The Student Voice Since 1903
Hundreds show up for band showdown
Photo by Gavin D. Elliott
Students watch one of the featured bands Aug. 23 at the "Battle of the Bands." More and more students showed up as the night went on. For more photographs, see page 8.
■ Battle featured six local bands, awarded $500 to winner "The Hex" by Kenneth Reinbold Staff Writer
Photo by Gavin D. Elliott
Hundreds of students turned out Aug. 23 for the eighth annual "Battle of the Bands" on Evans Field at UCO. The Student Programming Board organized the event, which included last year's winner "A Better Tomorrow" and other bands "A Magnificent 7," "Plainview," "Blank 0,"
Carisa Bitting and Todd Jackson of "The Hex" perform Aug. 23 at Battle of the Bands.
"Supersmith," "Gypsy Paradigm" and "The Hex." "We want the best for the students. - We wanted to have something for everyone. We didn't want them saying, 'Didn't we just hear something like that?"' said event coordinator and SPB member Doughty.
The Hex took the first-place prize of $500. The group also won the tide of " crowd pleaser" and $50. Plainview and A Better Tomorrow - DAVID DOUGHTY came in second Battle coordinator and third, respectively. David "There is a very diverse group this year — rap, ska, rock," said
"We didn't want students saying, `Didn't we just hear something like that?'
IT seeks students for task force ■ UCO in planning stages of establishing a wireless network on campus by Joseph Wertz Staff Writer The Information Technology Department at UCO is seeking students to participate in a planning and adviser task force. This task force would help keep the IT department current with what students would like the university network to offer. UCO is in the planning stages of adding wireless capabilities to the universities' network, said Cynthia Rolfe, vice president for IT. Wireless technology would allow users with laptop computers and personal digital assistants to access the university network and the Internet. "We don't want to just add the latest technology. We want to add technology students actually use," Rolfe said. Kassie Long, an early childhood education senior, said she thinks a stu-
dent committee would benefit stu- including, Oklahoma Christian dents. University and the University of "Student input on technology Oklahoma offer wireless networks. would be help"The primary benefit of the ful," said Kassie wireless network is flexibility," Long, an early "We don't want said Michelle Wiginton, comchildhood liaison for to just add the munications senior. Information Technology at "Sometimes latest technolo- OU. "It allows students to crefaculty and stuad-hoc study groups and gy. We want to ate dents have diffreely access Internet resources ferent needs." add technology in a variety of locations around Advertising students actually campus." senior Kent Approximately 20 percent of use. Hefley said the the students at OU make use of funds should be the wireless network, Wiginton - CYNTHIA ROLFE used in a differsaid. Vice President, ent way. Students interested in parInformation Technology think ticipating in the technology technology task force are encouraged to call funds should be funneled to the the IT department at UCO at 974financial aid department for comput- 2688. Photo Illustration er training," Hefley said. Many universities in Oklahoma Students on campus cannot connect to a wireless
Phi Eta Sigma, a strictly male freshmen honor society at UCO, inducted 32 students this year, but the organization's sponsor said, because of a lack of interest by members, money has gone unused. Dr. Robert Epstein, the organization's sponsor, said joining Phi Eta Sigma can enhance students' resumes, which is the primary reason they join. Incoming students who maintain at least a 3.5 GPA during their freshmen year are eligible to enter. .
CAMPUS ANNOUNCEMENTS The Wellness Center will offer "Freedom from Smoking," an eight-week smoking cessation program developed by the American Lung Association. For more information, call the Wellness Center at 974-3150. A meningitis vaccine clinic will be held from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sept. 9 in the Wellness Center. The cost is $90. For •more information, contact the Health Center at 974-2317. Applications for vice president of UCOSA are being accepted until 5 p.m. Aug. 26. For more information, call the UCOSA office at 9742249. Host families are needed for several high school age foreign exchange students from Korea, Germany, Brazil and Macedonia.For more information, call Paula at 810-8314.
network with their laptops and PDAs.
Indifference plagues UCO honor society by Lauren Pulsinelli Senior Staff Writer
political science major Craig Fleck, whose vote for best band went to A Better Tomorrow. Buffy and Kevin, from UCO's radio show "Naked in the Morning," hosted the event. Contest judges Jason "Crazy J" Kretchmar of Crazy J Records in Edmond, Michael Ross of okcrocks.com and Sean Ridenour of Vox Magazine critiqued the bands on sound, originality, presentation and professionalism.
In the past, people inducted into the honor society have used their higher academic skills to help others by tutoring, according to Epstein. However, for the past three years, society members have shown no interest in doing this. It appears members no longer want to get involved in helping the community, despite Epstein's motivational efforts, he said. The honor society is "like several honor societies, but some may be more active," said Epstein. This society's members' lack of interest left the organization with unused money.
Epstein decided to place the money in an endowment fund that provides for the Herbert S. Dordick Outstanding Mentor Award. The winner of the award is selected from UCO student nominations. Students are asked to write essays about why they feel their UCO mentor is most deserving of the award, and one winner is selected. Dr. Jeffrey Plaks, associate professor of history and geography, was awarded Aug. 17 at the annual faculty and staff meeting. Epstein established this award in 1999 in honor of his mentor, Herbert S.
Dordick a professor at the University of Southern California, who died in 1998. Currently, more than 100 Phi Eta Sigma members are enrolled at UCO with about 650 past inductees. People from the foundation will either call or send letters to the qualified students. Students then fill out an application along with a $30 fee. 'All get accepted that apply," Epstein said. Alpha Lambda Delta is the UCO female freshmen honor society. To become members students, must meet the same qualifications.
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