feel nauseous and high, my head hurts, my stomach hurts and I just need to get some

Football strategy makes defense aggressive

Back To School Preview

ing a new set built that will be comparable to what local news studios have. This will be done after school starts. Hagy said one of the main reasons the newsroom had to be redone is because all the equipment is going to be digital, instead of the old analog format. "We are trying to keep up with the real world. All news stations will be broadcasting in digital format, because you can have more content with smaller bandwidth," he said. Hagy said that the main

difference in going digital is that the production of shows will be different. "The walk-through is still the same. The difference is the media and how we will get the media from one point to another," Hagy said. Hagy also said that students will benefit. He said it will provide them a better work environment because digital is becoming the way of the world.

see broadcast page 3

Health insurance improvements for UCO students

See special section inside See Sports pg. 16

See pg. 11



August 21, 2006

THEVISTA Editorial


Teddy Burch, Editor in Chief Heather Warlick, Managing Editor Steven Reckingcr Copy Editor

Alex Gambill, Photographer Travis Marak, Photographer

Advertising News Nathan Winfrey, Senior Staff Writer Tiffany Batdort, S'tqff Writer Ivaylo Lupov, Staff Writer Diwnal Phillips, Staff Writer Desiree Treeby, Staff Writer

Lisa Mack, Ad Director Tyler Evans, Ad Designer


High School Diploma Ranked #33 84.3%

Zachary Burch



Oklahoma Education Statistics for 2005

Bachelor's Degree

Danyel Siler

Matt Caban, Sports Editor

Adviser Mark Zimmerman

The Vista is published as a newspaper and public forum by UCO students, semi-weekly during the academic year except exam and holiday periods, and on Thursdays only during summer, at the University of Central Oklahoma, 100 N. University Dr., Edmond, OK 73034. Telephone: (405) 974-5549. The issue price is free for the first copy and i for each additional copy obtained.

EDITORIALS Opinion columns, editorial cartoons, reviews and commentaries represent the views of the writer or artist and not necessarily the views of The Vista Editorial Board, the Department of Mass Communication, UCO or the Board of Regents of Oklahoma Colleges. The Vista is not an official medium of expression for the Regents or UCO.

LETTERS The Vista encourages letters to the editor. Letters should address issues and ideas, not personalities. Letters must be typed, double-spaced, with a maximum of 150 words, and must include the author's printed name, title, major, classification and phone number. Letters are subject to editing for libel, clarity and space, or to eliminate statements of questionable taste. The Vista reserves the right not to publish submitted letters and does not publish anonymous letters. Address letters to: Editor, The Vista, 100 N. University Dr., Edmond, OK 73034-5209, or deliver in person to the editor in the Communications Building, Room 107. Letters can be e-mailed to .

Ranked #42 22.4%

Advanced Degree Ranked #44 7.2%

"They say that we are better educated than our parents' generation. What they mean is that we go to school longer They are not the same thing." -Douglas Yates .404/4r.:WAK1/4.,i, /AA


Letter from the Editor

The Vista wants you to know A Piece of U00 History we need to hear from you New Parking Areas Provided; Students Cooperation Urged

Every one of us has recently crossed a line. We have, decided that the best thing for' its to is to return to UCO and continue furthering our education. Hopefully this will prove to be the right choice. Whichever you decide is best for you, there are a few things that we would like to offer from the desk of The Vista. May we not forget that we are the students' voice and we have been since 1903. I know that this is on the heading of every issue, and can be easily overlooked, but it is still important that we voice the opinion of the students.

That means that we need to hear your opinion. It is vital that you voice what you feel about our stories or stories on a national level. It is important on a local level so that the student voice does not get drowned out, and it is important so that our very right to do so does not get lost. This means you should consider speaking up. We want to hear what you want to read. We want your thoughts about what has been printed. With this said, we know it is our job to be impartial on matters that require such, and liable for everything else. I have no unrealistic beliefs

of being the best editor The Vista has ever had; I only want to be the best that we can be. We can promise that equal evaluation will be taken into consideration on any story or event you feel is important to the The Vista readers. We will do our best to properly cover what is important to you. Let us hear from you.

The Vista editorial staff can be reached at editorial@thevistaonlinacom,

Did you know that... Venus is the only planet that rotates clockwise.

The strongest muscle in the human body is the tongue.

The Population of the world can live within the state boundaries of Texas.

Guinness Book Of Records holds the record for being the book most stolen from Public Libraries.

Napoleon made his battle plans in a sandbox. The typical American eats 263 eggs a year. The shortest English word that contains the letters A, B, C, D, E, and F is "feedback." If you can see a rainbow you must have your back to the sun.

The average person will spend two weeks over their lifetime waiting for the traffic light to change Diet Coke was only invented in 1982. Percentage of American men who say they would marry the same woman if they had

it to do all over again: 80%. Percentage of American women who say they'd many the same man: 50%. Average lifespan of a major league baseball: 7 pitches. If a statue in the park of a person on a horse has both front legs in the air, the person died in battle; if the horse has one leg front leg in the air, the person died as a result of wounds received in battle; if the horse has all 4 legs on the ground, the person died of natural causes.

Original story ran Thursday, September 13, 1956 "There's no place to park, there's no place to park," yelled Central State College students of the past. This year's Central State student's won't have that gripe, says Gene Smith, dean of men, as now CSC is opening up several new parking areas. The college has spent and is spending thousands of dollars to provide adequate parking lots for the student's cars.

The students' cooperation in purchasing CSC car stickers is requested. These stickers are necessary for campus parking privileges. They are to be placed on the right side of either the front windshield or the rear window. They are available in the finance office for all of those who have not yet purchased them. Parking areas for CSC students include all the areas east

of the infirmary to the last house on the block; a oneblock area north of Thatcher; the lot behind the infirmary; free parking area east and south of the science building; streets and side streets on one or both sides; 45 spaces on the circle drive. The lot east of the old infirmary is open all the time. Dormitory parking areas are reserved forresidents. However, the area about Thatcher hall.

Journalism Class Tours WKY-TV, Oklahoman Times

Original story ran Tuesday, September 6, 1958 CSC's journalism 203 class learned on a field trip last week that a great metropolitan newspaper is made from the top down. Contrary to common belief this is one job that really begins at the top. Up on the fifth floor at the Oklahoman and Times building that newspaper begins to come to life. Like many other things, it depends on many other influences for it's creation. In this case there are editors, reporters and news services. The society editors, the sports editors, and the

advertising salesmen all play an important part in making a daily newspaper. The teletype setters work two eight hour shifts organizing all of the material to be printed, including the wantads. Their work is followed up by the linotype operators in casting and type to be set. The Associated Press news service and wirephoto service make the Oklahoman and Times a paper with national coverage in only a matter of minutes. An up-to-date photo lab turns news photogra-

phers' negatives into pictures ready for the composing room in eight minutes. Stereotype metal "mats" are made and used on the giant presses which turn out some 65,000 papers in an hour. These come off the press folded and counted, ready for distribution to all parts of the city and state immediately. Each step in producing the paper continues systematically according to schedule until the finished product appears on the lowest level of the building.

CAMPUS QUOTES: Compiled and photographed by Alex Gambill and Teddy Burch

"What was the coolest thing you did this summer?" "I had a wreck and totaled my car."

,,1 went to Switzerland, Laos, Thailand, Germany and Cambodia."

"I went to Cabo San Lucas"

"I slept and worked."

Juana luarra

Monica Ruelas

Curtis Bilgeu

International Trade Junior

Biology/Pre-med Freshman

Michael Reece

Undecided Freshman

Business Junior

THEVISTA evacuation from page 1 and it has a lot of vapors to it," said Jeff Zelnicea, Edmond Fire Department lieutenant. "It's volatile for a short period of time but it has a lot of vapors." Workers from Diversified Construction were resurfacing the floors in the broadcast studio Aug. 7-9, a multi-step process that utilizes the chemical xylene. Students cornplained about the fumes on Aug.7, but UCO's University Relations director, Charlie Johnson said that nobody had reported the vapors to univer-

broadcast from page 1 Mark McDevitt, a broadcasting senior and one of the station's sports anchors, said that it is a great opportunity for UCO students. "The change will basically enhance knowledge of a new

sity administrators until Aug. 9. "The fumes aren't good for anybody to stand there and smell them for days on end," said Rusty Sturm, from Diversified Construction. "But for 30 minutes or an hour before it dissipates, it might give someone a headache but that's the worst that's going to happen." The World Health Organization states that xylene products "may cause serious poisoning and death if they are breathed in or swallowed, or come into contact with the skin or eyes. They differ widely from one another in the amount that causes poisoning. Serious poisoning may occur at lower doses in people who are re- exposed technique and we'll be better prepared to go out and pursue a career," McDevitt said. For the remainder of the remodeling the news staff is creating ways to do the news with no set. "It creates more challenges and keeps you on the go and ready for change," McDevitt said. "The only thing constant [in the department] now is change."

within a few weeks or months." The broadcast studio has a garage door that opens on the east side of the Communications building and the painters kept it closed during the floor refinishing process because they said the wind was blowing debris onto the sticky floors. Zelnicea said the building wouldneed to air out for at least 12 hours and his crew used caution tape to cordon off the building. "Health and safety issues of our students are top priority of this university," Johnson said. "If there is a health and safety issue, we want to know about it." Heather Warlick can be reached at .

Another change is that the station is changing a lot of its programming in the fall to better suit the younger students. Also on September 1, the station will move from channel 22 to channel 6 permanently. Divona Phillips can be reached at

Students receive training with Child Study Center by Tiffany Batdorf Staff Writer The Human Environmental Sciences Department of UCO cares for faculty, student and Edmond children while giving students hands-on training. Kristy Smith, director of the Child Study Center, said the center is here to help students with required credits and give them hands-on training. "There are courses that are required for students who are family life studies, and early childhood majors," Smith said. She said the staff includes

two full-time adults, one who serves in the capacity of director/teacher and the other as the curriculum coordinator/teacher. "Student teachers are those students participating in practicums, or the class Guidance of the Young Child, and they participate on a weekly basis and are under supervision at all times," Smith said. "The classes are for preschool aged children," She said. "The children are here for the experience to socialize and to develop." "The program's goals are to provide intellectual growth by introducing new ideas and childdirected learning," Smith said.

