Soccer team hopes to break attendance record Sports Pg. 12
Stampede Week continues, photos Pg. 5-6
The Student Voice Since 1903 THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 2005
Student fall enrollment surpasses expectations
Web site in use on campus designed to nix plagiarism
UCOSA to hold joint session next week
■ Site will allow students to turn in assignments online and check for cheating
Vista Senior Staff Writer
NI Increase also brings parking woes by Trisha Evans Vista Senior Staff Writer
This fall UCO is seeing record enrollment per credit hour. Jerry Legere, assistant vice president for Enrollment Management said the number of hours students are enrolled is up almost 5,100 from last fall. "Our objective for this year was to grow about two percent. We are just slightly over that at this point," Legere said. He said the university doesn't know exactly how many more students are enrolled at UCO from last fall, but he estimates around 300 more students. "It seems a lot busier this year. Parking is horrendous," said Janna Norman, corporate communication senior. Spase Ivanovski, management information junior, said he is glad the number of faculty members is also growing to help ease class sizes. Legere said Enrollment Services has extended the UCONNECT enrollment date through the weekend, making midnight Aug. 28 the last day to add or drop classes.
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Photography by Naomi Takebuchi
UCO signed an agreement this semester to make available to students and professors on campus. The Web site allows students to turn in assignments online and check for plagiarism.
Trisha Evans can be reached at tevans@thevistaonline.corn.
by Trisha Evans Vista Senior Staff Writer
New Bronchos stampede campus by Courtney Bryce and Lauren Hyer Vista Staff Writers Activities, food booths and scheduled events will be up throughout Broncho Stampede Week, which started Aug. 18 and will end Aug. 22. The week started with Freshmen Orientation Aug. 18 and Aug. 19. Students were split into two groups for student and parent registration, and then attended an assembly with national award-winning keynote speaker Professor Joe Martin. "I think Stampede week is to
Please see WEEK page 5
Many students will find new plagiarism statements in their syllabi this semester because a program designed to curb cheating has been expanded on campus. The university has purchased a oneyear site license for, a plagiarism prevention Web site that the English Department has used the past four years. Students will submit papers by their class code and will check the paper for originality against articles published online or in a database. Unoriginal phrases and paragraphs are marked in red and matched with the original source. "I have personally seen my plagiarism cases drop in the last two years or so," said English professor Dr. Kurt Hochenauer. " catches
these copy and paste jobs. In addition, Dr. Pamela Washington, dean of the it checks papers College of Liberal Arts, against other said plagiarism is a papers that have "People who cut and problem on campus. been submitted to paste their papers Washington said. "Students are in a hurry the system, so stu- deserve to get dents cannot simand don't take time to carefully check if they ply pass on their busted." have cited sources corpapers to somerectly." one else." Instructors who Chris Snoddy, UCO Taylor Wolfe, senior criminal student conduct officer, ask their students justice said plagiarism cases to write research papers will probon campus are on the ably use the Web site, said Bonnie rise. McNeely, executive director of the Max Snoddy said in spring 2005, 12 cases Chambers Library and the of plagiarism were reported to his office, committee chair. up from six the previous semester. Dr. John Knight, Psychology He said he expects more plagiarism Department chair, has recommended cases to be reported this fall because psychology professors use the site not of the site, a measure he called "proacjust for research papers, but also for five.". all writing assignments, including short essays. Please see SITE, page 3
The UCO Student Association will meet in a joint session to address new business at 1 p.m. Aug. 29 in Constitution Hall in the Nigh University Center. The UCOSA constitution states that every student enrolled at UCO is a member of UCOSA. Anyone can attend the UCOSA House and Senate meetings, said Nathan Woolard, student body president. However, he said speaking and voting privileges are granted only to senators or representatives. "We have a two-house legislature," Woolard said. "It's set up just like the Oklahoma State Legislature." Woolard said the Senate is made up of nearly 200 student organizations. However, only about 80 organizations come to the Senate meetings and are allocated funds. Woolard said one of the Senate's biggest responsibilities is allocating the more than $350,000 in student activity fees to student organizations. Senators are elected by and represent various organizations, while the House of Representatives is made up of students who represent the different colleges. Jill Sallee, speaker of the House, said she plans to make the House a more effective body. "We are • making sure we follow the House rules—In the past the ball has been dropped," Sallee said. "I would like it to become a
Please see UCOSA, page 5
Radke named provost and VP of Academic Affairs by UCO News Bureau Dr. William J. Radke has been named Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, effective immediately. "We could search the country and not find anyone who's a more qualified and effective academic leader than Bill Radke," President Webb said. "He is so well respected and admired by faculty and administrative colleagues. UCO is fortunate to have the services of this scholar and leader."
Second Stampede Week visit for 'Survivor' winner
INSIDE Stampede Week 2005 "Jars of Clay" concert and reality TV-themed competitions orient new freshmen to campus life. See photos Pg. 8 and 9
Zohn said he and a friend agreed to make a video for the other and send the tapes to CBS Ethan Zohn, winner of as a joke. He said he the CBS television realdidn't really expect to ity show "Survivor 3: be chosen to be on the Africa", returned to UCO show. for the second consecutive Zohn said he wasn't year to speak to incoming prepared for the lonefreshmen Aug. 19 as part liness and the isolaof Stampede Week. tion once he arrived in About 1,000 students Africa. were packed into the "When all my disby Vista photographer Naomi Takebuchi ballroom in the Nigh tractions were taken University Center to lis- Ethan Zohn, who won $1 million after competing away from me what I ten to different motiva- on the television show "Survivor 3: Africa," spoke was left with was who tional speakers and interto UCO students Aug. 19 about his efforts to com- I was," Zohn said, "All act with one another. you need to survive is "It's whether you bat AIDS in Africa. character, personality, leave college with real and personal values." Highlanders Football Club, life knowledge or not. Not text- a professional soccer team in Fans of "Survivor" might book knowledge," Zohn said. Zimbabwe, when he was one recall that the main reason Zohn "Knowledge about who you are, of 18 picked out of 60,000 won was because he made an what you care about, and how applicants to participate in you respond to challenges." "Survivor." Please see ZOHN, page 3 Zohn was a goalie for the by Courtney Bryce Vista Staff Writer
$60,000 University ropes course opens. See Pg. 4
Sports Broncho football team begins season Aug. 25 at Missouri Western. Police Briefs See Sports Pg. 12 Pg. 4
by Trisha Evans
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