The Vista Sept. 03, 2009

Page 1





The Bottom Line

The next year likely holds a budget nightmare for UCO


PAGE 2 G.I. bill increases veterans, servicemen on campus

Campus sees increase of servicemen after bill's passage PAGE 3 Three professors win AAUP awards

Professors Gladys Lewis, Siegfried Heit and Rosa Bird earn recognition from local AAUP PAGE 4 Day in the life of John Mabry

Photo Illustration by Byron Koontz

Caleb McWilliams Cop y Editor

Recently, you couldn't connect. UCONNECT, or the UCO News and Networking Educational Communication Tool, is the university's authenPAGE 9 ticated portal system, which Volleyball on the road again combines e-mail, Weber and other services. Recent upgrades Staff Writer Steve Vidal to the system and an increase in previews the women's the number of people who use volleyball season the product have led to perforPAGE 7 mance issues. Tuesday, the system began to become unusable and "the decision was made to incorporate our disaster recovery resources from our off-site bunker facility," an update on the UCO Web VIDEO ON UCO360.COM site says. UCO360 Hi N1 virus For several hours, people who Experience a day with John P. Mabry, assistant professor of criminal justice and law enforcement coordinator, FSI

mulepro exclusive

NewsCentral's Emily Richards has a UCO360 exclusive on how to avoid the H1N1 virus, also known as swine flu. New, free rides for UCO students

Edmond has a new, free transportation system to get UCO students to-and-from apartments near the campus. NewsCentral gives you a preview on Edmond School Lunches

NewsCentral takes you to Cross Timbers Elementary, the launch pad for a new pilot program to provide Edmond elementary school students with nutrious gourmet lunches. OPINION ON UCO360.COM Going from flab to fab

Many students are experiencing the "freshman 15." Mike Gipson shares tips on how to maintain good health while still being a busy college student.

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tried to log on to UCONNECT instead reached an error page describing the UCONNECT challenges, and how to access "backdoors" to WebCT and Broncho Central School Services. Currently, people are able to access UCONNECT through the old login page while IT troubleshoots the problem. Broncho Central School Services is the web access to Banner, "the campus-wide information system where you can apply for school, enroll in classes, get your grades, etc.," Dr. Cynthia E. Rolfe, vice president for information technology, said. Because the previous version of the UCONNECT software was incompatible with the latest version of Banner, the Office of Information Technology was

"compelled by the University's vendor, SunGard, to upgrade the software application that powers UCOnnect," the update says. "That system feeds into UCONNECT," Rolfe said. "These two products have to work together." "We've been working with the vendor nonstop form days," she said. "We've had people in here until midnight, and then people come back in at two in the morning." If UCONNECT continues to encounter issues through a 24-hour test period, then "we'll do a clean install and install it as a new product," Rolfe said. That test period ends around 5 p.m. on Sept. 2, and at that time they will decide if the next step includes reloading the applica-

tion. "We're trying to avoid that," Rolfe said, and added that if they do reload the software, students who have customized the pages by adding channels or changing the look would lose that customization. As of Sept. 2, UCONNECT is running on a disaster recovery server. This off-site server is in place in case of an emergency like a tornado or fire, Rolfe said. Because the connection from the off-site server was slower, Rolfe said, they physically brought the server here and have been using that to provide the service. Though Rolfe said they see UCONNECT, page 10

University prepares for second wave of swine flu Buono)/ McCaslin .S'iajf me,

The HiN1 virus, or swine flu, could be a new epidemic looming on the horizon as flu season nears. The truth, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is swine flu is no more lethal than any other strain of the flu. The only difference is swine flu is a new strain for which antibodies and vaccines have not yet been developed. This only means is that more people may become infected. Unlike typical flu strains, the CDC said, the swine flu strain is less lethal. One danger of the swine flu, as with any strain, is the possibility of other illnesses — bronchitis, pneumonia or other infections — that could be made worse by the flu. The symptoms of swine flu are the same as for any other strain of the virus: fever of 100 degrees or higher, body aches, chills, stuffy or runny nose, coughing, sore throat, chills, nausea and diarrhea. To prevent. infection, the CDC recommends the same steps as with any other strain: wash your hands, cover your nose or mouth when coughing or sneezing and avoid contact with those who are ill. Also very important is to not touch or rub eyes, nose or mouth until after washing your hands, because that is how the virus enters the body. The good news is a swine flu vaccine is in the making and will be distributed before flu season is in full swing, according the CDC webpage. "UCO Health Services is set up to administer the vaccine once it becomes available," James Allen, assistant airector, health promotion and programs said. It will be administered in two doses about thirty days apart. "Cost information is not yet available to

us," Allen said. He said that the CDC has benchmarks in place to assist universities that have a large breakout of the virus, which can be located on the Web site the CDC has dedicated to the illness. The way in which an outbreak is handled is dependant upon how many people become infected and how severe the illness becomes. The CDC recommends people who have the flu, or flu like symptoms stay home and avoid contact with other people. They should wait to return to normal routines until at least 24 hours after the fever breaks, which should occur without the use of


you k now...

Virginia is the birthplace of eight presidents, the most of any state. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, William Henry Harrison, John Tyler, Zachary Taylor and Woodrow Wilson all hail from the Old Dominion.

Photo illustration by Allison Rathgeber

Renee Francis, clinic manager at University Health Services, shows the process of preparing a vaccine. UCO will have H1 N1 vaccines available after the Oct. 15 to 16 fall break.

Today ono

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Wind: 8 mph

fever-breaking medicine such as Tylenol. "Those measures are at the discretion of individual faculty." Allen said that at this point UCO is in a wait-and-see mode, meaning school officials are keeping an eye on how many students get sick, whether they live on or off campus and how severe their illness is. He also noted that UCO is being kept up to date on swine flu illnesses by state and county health officials. "Any decision regarding closing campus would be made by the university president, and that is not anticipated at this time," he said.

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101141 UCO360•COMI "Inside the Lines" with Chris Wescott

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Page 2

September 3, 2009

Rough financial times likely ahead for UCO

The Vista

Comm. Building, Rm. 131 100 N. University Dr. Edmond, OK 73034-5209 405-974-5549 The Vista is published as a newspaper and public forum by UCO students, semi-weekly during the academic year except exam and holiday periods, and only on Wednesdays during the summer, at the University of Central Oklahoma. The issue price is free for the first copy and $1 for each additional copy obtained.

The Bottom Line

EDITORIALS Opinion columns, editorial cartoons, reviews and commentaries represent the views of the writer or artist and not necessarily the views of The Vista Editorial Board, the Department of Mass Communication, UCO or the Board of Regents of Oklahoma Colleges. The Vista is not an official medium of expression for the Regents or UCO.

LETTERS The Vista encourages letters to the editor. Letters should address issues and ideas, not personalities. Letters must be typed, double-spaced, with a maximum of 150 words. and must include the author's printed name, title, major, classification and phone number. Letters are subject to editing for libel, clarity and space, or to eliminate statements of questionable taste. The Vista reserves the right not to publish submitted letters.

Address letters to: Editor, The Vista, 100 N. University Dr., Edmond, OK 73034-5209, or deliver in person to the editor in the Communications Building, Room 131. Letters can be e-mailed to vistauco@gmaiLcom.


MANAGEMENT Laura Hoffert, Co-Editor Nelson Solomon, Co-Editor Kory Oswald, Managing Editor Caleb McWilliams, Copy Editor Ryan Croft, Web Editor Chris Wescott, Sports Editor

Kaylea Brooks, Tiffany Brown, Steve Vidal, Jenefar De Leon, Bryoney McCaslin.

Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff

Writer Writer Writer Writer Writer

PHOTOGRAPHY Byron Koontz Allison Rathgeber Amanda Siegfried

DESIGN Kayleigh Adamek

Already, he said, some students are struggling to get As the fall semester rolls on and summer cools down, one phrase is likely being avoided by university leaders the courses they need — an expensive problem if it forces students to delay graduation and denies them potential across the state: "budget cuts." Finding money anywhere is a daunting task for any job opportunities. If schools reach the more drastic point organization in today's economic state, and higher edu- of faculty layoffs, the challenge of overflowing classes and scheduling problems will only get worse. cation will likely feel the blow in the next year. It's hard to see exactly Though things are holding what the money doldrums on steadily now, the situation will mean for higher educaa year from today could very tion in the coming months, well be different, according to as stated by an Oklahoman past discussions with univereditorial. Lawmakers could sity leaders. eventually decide to proEnrollment is increasing at tect some areas like educauniversities across the state, tion at the expense of other including UCO, which means agencies and services or by more Oklahomans are choosdigging into the Rainy Day ing to seek a higher educaFund. And painful tuition tion. While it's great that people are choosing to pursue increases may be the norm a year from now. It's bad enough for graduating seniors who are entermore education and advance their careers, the higher enrollment levels point to the budget storm that is ing a dismal job market and recession environment, but times could also be bad for the institution the students approaching for colleges and universities. Oklahoma City Community College President Paul are leaving. Schools and universities across the state can hold their Sechrist recently told The Oklahoman his school has already cut the budget in some areas to absorb the addi- breath for this year, but must prepare in the meantime tional enrollment and add more classes. But cuts can for a potentially scary situation when the legislature releases their budget next year. only go so far before academic quality is at risk.




Laura Hoffert Stephen Hughes


Stacey Sprague




Mr. Teddy Burch

Tresa Berlemann

Cam pus

What are your Labor Day plans? "I will be spending my Labor Day weekend building bikes for my students."

"Going home to Bartlesville and hanging out with my friends."

"Going on a 50 mile bike ride."

Sara Thornton

Haylee Otto

Stephen Hughes

Freshman Undecided

Senior Organizational Communication

Photo Coordinator

"Catch up on some current movies and watch some John Wayne classics."

"Going scuba diving in Australia."

Ryan Ogden Senior Business Management

"Planting my fall flowers."

Alex Bogaski Freshman History


Terra Cotta Campus Visitor

Compiled by Allison Rathgeber and Byron Koontz

For students, Facebook can ruin a semester, kill grades Alicia Williams D„,/,•

Or Quo/lick

The Bible states that there is a time for everything. A time to dance, a time to die, a time to weep, a time to love, but a time for homework is never mentioned. Frankly, time can be a student's worst enemy. The clock is always ticking, an ever-present reminder that we don't have enough time. We're left in a constant battle trying to determine what we are going to fit into our preciously small amount of time. Students have lives, after all—family and friends, work, pets, exercise and entertainment. We all do daily things that cannot be eliminated: commuting, getting cleaned up, eating and sleeping. If you want to eat or sleep, you have to work to financially support those times. But, you want to make more than $10 an hour, so you have to get an education. With education comes studying and homework. Heaven forbid you might meet someone you want to spend some quality time with. The million dollar question is: "How do we fit it all in?" According to an April 2009 pilot study, "A Description of Facebook Use and Academic Performance among •

Undergraduate and Graduate Students," by Aryn Karpinski and Adam Duberstein, doctoral students at Ohio State University, one activity students shouldn't be wasting time on is the social networking site Facebook. The study found a relationship between students' use of Facebook and lower grades. Out of the 219 Ohio State graduate and undergraduate students, 148 had a Facebook account and GPAs that fell between 3.0 and 3.5, and reported studying on average one to five hours per week. In general, students without Facebook had GPAs between 3.5 and 4.0, and studied ti to 15 hours a week. "In a nutshell, the main purpose of my study was to explore the demographic composition of a Facebook user at the college level," said Karpinski in an April 24, 2009 e-mail in response to a article by Amit Chowdhry. "I also wanted to investigate academic achievement in relation to Facebook use. I am fully aware of the limitations of my study, and merely want people, personnel at universities, researchers, parents, students, and tech-savvy people like yourselves to think about this intricate relationship." Although we can't blame Facebook as the ultimate culprit causing college students to get bad grades, it is a means by which many of us waste vast amounts of time. A June 2 Nielsen Online news release reported a 700

percent increase of minutes spent on Facebook during the last year, going from 1.7 billion minutes spent in April 2008 to 13.9 billion minutes in April 2009. On July 14, Nielsen reported that the average Facebook user spends four hours and 39 minutes a month-9.5 minutes a day—on Facebook alone. Add in other social sites such as MySpace, Twitter, our ever-growing e-mail accounts and news source sites, and we are definitely wasting valuable time that could be better spent studying. The University of Utah offers a three-credit course in the educational psychology department called Strategies for College Success, designed to help students develop learning skills, time management, and note-taking and test-taking skills. If you have no time in your class schedule, you can attend a two-hour free workshop. The amazingly accessible Internet now goes with us everywhere. Our phones and laptops are ready at the flick of a button. No wonder we are obsessively checking to see if anyone sends us a message. It could happen anytime and we want to know, we want to respond. But time dictates the need to exercise self-control. If we want to be successful students, we must exert the will to recognize and change worthless time-consuming habits. You only have this time of your life once. Choose to take control of how you spend your time and make each moment count. 4

September 3, 2009

Montgomery GI Bill expanded after Sept. 11 entitlement. ies, the new Post-9/11 The bill does not necbill could increase the essarily give all military amount of military memSta/mm, personnel an increase bers attending four-year in benefits. Those who colleges. Just as the tension and conflict qualify ioo percent may The study also suggests remain high over the Afghanistan many of those service men benefit the most from War, so did the enrollment of vet- would be enrolled full the new bill. erans and service members at the time. Some of the benefits There are differUniversity of Central Oklahoma include housing allowences in the GI bills. after the Post-9/11 Veterans ance and book stipends Under other GI bills, Educational Assistance Act of in addition to the educathe amount of money 2008 became active. received per month is tional benefits provided. Many servicemen have been based on at a rate set by Linda Wright, UCO's given the opportunity to receive Veterans Affair coordinaCongress. The amount an education at the expense of tor, said UCO has seen an does not vary due to tavayers. The Post-9/11 bill is increase in military perexpenses. providing financial support for sonnel since the Post-9/11 Under the Post-9/11 military members who have com- bill went into effect. bill the amount received pleted at least 90 days of collecis determined by the "We have a lot of stutive service on or after Sept. cost of attendance at a dents that utilize the GI The opportunity is also Bill." Wright said. "A lot higher learning instiextended to military individuals of them are veterans of tute. The program also who have been honorably dis- the Iraq and Afghanistan has to be approved by charged after 3o days due to inju- war." a school that is authories received while serving in the rized to grant at least Servicemen who are elimilitary and military dependants. gible for the Montgomery an associate's degree. Other restrictions may apply. The tuition and fees are bills and qualify for the The new bill went into effect Post-9/11 bill may switch Photo by Byron Koontz paid directly to the colAugust 1, 2009. It increased the their benefits. However, when lege. amount of military citizens who switched the decision is irre- Members of UCO's ROTC program "There are eight difqualify for education support vocable. ferent programs," Wright and the reserves is already paid from veterans' affairs. It is an "It's not for all students," for, it may be best to keep their said. "Each program has a difexpansion of the Montgomery GI Wright said. "The guard and ferent set of criteria." Benefits Bill — Active Duty (MGIB) and the reserves are more eligible due to current military benefits bill, are determined by the status of a Wright said. Montgomery GI Bill — Reserves. their active duty." Under all GI bills, benefits are military person and the amount According to military studSince education for the guard available for up to 36 months of of time served.

