The Vista August 30, 1994

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University of Central Oklahoma

THURSDAY August 30, 1994


The Student N/ Since 1903

CENSO Taking words from the mouths of college news presses: 3 Oklahoma school administrations under fire for allegedly squelching first amendment rights By Roy Howe and Julie Dye Staff Writers Who could make Rush Limbaugh shut up? Is there anyone with the ability to silence the New York Times? Like it or not, Playboy can't be censored for its content. These forums of expression illustrate that the American press is afforded certain rights under the First Amendment. But the constitutional rights of three Oklahoma university student publications are in jeopardy, according to a letter by the Oklahoma Professional Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists. A The newspapers at East Central State, Panhandle State and Southeastern Oklahoma State universities are named in the letter for what SPJ believes is "...the denial ,,,of legitimate outlets for student expression..." SPJ's letter, addressed to Leonard Wilkins, chairman of the Board of Regents of Oklahoma Colleges, and dated Aug. 15, was also sent to university presidents, boards of regents and legislators on education committees, seeking an investigation of the matter. Written by SPJ First Amendment Committee Chair Mick Hinton, the letter addresses what the Society believes are "serious infringements" of the student publications' rights. Specifically, SPJ fears these newspapers' editorial content may be subjected to control by college administrations, according to the letter. "We fear that some of these college newspapers appear to be mouthpieces for the administration rather than voices for the students," Hinton told The Vista. "The fact that students and faculty at three separate Oklahoma universities are complaining simultaneously of free speech infringement problems has raised concerns about just how free the student press is in Oklahoma," said Mark Hanebutt, president of the professional SPJ chapter. "If they (administrators) are tempted to inhibit students' expression, they need to keep in mind that it's not only against the legislative and educational policies of

I Editorial




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the state, but it's also illegal," said Hanebutt, who is also an instructor of journalism and director of the University of Central Oklahoma student newspaper, The Vista. "Fortunately, we've not had this problem with the present administration at UCO, but we want to make sure it doesn't exist anywhere." Mike Hiestand, attorney with the Student Press Law Center in Washington, D. C., said the Center receives few complaints of this magnitude. "We don't see a whole lot of censorship which is as blatant as what is going on there in Oklahoma," Hiestand said after reading the SPJ letter. "The law is clear. At a college student publication, it is the student editors who are responsible for making all content decisions. "Case after case has been very clear on this," Hiestand said, adding the Supreme Court first ruled in favor of a hands-off student publication in 1969. "Usually, once college officials are made aware of what the law is, they back off," Hiestand said.

Southeastern's Story: Harsh Words For a Beauty Pageant "At Southeastern Oklahoma State University, reporters for the student newspaper, The Southeastern, are regularly discouraged by the Administration from reporting on campus issues," alleges the SPJ in its letter.

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Sean Ashby / The Vista





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