She said the program is separated into two classes, with 20 children in each class. "We are full for the fall semester," Smith said. "The enrollment was completed early April." She said faculty is given priority for enrollment; students who enroll their children will be considered next, and then members of the Edmond community. Applications for enrollment and information packets can be picked up in the Child Study Center which is located in the Home Economics building. Tiffany Batdorf can be reached at .

Japan Exchange Prograr promotes English worldwide UCO in 2004, Hunter applied for the program and was accepted shortly after. He is now an Oklahoma representative for the program, traveling from place to place to help promote it. He founded the UCO student organization Envoys in 2003 to educate students about international cultures. "Having international expeJason Hunter rience changes everything; your perspective, your life, and your future," Hunter said. There is also Sports Hunter plans to visit UCO Exchange Adviser (SEA), sometime in the fall semeswhich is a type of CIR. These ter to help students become members are placed in variaware of international opporous sporting facilities to assist tunities. With the assistance of in sports training. This posithe International Office at UCO tion only becomes available and Dr. Nollert, chair of moda few times every spring. ern languages, Hunter plans to In order to qualify for the promote these opportunities to program, one must have a bacheveryone. He said that nowaelor's degree in any subject, be days people need to get internaa citizen of the country where tional experience. He encourthe recruitment is to take place, ages anyone who is interested be under 40 years of age and in international studies to get not have lived in Japan for three involved in the local community. or more years in past eight years The application deadline or be a former participant in the for 2007 has not been offiprogram for the last 10 years. cially announced, but gen e rally There is no requirement for it's at the end of November. It an ALT applicant to know the normally takes a few months Japanese language since they before applicants are notified will be working with Englishwhether or not they have been speaking teachers wherever chosen for an interview. Within they are assigned. For CIRs, a few months, they should find however, it is necessary to have out if they have been accepted. Japanese speaking abilities, The number of U.S. perticiconsidering the main responpants for 2006 equaled 2.879. sibilities involve international The worldwide total was 55,508. exchange in local communities. The total number of applicaJason Hunter, a UCO gradutions received by Washington ate, spent one year in Japan D.C. was 4,592. Although there from 2004 to 2005 working wasn't anyone accepted from as a CIR in Toga, Toyama UCO this year, there was one Prefecture. Toyama Prefecture from OU and three from OSU. is a mountainous rural area located in the northern region of Honshu. He said it was Steve Reckinger can be reached an incredible experience. at sreckingel@thevistaonline. Before graduating from

"Having international experience changes everything; your perspective, your life The Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Program offers and your future." by Steven Reckinger Copy Editor

college graduates an opportunity to help teach English in junior or senior high schools throughout Japan. There are currently 44 countries involved with over 5,500 current participants. More than 40,000 U.S. citizens and 80,000 worldwide have taken part in JET since its initial date. Celebrating its 20 anniversary next year, the program is one of the world's largest exchange programs. Its focus is to invite anyone with a bachelor's degree and an interest in Japanese culture to discover what it's like to work in an entirely different environment. The program is intended to increase cultural amity between Japan and various nations. JET pays every participant a set salary of 3,600,000 yen, which translates roughly to $34,000 after taxes. This includes room and board, insurance costs and transportation fees. The participant can be assigned anywhere in Japan, from Hokkaido to Okinawa and can renew their contract up to two times for a maximum of three years. There are two main positions offered through JET: Assistant Language Teacher (ALT) and Coordinator for International Relations (CIR). ALTs make up 90 percent of the program's participants. The CIRs work under the guidance of local governments or related organizations doing translations and interpretations.

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August 21, 2006

Old Blue Crew "Cheerleaders in Bondage" convincingly pr id e i n shows dark and witty side of the fairer sex taking school spirit by Nathan Winfrey "I Senior Staff Writer

The Old Blue Crew, an organization dedicated to promoting school pride, has much planned for the new school year. "OBC is a spirit organization that promotes not only UCO athletics, but pride in our school," said Matt Grassmyer, an Old Blue Crew member since 2004. "I think it is an important part of spreading school spirit and making it cool to have pride in our great university." "We're doing more than ever," said Kyle Thompson, Old Blue Crew president. "We're getting the year started off with a big bang." He said their first goal is to break the Division-II attendance record for a women's soccer game. "The current record is 1,800, and we plan to shatter that," he said. "The stadium holds 10,000, and that's exactly what our goal is. History will be made on this day, and it would be a shame for anyone to miss out. Not many people can say they went to college and became a part of history." The game will be played at 7 p.m. Aug. 26 in Wantland Stadium. Admission is free. Thompson said last year, they made "Go Crazy" shirts for only football and basketball, but this year they plan to make them for volleyball, soccer, wrestling, baseball and softball also. "We will probably 'give away close to 4,000 shirts this year," he said. Thompson said the Old Blue Crew are also planning to launch the 'Broncho Buddies' program this semester, which is where members of the Old Blue Crew will go into elementary schools and serve as mentors for the children. "Kind of like big brothers and big sisters," he said. "The details have yet to be worked out, but this should launch soon after the elementary school offices open back up." "The OBC is most noted for their participation as active and positive members of the crowd at all home Broncho sporting events. If the Bronchos are playing, we're there cheering," Thompson said. "We should not be confused with cheerleaders or porn girls. Their skill is much different than ours," Grassmyer said. The Old Blue Crew also includes eight elite mem-

think it is an important part of spreading school spirit."

Matt Grassmyer

bers, called the "Crew," who most personify Broncho pride and spirit. Those eight members are required to attend at least 60 UCO sporting events annually, Thompson said. "The Crew is basically the face of Old Blue Crew," Grassmyer said. "Not to say that we do all the work, because there are many others that work behind the scenes that don't get recognized like they should, but we are the eight guys that are at the front of the sporting events, cheering on Broncho sports... we attend every home sporting event and away games ifwe can." He said the Crew also helps with Stampede Week, teaching UCO traditions to the new freshmen. "There is also the Stampede of Sound. This is more of an extended Crew," Thompson said. "The Stampede of Sound is a branch of OBC that was put together to cheer at soccer games. It is made up of about 20 guys, including the eight crew guys," Grassmyer said. "A few years ago, OBC was brought back as a _Rretty biglgce," he said "We'Claw a 'take thatAkp er an • ave Old'Mile'' blew be a real force on has taken us a few years, but we are getting to where we want to be. OBC has been one of the best experiences of my life and I am thankful for having been given the opportunity and privilege of being a part of this school pride revolution." "Anyone associated with UCO can be a member," Thompson said. "There are no fees for membership entry. I would cons i der anyone who takes pride and propriety in UCO as a member of the Old Blue Crew." Those who attend the first meeting of the semester, Aug 30 at 10 p.m. on the basketball court between Murdaugh and West Hall, will receive a free football shirt. Nathan Winfrey can be reached at .

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photo provided by Linda McDonald

Elizabeth Brook, left, and Beth Swales as twin sisters offering advice on a call-in show "Double Talk" in the theatrical production "Cheerleaders in Bondage: The Search for Myth America."

by Nathan Winfrey Senior Staff Writer

"Cheerleaders in Bondage: The Search for Myth America," a small theatrical production g eazi by theme; ent " sociiitiVW"Uters hilarious, often dark sketch comedy and somber, reflective ruminations on the failings and fortitudes of the fairer sex. The five-woman show features a strong cast, which includes performer, co-author and UCO Creative Studies professor Linda McDonald. Her dramatic monologue as Muriel, a hardened criminal one day from release after 45 years in prison; her side-splitting portrayal of Jacque, the five-time bride-to-be with cold feet; and her monologue as a woman worn out by her husband's recent discovery of Viagra, which she describes as "Tony Soprano doing Aunt Bea," were highlights of the performance. Co-writer Rebecca McCauley brought roars of laughter from the audience in her role as plastic surgeryobsessed Madeline, whose babbling is translated with deadpan grace by her faithful nurse, played by Cacky Poarch, who

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accessible, even from a male perspective, "Cheerleaders in Bondage" is a well-rounded production spanning a wide spectrum of feminine ideals and pitfalls, packed with enough comedy to keep everyone entertained, and if not, there's a bar in the lobby. "Cheerleaders in Bondage" will be performed at 8 p.m., Aug. 25-26 at the IA0 Gallery, at 811 N. Broadway in downtown Oklahoma City. Admission is $5 for students and $10 for the community. Call 641-0808 for reservations.

Nathan Winfrey can be reached at . MOM M=I



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sisters who give bad advice on a radio call-in show called "Double Talk." Swales' cynical Sandy and Brooks' annoyingly happy Candy play off each other's polarized personalities extremely well, delivering one of the funniest sketches oche 1,04-pe-aulerttith and Merknald call irrIrib a variety of problems, ranging from a woman so ugly she was rejected by "Extreme Makeover" to a husband's porn obsession. Sandy's advice that the ugly woman should get uglier to spite society, and the eventual all-out brawl between the identical hosts solidifies "Double Talk" as one of the best sketches in the play. Set before a backdrop of scattered blouses, skirts and sashes that make the stage look like a room where Mrs. Doubtfire's hamper exploded, the ensemble bookends "Ladyhood," a humorous sketch that feels like a lesson in the Stepford Wives School of Etiquette, and the pageant spoof "Myth America" frame over a dozen solid sketches and monologues from five very talented actresses. Funny, dramatic, and mostly




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somehow keeps a straight face. Poarch's gender-bending role as Mike, the apologetic air conditioning-repairman husband of the orange kimono-wearing Beth Swales, was not only an eerie channel of Jeff FoXWorthy, possi.„ mist *Osiliilance of the F ht, Swales' portrayal of a burnt-out airport lounge keyboardist in "Departures" in a close second. Expertly written and acted, Swales' one-woman show was possibly the funniest of the night. With drink in hand, and a few too many already downed, Swales' character cites "Sigmund Frood" and regales the audience with tales of her twelve lost loves, interspersed with erratic keyboard-pounding and sputtered song fragments. Swales played a convincing drunk for a second time in the somber "Fabulous," alongside Poarch, as aging party girls who may have seen their last Tequila Sunrise. Poarch and Swales are a great team who play comedy and drama equally well. And Poarch and Elizabeth Brooks' team-up as skank-spotters in "Slut" is both funny and sadly accurate. Swales and Brooks play twin