Tiffany Brown

Any personnel who were members of the armed forces on Aug. 1, 2009 may be eligible to transfer their benefits to dependent children or spouses. If military personnel are not going to use their GI bills immediately the decision to choose which bill is best should be postponed. Military personnel attending private institutions are also eligible to receive benefits under GI bills and the Yellow Ribbon Program. Regardless of which bill is chosen, military personnel must apply to receive benefits. UCO's Veterans Affairs Office is located at the Nigh University Center on the first floor in the advisement center. The government Web site provides a comparison of the current GI Bills that are used. This includes the Reserve Educational Assistance Program as well as the Post-9/11 bill and the Montgomery bills. Military personnel with additional questions are encouraged to call the VA at 1-888-442-4551. Military policies regarding GI bills can also be accessed on the government Web site

Business college increases MBA enrollment, gains new asst dean tified personnel consultant by the National Association (obk, of Personnel Services. The increase in enrollThe College of Business ment comes after a oneAdministration has seen an year track and a major in increase in their Master of accounting were announced Business Administration earlier this year. program enrollment and Susie Braun, direcgained a new assistant tor of MBA enrollment in dean. the College of Business UCO's MBA has Administration, credits the increased their enrollment growth to "a quality pro47 students from last fall, gram, word of mouth from for a total of 109 students happy campers now that from last fall's 62 students. we have had a few semesDr. Suzanne Clinton, ters of students graduatassociate professor of man- ing from the program, agement, was also named increased public awareness assistant dean of the college from marketing campaigns and director of Graduate and relationships with area Studies. Clinton has taught businesses." "This program's unique in the CBA since 2006 after working for 12 years at approach, which includes no Cameron University. prerequisites in the general Among her positions program, the team-taught at Cameron were gradu- classes, multiple compleate coordinator, dean of tion timelines and now the International Business accounting major, make a Studi es in theMBA Program, UCO MBA both attractive and associate dean of the and accessible to profesSchool of Business. She sionals in the Oklahoma is certified by the Human City metro," Braun told Resource Certification University Relations in a Institute as a senior profes- recent release. Braun said the program sional in Human Resource Management and as a cer- is unique in its flexibility, as

Nelson Solomon •

cric t

compared to other schools. "It is possible for a student to take two classes one semester, cut back to one class the next, in other words, tailor their enrollment to fit their lives. Our MBA maybe completed in as little as one year, with the implementation of our new block classes, or take one class per semester and finish in two and a half years," she said. The UCO MBA program integrates two subjects per class in a team-taught setting. The unconventional program has yielded excellent results with graduates consistently scoring in the top third of the major field test, the national standardized MBA exit exam. Braun said approximately 90 percent of students who start the program graduate and most of the graduates find employment. "They are from all areas of the metro with no dominant industry represented in our student body. We have found that the networking that takes place throughout the program

has helped students obtain employment at the companies of their fellow students," she said. "We have also found that students are earning promotions after completing their MBA. Our students are employed in area businesses, state agencies, hospitals and banks." The new accounting major — for students with a bachelor's degree in accounting or who took at least 21 hours of upperdivision accounting courses in an undergraduate business program — consists of six MBA courses and three graduate level accounting courses, and gives students the hours necessary to sit for the CPA exam. UCO's MBA program was revised in 2006 to the present program that consists of seven five-hour classes. "The classes are integrated, combining different subjects such as human resources and law, accounting and finance, economics and marketing and each class is team taught by two professors," Braun said.

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Photo by Byron Koontz

Dr. Suzanne Clinton, new assistant dean of the College of Business Administration

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September 3, 2009

Liberal arts professors recognized by AAUP Tiffany Brown ,Slafi

University of Central Oklahoma professors received awards from the American Association of University Professors (AAUP). The UCO chapter of AAUP recognized Dr. Gladys Lewis, Dr. Siegfried Heit and Dr. Rosa Bird. Dr. Bird, professor of Modern Languages, won the Distinguished Scholar Award. Dr. Lewis, professor of English, won the Distinguished Teaching Award and Dr. Heit, professor of Humanities, won the Distinguished Service to the AAUP Award. The AAUP is an international organization that works to protect the rights of members in the higher education profession. It also recognizes scholars who contribute to the higher education profession. This includes contingent and tenured faculty, part and full-time professors, academic professionals, graduate students, librarians and non-union members as well as union mem-


bers. Heit, who finished his third year as UCO's AAUP president in June 2009, said he became involved in AAUP when a colleague suggested that he join. He has been involved with AAUP since 1998. Heit was also an executive board member before becoming president. One of the good about AAUP is it encompasses all disciplines, Heit said. It doesn't matter whether you are a Criminal Justice professor, an English professor or a Biology Professor. "It's like an umbrella organization," Heit said. Heit said one important contribution he made to AAUP involved "keeping it organized, keeping it focused and maintaining an active dialogue with the administration." UCO's AAUP chapter has a good working relationship between UCO President W. Roger Webb and Provost William J. Radke, he said. Communication is one of the best tools to making the job satisfactory between

faculty and administration, Heit said. "We have to communicate," Heit said. "Keeping the channels of communication open between administration, the president, the provost, the deans and faculty is important." Heit said during his term as president the chapter was a strong advocate of free parking for faculty and staff. UCO's AAUP members dedicate extra time to participate in the organization in addition to being university professors. "We don't receive any extra remuneration for the work we do on behalf of AAUP," Heit said. "We are just active and try to help our colleagues." In 2007, Heit was the first UCO professor to be nominated as one of the two official candidates for the office of First VicePresident of the national AAUP organization. "I felt is an honor to be considered," Heit said. He had to withdrawal his nomination due to his obligations to the university and his health problems. In spite of this, Heit remains active in the organization. He attends con-

Photos by Byron Koontz

Dr. Siegfried Heit, professor of humanities, and Dr. Gladys Lewis, professor of English, were two of three UCO professors honored by the AAUP. Dr. Rosa Bird, professor of modern languages, was also honored.

ventions and events sponsored by AAUP and he has served on grievance committees. "I'm a firm believer that as a professional, you should be involved in a professional organization," Heit said. Lewis has been a professor at UCO for 19 years. Part of what makes the award


special is faculty does not have to be an active member in the organization to receive the award. "To receive a reward of this nature," Lewis said. "It's very affirming of what I do everyday." "I enjoy the classroom," she said. Lewis said she enjoyed working with her colleagues

in the Liberal Arts department. She spoke about all the things she liked about UCO. "I love teaching students;" "We have a supportive administration" and "We have a beautiful campus," Lewis said. UCO is "just a good place to work," she said.


