The Vista Sept. 10, 2009

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Rifqa Bary deserves the right to worship freely, especially in the United States.


Forensic Science Institute nearing completion

Construction on the new UCO institute will be completed in the next few months. PAGE 4 UCO Bottled Water

Managing Editor Kory Oswald examines the undergraduate research on the composition of local water sources. PAGES 6 & 7 Women's Cross Country places 2nd in Land Run

The runners endured fog and slightly cooler than normal temperatures for the UCO Land Run, which is an annual meet hosted by UCO.


VIDEO ON UCO360.COM Medical examiner's office to move to Edmond?

NewsCentral's Zach Jacobs looks into the effort to move the state medical examiner's office to Edmond. Coffee Creek residents frustrated at new apartments

NewsCentral's Alicia Raymond looks into the frustrations of Coffee Creek residents at the planned construction of an apartment complex in their neighborhood. In remembrance of Les Paul

NewsCentral looks at the legacy of the legendary inventor who revolutionized the music industry. PHOTOS


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An architectural rendering shows the east side of Old North after construction of an addition that includes "all the things necessary to support Old North," such as an elevator, stairs and toilet rooms, David Stapleton, director of Architectural and Engineering services, said.

Caleb McWilliams cop, /;(limn.

the structural integrity of the interior, Stapleton said. "What it does essentially is to shore Old North may soon become the newest up the floors in some places and in some site of construction on campus...again. places it replaces the floors that are there," The Regional University System of he said. "It puts in a new steel structure, Oklahoma will meet next week to approve puts in some new columns and puts in _$3,465,000 in funding for structural reha- some new beams." bilitation of the interior and a new addition "The general intent is that once this to the building. phase is done, the first floor, the second If approved, it would be "mid-Novem- floor, and the third floor and parts of the ber before the contractor actually gets to fourth floor are up to code as far as weight the site to start putting up construction requirements for imposed loads for new fencing, bringing trailers in or bringing construction," he said. "It doesn't allow for in other gear," David Stapleton, director occupancy of the building." of Architectural and Engineering Services, After the completion of the structural said. restoration, Stapleton said there is another "The funding is there," Stapleton said. phase that has to come forward to renovate "Ultimately, the decision is pending based the interior to allow for occupancy. on the Regent's approval, but there's not "The design drawings have been done much reason that they would disallow [for the final renovation], but it's not fundthis." ed at this time," Stapleton said. "It's probThe big cost of the product, about $2.9 ably $6-7 million more that's needed. It's million, was in the construction of the new one of the fundraising goals to try to generaddition, which will include fire stairs, an ate the funding for that piece." elevator, toilet rooms, IT function closets This phase is the second in a series of and "all the things necessary to support Old three phases to renovate Old North for use. North," Stapleton said. Plans for the use of Old North in the future The other project of this phase includes include offices, classrooms and the future $470 thousand for the restoration of office of the president.

lenefar de Leon ,S'ialr I I rite/.


Check out photos of the recent comeptiton from Vista photographer Byron Koontz.

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Vista Writer Caleb McWilliams can be reached at cmcwilliams@uco360. corn.

Oklahoma's First Lady visits Lessons in Leadership

2009 Broncho Battle of the Bands

Joi ace

The first phase, Stapleton said, was work on the exterior. This included testing all the stone in the building for structural integrity and replacing those which were below adequate. "We actually went to the quarry, the same quarry where the stones came from, and we were able to get new pieces of stone," Stapleton said. These repairs also included replacing mortar joints, which were breaking the stones because their compressive strength was higher than the stones, he said. A roof section over the center of the building was also replaced, and other repairs were made to the bell tower and the metal roofing. Phase two is building the addition and doing the interior repairs to the structure. Phase three renovates the floors of the building and allows for occupancy. "This is going to be a great project," Stapleton said. "It really takes the next big step to getting Old North occupied. And once Old North is completed, then the center core of campus will become a completely different place."

Photo Services

First Lady Kim Henry addresses UCO President W. Roger Webb's Lessons in Leadership class in Constitution Hall on Tuesday, Sept. 8.