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August 21,



Athletic department Federal grant allows UCO students names Douglas as to study honeybees in Bursa,Turkey director of compliance 4, by Heather Warlick

Managing Editor The UCO athletic department has a new member of its administrative staff in Tami Douglas, who has been named the new director of athletic compliance, effective Aug. 1. Douglas will also serve as the athletic department's senior women's administrator. Douglas was previously coordinator of athletic financial aid for Oklahoma State University. In her new position, she will be responsible for making sure the NCAA Division II bylaws are adhered to. "I recently got my master's degree and I have been at OSU for nine years. I was just looking for another challenge," Douglas said. "It's more responsibility in different areas of compliance, other than just scholarships." "We are extremely honored and excited that Tami wanted to join our team here at UCO," Bill Farley, UCO's athletic director said in a news release from . "She brings nine years of Division I compliance experience to us, has an extremely high energy level and a great passion for intercollegiate athletics. "She has also spent a good amount of time around the aca-

"We are extremely honored and excited that Tami wanted to join our team at UCO." Athletic Director Bill Farley

demic side of the student-athlete, so we will look to her in initiating some modern-day programs in that area as well," he said. "UCO has volleyball, which we didn't have at OSU, so that will be something to get to know," Douglas said. She said she is excited about learning BRONCHUS about UCO's campus, students and faculty. "This is a great opportunity for me," she said. An Oklahoma native, Douglas graduated from Anadarko High School, received her bachelor's degree in communication sciences and disorders at OSU, and her master's degree in adult higher education at University of Oklahoma. She has two sons, one who lives in Canada and one who is stationed with the U.S. Army in Fort Lewis, Wash. Her parents live in Edmond. Heather Warlick can be reached at .


A bee in Turkey pollinating in an artificial flower. by No Lupov

Staff Writer After receiving a federal grant from the National Science Foundation, the College of Math and Science selected four UCO students to research the behavior and ecology of honeybees and leafcutting bees in Bursa, Turkey. According to the terms of the grant, summer 2006 is the first of three summers UCO students will conduct research. "The primary goal of the project is to give the students,

who are potential scientists, the opportunity to experience science as a process," said Dr. John Barthell, dean of the UCO College of Math and Science. After spending seven weeks in Turkey, the UCO students returned to the United States. "The work in Turkey focused on bee foraging behavior," Barthell said. "Honeybees were observed for their responses to the color and architecture of flowers." The students used artificial flowers to test the behav-

Photo Provided ior of the bees in Turkey. Barthell said, "The group also documented the presence of solitary bees and their host plants, in both Turkey and Greece, that will be used in future studies to understand the invasion dynamics of non-native species." The research team will work on a manuscript with all the research data they have collected. "The results will be presented at the Oklahoma Research Day on UCO campus December first," Barthell said. "It was a wonderful expe-

rience," said Le Hang Lisa Pham, biology junior. "It helped me work with other people." Barthell said that talking to students in advance will help the program next year. "I am surprised that it went as well as it did, given how little time we had to prepare. I am very happy that we had high caliber students on such short notice." No Lupov can be reached at .

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August 21, 2006

Cigarette companies won't pay for misleading ,UCO Broadcasting adds by Nancy Zuckerbrod Associated Press Writer

A federal judge says the nation's top cigarette makers conspired for decades to mislead the public about the health hazards and addictive I nature of smoking, but she says there's not much she can do to make them pay. U.S. District Judge Gladys Kessler sided with the government Thursday in its sevenyear-old civil racketeering case against the tobacco industry. She rejected a bid by the Justice Department to make tobacco companies pay of dollars in remedies. Kessler, who presided over a nonjury trial, said she was barred by an appeals court ruling that remedies must be designed to prevent future wrongdoing and pot to punish bad behavior. Kessler rejected a governmerkproposal to impose fines on tiie 'industry if youth smoking 4-ates fail to drop in the conviig years, despite finding that the companies marketed to ;teens and lied about it. The judge did order the companies to stop labeling cigarettes as "low tar," "light," "ultra light" or "mild," saying they have used those terms to mislead consumers. "They distorted the truth about low tar and light cigarettes so as to discourage smok-

ers from quitting," Kessler said. "They suppressed research. They destroyed documents. They manipulated the use of nicotine so as to increase and perpetuate addiction," Kessler wrote in the ruling, which often referenced internal industry memos. The government had asked the judge to make the companies pay $10 billion for smoking cessation programs, though the Justice Department's own expert said $130 billion was needed. That reduction in recommended remedies led to accusations that Robert McCallum, as an associate attorney general appointed by President Bush, had tried to weaken the case. An internal Justice Department investigation cleared him of wrongdoing, saying he was supporting a figure he thought could be sustained on appeal. McCallum is now U.S. ambassador to Australia. Kessler's decision came nearly a decade after the states reached legal settlements with the tobacco industry worth $246 billion and aimed at recovering health care costs. Those settlements imposed marketing restrictions on the industry, such as banning ads on billboards and public transportation and banning cartoon characters. In the federal case, tobacco companies had denied cornmitting fraud and had said changes in how cigarettes are now sold make it impossible for them to act fraudulently. Mark Smith, a spokesman for

R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., said company officials were "gratified that the court did not award unjustified and extraordinarily expensive monetary penalties." Smith said the company was disappointed by Kessler's finding that the companies had conspired to violate federal law and deceive consumers. He said company lawyers would analyze the decision and decide whether to appeal. The Justice Department expressed disappointment in Kessler's decision not to impose some of its key remedies. "Nevertheless, we are hopeful that the remedies that were imposed by the court can have a significant, positive impact on the health of the American public," the department said. Sharon Eubanks, who recently stepped down as the head of the government's tobacco team, said: "We won. It's clear the government won. This is the first time they've been found to violate the racketeering statute. For crying out loud, that's significant. They're racketeers." The government filed the civil case under a 1970 racketeering law, commonly known as RICO, used primarily to prosecute mobsters in cases in which there had been a group effort to commit fraud. The tobacco companies _ except for one defendant, Liggett Group Inc. _ were ordered to pay the government's cost for pursing the lawsuit, estimated by the Justice Department


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Also in 2001 and 2005 took 25 students to Washington Staff Writer D.C., fortheinaugurationano covered it as a breaking news event. At UCO, Ash plans to assist UCO broadcasting students willhaveanewprofessorin the fall. in making the student televiJonathanAsh, a professor from sion station strong and also, add Doane College, a small liberal some additional creative areas. "I'm interested in creating arts college southwest of Lincoln, Neb., has joined UCO's faculty a regular series that coui:;j. be and is hoping to bring a fresh podcast and downloaded Crom. perspective to the department. the net," Ash said. "I would also like to continue a tradi"I'm a big believer that tion that I had at Doane students learn to create a Halloween better when . special every irail." they're interAsh said that he has a lot ested in the of plans for the departmaterial," Ash ment, but more said. "I am very importp. -Ttly much an advo• he wants to cate of creativfocus on the ity and experistude:Its. mentation ." "Most of Ash has sevall I'd like to eral accomplishfulfill the pasments from his seven sion of any anci all years at Doane College. students interested in a When he started in 1999, career jeven an interest) in there was no organized student television station, but Ash video production," he saki. "I said that through a lot of plan- love to tell a story with picning and organization, "my tures and sound and I get paid students earned Station of the for that, which is very cool." Ash received a bachelor's Year in 2005 in the Nebraska Collegiate Media Association." degree in broadcast journalism In 2004, Ash was one of 20 from Wichita State University college professors nationwide and he started his M.A. at to be invited to a faculty semi- Arizona State University and nar hosted by the Academy of completed it at the University Television Arts and Sciences. of Nebraska in communications. Ash plans to continue to "That was quite a thrill to meet and talk with writers, pro- pursue a PhD in journalism ducers and directors of many once he gets settled at UCO. top-rated television shows like The West Wing, 24, Star Trek Divona Phillips can be reached at and Smallville,"' Ash said. . by

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at more than $140 million. Public health groups said they were pleased the judge sided with the government but disappointed the ruling didn't include tougher sanctions. "Their misdeeds have finally been exposed. However, the court's remedies are weak. It's like a criminal act worthy of a life sentence, but instead they got a slap on the wrist," said M. Cass Wheeler, CEO of the American Heart Association. The suit was filed in 1999 during the Clinton administration. The Bush administration pursued it after receiving early criticism for openly discussing the case's perceived weaknesses and attempting unsuccessfully to settle it. The defendants in the federal lawsuit were: Philip Morris USA Inc. and its parent, Altria Group Inc.; R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co.; Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corp.; British American Tobacco Ltd.; Lorillard Tobacco Co.; Liggett Group Inc.; Counsel for Tobacco Research-U.S.A.; and the nowdefunct Tobacco Institute. The only cigarette maker excluded from Kessler's ruling was discount manufacturer Liggett, which Kessler credited with coming forward in the 1990s to admit smoking causes cancer and for being helpful to state and federal officials pursuing claims against the tobacco industry.

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August 21, 2006

Edwards speaks about issues President Bush's warrantless

wiretapping program ruled unconstitutional by judge The public interest is clear, in this matter. It is the upholding of our Constitution US. District Judge Anna Diggs by Sarah Karush AP Writer

by Vista photographer Alex Gambill

John Edwards speaks at the Electrical Workers Union Hall Aug. 3 at 1700 S.E. 15th in OKC.

by Heather Warlick Managing Editor

Former Senator and 2004 Vice Presidential candidate John Edwards spoke to an audience of hundreds at a Democratic caucus Aug. 3 at the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Union Hall in Oklahoma City. He addressed issues like immigration, poverty, health care and education. "I want to be a part of a democratic party with backbone and courage and a party that has not forgotten its soul," Edwards said. "This party gives a voice to people who otherwise have no voice." "We are the richest, most prosperous nation on the face of the planet and we have 37 million people who wake up and worry about feeding and clothing their children? We're better than that. America's better than that. We ought to start by actually raising the minimum wage in America," he said. He said that in today's world.