Commentary on the Recent Japanese Election Dr. Sridhar Krishnaswami Editorial (*ontributor

By any account it was a historic election that took place in Japan with the riling Liberal Democratic Party suffering one of its biggest drubbings since its inception in the political landscape of Japanese politics since the 1950s. The coalition led by the Democratic Party under the leadership of Yukio Hatoyama literally pounded the riling party in what has been described as a landslide verdict that Japan has not seen in recent times. The electoral outcome in Japan has been watched closely only for the reason that it is expected to have profound ramifications for not only the domestic shape of policies and politics that are to follow but also in the implications in the realm of external relations especially as it pertains to the United States and the Asia Pacific.But the immediate attention the world over especially in Washington and in capitals of Asia is if there is going to be any perceptible change in Japanese foreign There has always been the temptation to see any election in a major country as something that is going to "profoundly" affect foreign policy as if to mean that voters have given a mandate only for change in the country's relations with the outside world. To a very large extent,elections are rarely pegged to foreign policy issues however important and pressing it may be. For example even in the United States while issues of foreign policy have seemed to dominate at certain periods of the campaign period, American voters have by and large stick to local bread-and-butter issues. That being the case would it matter in Japan and with voters there? Take Hatoyama and the Japanese electoral verdict.By all accounts it would appear that the emphasis was on the domestic front particularly as it related to economic challenges faced by the country.It is very unlikely that voters in Japan went with Hatoyama so that the new leadership can go about radically alter the frame of reference of Tokyo's relations with Washington. Rather voters in Japan gave a mandate

to The Democrats so that steps could be taken to pull the country out of the deep economic slump. Even before the recession global started biting its way across the world,the Japanese economy was already limping;and with unemployment levels now at record high of around six per cent the Japanese are looking up to their politicians to take measures to kickstart or jumpstart the economy.And Hatoyama and his colleagues will have a even more difficult times as they start looking at the demographic scene slowly but steadily making its mark. All this not to say that issues of foreign relations are not important. The Democrats have said that while they will be pushing for "more" independence from the United States,they have stressed that they are looking for good relations with Washington. And as far as Asia is concerned Hatoyama has himself been quoted as saying that Japan must not forget that its identity as a nation is in Asia.If first and firm indications are anything to go by,it is unlikely that there are going to be any sudden or "radical" departures in Tokyo's approach to bilateral or global relations. The Obama administration need not lose much sleep on this account. But "managing" this critical alliance will be challenge for both Tokyo and Washington.There are other international challenges for the new leaders ofJapan especially in the context of the Asia Pacific where apprehensions still remain and some of this pegged to what took place in the Second World War.For Tokyo,the primary focus will be on China and North Korea—meeting the political and regional security concerns. The bottom line in all this hoopla about "changes" in Japan's foreign policy is that democratic countries do not go about abruptly shifting gears just because there has been a change of guard.Politicians in these societies realize that it is not only unwise to switch bilateral and multilateral relations but also practically difficult given the entrenched interests in place.

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Page 5 September 3, 2009

Freshman helps with cancer research Km Oswald Ilanaging Editor

Amanda Walker is a freshman taking 16 hours of classes a week pursuing a double major and a double minor in four years. She is also trying to help cure cancer using lasers. Walker, a biomedical engineering and forensic science major, is part of a research team under Dr. Wei Chen, the assistant dean of mathematics and science and professor in the department of engineering and physics that is studying the use of lasers to treat cancer. "That was pretty intense, seeing how [Dr. Chen] is...trying to accomplish something really big,” Walker said. Walker graduated in the top 15-percent of her class with a weighted grade point average of 4.48 from Monticello High School in Charlottesville, VA. She is in the National Honor Society as well as the Math, English, and Spanish Honor Society. She is also a Girl Scout and is working on the Gold Award, the highest award the organization offers and she consistently worked 20 hours a week during school and was involved in an engineering mentorship program. During high school she maintained a "B" average in math, which included completing two years of college level engineering calculus. When Walker was deciding what college to attend her choices included Vanderbilt in Nashville, the University of Miami, the University of Tennessee, Clemson, Virginia Commonwealth University, North Carolina State and UCO. She was offered full ride scholarships to Virginia Commonwealth University and NC State but did not receive any scholarships from UCO. She did not qualify because she is not an Oklahoma resident. "Next year I will actually be able to apply for some other scholarships," Walker said. "There's departmental scholarships... you just have to be a student and not an Oklahoma resident." With the help of John Barthell, the dean of the college of mathematics and sciences and professor of biology, and President W. Roger Webb, Walker received an out-ofstate tuition waiver as well as additional funding, which helped alleviate some of the costs of attending UCO. Walker said she ultimately chose UCO because it was the only school she could find that offered exactly what she was looking for academically. While looking at colleges her sophomore year of high school Walker entered her requirements for school in collegeboard. corn and UCO was the only school the website found that matched her parameters. "I wanted to do the biomedical and the forensic science and not many schools have both of those as majors," Walker said. "So I had to...loosen some things to actually get other schools because...I just don't want to put all of my eggs into one basket and apply to one school." The research opportunity, the size of the campus and the faculty were also factors that influenced Walker's decision to attend UCO. "I think [the research] might help with getting a job in the future," Walker said. "Just saying that I was a part of helping to try to cure cancer. Originally I wasn't even thinking about research just with all of my studies and stuff." Over the summer Walker was earned the chance to help with Dr. Chen's research

over the summer as part of the National Science Foundation's summer bridge program. This program recruits high school students and introduces them to research and teaching environments. "We didn't get to work with the rats because we were only there for a month," Walker said. "We just used some gel...and then we used chicken breast and all we really did was work with the heat that the laser gave off. We were just basically learning what he does with the laser." Walker has not completed any extensive work in the research lab because Dr. Chen wants to allow the students to get into the rhythm of school first. Walker admits that the first three weeks have been "a little rough" being away from her family but she also said that was another reason she decided to come to UCO. "I really felt like here was kind of like being at home," Walker said. "I felt like I definitely succeed here. The overall feeling, it felt like home." Barthell and Chen both actively recruited Walker to UCO, but they said without programs like the Center for Undergraduate Research and Education in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (CURE-STEM), UCO would be less likely to acquire top honor students like Walker. "Largely because of the opportunity of research we can get for her, she decided to come," Chen said. "Otherwise she had other opportunities...the opportunity of doing research and being support really made the difference." CURE-STEM is a program that allocates money for faculty so that they can recruit and pay students to help with hands on research experience. Professors can use the money in conjunction with funding from other grants to increase their student staff or better compensate existing student help. They can also use the money to have students apply for grants and they Photo by Byron Koontz also receive funding to send a student to a national meeting. "The idea behind it is that we want to Amanda Walker and Dr. Wei Chen work with an 805-nm laser, bring faculty together with students to do used for the treatment of tumors. research projects," Barthell said. "We also want to encourage fimding that will help to support student centered research activities." The program is in its second year and is composed of CURE-STEM faculty "scholars" and "members." The scholars get $10,000 a year to help fund the students they recruit to help them with the research and the members get benefits but there is not enough money in the program for all of them. The program has grown from four to 13 CURE-STEM scholars. For each dollar invested in CURE-STEM there is an approximate $8 return in student funds or equipment. Associate dean of mathematics and science and professor of physics and engineering, said they are trying to reach the national average of $10 for every $ I invested. "You know about the budget crisis...that we are all heading for," Barthell said. "External support is one of these things we have to worry about more and more. What we are really worried about is that as we lose money we are not going to able to support students that way we used to in the past so we are trying to be very aggressive about from other sources that will support students on our campus."