11)•'. you know...JV

The four presidents carved on Mount Rushmore are 60 feet tall and were sculpted between 1925 and 1941. George Washington is representative of the nation's founding, Thomas Jefferson represents its political philosophy, Abraham Lincoln, its preserva-




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One is a Democrat and the other is a Republican. Although these women have different political backgrounds, they came together for one goal: education. UCO invited First Lady Kim Henry and Edmond mayor Patrice Douglas on Tuesday to discuss Lessons in Leadership. "I want UCO students to appreciate how these two women stepped away from political beliefs for a common goal that helps the community," UCO president W. Roger Webb's assistant Jarrett Jobe said. Both women discussed the importance that leadership has in communities throughout the state of Oklahoma. Both also gave their opinions in what makes a leader, and how it has impacted their life. Henry, wife of Governor Brad Henry, spoke of her husband's struggles to get his name out to the public. She remembers how fellow companions told her husband that he couldn't do it, because no one knew who he was. But she said that it didn't stop her husband from running. see HENRY, page 4

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Page 2

September 10 2009

Rifqa Bary: She deserves the right to worship freely

The Vista

Comm. Building, Rm. 131 100 N. University Dr. Edmond, OK 73034-5209 405-974-5549

The Bottom Line

The Vista is published as a newspaper and public forum by UCO students, semi-weekly during the academic year except exam and holiday periods, and only on Wednesdays during the summer, at the University of Central Oklahoma. The issue price is free for the first copy and $1 for each additional copy obtained. EDITORIALS Opinion columns, editorial cartoons, reviews and commentaries represent the views of the writer or artist and not necessarily the views of The Vista Editorial Board, the Department of Mass Communication, UCO or the Board of Regents of Oklahoma Colleges. The Vista is not an official medium of expression for the Regents or UCO. LETTERS The Vista encourages letters to the editor. Letters should address issues and ideas, not personalities. Letters must be typed, double-spaced, with a maximum of 150 words, and must include the author's printed name, title, major, classification and phone number. Letters are subject to editing for libel, clarity and space. or to eliminate statements of questionable taste. The Vista reserves the right not to publish submitted letters. Address letters to: Editor, The Vista, 100 N. University Dr., Edmond, OK 73034-5209, or deliver in person to (he editor in the Communications Building, Room 131. Letters can be e-mailed to vistauco@gmaiLcom.


MANAGEMENT Laura Hoffert, Co-Editor Nelson Solomon, Co-Editor Kory Oswald, Managing Editor Caleb McWilliams, Copy Editor Ryan Croft, Web Editor Chris Wescott, Sports Editor

Kaylea Brooks, Tiffany Brown, . Steve Vidal, Jenefar De Leon, Bryoney McCaslin,

Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff

that he knew his daughter was Tomorrow is the involved with Christian organizaeighth anniversary of tions. the Sept. 11 attacks, "I have no problem with her and the relationship practicing any faith," he said. But between Muslims Bary conceded he would have preand Christians in this ferred that his daughter practice country is again being the Muslim faith first. stressed by the situaBary's parents are devout memtion involving 17-yearbers of a mosque with ties to terold runaway Fathima rorist groups, Rifqa Bary. BY NELSON SOLOMON reported on Sept. 3. Bary left her If her father's promise that he Columbus, Ohio home on July 19 in fear of being killed by her parents and ran has no problem with her practicing any faith is indeed away to Orlando, where she is now in state foster care by true, then that bodes well for Rifqa, but also speaks to the dedication of her parents to Islamic tradition. And, court order, according to . She grew up in a Muslim home and became a as stated by Rifqa, she is the first in the 150 generations Christian four years ago. More recently, Bary said her of her family to know Jesus Christ. family will murder her in what is known as an "honor "I, am the first one," she said. "Imagine the honor in killing" for converting to Christianity. killing me." Rifqa and her parents have several weeks to work the While Islamic leaders such as Imam Muhammad Musri, president of the Islamic Society of Central Florida, situation out, and my overall hope is that, at the end of point out that honor killing is not a part of the Quran, this ordeal, her faith is kept whole and she is not perseIslamic tradition views an honor killing as the killing of cuted for her faith in this land of religious freedom. If she can return to a safe home with her parents in a person believed to have brought dishonor upon his or Ohio, then so be it. her family. On Sept. 3, Judge Daniel Dawson of the Orange If not, I hope she can still worship without worry and County Juvenile Court ordered the girl and her parents all the parties can somehow come to a peaceful resoluto seek mediation within 3o days, according to CNN. tion. America was founded as a land for those with difcom. Another hearing is scheduled for Sept. 29 if the family ferent religious views to have freedom to practice their beliefs, and my hope is that Rifqa can worship Jesus is not able to resolve the conflict through mediation. Mohamed Bary recently told CNN he believes a lot of Christ without fear, just as her parents can worship Allah in freedom. false information has been circulated about the case. Being in the United States, she deserves the right. "We wouldn't do her harm," the father said, adding

Writer Writer Writer Writer Writer


PHOTOGRAPHY Byron Koontz Allison Rathgeber Amanda Siegfried

DESIGN Kayleigh Adamek



Laura Hoffert Stephen Hughes

Stacey Sprague




Mr. Teddy Burch

- Preview Arcadia, a new literary magazine starting in Spring 2010. - Who is the hot dog vendor on campus? Check out The Vista's feature on him on Tuesday. - Hear what Dr. Victor DeNoble, one of the first researchers to help "blow the whistle" on the tobacco industry, had to say in his Sept. 14 presentation.