"Bush's world," middle-class families have been put into an economic position of having to struggle to make ends meet. "I don't know about you, but I have had about enough of listening to George Bush's Republicans claim the moral high-ground," Edwards said. "This president put five million Americans in poverty during the time he has been in office." Edwards criticized Bush's, budget decisions and said that when Bush submitted the budget to Congress, they gave billions of dollars in tax breaks to the richest people in America and to the biggest oil companies in the country. Edwards said that Congress is taking money away from nutrition programs for the poor, the disabled and senior citizens. "This is absolutely immoral and we need to speak out on this. We need to speak out for those who have ultimately no chance without us," he said. Edwards addressed the health care concerns of the unin-

sured saying, "every American should have insurance, period." "America wants a sense of national community," Edwards said. He spoke of "the great Republican lie" which he described by saying, "If you were successful in your life, you did it on your own. It was your own hard work that got you there and if you fail, it was your own failure. It's the great Republican lie. It is not the truth. It is certainly not true of the America I grew up in." The America he grew up in was one full of opportunity, he said. "I didn't get here by myself. Every step of the way, my country was there for me. We didn't get to this place in our lives by ourselves, and what we do together matters." When asked if he plans to run for president in 2008, Edwards said, "I am seriously thinking about running. I haven't made a final decision yet." Heather Warlick can be reached at

The Justice Department launched an appeal within hours of a federal judge's ruling that, for the first time, struck down President Bush's warrantless wiretapping program as an unconstitutional infringement on the right to privacy and free speech. The judge on Thursday ordered an immediate halt to the program, but the government said it would request a stay during the appeals process, arguing that the secret surveillance program is crucial to stopping terrorists. "We have confidence in the lawfulness of this program," Attorney General Alberto Gonzales said in Washington. "We're going to do everything we can do in the courts to allow this program to continue." The American Civil Liberties Union, which brought the lawsuit, said it opposed the stay but agreed to delay enforcement of the injunction until the judge hears arguments Sept. 7. U.S. District Judge Anna Diggs Taylor was the first to find the National Security Agency surveillance program unconstitutional, and she took the Bush administration to task for its arguments, saying it appeared to be saying the president had the "inherent power" to violate laws of Congress. "There are no hereditary Kings in America and no powers not created by the Constitution. So all 'inherent powers' must derive from that Constitution," Taylor wrote in her 43 page opinion. "The public interest is clear, in this matter. It is the upholding of our Constitution," she wrote. The Justice Department quickly filed notice of appeal, saying it would seek a reversal by the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. White House press secre-

U.S. District Judge Anna Diggs Taylor ruled Thursday, Aug. 17, 2006 that the government's warrantless wiretapping program is unconstitutional and ordered an immediate halt to it.

tary Tony Snow said the Bush administration "couldn't disagree more with this ruling." He said the program carefully targets communications of suspected terrorists and "has helped stop terrorist attacks and saved American lives." The lawsuit was filed in January on behalf of journalists, scholars and lawyers who say the program has made it difficult for them to do their jobs. They believe many of their overseas contacts are likely targets of the program, which monitors international phone calls and e-mails to or from the U.S. involving people the government suspects have terrorist links. The ACLU says the 1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which set up a secret court to grant warrants for such surveillance, gave the government enough tools to monitor suspected terrorists. But the government says it can't always wait for a court to take action. It says the NSA program is well within thepresident's authority but proving that would require revealing state secrets. The ACLU says the statesecrets argument is irrelevant because the Bush administration already had publicly revealed

enough information about the program for Taylor to rule. The administration has decried leaks that led to a report in The New York Times last year revealing the existence of the program. Taylor, a Carter appointee, said the government appeared to believe the program is beyond judicial scrutiny. "It was never the intent of the framers to give the president such unfettered control, particularly where his actions blatantly disregard the parameters clearly enumerated in the Bill of Rights," she wrote. "The three separate branches of government were developed as a check and balance for one another." ACLU executive director Anthony Romero called Taylor's opinion "another nail in the coffin in the Bush administration's legal strategy in the war on terror." While siding with the ACLU on the surveillance issue, Taylor dismissed a separate claim by the group over NSA data-mining of phone records. She said not enough had been publicly revealed about that program to support the claim and further litigation would jeopardize state secrets.

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August 21, 2006


New Student Festivities 2006

Michael Goodman leads his group of freshman (upper left). Orientation team leader Jermiah Esterline leads freshman Brittany Hunley through a scavenger hunt (upper right). Rudi Woods sells T-shirts to incoming freshman Daniel Stockton and Jordan Atterberry (left). A group of freshman run to the Liberal Arts building to find a classroom for the Broncho challenge.

Photos by:

Alex Gambill and Travis Marak



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August 21, 2006


U.S. Paralympic Powerlifting National Competition

Matt Aldridge leaps onto the bench press at the 2006 U.S. Paralympic Powerlifting National Competition July 24 at UCO's wellness center.

All Photos by Alex Gambill

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Duke Crews bench presses at the 2006 U.S. Paralympic Powerlifting National Competition July 24 at UCO's Wellness Center.

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e Proudly Brew STARBUCKS COFFEE Rohan Murphy bench presses at the 2006 U.S. Paralympic Powerlifting National Competition July 24 at UCO's Wellness Center. Murphy finished with 137.5 kg.


August 21, 2006


Former postman Health insurance improving for students remembers tragedy after twenty years hecary Prodocits, qtr4 tom tso—t: Sts,gvprte..* on-tt

Fpetlf,. 7:A.120.2.;f41

by Tim Talley

AP Writer

Former letter carrier Michael Bigler remembers the terrified screams of his co-workers 20 years ago when a disgruntled postal worker went on a shooting rampage that would come to define the term "going postal." On Aug. 20, 1986, Patrick Henry Sherrill, an ex-Marine and small arms instructor for the - Oklahoma Air National Guard, tucked two .45-caliber pistols into his postal satchel, locked the doors and systematically killed 14 people before killing himself inside a suburban Oklahoma City post office. "The screams hurt me emotionally more than the bullet did when it hit my back," said Bigler, one of six postal workers injured in the attack. "They screamed in terror when they screamed their last breath. He wanted to slaughter us all." In the two decades since Sherill's rampage the U.S. Postal Service has tried to take steps to prevent worker violence, but deadly rampages have continued. Nearly 50 people have died in post office violence since the 1980s, including six postal workers who were shot to death in January at a mail-processing center in Santa Barbara, Calif., by a former postal worker who killed herself. The massacre at Edmond's main post office, about 12 miles north of Oklahoma City, was the deadliest in this string of shootings. The violence put a spotlight on the tensions faced by postal workers.

"Carrying mail, in and of itself, can be a stressful job," said Steve Riggs, president of the Oklahoma City branch of the National Association of Letter Carriers. Bad weather, irritable customers, heavy mail loads and unrealistic expectations from supervisors create on-the-job tensions. "We have disagreements," Riggs said. The violence forced the U.S. Postal Service to examine management's relationship with letter carriers and postal clerks and "to take a deeper look at everything that we do _ and everything that we don't do," said Larry Flener, manager of consumer affairs for the Postal Service in Oklahoma. In 1998, the Postal Service created an independent cornmission to assess violence in the workplace and make postal facilities safe and secure. The commission, led by former U.S. Health Secretary Joseph A. Califano Jr., found that postal workers were no more likely to resort to workplace violence than workers in other jobs. A study of workplace homicides by occupation between 1992 and 1998 found 0.26 per 100,000 postal workers. By comparison the rate was 2.10 per 100,000 for retail workers, 1.66 in public administration, 1.32 for transportation and 0.50 for private delivery services. "Violence is purely unpredictable. It is a part of our society," Flener said. "Terms 'going post-

see Post Office, page 12

by Vista photographer Alex Gambill

UCO students can receive free visits to the Student Health Center with paid health insurance through the school. by Tiffany Batdorf Staff Writer

UCO Student Health Center implemented new insurance for students on August 1. Cayt Walls, administrative assistant to the director of the Student Health Center, said starting with the fall semester students can receive no co-pay visits to the Student Health Center after paying annual premium. "The student plan previously available only covers major medical," Dr. Jo Ann McGuffin, director of UCO's Student Health Center said in a recent press release. McGuffin said the students will be able to visit the Health Center for aliments such as aller-

"Our goal is to help students get well, stay well and to stay in class"

"Many students before could not afford to see a doctor, and would have to miss class to see one, or eventually have to drop out of school due to the expense," Wells said. She said the students enrolled in the insurance plan can see the doctor for illnesses and also get Cayt Walls their prescriptions in the pharmacy located in the Health Center. Wells said prescriptions will gies, flu, colds, and check-ups as well as major medical which be covered 80 percent, up to includes surgery, hospitalization, $300. She said this will also accidental injury and sickness. include birth control for women. Wells said that the students "Our goal is to help students get well, stay well, and can now get the immunizastay in class," Wells said. tions that are state required to She said the Student Health attend the college and/or live Center wants to be able to in the dorms or on campus. The insurance plan was creathelp the students. She said this will be an achievable ed by The Mega Life and Health goal with this insurance. Insurance Company, the cur-

rent company that UCO works with for international students. The Mega Life and Health Insurance Company designed the plan just for UCO. The insurance brochure outlines the medical benefits that are offered, and who is eligible, along with numbers for 24-hour nurse advice. "Once the student turns in the enrollment form they are automatically eligible for the medical coverage," Walls said. Student can now enroll online at the student resource website or pick up an enrollment form from the Student Health Center. Tiffany Batdorf can be reached at .