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September 3, 2009

MO hosts renowned artist for lecture From Staff Reports Sarah Perkins, an internationally known artist and expert in enamel and metal will discuss her work during a free public lecture at 7:15 p.m., Sept. 10 in Room 115 of the Education Building. Perkins is an art professor at Missouri State University in Springfield and a studio artist who has taught workshops and exhibited her artwork across the world. Currently, she is affiliated with galleries in Cambridge, Mass., Tucson, Ariz. and London. Charleen Weidell, the chair of the art department and associate professor of jewelry and metalsmithing, describes Perkins as prolific. "For people in the field, Perkins is very well known and her work is gorgeous. We will be able to see images of her work and ask questions about it," Weidell said. Weidell said Perkins could also offer students first-hand advice on

balancing teaching and studio work, as she manages two full-time careers. As the juror of "5oo Enameled Objects: A Celebration of Color on Metal," published by Lark Books, Perkins chose the images that were included in the recently published book. On Sept. 11 and 12, Perkins will also teach a workshop for UCO students where they will apply enamel to three-dimensional metal forms. The UCO Art Department recently purchased three kilns and is offering a course in enamels this fall. The advanced art students requested that Perkins speak and teach at UCO, Weidell said. "Her work is stunning. She is not only a gifted enamelist, but she is Photo provided equally talented as a metalsmith," Weidell said. Artwork by artist Susan PerFor a complete schedule of UCO's College of Arts, Media & Design kins, who will be lecturing at events and performances visit UCO



United States Forest Service engineer Josh Hesketh looks on as a helicopter makes a water drop as they battle the Station fire burning in the Angeles National Forest northeast of downtown Los Angeles on Friday, Aug. 28, 2009. The Los Angles Sheriff's Department says a voluntary evacuation is being urged for nearly 900 homes in the La Canada Flintridge area.

Smoke from the Station Fire rises over downtown Los Angeles Monday, Aug. 31, 2009.

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A firefighter applies fire retardant foam around a single engine aircraft on Interstate 495, in Mansfield, Tuesday, Sept. 1, 2009. The traffic-reporting plane with engine trouble made an emergency landing on the highway southwest of Boston late Tuesday morning, and the two men aboard were uninjured.

AP Photos

Jr. City Council to help students choose safe housing Mica Brooks UCO's Junior City Council is considering a policy that would help students choose the safest apartment complexes in Edmond, council adviser Nathan Box said. The council made a list of the top to things that it would like to change over its first year as an organization, and the issue of safe offcampus living was number three on the list. "There have been concerns that students may be moving into apartments, not knowing how much crime occurs at the apartments they are looking at," Box said. The council is in the process of drafting up a plan for the city council that would include a Web site run by the city that would be available to students with public records that disclose sex offenders, drug arrests and other crimes that have occurred at a certain complex. "It's all public information," he said. "We


l iho


are just trying to put it into one place to make it easier on students." Box said that such a site would help inform students and empower them in their decisions about what places to live off of campus. The council also considered other issues including parking congestion in neighborhoods bordering UCO and the visibility of crosswalks in the area. The council informed Mayor Patrice Douglas and Councilman Wayne Page about concerns of hazardous parking on the narrow streets, which would make it hard for emergency vehicles to have access to the areas. The proposal also outlines issues with crosswalks that can no longer be seen and need to be repainted. Box said that neither the mayor or the councilman have replied to that particular proposal yet, but the students will come back with their proposals next month with a final draft to be sent to the city. The Junior City Council was formed in August 2008.

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Transportation available. File Clerk. A local insurance agency is looking for a file clerk to work approximately 6-8 hours a week filing ans assisting with other administrative duties. The pay rate is $8.50/hour. Please email your resume to Kristen at kristen@ if you are interested.

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Teacher Needed Immediately for Edmond Daycare. FT/ PT. Experience preferred, competitive wages. Apply in person Š 24 NW 146th. Call Camelot C.D.0 7492262 Senior Services Of Oklahoma Is looking for students to fill part time positions. Several 9am - 1 pm and 1:30 pm - 5:30pm shifts are available for Mon-Fri. We pay $10 per hour for energetic phone work educating senior citizens on healthcare issues. No experience is needed we will train. Business is located at 1417 NW 150th St. in Edmond. Call 879-1888 to set up an interview. Ask for Megan Parris. SERVICES

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1. Aircraft compartment 4. Multiple independently targeted re-entry vehicle 8. Castle part 12. Whimper 13. Handbag 14.Atlas enlargement 16.Animal with a mane 17. On the safe side, at sea 18. Copy 19. "Thank You (Falettinme Be Mice Agin)" (#1 hit of 1970) 20. "Is that ?" 21. First name? 23. "Are we there

Page 7 September 3, 2009


















28 37











73 76


1. Constructed 2. High up 3. Appetite 4. Breakfast, lunch or dinner be a cold day in hell ..." 6. Morgue, for one 7. Aspect 8. Bolshoi rival 9. Charlotte-to-Raleigh dir. 10. Catch a glimpse of 11.Daughter of Ma'uike 12. "Guilty," e.g. 15. Crib sheet user 5.








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24. Essentialt oil obtained from flowers 26. Egg cells 28. " De-Lovely" 3o. Bug out 32. The Beatles' Leaving Home" 36. Blacken 39. The "0" in S.R.O. 41. Thailand, once 42. Anita Brookner's "Hotel du 43. Freetown currency unit 45. Away 46. Farm call 48. A long, long time 49. Engine knock 5o. Certain surgeon's "patient" 51. "That's 52. " Cried" (1962 hit) 54. Churchyard tree in "Romeo and Juliet" 56. Codeine source 6o. Decide to leave, with "out" 63. Breed 65. Barely get, with "out" 67. lab 68. Beside 7o. Dash 72. Radar image 73. Ark contents 74. " on Down the Road" 75. "All are off!" 76. Balance sheet item 77. Do, for example 78. Bawl



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20. "If the is concealed, it succeeds": Ovid 22. Today, in Tijuana 25. Balloon filler 27. Beast of burden 29. Costa del 3o. Kind of insurance 31. Boston suburb 33. LP player 34. Make, as money 35. E.P.A. concern 36. Coagulate 37. "Aquarius" musical 38. Bad marks 40. Call for 44. Cousin of -trix 47. E or G, e.g.

49. Dash 51. Hooter 53. Clod chopper 55. Black billiard ball 57. Do-nothing 58. Accord 59. They may provide relief 6o. grass 61. Slog 62. Bolted 64. Astute 65. " of Eden" 66. "Trick" joint 69. Apprehend 71. -tzu 72. "Monty Python" airer


