The Vista Sept. 8, 2005

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Dodgeball, See sports Pg. 13

Wantland Stadium ribbon cutting, Sept. 8 at 4 p.m

The Student Voice Since 1903



Students answer the call of duty by Ashlie Campbell Vista Copy Editor UCO members of the Oklahoma National Guard and Reserves are being mobilized to help with relief efforts in the areas hit by Hurricane Katrina. "It (the mobilization) could affect a couple of hundred of people, but we haven't seen that yet," said Jerry Legere, assistant vice president of Enrollment Management. "It may filter along over the month." "There have already been several that have been deployed," said Linda Wright, Veterans Affairs coordinator. "The majority aren't being told how long they will be gone, they are hearing everything from 10 days to indefinitely." Soldiers in the Air National Guard, Army National Guard, Army Reserves and Marine Reserves have all come into the Veterans Affairs office saying there is a possibility they will be leaving, Wright said. Wright said no one knows for sure how long they will be gone, so all activated students are being encouraged to remain enrolled at this time. "Some may only be gone 10 days to a month and can stay enrolled, but if gone for longer they may have to drop," Legere said. "Any military person that is activated and has to withdraw and it is outside school policy will have to show their orders." Legere said since the last day to drop or withdraw and still receive a refund was Sept. 2, enrollment will deal with situa-

Hurricane evacuees land at UCO by Ashley Romano Vista Managing Editor

UCO will host university students from the Gulf Coast displaced by Hurricane Katrina free of charge beginning this week. Jerry Legere, assistant vice president of Enrollment Management, said UCO is waiving 12 hours of tuition and fees this semester for students affected by the hurricane. So far, three students from Louisiana have enrolled at UCO: brother and sister Ryan and Mirelle Mascarenhas from Louisiana State University and the University of New Orleans and Chaneka

Peoples, a native of Oklahoma City, who is also from the University of New Orleans. Dr. W. Roger Webb, university president, said it was important that UCO attempt to accommodate any student whose education has been disrupted by relaxing the admission process. "I'm impressed by how the UCO community has really been so open to embrace people in emergency situations in the past," said Webb, referencing the work of the freshman President's Leadership Council class for raising $1,200 Aug. 30 to go toward relief efforts. "(This) indicates the spirit of our community." Webb said no limit is in place yet for

those spots fill up, Overocker said the department will find vacancies in the residence halls. Overocker also said Housing is waiving all application fees for students displaced by the hurricane, and is "looking seriously" at waiving all costs. In addition, Career Services is waiving all registration and office fees and is helping students find part-time and fulltime employment in the metro area. Shannon Wilguess, director of Career Services, said as of Sept. 6, about 60 employment opportunities exist for students.

how many students the university can accept. "We might be hearing from a lot more," Webb said. Josh Overocker, director of UCO Housing, said the department is doing what it can to accommodate students. Currently, only those students who are attending classes at UCO will be able to live on campus, Overocker said. He said Housing will help place those people who are looking for temporary shelter in the community. "We've gotten calls from a number of faculty members volunteering a room in their homes," Overocker said. He added that the Broncho Apartments currently has about 20 vacant spots. If

Please see STUDENTS, page 5

Edmond citizens welcome at music school on campus by Courtney Bryce Vista Staff Writer The Central Community Music School, located in the UCO Music Building, opened its doors for all members of the Edmond community Aug. 1. Dr. Kathleen Wilson, director of the School of Music at UCO, said she thought it would be a good idea to start a community school. Wilson was dean of the Levine School of Music, a community school with sites in Washington, Virginia and Maryland, for four years. "I thought it would be good for both the university and the community," Wilson said. "Anybody can come over and take a class." Wilson said the school offers a wide range of group classes, private lessons and performing groups. Music Professor Peggy Spence said the City of Edmond

by Vista photographer Naomi Takebuchi

Plot of grass in for a flowery face-lift Aaron Wright, public relationslpolitical science sophomore, walks along the sidewalk on the west side of the Lillard Administration Building Sept. 6. The land will soon be the sight of a botanical garden. Work begins next month. See story Pg. 5.

Please see MUSIC, page 3

Please see TROOPS, page 3

Is Mitchell Hall haunted?



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media Design

A team of ghost hunters checked the theatre Sept. 2 for signs of otherworldly activity and the elusive 'Thornton'

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Italian photo exhibit

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Students who visited Italy last May as part of UCO's Passport program displayed their photography in an exhibit Sept. 1 in the Donna Nigh Gallery. See Pg. 3

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Bronchos look to win two-in-a-row Sept. 10 versus West Texas A&M, at their first home game of the 2005 season in the newly renovated Wantland Stadium. See sports Pg. 16

Movies Nathan Winfrey reviews "The Transporter 2," and "The Constant Gardener." See entertainment Pg. 7 and 9




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See Pg. 6 -.. -


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2 Opinion 3-6 News Entertainment 7-10 14 Classifieds 16 Sports




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Ron Cross, co-director of the Edmond-based Paranormal Research of Organized Studies, speaks to students about his past encounter with a ghost, at midnight Sept. 2 in front of Mitchell Hall before he led a sweep of the building for paranormal activity.

"Passions of Dracula", invited them to investigate the rumors of a ghost Sept. 2. The OKC PRA is made up of Spirit and ghost huntgroups, OKC Ghost Club, ers from the Oklahoma City OKC Paranormal Research Paranormal Research Alliance Group and Pros Investigations. hunted the grounds of Mitchell Dickson said the OKC PRA Hall after theatre professor a "sweep" of the Pollard Donna Dickson, director of the in Guthrie when she upcoming theater production of was directing "The Little Shop by Courtney Bryce Vista Staff Writer


did Theater

of Honors." "That time they actually called and asked me if they could come," Dickson said. "I've experienced some unusual things (at Pollard). There were times I went looking for a light source I never found." Dickson said she heard the students at UCO talk a little about a ghost named Thornton

who lived in Mitchell Hall. "Some think he may be a janitor. Some think he fell from a balcony," Dickson said. "I've had people tell me they won't go in Mitchell Hall alone at night, but they're anxious about telling me why." Dickson said the story of

Please see GHOST, page 4

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