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August 21, 2006

Post Office from page 11

"The demons that drove Patrick Sherrill to do what he did will never be known." Larry Flener, manager of consumer affairs for' the Postal Service in Oklahoma. al' and those things have taken on a life that is totally unfair." The term has become part of the lexicon. "I don't like it," Riggs said. "It only serves to further the injustice to postal employees." Flener suggests a new meaning for the phrase. "Going postal means delivering mail to 144 million mail boxes, 212 billion pieces of mail a year, 260,000 delivery vehicles on the road every day, 704,000 postal employees nationwide. That's going postal." Over the past 20 years, the Postal Service has implemented a work environment committee in which management and labor attempt to work out problems, improve safety and eliminate tension, Flener said. Grievance procedures allow letter carriers to file written challenges when they have problems with management. "Smile and file. That's what I tell them," Riggs said. A zero-tolerance policy on violence, physical or verbal, is aimed at protecting postal workers from being attacked or harassed. The Postal Service has also beefed up pre-employment screenings and trained supervisors to look for changes in behavior, including the way workers dress, and chang-

es in personality and mood. "We've really improved communication on a whole lot of levels," Flener said. But former Edmond postal workers said the new guidelines would have done little to calm Sherrill's rage. "He was very withdrawn," said Gene Bray, who was shot in the back but continued working for the postal service until he retired in 1995. "Never spoke a word to him nor did he ever speak to me." "The demons that drove Patrick Sherrill to do what he did will never be known. He committed suicide," Flener said. Bigler said there were reports prior to the shootings that management was trying to fire Sherrill for poor work performance. Sherrill, who had quit rather than be fired from his job as a clerk in the Oklahoma City post office, came under new pressure following his latest evaluation. "He got so pressured that he came apart," Bigler said. "The post office I would say is 51 percent negligent." Although wounded, Bigler returned to work the next day. He left the postal service later that year and now runs a prison ministry with his wife. "We realized how precious life was, how precious our friends who were, mowed down that day," he said. A memorial to the victims was erected next to the post office in 1989, but postal workers have no plans to observe the 20th anniversary, said Edmond postmaster Larry Chandler. "They all know it happened. They don't want to forget," Chandler said. But employees prefer to keep a low profile. "Employees have chosen to deal with those memories in their own way," Flener said. "It's quiet reflection. No great fanfare."

Art Dept. Chair shows political side

by Vista photographer Alex Gambill

UCO Art Dept. chair Joe Daun sits on his "crosscraft" at La Voce Politica art show, Aug. 4 by Heather Warlick Managing Editor UCO's Art Department chair, Joe Daun made a statement through his art at La Voce Politica, a political-themed art show at the Individual Artists of Oklahoma Gallery, which ran from Aug. 4-11. Daun's largest installation at the gallery was "Cross Craft," an airplane-like contraption of steel, wheels, and a riding-saddle, all powered by a working motor. "I tend to make machines that do things but it's all metaphoric," he said. "I may have

my own intentions when I make things, but I think that every viewer has their own real reaction to it and everyone tends to project their own meaning." Daun's other display at the show was "Sometimes I Wish," a car bumper complete with politically unambiguous bumper stickers. "You can't help but have ideas that are political. I can honestly say that I am not happy with the way things are now," he said. "One thing that's important to me as the chair of the art department is that I am supportive ' .of evenbtie and that

the art department is an inclusive place where everyone can feel free to express their own ideas. I would never espouse my views or tell people that this is what they should believe." An opening night celebration and auction kicked off the show, which featured the music of several live bands and campaigning from local politicians. The Visual Art Curatorial Committee at the IA0 selected the art to be exhibited, which included pieces from well known locat artists. like Bert Seabourn, F.Bradly Jessop,. Elia' Woods, Heidi BigKiilfe, Eric Huniphii els , '

Mary Lou Stokes and John Cox. Performance artists took turns standing on a soapbox outside the gallery, delivering politically relevant poetry and monologues and the evening wrapped up with a group of local hip hop artists performing their rendition of "This Land is Your Land." The IA0 Gallery is located at 511 N. Broadway in Oklahoma City's burgeoning art district. The gallery was founded by three poets in 1979 as a "grass roots" alternative arts organization. Heather Warlick can be reached at .

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rrHEVisr- A UCO hopes to improve recycling within a year by Steven Reckinger Copy Editor

UCO has had a successful recycling campaign with the creations of new programs, but the university may need to wait another year before finally achieving the progress it needs. Currently, a program is being devised to improve the recycling of aluminum and plastic. It is in its early stages of devel-

opment at the present moment due to limited manpower. "The university is looking at doing it right," said Mark Rodolf, director at the Physical Plant. It may be next year before the new program takes effect, but Rodolf assures that when it does, it will greatly expand the recycling process. "There is no problem for the paper getting recycled," Rodolf said. Green tubs are placed around campus for students to throw used copy paper

; by Vista photographer Alex Gaitibill •

UCO's new recycling campaign is getting better, however the campus may be a year away before achieving it's goals.

in. Not all buildings may have these for accessibility, which is why student organizations are trying to get the word out to enhance the recycling program. "It's growing. It's a lot better than it was," Rodolf said. Recycle America is currently the waste management company that comes to gather used paper from the university. The library and the university center are the two major locations where paper is picked up. They run by a set schedule: the second and fourth Tuesday of every month. The last pick-up for these places was August 8. The other main locations are the Print Shop, the Physical Plant and the south dock, which all operate on a call-in basis. According to Recycle America, the last pick-up date for the south dock was Jan. 1 2005. The reason for the long delay is uncertain, but it could be due to the decrease in activity. The last pick-up date for the print shop was July 21 of this year. The Physical plant, on the other hand, hasn't had a scheduled pick-up since December of last year. Recycle America said they haven't called in for a long time. Metal is also being recycled. The university has an off-campus agreement with American Waste to transport full bins when needed. The biggest contribution for recycling would be education, informing students and faculty to take part in the process. "We're one of the leaden in the country, but we can always do more," Executive , Vice President Steve Kreidler said. "We. encoOrr, age the students to recycle." Steve Reckinger can be reached at .

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August 21, 2006 1


Maintenance crew gets award

by Vista photographer Alex Gambill

President Rodger Webb thanks Connie Gall, supervisor of UCO's landscaping maintenance, for her services on campus Aug. 15 at the faculty and staff meeting. by Desiree Treeby Staff Writer President Roger Webb announced to more than 550 people attending the annual faculty and staff meeting, that for the first time UCO received $2.5 million in equity funding. In previous years UCO was $8-$10 million underfunded. "This university has, done more with less ; " ,Webb,, , said. Bonuses of $250 were given to the Physical Plant grounds crew and 22 other faculty and staff members received awards with $500 and $1,000 bonuses at the Aug. 15 meeting in Constitution Hall. "I was surprised and it is very much appreciated," , said Connie Gall, landscaping supervisor. She knew they were receiving recognition, but no one expected a bonus. Three received the Back to School Modeling the Way Award and . $1,000 bonuses, including Ms. Jeanette Patton,

director of Hiring and Benefits in Employment Services. "She is responsive and proactive... She is a campus leader," said Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs Dr. William J. Radke. She is often the first and last person you see on campus who exhibits character and trust. Receiving the only $2,000 Faculty Merit Award is Dr. Wei Chen associate professor in the College of Mathematics and Science. Dr. Radke spoke of UCO's growth outnumbering all other Oklahoma colleges, campuswide wireless networks, new classroom buildings, more elearning opportunities and the re-opening of Old North. Last year UCO grew more than the University of Oklahoma and Oklahoma State University combined.

Dr. Radke said his number one academic priority is faculty development. This fall the university hired 41 new faculty members and filled 11 new tenure track positions.

Adding to Rose State College's degree partnership with UCO, students can earn a bachelor's in nursing, adding to the currently offered business administration degree. More UCO changes include the hiring of the first female faculty in the funeral service department. The nursing program is accepting students twice a year instead of one. • Beating their goal of increasing donations by 10' percent, the COlkge'of Arts, Media and Design increased donations by 60 percent. Also, the University is breaking ground for a new forensic science building. "UCO is going from good to great. A cumulative effect makes a great university," Webb said. Webb said a great university comes from the work of every department, of every college and of every individual.

Desiree Treeby can be reached at .


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August 21, 2006

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August 21, 2006 .

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THEmsa SPORTS Code red meets Broncho blue


MONDAY, August 21, 2006

by Vista photographer Travis Marak

UCO head football coach Chuck Langston instructs offensive linemen on blocking techniques during fall practice Aug. 9 at Wantland Stadium. The team is preparing for its 2006 season opener against Missouri Western Aug. 31 at Wantland Stadium.

of fall practice and the final days before the 2006 season. As Langston spoke with reporters and other media types "Football, it starts with at the annual UCO Media Day Aug. 3 at Fairfax Golf defense." These were the words Course, it was clear what of UCO head football coach was on his mind: defense. Chuck Langston on the eve He said last season's disby Matt Caban Sports Editor

appointing record of three wins and seven losses served as a wake-up call. "After last season, I had to sit down and make some tough decisions," he said. The result of Langston's decisions was the installation of a new defense and addi-

tion of new coaches. Langston said he brought in former Northeastern Oklahoma A&M defensive coordinator Steve Patterson to UCO to take over the same defense. Patterson will be joined by another new face on defensive, Joe Bowen, who will coach cornerbacks.

Langston said another change will be in the team's defensive strategy. "Back in the spring we switched to Coach Patterson's system called CodeRed," he said. Although the Bronchos' new defensive scheme could be confused with a fizzy soft drink, the team views it as an aggressive battle plan. Bowen said Code Red is about an attacking mentality. "It's about how to approach your business and it reminds me of the Marines or a SWAT team," he said. Patterson said in football terms Code Red is a system of multiple fronts with lots of pressure from zones and blitzes. "It's about not sitting back, creating turnovers and helping the offense," he said. "So far the guys like the scheme and it gives them the chance to make big plays." Bowen said Code Red is the type of defense you want to be in as a player. "It's about tackling the guy with the ball," he said. Before coming to UCO, Bowen was an All American at the University of Oklahoma, a nine-year NFL veteran and a coach with the NFL's Buffalo Bills and Washington Redskins. Senior defensive end Kola Olasiji had high praise for the system and the team thus far. "The defense is probably the best since I've been here," he said. "We are blitzing much more than last year and putting more pressure on the opposing quarterback." Patterson said he developed the Code Red system under a different name while at NEO.