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Page 8

September 3, 2009

Stapleton squared: The life of two Davids Kaylea Brooks Si(t//11/riter

Two men with almost identical names, one from California and the other from Kentucky, came to UCO for their respective careers. Both of the men's jobs require extensive math, and the only difference identifiable between the two in the campus e-mail is one letter, the middle initial "G" for Gilbert. Dr. David Paul Stapleton and David Gilbert Stapleton are both employees of UCO. The first is a mathematics and statistics professor, the second the director of Architecture and Engineering Services. Dr. David Paul Stapleton was raised in Santa Barbara, Calif., and he didn't stray too far from there when he graduated from high school. He attended the University of California at Santa Barbara where he got his M.S. in mathematics in 1979. He received his master's degree in 1981 while living in San Diego. After getting his master's degrees, Dr. Stapleton took a break from school for a while and worked, and it wasn't until 1990 that he earned his Ph.D. in mathematics from North Arizona University. Lack of money in California's budget in the early 9os caused a drop in jobs, said Dr. Stapleton, which led him to Oklahoma in 1993. "There weren't many jobs open in California, but there were here," he said of UCO. So Dr. Stapleton began teaching at UCO in 1993, and has been here since. He said that he enjoys teaching physics and engineering, but in later years, the demand for engineering and other jobs requiring extensive mathematics training have gone up, and more and more of the students going into that field are foreign. "They get there training here, and go back home. The good thing is that some of them stay here, because there is a great need for those kind of jobs." Dr. Stapleton also enjoys competitive running, and he said that he used to run crosscountry. He enjoys attending meetings of the Pegasus Astronomical Club, which includes listening to presentations and star watching. He helps sponsor UCO Lutherans, and sometimes works for the Federal Administration of Aviation (FAA), part of the Department of Transportation. He has a wife and three children, a daughter and son in high school at Edmond Memorial, and a son in the fifth grade at Chisholm Elementary Dr. Stapleton said that he has met "the other Dave Stapleton" a few times, and interacts with him daily when people email the architect to the wrong address. Dr. Stapleton's email address is and David G. Stapleton's address is . "Usually it's a 'Hey, do you want this?" laughed Dr. Stapleton. Dr. Stapleton said that when he arrived at Oklahoma City in 1993, there was only one David Stapleton in the phonebook, and that was David G., who was in Norman at the time. "And then he got a job here," said Dr. Stapleton. The other David Stapleton, who has been at UCO for over io years, was born in Louisville, Ky., though he lived at a myriad of places such as Illinois, New York and even California before he came to OU to study architecture. He received his bachelor's degree from the five-year program, and then got his license. He worked with a private practice for four years. OU offered Stapleton a job that was supposed to be just temporary, but turned into a 22-year career. It was the excitement of a challenge that brought Stapleton to UCO as director of

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Dr. David Paul Stapleton, mathematics and statistics professor, and David Gilbert Stapleton, director of Architecture and Engineering Services, started on different paths but both ended up at UCO. Engineering Services. "UCO is a challenge," he said. "OU had very large projects that were well funded. UCO had a great desire for projects, but they weren't as well funded. We need good value buildings, but we have to watch our pennies." Over the past io years since he has been here, Stapleton said that the fun part is watching the campus transform. "I love watching this campus grow. It's changed a lot," he said. The difference in the campus today is part of Stapleton's everyday challenge. "I'm proud I got to play a part in it," he said. There is currently a $90,000 landscape project that will take place on the east side of campus, and there will also be 200 trees planted on campus this fall. He said that it is important to give students a place where they want to stay or just sit and enjoy, like on a bench by the newly planted gardens. Stapleton said that he is most grateful to Dr. Stapleton for forwarding the misguided emails that land in the professor's mailbox. "He's really nice about it. He sends me my email. In fact, he forwarded me one today,' said Stapleton. With a name as unique as Stapleton is, one might question if they are related, but the architect said that they not. "All of my family is from Kentucky. As far as I know, none of them are from California,' he said.

Architecture and

UCO to host 7th annual Asian Moon Festival Live singers, martial arts performances to highlight festival University Relations The University of Central Oklahoma will host the seventh-annual Asian Moon Festival beginning at 6 p.m., Sept. 18 at UCO's Plunkett Park. Sponsored by UCO's office of Multicultural Student Services and the Asian American Student Association, the festival will bring Asia's rich cultures to the Edmond community. "We had great success with the festival over the years. It is a wonderful family event surely to both educate and entertain," MeShawn Conley said, director of UCO's Office of

Multicultural Student Services. "There will be live singers, martial arts performances, face painting, a live dragon dance and a play including audience participation," Conley said. The Chinese Moon Festival is a traditional celebration of the fall and harvest season, and UCO's festival will feature various other Asian cultures in addition to China. "It really is a great opportunity for people to come out and experience another culture. Parents and children are sure to have a great time," said Conley. The festival is free and open to the public, and all children will receive free treats and goody bags. For more information, contact Conley at (405) 974-5944 or .

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September 3, 2009

Page 9

From FBI agent to professor: Mabry adjusts to new career lenetar de Leon ∎ t,,// H r

Assistant Professor John P. Mabry looks like the everyday professor on campus, but what a majority of UCO students may not know is that behind his iron suit and tie lies a retired FBI agent. After 25 years serving in the FBI's Child Abduction and Serial Killer Unit, and also as a Special Agent in the Special Agent and Chief Division Council, Mabry knew it was time to retire. "It wears you out; you are on duty 24 hours," Mabry said. "You don't know what you will do that day, but after 25 years I welcome change." Mabry grew up in Enid, and knew that he always wanted to be an FBI agent since he was eight years old. Growing up he knew that he needed to take the right courses and programs at school to make his career goal a reality. He considered himself the black sheep of the family, because a majority of his family members were in medicine instead. But his parents were supportive in his dream by taking him to listen to the stories of a family friend in his hometown who was a retired FBI agent as well. "At that point I knew I wanted to do that for a career," he said. But Mabry welcomes his new career as a professor at UCO. Director Dr. Dwight Adams of the UCO Forensic Science Institute approached Mabry for the opportunity to teach at UCO as an assistant professor of criminal justice and law enforcement. Mabry has been to UCO as a guest speaker before, but life as professor verses an FBI agent is different.

"It brings order to your day," Mabry said. "In the end of your day, you know what time you have to teach class, and when your office hours are. It's less stressful." Mabry is looking forward to sharing his experience and knowledge in the field, and passing on the torch. "The students remind me of me," he said. "It's a friendlier environment, when you deal with students who are eager to learn. I want my students to appreciate criminal justice and law enforcement, and have a reality of what this job entails." Compared to a typical professor, Mabry has seen violent crimes and dealt with violent serial killers throughout the states. He said he wants his students to know what it is like in the real world of this field, and not what's in the book. Mabry said that the hardest part about working in his unit was the fact of who the victims were. "The hardest part about my job was the victims, especially the children," Mabry said. "Because it's a natural human reaction, but you have to realize you cannot undo it. I try my best to make it right. You have to put emotions aside, and be professional." But Mabry did say that even though his job was difficult at times, there were rewarding moments like the ones where he had the opportunity to see family members reunite. Mabry was even a recipient of the Excellence in Investigation from the National Missing and Exploited Children recently. Mabry is looking forward to his first year at UCO, and advices his students to know what they want to do, and have a passion for it. He is looking forward to sharing his experience with all his students, and hopes they will appreciate the career more after the semester is over.

Photo by Byron Koontz

Assistant criminal justice professor John P. Mabry, a former FBI agent, displays his recognition for serving 25 years in the Child Abduction and Serial Killer Unit of the agency.

