The Vista Aug. 26, 1997

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University of Central Oklahoma

TUESDAY August 26, 1997

The Student Voice Since 1903

Webb commits to improve quality in residence halls By Ryan Dannar Staff Writer


The Midas touch...


Fred Self does old English hand lettering in 23-karat goldleaf on the glass door at the Old North Building. Self is one of two area artists who does the hand lettering. (Staff photo by Sandi Craig)

entral Oklahoma dorm residents may soon bid farewell to inadequate lighting, dilapidated furniture, and dripping faucets, due to a commitment between the university administration and Auxiliary Enterprises. President Roger Webb and Vice President of Administration Cornelius Wooten joined forces last Monday with Auxiliary Enterprises Director A. K. Rahman in a long-term commitment to improve the quality of residential life on campus. Webb said that upon his first visits to each of the residence halls, he was disappointed at the conditions he found. "I was concerned that there had been a prolonged period of deferred maintenance," Webb said. Webb said the current conditions of the residence halls could be a result of UCO's focus in the past on being a college for commuting students. "I feel there's been an attitude that UCO is a commuter college, and that we're not going to invest in our resident students. I think we have an obligation as a university to provide an environment that is as safe, clean, and inviting as possible. I think we should do more," Webb said. Last Monday, at Webb's request, a focus group of 15 people, consisting of faculty, alumni, and students, assembled to tour each of the three dorms on campus. They took notes on things they found that needed to be fixed or replaced. That evening, the group met with Webb, Wooten, and Rahman to report their observations and recommendations for improvement. According to Webb, the group addressed

problems such as inadequate lighting, courtyards overgrown with grass and littered with trash, and furniture stacked in hallways. Webb said there was not any kind of a promise at that time that the administration would act on the group's recommendations. "I just wanted different eyes to take a look [so I could see] what they were seeing," Webb said. "I was concerned that I was being too meticulous and overreacting to what I had seen in the dorms," said Webb. "[The focus group] more than verified...that there are some very serious needs in our residence halls." In response to the group's recommendations, Wooten devised a plan of action for residence hall improvements. Webb describes Wooten's plan as "very comprehensive," addressing cosmetic, maintenance, and safety issues, as well as setting short-term and long-term goals for improvement. Specific areas that will be tackled by the plan include: 'Cleanliness 'Safety 'Lighting/Design 'Custodial service's hours of operation 'Removal of offensive signs 'Air-conditioning/heating problems 'Drainage problems 'Providing students with a friendly environment 'Improving responsiveness and sensitivity of housing staff 'Reviewing new mail services for the residence halls 'Reviewing current storage arrangements to determine better utilization of space 'Reviewing current practices, including the use of and access to a television in lounge areas. V See DORMS,Page 4









GUILD Faculty organization gears up for `97-'98 school year.

WERT Retired dean displays photos of India trip.


PHASE III Next landscaping phase begins.

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