"There we called it Code Blue, but I wanted to change it because Code Blue is when something goes bad at the hospital," he said. "Although the name has changed, the basics ofthe scheme remain intact," Patterson said. "It basically has four parts: preparation, play hard, move at maximum speed and fmish," he said. "You can't do the last three with the first point, which is preparation." Preparation has been an area of improvement for the team since last season, according to players and coaches alike. Bowen said although it is his job to give the players tips and help prepare them for games, many players are making the effort themselves. "This summer I've seen a bunch of guys working out together everyday," he said. "The good thing about that is it shows you as a coach who you can count on and who wants to be held accountable." Olasiji said the team's chemistry is much better from last year's squad. "We workout a lot together and hang out all the time, which we didn't do last year," he said. "Even off the field we are together all the time, but we haven't done the whole movie watching thing yet." Langston said he likes the team's attitude and commitment level thus far. He said hard work is essential to success in football. "Championships aren't given to you; you have to work for them." Matt Caban can be reached at

Old Blue Crew brings stampede to start off soccer season by Matt Caban Sports Editor UCO soccer will kick off its season under the floodlights of Wantland Stadium Aug. 26 against St. Gregory's University. The team, in conjunction with the Old Blue Crew, will attempt to set the attendance record for an NCAA Division II wornen's soccer game, said Mike Cook, UCO soccer head coach . Cook said the record of 1,848 was set by Washburn University (Topeka, KS) in a game versus Missouri Southern on Sept. 10, 2004. According to the NCAA, UCO soccer ranked fifth in overall attendance among Division II schools with a total of 3,752 spectators.

UCO's total attendance was spread over 13 games or an average of 288 fans per contest. Old Blue Crew President Kyle Thompson said this will be the second attempt at breaking the record. "Last year we tried to break the record on about two weeks notice and managed to get 1,300 people," he said. "However, as a group we were not satisfied." Thompson, a junior corporate communications major, said he along with two other Old Blue Crew members, senior criminal justice major Corey Graham and senior interpersonal communications major Matt Grassniyer, developed a strategy to break the record with Coach Cook. "We asked him to pick the game and said we'd do

the rest," Thompson said. Campus Activities Coordinator Brooke Wilson said the game's date is important. "Since Coach Cook chose a game that was during the first week of the fall semester it became part of Stampede Week," she said. Wilson is the sponsor for the Old Blue Crew. "Since the game is part of Stampede Week it has been promoted heavily," Wilson said. "We have been working with the faculty and staff to come to the game, bring their families and encourage students to come also," she said. Thompson said the Old Blue Crew has some fun things planned for the game. "We will give away 500 'Go Crazy' T-shirts to the first 500

students with aUCO ID," he said. "We will also have a jersey signed by the team and two $300 book vouchers from Barnes and Noble." Thompson said there will be other surprise giveaways . He also said a halftime show is in the works. Thompson said the purpose behind breaking the record is to support Broncho sports. "We have one ofthe best kept secrets in Division H soccer," he said. "If we break the record, we will be part of history." However, Thompson said he plans to do more than break the record. "I'm going for 10,000 people so we can obliterate it." Matt Caban can be reached at .

by Vista photographer Alex Gambill

Junior Lacy Cooley and Senior Amber Golden work on their ball handling skills during the UCO soccer team practice Aug. 12.

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August 21, 2006

President gives welcome to all UCO students "Take advantage of the full college experience available to you." President W. Roger Webb

UCO President W. Roger Webb. Whether you're returning to UCO or this is your first semester, I want to welcome you on behalf of all the faculty and staff who are here to serve you. We want to make your college experience all that it can be, so that when you leave here, you will be prepared to make the most of your life's journey. During your time with us, I encourage you to take advantage of the full-college experience available to you. Decide now the areas that interest you, and work to find ways that you can be involved in those areas in more ways than just attending class. Look for avenues to expand your interests and abilities. Seek out lectures, attend plays, go to ballgames with friends, sign up for a volunteer effort, ask a friend to attend a campus event, join a club, run for office or volunteer to organize a special project. This is your time to learn all thatyou can about who you are and what talents and skills you have that you can share with others. Seek to integrate in

your own life UCO's articulated values of Character, Civility and Community, what we call the Three C's. Your life will be richer, and so will the world's. Many of our faculty are integrating leadership as a theme for class discussion and participation. I would encourage you to r take the opportunity to grow in your understanding of what it means to be an ethical leaderfr On this campus, you will find a diverse community. Wcitk' J. to expand your comfort zone by extending yourself into cultures and age groups that are different from those of your own. Each year, our campus focuses on a different culture. Through our Passport program, we offer students, faculty and staff an opportunity to attend plays, lectures, films and other special events. This year, we will enjoy Passport Egypt. I urge all of you to seek out those events for a world experience on campus. I also urge all of you to consider some type of international Welcome home Bronchos! travel program during your colThe past fifteen weeks we lege experience. We are living have been scattered across the in an increasingly global community, and these are excellent state, nation, and world. This ways to 'prepare yourself for the week our paths all merge at the many opportunities now avail- place we call home: UCO. I able as well as those in the future. hope that you have taken someAgain I welcome you. Study thing away from your summer hard, enjoy life and plan now to adventures and are ready to make this year one of positive invest in this great campus. As personal growth and change. you drive down Second Street

The UCO Faculty Chamber Ensemble A Century of Baroque Music in the Italian Style Sept 12, 7:30 p.m., The Melton Gallery

Broadway Tonight Preserds: The Legendary Debbie Reynolds Sept 15, 730 p.m., Mitchell Hall Theater

Tea By:Velina Hasu Houston Sept. 15-16, 7:30 p.m., Pegasus Theater

Heritage By N * icola McCartney Sept 21-23, 7:30 p.m., Sept 24, 2 p.m., Mitchell Hall Theater

UCO Faculty Soprano Duet Recital Sept 25, 7:30 p.m., Oklahoma Christian Recital Hall

October The Choreography Comet Plus Oct 5-7, 7:30 pm, lvfitchell Hall Theater

UCO Jazz Combos Concert Oct: 8, 6:30 p.m., Edmond's MultiActivity Center (MAC)

VC° Symphony arhestra Concert

D ,cember

UCO Fall Choral Concert 7:30 pm., Oct 13, Mitchell Hall Theater

MAC by Twilight Oct 15, 5:00 pm, Echnond's Multi-Activity Center (MAC) Call 974-5004 for reservations.

Drugs/Tobacco/Alcohol/HazIng —Abuse Prevention Oct 16, 8:30 p.m., Constitution Hall

UCO Wald Symphony "Wild Binds " Oct 17, 7:30 p.m., Mitchell Hall Theater

The 5th Dimension Oct 28, 730 p.m., Mitchell Hall Theater

November UCO k Music Theatre Dept pewits: "Salmi* Arght" A musical by Stephen Sondheim Nov. 2-4, 7:30 pm, Nov. 5, 2 p.m., Mitchell Hall Theater

Bonfire Nov. 13, 7:30 pm., Mitchell Hall Theater

UCO's Opera Workshop presents: "A Night in Italy"

UCO Holiday Choral Concert Dec. 2, 7:30 p.m., Mitchell Hall Theater

UCO Symphony Orchestra Concert Dec. 5, 7:30 p.m., Mitchell Hall Theater

UCO Wind Symphony/ Symphonic Band Concert "Festive Spirits of the Season" Dec. 7, 7:30 p.m., Mitchell Hall Theater

Edmond Community Chorale Dec 9, 7:30 p.m., Edmond's First Christian Church (201 E. 2nd)

By Percy MacKaye Nov. 16-18, 7:30 p.m, Nov. 19,2p.m., Mitchell Hall Theater


Jeff Harp, Director of Public Safety.

UCO Student Choirography Showcase

The UCO Department of Dec. 9, 7:30 p.m., Mitchell Hall Public Safety welcomes our Theater students, faculty, staff and UCOs Music Theatre Dept parents! DPS is home to more than 30 full-time and , presents: "Tinsel Tunes" part-time public servants Dec. 7-9 & Dec. 14-16, 8 pm., UCO Jars Lab Call 359-7989 for reservations.


Fall OnActs

resources at your fingertips. Finally, get involved! There are over 180 student organizations on campus and truly something for everyone; join a club, play an intramural sport, GO GREEK! Find your niche and make it happen. Come by the UCOSA office on the first floor of the Nigh University Center! Trek up to the fourth floor and visit Campus Life. Walk around the organization fair and talk to people. If there was ever a time to step out of your comfort zone and try something new, it is now. Here's to a great year and to UCO!

Michael Goodman, UCOSA student body President

All is safe on UCO campus

Dec. 3, 2:30 p.m. & 7:30 pm., Mitchell Hall Theater

Nov. 14 16, 7:30 p.m, UCO 47144

The Sthivcrow

and walk through the university, you may notice a few improvements. To move from good to great, the work never stops. Now that we are back in Edmond, it is our responsibility to keep the ball rolling. Along with our three C's of UCO: Character, Community, and Civility, I challenge you to three I's: Initiate, Innovate, and Involve. Make new friends. Do not be afraid to step it up and meet the people in your classes and in your residence hall. Create new opportunities. If there is something you want to see on this campus, make it happen. You have so many

Christmas with Roy Clark

who work in the Police Department, Environmental Health and Safety, Access Control and Transportation and Parking Services. We are here to serve you. We are committed to providing a safe and secure environment that allows our faculty and staff to help students become future leaders and valued community members. We encourage you to take an active role in your own safety and security while enjoying an active and fulfilling academic experience. Your experience as a student, staff member or faculty member will be enriched by getting involved in campus activities beyond the classroom. We encourage you to attend UCO athletic events, concerts and the many programs offered across campus each year. There

are opportunities for everyone, including participation on committees and in student or academic organizations. Safety and security are everyone's business. We ask for your help in continuing to make UCO a safe community. If you have questions about campus public safety operations, give us a call at 9742345 or visit our Web site at . Our annual security report is available on our web site. This report -- published by Oct. 1 each year -- offers information from all four areas of DPS. Our police department staff is here twenty-four hours a day, year-round, to serve you, and other offices are open during regular business hours. We wish you a wonderful start to a new year!

2006 Fall campus events

Dec. 8 9, 730 p.m., Pegasus Theater -

Fall Impimisatbn Show Dec. 10, 7:30 p.m., Pegasus Theater


Oct10, 7:30 p.m., Mitchell Hall

Cartoon by Zachary Burch

UCOSA Pres. encourages 'I's'

2006 Fall Performing Arts September


UCO Faculty Ensemble Concert Nov. 28, 730 p.m., Mitchell Hall Theater

The Vista Special back to school section Editing and layout by Teddy Burch and Steven Eric Reckinger 1hotography by Alex Gambill Contributors: Brett Deering, Mike Robertson, Heather Warlick, Tyler Evans and No Lupov.