Tresa Berlemann

What were you doing when the Sept. 11 attacks happened? "I was "I was asleep during my freshman year in college. Class hadn't started yet."

Dale Knight

Scott Bailey Senior Actuarial Science

"I was in the LA building. My wife called me and said a plane had hit one of the towers. When the second plane hit I knew Dr. Louis Furmanski it wasn't an Chairperson Dept. of Political Science accident. "

working in the LA building. When it happened we rolled a TV into the copy room so everyone could watch."

Staff Program Specialist

"When it happened I was getting dressed for work. When I caught it on TV I thought it was a movie trailer at first." Jo Taylor Staff Financial Aid Rep.

Cam pus Quotes

Mark Bolin Senior History

"I was at Tulsa CC and had slept in that day. I was mad when my mom called and woke me up, until I found out what happened." "I was in grad school at Duke University. It happened during a seminar, and we all watched it on TV together."

Dr. Alix Mazuet

Compiled by and Nelson Solomon

Faculty Byron Koontz Asst. Professor of French

Common sense: Texting and driving don't mix Kat Drinkwatar 7he Battalion

I need technology like a four year old needs cotton candy. It may just be a really strong desire, but it sure feels like a requirement. When Gmail went down last week, I could only think of all the things I couldn't do without it. When I go back to my home county, with its telephone co-op that blocks out all major carriers, I feel a physical loss with the absence of my signal bars. I need to be able to get in touch with anyone at any time, which is why I think nothing of calling someone when I'm on the road. But now that's changing as cell phone laws already present in other states creep into others. Six states already ban hand-held cell phones for all drivers and 18 others ban text messaging. The restriction here in Texas has some caveats that prevent it from being used in full effect. The greatest of which is, in order to ticket drivers for the offense, signs must be posted outside the school zone. Despite the small scope of the restriction, the law has met a frosty reception. Still, I don't think it's a bad idea. For one thing, there is that memorable Mythbusters episode where they demonstrated talking on a cell phone was more impairing than driving a little bit drunk. However, despite its precedent for mostly foolproof and highly entertaining tests, that experiment had a lot of flaws. Fortunately, slightly more reliable research has been conducted elsewhere.

In 2001, the University of Utah demonstrated hands-free cell phones are just as distracting as hand-held ones. A study published in 2006 found people were as impaired while talking on a cell phone as when driving with a .o8 percent blood alcohol count. The drivers on cells were slower to brake than in their control runs, and the following distance varied wildly as their attention to the road and car in front of them faded in and out. In fact, the only wrecks during the experimental test drives occurred when drivers were on cell phones, not when they had been drinking. Perhaps the most important results to come from the Utah studies were published in 2008, with tests that compared conversations with a passenger to the same conversation held on a hands-free cell phone. It's a common misconception it's the message and not the medium that distracts the driver, an eventuality that was notably not tested on Mythbusters. The results are clear, although talking to a passenger had virtually no impact on driving, talking on a cell phone impaired drivers' ability to stay in their own lane and made them four times more likely to miss the destination. In the end, it's really a simple issue. Talking on a cell phone, no matter if it's handsfree or hand held, seriously impairs your ability to drive. We all know that drunk driving is a foolish and reckless act that endangers not only the driver, but everyone else on the road. It's time talking on a cell phone took on that same stigma. I'll be the first to say that I really like my phone and I'm going to be annoyed by not using it, even just in school zones. But, like that 4-year-old with the cotton candy, I don't actually need technology every minute to survive, and too much can be a very bad thing.

September 10, 2009

NEWS FKOM AFAR: DECISION TIME Afghanistan...No easy solutions for Obama bouring areas) but America itself. The thought of the Taliban swarming its way back into Afghanistan is a nightmarish scenario but the prospect of Washington getting mired and bogged down with no light at the end of the tunnel is not a sobering one either. Obama is getting hammered on all sides. If there are those who are calling for the United States to Dr. Sridhar wind up the show, there are many others who are pointKrishnaswami ing to the real geo-political Editorial Correspondent and strategic implications In many ways the of throwing in the towel. moment of "real" deci- And at a time when the sion time has arrived for domestic compulsions of the Obama administra- a Democratic administration in Afghanistan;and tion are seemingly weighit is not an easy one by ing down the added worry any stretch of imagination. is that latest opinion polls What President Barack are showing that the fight Obama does or does not in Afghanistan may not do will profoundly affect be worth the costs. And not just that part of the internationally the United world (including the neigh- States will have to face the criticism of not standing

