The Vista September 5, 1991

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University of Central Oklahoma

The Student Voice Since 1903

THURSDAY September 5, 1991

Search launched for president By Larry Rogers Staff Writer

Poster children protest telethon LAS VEGAS (AP)—Jerry Lewis kicked of his 26th Labor Day telethon Sunday night, promising a broad range of celebrities to entertain between donation pitches for children afflicted with muscular dystrophy. Two former Muscular Dystrophy Association poster children, Cris Matthews and Mike Ervin, have announced a nationwide campain to boycott the telethon until Lewis is removed and the MDA's sentimental appeal is changed. A handful of demonstrators in wheelchairs protested in Las Vegas and in Los Angeles, where some wore banners declaring "Jerry's Telethon, Annual Ritual of Shame," while chanting "power not pity."

Elvis love letter sold at auction

VICKSBURG, Miss. (AP)—A private collector in London paid $7,700 for a love letter Elvis Presley wrote 33 years ago. The letter, written when Presley was in Germany with the Army, was auctioned Thursday at Christie's Fine Arts Auctioneers. The winning bid fell short of the $10,000 the letter was expected to fetch. The letter was dated Oct. 28, 1958, and addressed to Anita Wood Brewer of Vicksburg. It begins "Dear Little Bitty." The 5-foot-2 Brewer said Elvis often called her "little" because of her small frame. Brewer 53 said she had no idea how the letter got to London.

Choosing a replacement for retiring University of Central Oklahoma President Bill J. Lillard could take as long as three years, said Board of Regents of Oklahoma Colleges President Wayne Salisbury. Salisbury attended last Thursday's UCO faculty senate meeting to announce that an advisory committee was being selected and that the names of those appointed would be revealed at the board's meeting later this month. "One or two years wouldn't be unusual, even three," Salisbury said. Once the committee is formed, it will decide whether to make a "fast track" search in which a new president could be chosen by February or March to take office in June, or to make a longer national search. "If the Regents choose to have a legitimate national search, the process would probably be extended to between two and three years," said Bart Binning, UCO faculty senate president in a letter to Salisbury. "If the Regents were to choose this fast track option, it is thought that the search would probably be limited to locally known

personalities such as those listed recently in the local media," Binning said. If a national search is called for, an interim president will be appointed by the board to serve until the new president is selected, Salisbury said. The committee will consist of four regents, the UCO student senate president, the faculty senate president, alumni president, the UCO Foundation president, two elected faculty members, two elected administrators and Edmond citizens-at-large. Some faculty members have expressed concern over the fact that a doctorate degree is preferred, but not required of applicants for the position. Creative studies chair Christopher Givan asked Salisbury how the board could justify appointing even an interim president with- Board of Regents of Oklahoma Colout an earned doctorate. leges President Wayne Salisbury ad"We justify it by the person that we de- dresses the UCO faculty senate Thurscide to choose, in interviewing and if we day. (Photo by Dan Smith) think he can run the university," Salisbury University in Talequah is an example, Salissaid. "Some schools are run by managerial- bury said. Webb headed the Oklahoma type people, and they have very outstanding Highway Patrol before taking his current academecians under them taking care of the position, and was not one of the applicants various departments while they themselves presented by the screening committee. "Please keep in mind, it is the board that are not that strong in academics," Salisbury has the final authority in picking the presisaid. Roger Webb, president of Northeastern dent," Salisbury said. V

Short, but intense rainfall left Edwards Street deep in water this week when a temporarily clogged university drain struggled to keep up. (Photo by Dan Smith)

Pee-wee's family receives support NASHVILLE, Term. (AP)—The sister of children's show actor Peewee Herman says the family has received a lot of support since his arrest. "It's a difficult situation to see my brother attacked like this," Abby Rubenfeld said Thursday in an interview on radio station WWTN-FM. "My brother has stated his innocence and I believe him," she said on the live program "Teddy Bart's Roundtable." "He and my family and myself have received hundreds of letters of support, which we appreciate." Pee-wee Herman., 38, whose real name is Paul Reubens, was arrested July 26 at an adult movie theater in Sarasota, Ha., and charged with indecent exposure. V See WORLD WRAP, back page.


Editorials 2 Review 4 Feature 8 Sports 12 Comics 15 Classifieds 16

"The Doors" is Former FBI Psychedelic reA o u t o n agent and UCO tro is hot on ill video. Val Kil- associate pro- the runways in mer is brilliant in the fessor of manage- New York and Paris role of Jim Morrison. ment, James Brew- and campy resale ster, has been re- shops are cashing elected OSBI vice in. chairman.

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