From The Vista Archives The Fall 2009 staff at The Vista takes great pride in maintaining the rich history of UCO's student newspaper. In our io6th year of print we would like to take a few column inches and honor some of the great writers, editors and photographers who have endured deadlines, critiques and the new world of convergence to bring you your campus news; like this one from Editor Harvey 0. Shuff, printed in November 1903, in the first issue of The Vista:

We feel that in launching a magazine from the Edmond Normal we are meeting a vital need of the students of Edmond. Our alumni are many, our school is large and has varied interests, and life here has grown out of the academic stage. This condition calls for some organ that will keep the constantly increasing number of the alumni in touch with each other and with the present work of the school that will help to bind the students into one body in loyalty to the college, that will promote its various interests, and that will give some medium of expression for a larger spirit of culture and some influence for a broader activ-

The cover of a January 1904 issue of The Vista from Central State Normal School.

ity among our students. Such is the aim of The Vista. Part of the magazine is to be given to news of the alumni and happenings about the Normal, to athletics and all organizations and interests that go to make up the student life. It is with the end view of giving expression to the best that college culture can produce in the way of humor, poetry, criticism, and story telling, that vve devote nearly half of the magazine to matter that in subject, form, and treatment aspires to be literary. This is a side that requires much coaxing and cultivation, and if we but bring out one thing that is of superior merit amid much that is mediocre,

we shall feel that The Vista is worth while. The Vista is to be. the students' magazine and we hope that it will be received and supported enthusiastically by every student. Let each one take a personal pride and interest in it and assist in every way possible in making it one of the best school magazines in the West. We are fortunate in having among us a member who might write a poem, a short story, or a criticism, or who might give us news or information that is of value. We hope that all will put forth their best efforts in contributions to this magazine.



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Page 10 September 3, 2009

Students gain experience from volunteering Kaylea Brooks

Service is key in building a healthy community, and many say it is more blessed to give than receive. These three students spend much of their time volunteering for UCO's Volunteer and Service Learning Center (VSLC), so indeed, they are very blessed. Mikey Shellabarger, Shelby Nelson and Bethany Scott are people the VSLC named in being some of the most active volunteers that the organization has. Mikey Shellabarger is originally from Okeene, Okla. and is a broadcasting major minoring in leadership and theater. He has been involved in a wide variety of events and organizations. Shellabarger is the vice president of Phi Kappa Alpha Fraternity, which puts on Dodgeball for the Kids every year. Proceeds from the event go to Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Atherica. He also is the chair for the annual Winterglow, a university event put on for the community of Edmond during Christmas season. He is a member of Circle K International. Of the numerous events that Shellabarger has participated in, he said that Alternate Spring Break had to be either number one or two on his list of top favorites. He was one of 10; students picked to make the trip to Orlaudo, Fla. and participate in "Give Kids the World," an organization that is part of the Make A Wish Foundation in which terminally ill children get to spend time at Disney World.

"They're just normal kids," he said. "There's nothing better than spending time with them and my best friends down in Florida." Winterglow was Shellabarger's second favorite service project, since it involves the community and brings plenty of people to UCO. "It's a big responsibility," he said. Shellabarger stressed the importance of serving, and said that too many people don't look at it as a privilege, though it benefits them to serve. "It cleans your conscience. You have the opportunity to make someone's day. Some people relieve stress by running. That's what volunteering does for me. It relieves stress:" ShelbyNelson ofSapulpa, Okla. also loves to be a part of the school and community. The Organizational Communication major is involved with Greek activities such as the Mr. Greek UCO event that raises money for Relay for Life. Her sorority Alpha Gamma Delta's philanthropy is diabetes research, and she also heads the group SERVE (Students Encouraging and Reinforcing Volunteer Excellence). SERVE makes it easier for students to participate in volunteer events by providing a calendar with all the different events to serve in courtesy of VSLC. Nelson said that Alternate Spring Break had to be one of her favorite events as well. "It was amazing," she said. "It makes you realize how insignificant your issues are when you see the

UCONNECT didn't really know why UCONNECT was down, they're looking at every possible scenario. Rolfe said one possible issue was with the number of people using the system, and that the system may not have been logging people off. "At one time, we had a thousand connections at once," Rolfe said. She said the previous record was 400, but that right now there are consistently 900-1000 people connected at a time. "We know people depend on UCONNECT," Rolfe said. "We know it's

children who don't get to live life to its fullest quality. , Nelson also enjoys volunteoring for her church, Life Church. She spends time with the teenage girls in the youth group, and she said that it was one of her favorites as well. "It's good to be a positive influence for them when I've been there and been through what they've been through," she said. She also encouraged students to join her program SERVE and become involved in the community. "Just the benefits of helping others out far outweighs the time you spend in service," she said. "So, serve." Bethany Scott is yet another service-oriented student. Scott comes from a family that has long been involved with UCO. The journalism major is the daughter of a professor, and her sister, Meredith Scott, headed up the Big Event a few years ago. Bethany is now the chair of Big Event and is coordinating it this year. Scott also helps with Leaders of Tomorrow. Though Big Event is one of her favorites, Scott said that the Shack-a-thon is probably closest to her heart. "That where I've made my friends," she said. "We're not representing just one group; we're a lot of groups coming together for the better good." The Shack-a-thon takes place every November for a week. Students live in a cardboard box for a week, and beg for change, which VSLC collects after every day. For Scott, it's great to give her time for

Photo by Allison Rathgeber

Bethany Scott, Mikey Shellabarger and Shelby Nelson gained experience by volunteering through the Volunteer and Service Learning Center. the cause, and she loves the time she spends with her friends while doing it. As November rolls around each year, she said that she gets excited. "We're like, 'Hey dude, the Shack-a-thon is coming up!" she said.

Like Shellabarger and Nelson, Scott believes that it doesn't take much to give back to the community. "There are so many things that need to be done, and there is something for everyone. You may not like building houses for Habitat

for Humanity, but there is another way you can help out like cleaning up trash," she said. For more information on volunteering opportunities, contact VSLC at 974-2621.

For all your news and entertainment

Continued from page 1 very frustrating. I teach a class too, and I like to get on before class to load things for the students." "I am feeling the pain too, in that sense, but the university community has been awesome and so understanding on these problems," she said. "You've got to love UCO. People here have great character." If users encounter problems with UCONNECT, they can still access WebCT through the "backdoor' at http://athena. and Broncho Central School Services through haps:// prod/twbkwbis.P_wwwLogin.



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September 3, 2009

Soccer looks for first victory of season Steve Vidal .S./ 111/ 1.V II


Coming off of a tough weekend in Austin, the UCO Women's Soccer team finds itself 0-2 for the first time since 1998. 1998 also happened to be Head Coach Mike Cook's first year at UCO and the first year of the program overall. `We're a little disappointed to say the least," said Cook after a disappointing 1-2 loss to The University of the Incarnate Word on Friday, and an 0-2 loss to St. Edwards on Sunday. Cook points out that the season is long and the team is young with a lot of things to work on. "Unfortunately we made mistakes that hurt us and missed quite a few chances," said Cook. "We really have to work on our effort, intensity, and focus." Cook says that there hasn't really been much

consistency out of his lineup so far leading to the coaching staff trying to find the right mix when it comes to everyone's playing time. Cook has been disappointed with the consistency level in the team including his returning players. On the positive side Cook points out that a few of the younger players that have played well so far and that some of the freshmen have really stepped up. They will need everyone to contribute this weekend as they head back on the road for two tough games in Kirksville, MO, against Nebraska-Omaha on Friday, and Truman State on Sunday. Both teams played in the national tournament a season ago. "We're going to make things a lot more intense and a lot more physical," said Cook when asked about any possible changes at practice. Health wise the team is getting better, however they did have a

girl break her collarbone. Cook says that they seem to be getting passed the aches and pains and now they are focusing on game fitness. The upcoming weekend will definitely be a tough test, especially the game against Truman State who is ranked 7th. However, UCO has had a history of scheduling tough games early in the season. Cook says that the opening four games this season may be the toughest start of the season in the history of the program. Weather can also be a factor in the early season games with heat being the main element the team will battle early on. While it was very hot in Austin over the weekend, Cook makes it clear that he does not want to use it as an excuse, and that in the end winning games is the bottom line. He points out that both teams have to deal with the same weather conditions.