behind an "ally" adding up tion is squarely responsible the negative points in the for the current rot for the simple reason of taking the "trust" column. Hopefully President eye off the ball and wanderObama will not go by that ing into misadventures like "Who Lost" slogan that has Iraq. Afghanistan is critical to haunted many American Presidents in the post sec- the United States for more ond world war era, be it than the reason of that Korea, Vietnam or even country becoming a terror Afghanistan. People who haven all over again and dish out this type of an argu- perhaps even threatenment to force Presidents ing America directly. In pump in money and human fact an argument can be resources conveniently for- made that staying firmly get this: How can you lose in Afghanistan goes the something that you did not distance in rooting out the have to begin with? But the terror havens in Pakistan. Fumbling in Afghanistan temptations are there. Conservative writers will by the Obama administramake the point that Obama tion portends great danmust do what his prede- ger to Pakistan itself—a cessor George W Bush country that is currently would have done:s taying on the brink and possessthe ground and firmly at ing nuclear weapons; and that. But what many fail to a free pass for terrorists in point out that while Bush Pakistan and Afghanistan did in fact rout the Taliban is a source of great menace out of its safest haven in and danger to countries in Afghanistan in the post the area including India. The domestic pressure 9/11 period, his administra-

are many or President Obama but the firm policy must be to stay the ground in Afghanistan with the singular aim of checking and beating back the Taliban which is currently gaining strength. But America alone cannot do the "trick"— it needs to have a regime in Kabul that is also willing and capable of playing ball. And this should come by way of a firm message to its ally to put in place true measures that win the

hearts and minds of the Afghans. A former Senior Researcher Staff Writer, Editorial Writer and Special Correspondent for The Hindu in Singapore and Washington, Dr.Sridhar Krishnaswami is currently the Head of The School of Media Studies and Professor and Head of the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication at the SRM University near Chennai, India. He can be contacted at sridhar54k@gmail.corn._

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September 10 2009

Page 4

Forensic Science Institute nearing completion Tiffany Brown

ment. This is something that could not be done in a regular classroom setting, Adams said. Stajfil'ther Since field experts will be actively working at the AT&T lab, students will have the opportunity to complete their At the University of Central Oklahoma crime fighting internships on campus. They can also intern at the OSBI is close to becoming a reality, as the Forensic Science located across the street from FSI. "Our goal is to give our students a well-rounded educaInstitute is nearing completion. The groundbreaking ceremony began in June 2008. In tion in Forensic Science," Adams said. FSI faculty has more than 200 years of training and a few months the FSI staff will be relocating from Evans Hall to the new facility. According to the website, "The experience. facility will be approximately 35,000 square feet and have "We bring a lot of experience to our students," Adams a 165 seat auditorium and three 5o seat classrooms." said. We are going to be equipping them to get a job in the field they choose. Other features are also being built. According to FSI policies on its website, the Forensic The program will begin its journey of fulfilling its vision of becoming, "A world-class Institute dedicated to qual- Science undergraduate degree program is one component. ity forensic science education, training, and research for It is designed to be a dual degree or double major proprofessionals and students" just as the UCO FSI website gram. Students must declare another major in addition states. to Forensic Science. Students majoring in Art and Forensic Science can "We don't anticipate being able to take occupancy until November," Dwight Adams, Director Forensic Science receive a Forensic Artist degree. Nursing Majors who complete the Forensic Science Institute, said. Classes will not be held until January program can become certified Sexual Assault Nurses and 2010. Although the building will be completed around Child Abuse Specialists. Students in the Criminal Justice November other work needs to be done inside the build- field can earn Crime Scene Investigator certification. These are just three of the programs that can be coming. Furniture needs to be placed in the facility and the buildings electricity has to be properly hooked up for pleted in conjunction with Forensic Science. sound, light, and other equipment. Other majors that can be combined for a dual degree "We will have excellent classrooms for our students," include: Graphic Design, Accounting, Psychology, Biology, Adams said. Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering and Physics, The Forensics Lab will feature training opportunities Funeral Service and Sociology. such as the Evidence Recovery Bay that will allow students Adams said this is the first year of the new revamped to recreate mock crime scenes and collect evidence from Forensics Science program on campus. Undergraduate enrollment in the program has increased 33%, he said. vehicles. "Without question, we are all excited about the new FSI will also have a digital lab. UCO received a $1 million grant from the AT&T Forensic Science building," Adams said. "There is not Foundations to create the AT&T Digital Evidence and going to be a better program in the country." Photo by Allison Rathgeber The FSI program also offers a limited number of scholCyber Security Laboratory, within the FSI. "The AT&T digital forensics lab will be a location that arships for students who need financial assistance. Construction continues on the Forensic Science Inlaw enforcement here in Oklahoma use for digital processstitue, on schedule to be completed in November. Vista Writer Tiffany Brown can be reached at ing," Adams said. Classes are set to begin in January 2010. tbrovvn@uco360.corn. It will allow officers to search and retrieve electronic evidence from computers and other technological equip-


Jumped from page 1

"He took the opportunity to define himself," Henry said. "He became known as the education man." A leader, according to Kim Henry, is one that must inspire others, learn from failures, turn liabilities to opportunities, be a great communicator and always do the right thing. Henry grew up Shawnee, and received her degree in history education from the University of Oklahoma. She said that education helps build leaders for the future. Her passion for education, and the help of Mayor Douglas has improved education in Oklahoma. "With the help of Patrice, we have helped make Oklahoma number one in the U.S.A. in early childhood education," she said.