Volunteer Fair

Blood Drive

Aug. 22 10:00 a.m. — 1:00 p.m. Broncho Lake

Aug 23 10:00 a.m. — 4 p.m. 19th Hole, NUC Free shirt!

Poster Sale Aug. 22 — 24 9:00 a.m. — 4:00 p.m. Nigh University Center

Information Booth & Treat Aug. 22 — 25 9:00 a.m. — 4:00 p.m. Broncho Lake

Student Organization Fair Aug. 23 10:00 a.m. — 1:00 p.m. Broncho Lake

Comedian Bernie McGrenannan Aug. 23 7:00 p.m. — 9:30 p.m. NUC, Grand Ballroom

Business Expo & Parttime Job Fair Aug. 24 10:00 a.m. — 1:00 p.m. Broncho Lake

ROTC Picnic Aug. 25 10:00 a.m. — 1:00 p.m. Broncho Lake

Free Massages Aug. 25 10:30 a.m. — 1:30 p.m. Nigh University Center


August 21 20063

2006 Fall Sports Schedule 2006 Football Schedule Thu. Aug. 31 — Missouri Western . Thu. Sept. 7 — Abilene Christian Sat. Sept. 16 — Angelo State Sat. Sept. 23 — Eastern New Mexico Sat. Sept. 30 — Texas A&M-Commerce Sat. Oct. 7 — East Central Sat. Oct. 14 — Northwestern Oklahoma Sat. Oct. 21 — Southeastern Oklahoma Sat. Oct. 28 — Southwestern Oklahoma Sat. Nov. 4 — West Texas A&M Sat. Nov. 11 — Northeastern State

Edmond, Okla. @ Abilene, Texas Edmond, Okla. @ Portales N.M. Edmond, Okla. Edmond, Okla. Edmond, Okla. Edmond, Okla. @Weatherford, Okla. Edmond. Okla. @Tahlequah, Okla.

2006 Volleyball Schedule 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m.

2006 Soccer Schedule Fri. Aug. 25 — Dallas Baptist

7:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m.

Sat. Aug. 26 — St. Gregory's Edmond, Okla. Tue. Aug. 29 — Southwestern Oklahoma @Weatherford

Drury Invitational Fri. Sept. 1 — Ouachita Baptist @Springfield, Mo. @Springfield, Mo. Sun. Sept. 3 — Drury

2:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m.

Home Depot Weekend Edmond, Okla. Thu. Sept. 7 — Southern Nazarene Edmond. Okla. Sat. Sept. 9 — Texas Wesleyan Tue. Sept. 12 — East Central Edmond, Okla. Fri. Sept. 15 — Saint Mary's Edmond, Okla. Tue. Sept. 19 — Northwestern State Edmond, Okla. Fri. Sept. 22 — Incarnate World @Wichita Falls, Texas Edmond, Okla. Sun. Sept. 24 — St. Edward's

4:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 12:00 p.m.

Dr. Pepper Weekend Fri. Sept. 29 — Metropolitan State Sun. Oct. 1 — Regis

Edmond, Okla. Edmond, Okla.

4:00 p.m. 12:00 p.m.

Fri. Oct. 6 — Texas A&M-Commerce Sun. Oct. 8 — Texas Women's Fri. Oct. 13 — West Texas A&M Sun. Oct. 15 — Eastern New Mexico Fri. Oct. 20 — Angelo State Sun. Oct. 22 — Midwestern State

@Commerce, Texas @Denton, Texas Edmond, Okla. Edmond. Okla. @San Angelo, Texas @Wichita State

4:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 12:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m.

Lone Star Conference Tournament 74.4


Edmond, Okla.

Fri. Aug. 25 — Fort Hays State Fri. Aug. 25 — Florida Gulf Coast Sat. Aug. 26 — Minnesota State-Mankato Sat. Aug. 26 — Nova Southeastern

@Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. @Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. @Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. @Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.

10:00 a.m. 3:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m.

Broncho Sleep Inn Invitational Fri. Sept. 1 — College of the Southwest Fri. Sept. 1 — Truman State Sat. Sept. 2 — St. Edward's Sat. Sept. 2 — New Mexico Highlands

6:00 p.m.

@Dallas, Texas

OSSO Alumni Weekend

Fri. Oct. 27-29 — TBA

Nova Southeastern Sharks Classic

Edmond, Okla. Edmond, Okla. Edmond, Okla. Edmond, Okla.

2:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m.

Lone Star/Heartland Conference Crossover Fri. Sept. 8 — Montana State-Billings Fri. Sept. 8 — Oklahoma Panhandle State Sat. Sep. 09 — St. Mary's

@Wichita Falls, Texas @Wichita Falls, Texas @Wichita Falls, Texas

12:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m.

Tue. Sept. 12 — St. Gregory's Thu. Sept. 14 — Midwestern State Sat. Sept. 16 — Texas Women's Tue. Sept. 19 — Southern Nazare,ne Thu. Sept. 21 — Southwesterri Oklahoma Tue. Sept. 26 — Cameron Thu. Sept. 28 — Southeastern Oklahoma Sat. Sept. 30 — Texas A&M-Cownerce Tue. Oct. 3 — Dallas Baptist d Wed. Oct. 4 — Oklahoma Panhandle State Fri. Oct. 6 — St. Mary's Sat. Oct. 7 — St Edward's Thu. Oct. 12 — Texas Women's Sat. Oct. 14 — Midwestern State Tue. Oct. 17 — Cameron Fri. Oct. 20 — Southwestern Oklahoma Tue. Oct. 24 — St. Gregory's Thu. Oct. 26 — Texas A&M-Commerce Sat: Oct. 28 — Southeastern Oklahoma Tue. Oct. 31 — Dallas Baptist

@Shawnee, Okla. Edmond, Okla. Edmond, Okla. Edmond, Okla. Edmond, Okla. @Lawton, Okla. @Durant, Okla. @Commerce, Texas Edmond, Okla. Edmond, Okla. @San Antonio, Texas @Austin, Texas @Denton, Texas @Wichita Falls, Texas Edmond, Okla. @Weatherford , Okla. Edmond, Okla. Edmond, Okla. Edmond, Okla. @Dallas, Texas

7:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m.' 7:00 p.m.

Lone Star Conference Tournament TBA

Thu. Nov. 2 - TBA






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Edmond 1132 S. Broadway

4 Excellent Edmond Edibles THEVisrA

August 21, 2006

Shakey's Frozen Custard (405) 330-1991 801 S Broadway


Three Tribes Barbeque Room (405) 341-2828 119 N University Dr

Goldie's Patio Grill (405) 348-1555 5 E 9th St

Rib Crib Barbeque (405) 715-2200 720 S Broadway

Sonic Drive-In (405) 341-2242 317 S Bryant Ave

Earl's Rib Palace (405) 715-1166 2121 S Broadway

Mackie McNear's (405) 341-7602 1600 E 2nd St

American Food

KFC (405) 340-2783 1609 E 2nd St

Blimpie Subs & Salads (405) 359-8200 217 E. Danforth Rd.

Braum's Ice Cream & Dairy (405) 348-7039 1001 E Danforth Rd

Flat Tire Burgers (405) 359-2006 318 E Ayers St Home Plate Hot Dogs (405) 340-2777 122 E 2nd St Subway Sandwiches & Salads (405_) 348-3997 212 S Littler Ave Outback Steakhouse 405)216-9856 3600 S Broadway (

Around The Corner Restaurant (405) 341-5414 11 S Broadway Arby's (405) 348-2622 326 S Broadway Boulevard Steakhouse (405) 715-2333 505 S Boulevard St



China House (405) 330-9398 1908 E. 2nd St Kang's Asian Kitchen (405) 285-8300 2080 E 2nd St

Italian Food

Long John Silver's (405) 341-4121 630 S Broadway

Taco Bueno (405) 340-8735 125 E 2nd St

Papa John's Pizza (405) 844-7900 109 E 2nd St

Starbucks (405) 341-3900 1009 E 2nd St

Steak 'n Shake (405) 330-1833 1225 E 2nd St

El Parian (405) 359-1068 315 S Broadway

Poppa's (405) 562-4501 507 S Boulevard St

McAlister's Deli (405) 340-3354 1021 E 2nd St

IHOP Restaurant (405) 715-2600 1220 E 2nd St

Alvarado's Mexican Restaurant (405) 359-8860 1000 E 2nd St

Hideaway Pizza (405) 348-4777 116 E 5th St

Whataburger (405) 348-2871 421 S Broadway

Cold Stone Creamery (405) 330-5878 1197 E 2nd St

Tacos Tampico (405) 341-1-432 306 W Edmond Rd

Figaro's Pizza (405) 330-2002 1149 E 2nd St

Denny's (405) 330-9400 1100 E 2nd St

McDonald's (405) 348-8228 1300 E 2nd St

Fazoli's (405) 715-2413 1210 E 2nd St

Quizno's Subs (405) 341-9240 1169 E 2nd St

City Bites Inc (405) 330-4224 324 W 2nd St

Ted's Cafe Escondido Edmond (405) 810-8337 801 E Danforth Rd

sth - /Rth

• •

.n Lawn:KA I 2nt.1 & Brf ant

Pei Wei Asian Diner (405) 341-6850 1141 E 2nd St

Cafe i I (405) 359-1501 501 S BoURIevard St

Come and try out as many classes as you like September 5-12th for FREE!


Thai Palace (405) 359-8424 308 W Edmond Rd

Mexican Food



Hoang Tan (405) 340-7178 700 S Broadway

Milano's Pizzeria (405) 341-4447 119 N University Dr

We want you at our open house!