Cook wants the team to stay focused in the early going and play hard. He says that UCO is a team that everyone gets up for and wants to beat. With nine or ten games before the conference season starts the team is focusing on getting as many wins as they can. "Our schedule is full of top 25 type teams," said Cook. This is part of a scheduling strategy designed to see how UCO measures up to other top teams, and to get them ready for the all important conference season. Sometimes the non- conference game outcomes can help or hurt a team's chances at getting into the NCAA Tournament at the end of the season. After this weekend UCO will be looking ahead to their home opener. That game will be played September io at 4:00 p.m. at Tom Thompson Field against Dallas Baptist University.

Volleyball begin another road stint Bronchos on the road again for second straight tournament Steve Vidal Spotis II tau

The UCO women's volleyball team will be hitting the road again this weekend. They will be heading for Wichita Falls to play in the Midwestern State Invitational. The tournament will include a match-up with Northwood University and Southwest Baptist University on Friday, along with Drury University and Emporia State on Saturday. The squad is 2-2 after last weekend's St. Mary's Invitational in San Antonio, where they defeated host St. Mary's on Thursday. They then dropped a pair of tough matches against Florida Southern College and Metropolitan State College on Friday, then rebounded Saturday by routing Millersville University in three straight games. "I really like the fight in my team," head coach Jeff Boyland said on Friday's tough battles. "I really like how we didn't give up; it showed a lot of promise for the future." Boyland feels pretty so far about how his team has performed. He says that healthwise, they are in good shape in this early stage of the season. "From a statistic standpoint I think we've been pretty balanced," Boyland said. He said the balance has been good which is what he wants, rather than one player going out there and leading in all of the

statistical categories. So far junior Kristen Wilson has been leading the way offensively and sophomore Ginger Gowen has been anchoring the defense from the libero position. "I really like the fight in my team. I really like how we didn't give up; it showed a lot of promise for the future." -- Coach Jeff Boyland

Looking ahead to the Midwestern State Invitational the teams will seem to pose less of a threat on paper than last weekend's competition, with the exception of Emporia State who is ranked third in the national poll. However Boyland said every year is new and he hasn't seen the other teams extensively yet. "I would say if we play the kind of volleyball that we're capable of we'll definitely win our three matches that we're supposed to win and I think that we can give Emporia a fight," Boyland said. Emporia State looks to be loaded with two or three All-Americans on their squad. The Bronchos have also had one week less of training camp this season compared to most other teams due to the early start of the fall semester at UCO and the NCAA mandates on when the teams can start practice. Right now Boyland said the team needs to work on their defense and block a bit better. He says that the travel has not been much

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The UCO volleyball team huddles up before a preseason scrimmage in August. The Bronchos are currently 2-2 overall after their four game series in San Antonio last week. The Bronchos will participate in the Midwestern State Invitational in Wichita Falls, Texas this weekend. of a problem and that the road trips will allow the team to bond a bit, especially for a team that has one less week of training camp. Early on, some of the newcomers have been stepping up. One in particular has been junior Zuela Adorn who has started early playing as an outside hitter. Adorn is adjusting to outside hitter after previously playing middle hitter. Freshman Carly LeMay has also contributed early. LeMay was here a year ago but a knee injury sidelined her for most of last season, forcing her to red-shirt. Also freshman Morgan Roy has looked strong

on defense. "The hardest thing for the freshmen is to learn the speed of the game," Boyland said. He said that the game is faster than in high school or in club ball and there usually is an adjustment period. Right now the Bronchos are keeping a positive attitude looking toward the weekend and are excited for the home opener coming up on Sept. 11 against Missouri Southern State University at 3:3o p.m. That game will be part of the Broncho/ Fairfield Inn and Suites Invitational that UCO will host Sept. 11 and 12.




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Page 12 September 3, 2009

Bronchos drop out of top 25 rankings UCO looks to rebound against No. 13 West Texas A&M Chris Wescott s,„„„ (km,

After a disappointing loss in their season opener to seventh-ranked Pittsburg State, UCO dropped out of the top 25 in the AFCA Division II coaches poll release on Tuesday. The Bronchos cannot let that affect them as they face another tough challenge on Saturday. UCO will travel to Canyon, Texas to face the 13th-ranked West Texas A&M University. The WTAMU Buffaloes began the season ranked 11th' overall in Division II football, but dropped to the 13-spot after a 37-23 loss to the top ranked Grand Valley State last weekend. They may see the Bronchos as a team that is down after a big loss and may look to take advantage of UCO, who will be on the road for the second straight week. Last season West Texas A&M visited Edmond to take on the Bronchos. UCO lost that game 49-18. It was a game that was lopsided from the start as the Buffaloes jumped out to an early 21-0 lead and coasted to victory. That game, however brought about quarterback Brandon Noohi's first touchdown as a Broncho as he hit Daniel Morrell for a 12-yard touchdown pass. In that game West Texas racked up 637 total yards and completed 4o of 6o passes for 470 yards and limited UCO to just 270 total yards. The Buffaloes also had a Wantland Stadium record of 32 total first downs in that game. Noohi may once again call Morrell's number this season as the two seemed to form some chemistry last week. Noohi and Morrell connected on seven passes for 113 yards on route to their 42-13 loss to Pitt

State. Noohi hit Morrell once in stride for a big gain, and hit him again late in the game on the same dig route. Morrell continually got open inderneath all game and will need to continue to contribute this week. Facing a highly ranked team like West Texas on the road always posts a challenge. For the Bronchos, that means fixing a few mistakes that popped up last week. "It was a typical first game in that we made a lot of mistakes," UCO head coach Tracy Holland said after Saturday's loss. "We'll put it behind us, make some corrections and get ready for next week." The Bronchos seemed to have some first game nerves all night as they committed seven penalties for a total of 37 yards. The receivers also had 14 total dropped balls. They also had a tough time running the ball, as they had only 45 total rushing yards in the entire game. West Texas is not to be taken lightly. They outgained the number one team in the nation 426 yards of total offense to 377. They also held onto the ball longer than Grand Valley State. The Buffaloes will most likely be heavily supported against UCO at home. Last week they had a crowd of 15,093 and playing a team like UCO could bring close to that many on Saturday. The series is currently in favor of UCO who has a two game lead of WTAMU. The series stand at 10-8-1 in 19 games since it started back in 1930. However, the tides have changed in recent years, with the Buffaloes ona four game win streak versus the Bronchos. UCO has not won in Canyon, or against WTAMU since 2004, when they posted a 38-27 victory on Sept. 11. Kickoff is at Kimbrough Memorial Stadium in Canyon, Texas at 6 p.m. on Saturday.

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Terry Hardeman (above) celebrates with a fellow Bronchos after returning an interception for a touchdown last season. Hardeman has become an anchor of the Broncho's defense and recorded a tied for team high, eight tackles, five of which were solo last week against Pittsburg State University.

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UCO kicker wins LSC Honors Broncho's placekicker Brian Didonato was selected the Lone Star Conference North Division Sepcial Teams Player of the Week after Saturday night's loss to PSU. The freshman kicker scored seven of UCO's 13 points. Didonato opened his Broncho's career with a bang as he booted a 41-yard field goal withhis first ever collegiate kick. Didonato also sunk a 33-yarder later in the game and went one for one in extra point attempts Saturday night. With this honor, Didonato becomes the first Broncho to be rewarded "Player of the Week" since the 2009-2010 season began on the 29th of August.

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