Henry said that early childhood education is important in building future leaders. "A good foundation allows children the tools that they need in life," she said. Douglas agreed with Henry in her thoughts about education in Oklahoma. "We will never have leaders if we don't help build from the bottom up," she said. Douglas said that what makes a leader is vision and the action that they take. She said that a leader must have a passion for the vision, and integrity. She discussed how integrity builds trust in people. "Be genuine," she said. Both women are examples of leaders in Oklahoma,

and advised UCO students to become leaders in their own communities. Lesson in Leadership has had numerous speakers who have impacted their community speak to the students at UCO. "This course was developed by President Webb," Jobe said. "We adhere local and state leaders to speak to these students on how they have reached communities with their fields." Jobe hopes that UCO students will follow by example, and find something they are passionate about. Vista Writer Jenefar de Leon can be reached at .

Former UCO president and wife honored Nelson Solomon

Nigh served as governor of Oklahoma from 1979 to 1987, and was the state's first co ditor two-term governor. He served as UCO President Former Oklahoma governor and UCO from 1992 to 1997 and was also president George Nigh and his wife, a regular in Edmond as UCO's Donna Nigh, were honored for their service to the state by the Oklahoma State Distinguished Statesman in Residence. Board of Regents at their Sept. 3 meeting. The regents cited the former governor's "Governor George Nigh continues to service in the state legislature, which began have a highly significant impact on the in the House of Representatives in 1950, State of Oklahoma and our system of and their leadership in such endeavors higher education," said Dr. Glen Johnson,' such as the Donna Nigh Foundation and the George and Donna Nigh Scholarship. chancellor of the board. The regents proclaimed, "... through "In every leadership role he has the immeasurable leadership efforts assumed—teacher, legislator, lieutenof Governor George Nigh and Donna ant governor, governor and president of UCO—Governor Nigh has Nigh in their personal and professionbeen fully committed to advancing al roles, they have helped to build the our state through higher education." educational foundation necessary for all Johnson said the regents were "honored Oklahoma students to achieve success." At the meeting, George Nigh thanked to join Governor Brad Henry in recogthe regents for the recognition, along with nition of the tremendous contributions his friends and colleagues who attended, that Governor Nigh and First Lady Donna according to the Edmond Sun. Nigh have made to the State of Oklahoma He said he had special relationships with over their many years of public service." individuals in the room, who worked togethGov. Brad Henry proclaimed Sept. 3, er doing things for the people of Oklahoma. 2009, as "George and Donna Nigh Day." "Donna and I never wanted to be anyThrough the Nighs' "vision, leadership and continued commitment to excellence, where but Oklahoma," the former goverUCO started the important transformation nor said. from a regional university to Oklahoma Vista Writer Nelson Solomon can be City's urban university," Henry wrote. reached at nsolomon@uco360.corn.

Photo by Allison Rathgeber

Former Gov. George Nigh stands in front of Broncho Lake and his namesake, the Nigh University Center. Sept. 3 is now "George and Donna Nigh Day." The former governor and UCO president was honored by current Governor Brad Henry for his "vision, leadership and continued commitment to excellence."

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Page 5 September 10, 2009

Arcadia Trio headlines at Jazz Lab Kaylea Brooks ,,,„

Rain couldn't stop the house from being full at the UCO Jazz Lab Tuesday night as students, faculty and more gathered to hear the first performance of the new Faculty Concert Artist series, Arcadia Trio. Dr. Chindarat Charoenwongse, head of the UCO's piano division, joined with violinist Deborah Greitzer of Canada and cellist Linda Jennings of Pennsylvania in playing four radically different pieces including Mozart's "Trio in G Major" to "Four Duets for Violin and Cello" by late OU professor Violet Archer. The three met when a friend of Jennings's mentioned how good of a pianist Charoenwongse was, and in 2007 they formed as Arcadia Trio. Charoenwongse is originally from Bangkok, Taiwan, and Jennings is an associate professor at Indiana University in Pennsylvania. Greitzer has been a member of the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra in New York for over 30 years. Together, the three musicians performed the four musical pieces with energy and intensity, but also with great ease. Dr. C, as she is called by her students, wove through the arpeggios in Mozart's trio, striking the keys while studying the music expressively. Her arms flowed over the board as she leaned into the piano, swaying with the music. Mozart's trio was played with wonderful technique that made simple chords by the three pull together to make a wonderful piece. The third movement was bouncy and joyful—a delight to listen to. The pianist retired after the Mozart piece to allow "Four Duets for Violin and Cello" by Violet Archer, and the piece was very intense and powerful, and according to the bulletin, was "restless." It was played with much emotion. Charoenwongse rejoined the two after a brief intermission to play "Tibetan Tunes" by Chen Yi, and with this piece the violin and cellist both used different techniques, such as plucking or pizzicato, and

