The Vista Aug. 23, 2004

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President welcomes faculty, staff ■ President W. Roger Webb announced new faculty and awarded past faculty and staff. by Lauren Pulsinelli Senior Staff Writer

Photo by Gavin D. Elliott

Freshmen line up by Broncho Lake for the "Bar-b-que Dinner" Aug. 19. The dinner was part of Stampede Week.

Freshmen stampede campus ■ The 10-day series of events is designed to introduce new and returning students to campus life. by Lacy Myers Staff Writer ----Stampede Week commenced Aug. 18 and will continue through Aug. 28 with activities geared toward welcoming incoming freshman and returning students. "Stampede Week combines two things that you will traditionally see on campus: freshman orientation and welcome week," said Blake Fry, director of Campus Life. Fry said the goal is to make students feel like they are part of a community. "We do that through large scale

events, peer mentoring, and fairs where students can learn about organizations or volunteer in the community," Fry said. Beginning Monday and ending Friday on the west side of Broncho Lake, a Stampede Week information tent will be open 9 "Stampede Week from a.m. to 4 combines fresh- p.m. Also man orientation offered to and welcome students from 9 week." a.m. to 1 p . m . - BLAKE FRY Director, Campus Life Monday will be a business fair and part-time job fair with around 45 local businesses participating. Beginning at 7

p.m. at Evans Field, local bands will take the stage and compete in the Battle of the Bands. On Tuesday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. inside the Stampede Week tent, a Greek Information Fair will be held. Starting at 8 p.m. in Constitution Hall, the "Dating Doctor" David Coleman, a 9-time National Speaker of the Year, will address students and give advice. Wednesday's activities include the Student Organization Fair from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Stampede Week Information Tent, the Jazz Lab Open house from 5 to 7 p.m., followed by a performance from hypnotist Dr. R.E. Bellows at 8 p.m. in Constitution Hall. Activities for Thursday include a Volunteer Opportunities Fair in the Stampede Week tent from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., along with a "Foggy Future" program with free pizza and advice in the

Nigh University Center Grand Ballroom from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. The University Center Advisory Board is sponsoring a free movie at 8 p.m. the same day in Constitution Hall. On Friday, UCO's ROTC will host a welcome-back picnic from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Stampede Week tent. International Student Orientation and information about the university's e-mail system will be addressed in the Nigh University Center's Will Rogers Room at 5:30 p.m. At 7 p.m., country line dancing will be offered in the Health and Physical Education Building. Stampede Week activities will end on Saturday with a five-kilometer run sponsored by the UCO ROTC. It is open to the public.

Friends and colleagues greeted one another Aug. 17 as they gathered in Constitution Hall for the annual faculty and staff meeting. President W. Roger Webb said new goals and standards have been set to improve UCO. "It is Central time," he said. "It is our time." Enrollment at UCO has reached a record high, said Dr. Don Betz, provost and vice president of Academic Affairs. "Do we realize that almost 16,000 dreams will pass through us?" Betz said. President Webb, Betz "It is Central and Dr. time. It is Kathryn Gage, vice our time." president of Student — DR. W. ROGER WEBB Services, UCO President introduced new faculty and staff members. President Webb and Director of Fund Development Brad Williams announced faculty and staff awards. Outstanding faculty and staff members of last year received awards for their efforts. The Neely Excellence in Teaching Award was given to Dr. Kaye Sears, professor of human environmental services, and Sandra Leonard, assistant professor of mathematics and statistics. Dr. J. Gail Neely, a UCO alumnus and surgeon, donated the award for the education he received at UCO. Two $1,000 checks were given to the award recipients. "He remembered this university

see STAMPEDE WEEK, page 3

Students return to face new parking policies

CAMPUS ANNOUNCEMENTS The Wellness Center will offer "Freedom from Smoking," an eight-week smoking cessation program developed by the American Lung Association. For more information, call the Wellness Center at 9743150.

■ New parking policies will take effect Aug. 30. by Joseph Wertz Staff Writer Students returning to UCO for the fall 2004 semester will notice some changes with parking policy and procedure. Commuter, as well as housing parking permits, will be issued this year, replacing the multipurpose student permits of previous semesters. Students will also notice changes in the layout and designation of several parking lots. "This is an effort to separate the two different types of students parking on campus," said Parking Services Manager, Leon Fourcade. "This will improve

students' ability to find close parking." Fourcade said some of the problems they are trying to correct parking and traffic related. There has been little much change in the amount of faculty and staff parking, however 500 spaces have been converted from multipurpose parking to the new commuter parking. He also said there have been complaints from stu-

spaces near campus housing. There have also been complaints from commuters, about housing residents occupying too many parking spaces Fourcade said. Several parking lots have changed parking designation. "We advise all students to check the parking maps available on campus," Fourcade said. Commuter lots will be open to students with housing permits after 3 p.m. There will be a one-week grace period to allow students to purchase parking Photo Illustration by Robert Crauthers permits before dents living on campus about citations will be issued. non residents parking in

see MEETING, page 3

Photo by Justin Avera

Kyle Thompson, freshman communications major, and his roommate Jason Hines, freshman journalism major, get their room ready for school Aug. 18.

Welcome, Freshmen

A meningitis vaccine clinic will be held from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sept. 9 in the Wellness Center. The cost is $90. For more information, contact the Health Center at 974-2317. Applications for vice president of UCOSA are being accepted until 5 p.m. Aug. 26. For more information, call the UCOSA office at 974-2249.

New arrivals make new home by Emily Rothrock Staff Writer Move-In Day, Aug. 18, was a brand new start for freshmen coming to live on campus. Approximately 240 students moved into the Commons. One hundred twenty young men moved into the dorms of Murdaugh Hall, and almost 300 young women moved into West Hall. Organized chaos was the unofficial theme. Countless parents pushed dollies

loaded with TVs and boxes of clothes. Little brothers tried not to drag pillows through the dirt. Throughout the registration line, old high school T-shirts from Tecumseh, Lindsey, Choctaw, Broken Arrow and Jenks adorned the newest residents of West Hall. Melissa. Epperson, an incoming freshman from Blanchard, was one such girl waiting in line. Epperson is a petite blonde with blue eyes and

see WELCOME, page 5

INDEX Opinion 2 News 3 Sports 12 Classifieds 16 American Democracy ject

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