The Vista Aug. 22, 2005

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Allgood named pre-season All-American Sports Pg. 16

University of Central Oklahoma

New Broncho Bus begins route Pg. 6

The Student Voice Since 1903 MONDAY, AUGUST 22, 2005

Plans in place to make WIFI available on campus by spring '06

'Passport' to focus on India this fall Program will expose students to customs and traditions of Indian culture

by Trisha Evans Vista Senior Staff Writer-

Students and faculty will soon be able to log onto wireless Internet at the Max Chambers Library. The $95,000 project was supposed to be completed by the fall semester, but has been delayed a couple of months said Bonnie McNeely, executive director of the library. Bill Elliot, director of Enterprise Services who's in charge of the installation, said they are almost done setting up the wireless fidelity, or Wi-Fi, but they are waiting on more equipment to arrive. McNeely said the library had $65,000 from student technology fees, which is usually spent to fix and upgrade the library computers. "This year the computers Please see WIFI, page 5

by Courtney Bryce Vista Staff Writer

by Vista photographer Naomi Takebuchi

Check-in time at Central Plaza Jasmine Jackson, freshman nursing and Joi Bowles, freshman pre-physical therapy, begin moving their belongings into Central Plaza on a rainy afternoon Aug. 16. This is the first semester the former-Ramada Plaza has been used for student housing.

Webb welcomes faculty, staff at fall meeting

This fall, the Passport study program will introduce India's culture to UCO through films, classes, special events and a study tour. "The point of Passport is to expose students to aspects of that culture," said Dr. Narasinga Rao, dean of the Jackson College of Graduate Studies & Research. "It will give a good understanding of India." Dr. Brent Wendling, Passport committee chairman, said the program began last fall when Dr. Don Betz, former vice president for Academic Affairs, asked him for ways to help the UCO community become more aware of the world as a result of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks. Wendling said India was Please see INDIA, page 3

forming from a once Increase in fac"commuter school," ulty, enrollment and that only recruited in new technology Oklahoma County, touted at annual to a university that is recruiting all over meeting the state. by Trisha Evans Webb compared Vista Senior Staff Writer UCO now to 5 years UCO faculty and ago, citing many staff gathered Aug. 16 in changes such as Constitution Hall for the fall the opening of the faculty and staff meeting. Commons, Suites "We all know a transition and Central Plaza to is under way at UCO, we the addition of more by Vista photographer Naomi a e uc can feel it and we can see it," than 500 trees across UCO President W. Roger Webb outlines plans for the comsaid William Radke, interim campus. ing school year at the faculty and staff meeting Aug. 16 in vice president of Academic Constitution Hall. Webb said the Max Affairs. Chambers Library is the university's short-term goal. Radke announced that will be equipped Twenty new faculty members with wireless Internet at the beginUCO is 2.5 percent bigger than it were hired for this semester alone, ning of the spring semester. was last fall. The university now has 413 faculty members, up from 350 Radke said. Radke said that the American Webb mirrored the excitement in Democracy Project at UCO is vital two years ago. Radke said 460 faculty members UCO's growth. He said UCO is trans- and will continue.

INSIDE BACK TO SCHOOL All you need to know at UCO from where to eat, to when the Bronchos fall sports teams take the field and a complete Stampede Week schedule. See special Back to School section

Sports Former OSU running back Seymour Shaw joins the Bronchos football team when they take the field versus Missouri Western Aug. 25. Police Briefs See Sports Pg. 16 Pg. 6 INDEX Arts/Entertainment Two theatre professors wed in MitchOpinion 2 News 3-7 ell Hall. Photo page 13 Classifieds 15 See Entertainment Pg. 8 Sports 16, a database that is used by some professors to check student's papers for plagiarizing, will be available for faculty members across campus to use, Radke said. Radke announced that the "Take a Student to Lunch" card is back by popular demand. The card allows faculty to eat free at Legend's, the Food Court of Nigh University Center, Central Cafeteria and the Suite's Food Court when they bring a student. Among many awards given at the meeting were the "Modeling the Way Awards." They were given to Sandra Burkey, assistant director of the Office of Academic Technology and Training, Dr. Christopher Markwood, dean of the College of Arts, Media & Design and Dr. Kathleen Donovan, professor of psychology. Trisha Evans can be reached at .



The Bursar and Parking counters are no longer accepting credit or debit cards. Such transactions may now be processed through the Internet only and a fee will be assessed. Student Financial Services officials said the counters will no longer accept Visa because the cornpany will not allow merchants to charge a convenience fee. Visa's requirements forced financial services to drop the company as a payment option for students.


The UCO Admissions Office has issued a warning to the university community about a "hoax" admission letter that has been circulating via e-mail. Office officials said these e-mails are not legitimate. They said the office always sends acceptance or rejection letters through regular mail. If you have received such an e-mail, please forward a copy to .

that were not afraid of heights. Bartlett, a 2004 graduate with a Bachelor of A mural of Science degree, said he Oklahoma's state flag took the mural painting painted by a UCO art class out of interprofessor and two of his est. students was unveiled "I had an idea July 27 in celebration of the project. I was of the state's upcoming all for the opporcentennial in 2007. tunity to work on Dr. Bob Palmer and it," Bartlett said. "I his students painted the drive by it now and mural on a grain elevadon't even think tor housing OKC Rocks how hard it was. If in Downtown OKC. it hadn't been for Palmer, Royce UCO I wouldn't Bartlett and Darroll have been in that Reddick began work position." on the mural, reaching "A typical about 100 feet, July 5 day was hot and and finished July 26. we had to work The three were around OKC hired by the Oklahoma Rock's schedule," Centennial Commission Palmer said. "The based on another mural by Vista photographer Justin Avera parking lot began that Palmer painted for The north side of a grain elevator near downtown to fill at 4 p.m., them. Oklahoma City bearing an Oklahoma flag painted by so that's when we Bartlett and Reddick UCO art professor Bob Palmer and two students in shut down." helped with the base Palmer said coat, lettering, and paint- July. they used some ing logos on a differscaffolding but dents from his summer mural ent building to the east while painting class mainly because did most of the work using a Palmer worked primarily on of their climbing experience. the flag. He said he needed students Please see FLAG, page 3 Palmer picked the two stuby Courtney Bryce Vista Staff Writer

Professor paints state flag on rock course grain elevator


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