Photo by Allison Rathgeber

Arcadia Trio is comprised of Dr. Chindarat Charoenwongse, head of the UCO's piano division, violinist Deborah Greitzer of Canada and cellist Linda Jennings of Pennsylvania. The group performed Tuesday Sept. 8 at the UCO Jazz Lab.

other various techniques to accurately portray the piece. The group finished with a Joaquin Turina piece from 1933, "Trio No. 2 in B minor, Op. 76," and they played the piece beautifully without error, ending the concert grandly. According to violinist Greitzer, there is no favorite music style since music, in of itself, is very general. "Everything we played tonight was different," she said. For her, even if there is music that she doesn't like at first, she tries her best to do the piece justice. "It's like a lawyer representing a case that they don't agree with. You have to represent your client well. Music is like that," she said. "You have to make the music convincing to your audience. That's part of the game of playing in an orchestra." She said that at first she and Jennings weren't completely sure about their duet, but the piece grew on them. "Usually by the time you play [on stage], you rarely hate the thing," she said, saying that a musician must put a lot of time and effort into a piece, and after practicing it repeatedly, the musician appreciates the music for what it is. After practicing the duets, Greitzer said that she began to like them. No matter what style of music the trio will be playing, they enjoy each other enough to travel and play together. The group has already played in Canada and even at some elementary schools here in the area. Greitzer said that the brooding duet was the children's favorite. In a few weeks they will be performing at Indiana University. Vista Writer Kaylea Brooks can be reached at kbrooks@uco360.corn.

Tips from Ready America for Nat'l Preparedness Month determine what disasters can occur and how to prepare on how to be prepared, plan ahead and stay informed. The first step that one should do first is get a kit. for it. Ready America recommends taking a First Aid SW/if11 it( / Consider basic survival necessities: fresh water, food and course, and attending events that can help prepare one for those emergencies. warmth. Ready America has set up events throughout the month Ready America recommends one gallon of water per When natural disasters hit, one hopes they are prepared for it. Most students already have a basic idea what person that could last for three days, and fresh non-per- of September to help educate families and friends. On to do when a natural disaster or an accident occurs, but ishable canned foods. A battery-operated radio is a must, September 12, Ready America is opening a free event for does one know how to prepare for it before it actually as well as a flashlight with extra batteries. There should families to learn about home and outdoor safety, hosted also be a first aid kit filled with bandages, antibiotic oint- by Oklahoma State University-Oklahoma City and Center happens? Ready America has declared the month of September ments, and any prescription that family members need for Safety and Emergency. The Family and Safety day will be opened to the public National Preparedness Month. The Ready America cam- just in case injuries occur. from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at 3501 W. Reno in Oklahoma City. The next step that Ready America recommends is to paign is designed to inform and educate Americans on There will be educational acti 'ties that families can do make a plan. When making a plan for emergency situahow to be prepared, plan and stay informed when natural tions, family members or friends should create an emer- together, and also free giveaways. and man-made disasters happen. For more information go online at . Ready Campaign was launched in February 2008 by gency contact number and person to be reached in case the Department of Homeland Security. The public service members are separated by a disaster. There should also be has partnered up with private and public organizations safe area that one can go to. Designating an area and havlike FEMA, Citizen Corp and also local colleges to help ing an emergency phone number can make it less stressful Vista Writerlenefar deLeon can be reached at in those situations. prepare Americans in any disaster. jdeleon@uco360.corn. The last step is to be informed. Learn about the area; According to Ready America, there are three basic steps