Asian food

M,W,F - 5:30am; Sat. - 7:30am M - Sat. 8:35am; M - Sat. 9:35am Sat - 10:35am; M - F & Sun. 4:30pm M - F - 5:45pm; M - Th. 6:50pm

Ai Yt' A It I:

Nigh "Unwersifiy enter, Pm 338 405.974.3346

a world of possibilities UCO Career Services students who are within four semesters of graduation are encouraged to participate in the Career Ready Institute. Career Services has partnered with major corporations such as the FBI, Chesapeake, Devon Energy, Northwestern Mutual, and Sonic to provide a comprehensive program to prepare students for internships, employment, or graduate/professional schools. Seminar topics include information on networking skills, dining etiquette, professional attire, financial planning, and preparing for life after college. Register for the Career Ready Institute today in the Career Services office located in the Nigh University Center, Room 338. For additional information, contact our office at 405-974-3346 or visit our

Your community service does not go unnoticed at UCO. Visit the Voluntee and Service Learning Center in the Nigh University Cente0f2 to becomd eligible for the 11C0 Service Recognition fligram. The' ervice Recogniti lirogram offers various, ii,our requirements ed `on enrollment bas status. Visit the Center to learn about your options.

website at . The series will begin in Fall 2006 and seminars will be repeated in Spring 2007 (although registration is preferred in the Fall). To earn a Career Ready Institute (CRI) certificate, students must complete all requirements by the end of one academic year (2006-07), but have an option to complete them within one semester. Students may register for CRI in the UCO Cyreer Services office starting August 21, 2006.



Cici's Pizza (405) 341-1112 1520 E 2nd St


Scavenger Hunt!

August 21, 2006

Can you and your friends find the items below around the UCO campus? If you can, be the first to submit your answers to The Vista and receive a $25 gift certificate to the Barnes & Noble UCO Bookstore.

- - - -

••••• --

Photos by Teddy Burch and No Lupov

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


• -1

MIL Amti



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August 21, 2006

UCO 2006-07 Clubs and Organizations Asian American Student Association (AASA) aasaucok/ Adviser Liz Cook 974-3588 lcookll@ucokedu Purpose To help Asian American students work together at UCO.

Bulgarian Student Association Adviser David Hartinann 9742839 Purpose To promote the interests and well-being of its members and to act as an official participating body in enriching cultural exchange at UCO.

College Republicans Adviser .Dr. Chris Markwood 974-3771 cmarkwood@ucok. edu Purpose To encourage and assist in the election of Republican candidates to local, state, and national office.

Democratic Socialists

International Student Council

Gay Alliance for Tolerance and Equality (GATE)

Adviser Jalal Daneshfar 974-2377 • Purpose To explore, to encourage more interaction, communication, and discourse better understanding between domestic students and international students.

Adviser David Macey 974-5641 Purpose To provide a support group for students concerned with gender identity issues and securing for its members a self-image which will allow them to function positively.

Pakistan Student Association Adviser Evan Lernley 974-5473 elemley@ucokedu Purpose To promote interaction between the Pakistani students and the other UCO students and to organize cultural and social events on a regular basis.

Baptist Student Union Adviser Mark Herrin 9743141 mherrin@ucolcedu Purpose To promote spiritual and moral growth of students.

Biology Club Biology%20Club/ BiologyClubhome.html Adviser Dr. T. David Bass 974-5772 Purpose To provide students career opportunities in biology, information on conservation projects, and to encourage campus-wide participation.

Black Student Association Adviser Liz Cook 974-3588 lcookll@ucolcedu PurPose A forum for discussing issues that are vital to the positive welfare and selfimage of black students at UCO.

Women of Many Ethnic Nationalities (WO.M.E.N) Adviser Liz Cook 974-3588 lcookll@ucolcedu Purpose To aid in the retention of all female students, concentrating on unity among all women.

Young Democrats www.libarts.ucolcedu/ political/organizations/yd/ index.html Adviser Brad Morelli 9742573 p bmorelli@ucok_ed4 I Purpose To encourage and assist in the election of Democratic candidates to, local, state, and national office.

Vietnamese Student Association Adviser Dr Xiao-Bing Li 974-5483 bli@ucolcedu Purpose To promote cultural understanding to UCO and provide a social environment for UCO Vietnamese students.

vvww.ucods.yahoogroups. corn Adviser Dr Brendan Lalor 974-5625 Purpose To act both as an umbrella group and support group for various students who hope to leave America in a better condition and as a classless society.

English Society www.libarts.ucok.edui english/ta/jmulliken/ englishsociety Adviser Dr. Kurt Hochenauer 974-5669 khochenauer@ucok. edu Purpose To stimulate interest in literature and encourage creative writing.

Adviser Ted Morishige 974-5462 Purpose To foster better understand ing between Japanese and non-Japanese students by social interactions.

Adviser Liz Cook 974-3588 lcook 1 Purpose Educate the UCO community about Hispanic culture and history.

Korean Students Association

Sociology Club Adviser Dr. Walter Jung 974-5675 wjung@ucokedu Purpose To promote the Korean Culture at UCO and to provide social interaction to its members.

Adviser Dr. David Ford 974-5622 daford@ucokedu Purpose To enlighten students about issues that are affecting our society, help others that can not help themselves, and prepare ourselves for the future.

Adviser Barbara Arnold 974-5189 Purpose To aid in the preparation of the nursing student for the assumption of professional responsibilities. Adviser Jere Roberson 974-5592 jroberson@ucolcedu Purpose To inform youth of problems affecting black people and other minority groups; to advance the economic, educational, social, and political status of black people, and to stimulate an appreciation of the Negro's contribution to civilization.

Muslim Student Association Adviser Al Albahadily 974-5463 Purpose To make Islam better under stood by Mulims and NonMuslims associated with UCO.

Old Blue Crew

Hong Kong Student Association Student Nurses Association


Japan Student Association

Hispanic American Student Association (HASA)

Adviser Brooke Wilson 974-2593 Lwilsonl@ucok_edu Purpose To give the utmost support to university athletics, play a major role in campus activities, and to promote school spirit.

Adviser Dr. Xiao-Bing Li 974-5483 Purpose To promote the culture of Hong Kong and to strive for the well-being and the interest of HKSA members.

For a complete list of UCO clubs and organizations, please visit http://www.ucok_edukampuslife/ studentorganizations.html.

A4-tess4/P Q/1111 1WS

The UCO Wellness Center nforinal Recreation is i rich resource for participants m o 1/v,„,h ,,o pursue a

e c 11 7 le • tav 41)

Outdoor ReereQ40 '


Through participation in various programs, participants can derive a multitude of personal. benefits including improved levels of physical fitness and wellness, improved opportunities for social interaction, improved time management skills, the opportunity to engage in a group dynamic setting, improved dedication and motivational skills. The Wellness Center also offers the opportunity for a healthy means of stress relief, as well as the creation of a sense of ownership and belonging between students, faculty, staff and community with the University of Central Oklahoma.


August 21, 2006

You are ... where? There are thirty some-odd buildings on campus, including housing, cafeterias, offices and academic buildings. The Vista staff, who were once confused freshmen and transfers too, sympathize with those students who will spend a lot of their first week or two on campus wandering around in the August sun, asking passing strangers how to find this or that building or office. So in the spirit of mercy, we put this map together to help new students at least recognize the main academic buildings so they won't miss class. Memorize it, and soon you'll be directing newbies to their Comp I class instead of the other way around.

CO Wellness Center



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August I) 1, 2006


1PAI\l'11Lii NI (1

Express Bus to and from Downtown OKC (37)

UCO Students, Faculty & Staff with valid ID: FREE!

Regular Fare: $2.25 Special Patron*: $1.10 UCO Students, Faculty and Staff with valid ID: FREE Edmond Students with valid ID: FREE


'Special Patron:Ages 60+, Disabled (valid METRO Transit ID required), Mediare Cardholders or children ages 6-17 years.





Detailed schedule at


8:10am 12:00pm 2:00pm 3:15pm 4:23pm 4:30pm 5:10pm

8:47am 12:45 pm

On the map, find the timepoint closest O to where you will catch the bus (the timepoint is the large number in a circle that corresponds with a column of times in the schedule)

All Edmond Students with valid ID: FREE Regular Fare: $0.50 Special Patron': $0.25

The bus will pick up and drop off at the following times and locations.

Determine the direction you are headO ing and find the timepoint closest to your destination.

Please use exact fare. The driver does not carry change. Fully wheelchair accesible with a passive wheelchair steplift, the trolleys rneet all ADA requirements.


Read down the list of times under the O first timepoint to find the time you want to leave.

3:50pm 5:08pm 5:11 pm 5:51 pm

Read across the list to under the timeO point closest to where you want to go. The time listed in the column tells you what time you will arrive at your destination.

Eddy Trolleys - Gold Line & Maroon Line Catch the trolleys at Ayers & University at the following times.


erg eN tor !move tut

How to Ride the Broncho Bus

Or, if you need to get somewhere at a

cific time, such as school or an appoints9 ment, just do the opposite. Look for the time

Saturday Weekdays :00 :00 & :30 :30 :00 & :30


61.1ttkl LiNt (§)./ EVERY 30 MINUTES M-F 2:10 pm - 7:10 pm SAT 10:00 am - 7:00 pm

bflONCHO Eiti§ (04) EVERY 30 MINUTES M-F 7:15 am - 2:10 pm


you'd like to arrive under the timepoint closest to where you're going.Then read back to under the timepoint where you are leaving from to find out when you should catch the bus.


Timepoints are estimated times the bus will arrive. Be sure to arrive at the bus stop sign, shelter or at the far side of any intersection

(40 feet past intersection) at least five minutes early. Watches and clocks seldom agree

brochure or visit for detailed map & schedule

and a minute or two could mean a missed bus. Once you are on the bus, press the bell strip one block before your desired stop.

Not all destinations are listed as timepoints. Use the published timepoints as a gauge as to when the bus will arrive at your destination.

.% 7;t7"-fr,,va ME


Wherovor you (JO, uo MI :rto!

Need Help? Call 235-RIDE (7433) for personal trip planning. Bus operators and customer service representatives are happy to answer any questions you may have.

For questions or concerns, please call 235-RIDE


235-1-11K •



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'73 _AYERS .


A. Downtown Business District B.Russell Doughtery Elementary C.City Offices D.Arcadian Inn E.Edmond Library F.Edmond Sequoyah Middle School G. Kickingbird Shopping Center & Cinemas H.Albertson's I.Red Bud Shopping Center J. Edmond Real Estate Center K.Chamber of Commerce L.WaI-Mart Neighborhood Market M. Edmond Medical Center N. Kickingbird Plaza 0. Bryant Square P.Lowe's Q. Super Target R.Central Plaza S.Fink Park T.UCO Jazz Lab/Hideaway Pizza U. Farmer's Market V.Edmond Historical Society & Museum




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235-RIDE •

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