lenefar de Leon


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September 10, 2009

Undergrads research water composition Kory Oswald Managing Editor

Undergraduate students in the College of Mathematics and Science and local high school students have been researching the concentration of pollutants in local water sources and bottles of water since spring 2009. The project is directed by Dr. John Bowen, an associate professor of chemistry, and has found that local water sources and bottled water may be clean of toxic compounds but the plastic containers release elements into the water that can be harmful to babies. "The plasticizers...will leach right out of the sides of the container into the water," Bowen said. "If little...developing babies get this stuff in their tends to feminize the boys and...cause early pubescence in the girls. There's...a molecule that has...the same effects as the [estrogen] and [it could] foul them up as they go along." There is a water plant in Edmond and another water plant by Lake Hefner in Oklahoma City where the majority of the city residents get water. The water comes from streams and is treated to kill all the bacteria in it. It is then "rolled" through a bed of coal to absorb the other pollutants. Because of this process and the amount of the "estrogen mimicking plasticizers" that enter the water from the plastic bottles, Bowen said that it is better for prepubescent children to drink tap water but does not think that bottled water is detrimental to adults. "There are more chemicals that are ending up...from the containers into [the water]," Bowen said. "Several studies have come out that have shown...the quality of the water is sometimes not as good as what you get...out of the tap. Besides it's cheaper. Does it hurt you after puberty? Probably not. Unless of course there are other subtle effects that this stuff has and...nobody knows for sure because these things are very hard to prove." Plastic is nothing more than a series of long carbon chains. To make the plastic flexible short compounds chains must be used in the plastic. This results in the production of organic compounds called phthalates and a product called Bisphenol A (BPA). When these elements get into a developing human body they mimic estrogen and trick the brain into thinking there is an abundance of the sex hormone that causes puberty early for girls but will delay puberty for boys. Bowen said that the compounds are probably not dangerous in low concentrations but also said there have been cases of children with high levels of phthalates and BPA in their bodies suffering from birth defects like penis deformities in boys and "precocious puberty" in girls, which is the onset of signs of puberty before age eight, according the Mayo Clinic's website. "This was a big deal is relatively rare," Bowen said.

allows the researchers to inject the water samples through a hydrogen flame that burns at 250-degrees Celsius and feeds the sample into glass tubes that are slightly thicker than a human hair located in the belly of the machine. The glass tubes are coated with thousands of varieties of an organic compound. The vapor from the hydrogen flame and water sample are carried by nitrogen gas through the machine and analyzed by the computer. "The purpose of the research at UCO is to train out some of the best chemistry undergraduates that we can possibly get," Bowen said. "We do really well at UCO. We are using this kind of a method of enhancing the education of our undergrad students." The long-term goal of the research is to eventually find and examine antibiotics in surface waters. Bowen said that antibiotics make their way into the water through human waste and the water sewage treatment does not get rid of the antibiotics and they are sent back into the streams where bacteria live. "What we are doing bacteria antibiotics," Bowen said. "The ones that live are basically evolving to be... proof against our antibiotics. We are just doing this evolutionary experiment out in our stream beds." Bowen hopes to have a student test the feasibility of that research sometime this semester. "That is a step ahead of what we are doing right now," Bowen said. "That would be kind of nice because...that really is an environmental hazard." High school students that volunteer their time help the undergraduates on the research. Bowen said, in spite of limited funding, UCO has lured generations of Photo illustration provided high school students into this lab because the research is simple, inexpensive and fun for the students. Dr. John Bowen, associate professor of chemistry, The undergraduates that participate in the research are usually sophomore level. When they demonstrates the Solid Phase Micro Extraction take Quantitative Analysis, the introductory course to device used to examine polar organic elements in Analytical Chemistry, Bowen assigns them one month water samples. to come up with a method of research similar to the water composition research. Bowen said that he and the Environmental Protection Bowen said that at first the students are intimidated at Agency recommend mothers use glass bottles when nurs- first but quickly get into the work. ing but that the plasticizers probably do not have much of "Its addictive," Bowen said. an effect on adults. "Its like a video game that they can't put down. When This type of research project is possible because you're working on your own stuff then you're a heck of a the college of science has a Gas Chromatograph-Mass lot more interested in it." Spectrometer (GC-MS) machine. The GC-MS is a "topThe research lab is used to teach instrumental analysis flight instrument" in analytical chemistry that is actually to all chemistry majors and is not equaled by any campus two machines stuck together; a gas chromatograph and in a three state area. Bowen said that the bigger colleges a mass spectrometer, which look like the offspring of a usually only allow graduate students to use the type of white pygmy washing machine and microwave on ste- instruments that UCO's undergraduates are required to roids. learn and become proficient on. The gas chromatograph has two injector ports that

MO housing satisfaction ranks high Tiffany Brown Staff iVriter

The University of Central continues to rank high among its peers for students housing satisfaction. Every year, surveys are taken from a sample of students in each dormitory. This includes the Commons, Suites, Murdaugh Hall, West Hall and Central Plaza. In May 2009, students were surveyed to find out how satisfied they were with student housing. One thousand surveys were distributed. Each housing facility received 250. There were approximately 1550 students on campus last year and 700 students completed and returned the surveys. The survey is done through the Association of College and University Housing Officers International (ACUHO-I). They are Scantron surveys and have a total of ioo questions. The students can Photo by Byron Koontz rank questions such as how satisfied are you with housing staff and how safe do you feel walking around campus, on a Murdaugh Hall, one of five campus dormitories at UCO, is pictured. Recent surveys have revealed that residents' satisfaction with housing facilities and services scale from 1-7. The surveys are distributed to ranks high among UCO's peers. University's throughout the world. "Schools from S. Africa and Asia are

involved, but it is mainly comprised of Universities in the U.S.," Josh Overocker, director of UCO Housing and Dining services said. After the data is received it is analyzed and compiled by the company. Schools are ranked in 19 categories and placed in three classifications. First is the select six ranking. "We choose six schools to compare ourselves against," Overocker said. "They compare us to the six schools and rank us in comparison those six schools" Five out of the six schools selected by UCO are in the Metropolitan School categories UCO has just been classified under. "We didn't have six of our peers that were participating," Overocker said. The select six chosen by UCO include: San Jose State, University of Northern Iowa, Texas StateSan Marcos University, Missouri State, University of North Carolina Charlotte and Youngstown State. Although the University of Northern Iowa is close to a Metropolitan area, it is not considered one of UCO's "peers." Since UCO housing staff had some see HOUSING, page 8

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Page 7 September 10, 2009

Broncho water tested, deemed 'pretty clean' Kory Oswald Ilanagitig filar

For the story on Dr. Bowen's research, The Vista had Dr. John Bowen test the UCO brand of bottled water that is sold on campus. The product is bottled and distributed by Coca-Cola at a plant in Okmulgee, Okla. where the water comes from. UCO alumnus and Coca-Cola's onpremise marketing manager said the water is double-filtered and then sent through a process of reverse osmosis. "It's an Oklahoma product," Murray said. "The process is actually very similar... to Desani." The Desani brand bottled water is different because it has added minerals like sodium and magnesium. "None of that goes into the UCO water, it's completely pure," Murray said. The UCO brand water was processed for 78 hours, which allowed for a thorough testing of the water's composition at approximately one part per billion or even one part per trillion. Bowen's study found that the UCO water had four known plasticizers but the GC-MS machine is unable to test for BPA in any of the samples they take. Compared to the sample of water stored in a Nalgene Outdoor reusable water bottle, which was tested for 24 hours, the UCO brand was "pretty clean." The compounds found in the UCO water were: Dimethyl Phthalate, which

is also used as an insect repellent, Benzophenone, which is a ultraviolet light absorber and also used as a fixative in perfumes to keep the scent on your skin, Cyclododecane which is in PVC toys and also a sealant, and Dibutyl Phthalate, which is a plasticizer. There was also hexadecanoic acid and heptadecanol, an alcohol that is also a fixative in soaps and perfumes. Bowen said that beer also has plasticizers in it because most of the cans have a plastic liner. He has tested water sources from Broncho Lake, Deep Fork Lake and an outflow creek from the Francis Tuttle building and the sewage water that comes out of the college of science building at UCO. "Sure enough we found the dimethyl phthalate in it," Bowen said. "What that proves is that, yeah, they've got plastic plumbing in there. It's not like they're contaminating anything. It's just coming out of the plastic." According to Murray, UCO purchased 42,792 bottles of the UCO water from Coke-Cola last year. Nalgene Outdoor started making a BPA-free plastic bottle and has also moved to stainless steel bottles. According to Bowen there was recently a big push for BPA and phthalate-free baby bottles. Vista Writer Kory Oswald can be reached at koswald@uco360.corn.

Photo by Byron Koontz

Basil Mathews (high school student) cleans out a sample container before pouring in the UCO Bottled Water for testing. Bowen said "three rinses" are sufficient for removing 99% of foreign materials. Compared to a sample of water stored in a Nalgene Outdoor reusable water bottle, the UCO brand was "pretty clean," Dr. John Bowen, associate

professor of chemistry, said.

Change in store for the college of Arts, Media and Design Tiffany Brown As the season changes from Fall to Winter, so will the University of Central Oklahoma's fine arts college. After keeping its current name for approximately nine years, the College of Arts, Media and Design (CAMD) things will change. The CAMD will officially change the name of its college to the College of Fine Arts and Design. The college has been called CAMD since January 2001. "Although our identity has been known on the UCO campus since the inception of our college, it has not been fully understood by those off campus," John Clinton, the Dean of the College of Arts, Media & Design, said. The decision to change the name of the college came up two years ago. "The college of Arts, Media and Design really didn't describe who we are and what we do," Clinton, said. "Changing the name from the College of Arts, Media and Design to the College of Fine Arts and Design more accurately reflects who we are and our areas of expertise— Art, Dance, Interior and Graphic Design, Music and Theatre." The college had plans to incorporate a media art depar tment, but it did not. Many were confused about why a media art department was not incorporated in the college. "It was important for our college to prioritize our budget, faculty and space requirements to make sure our current programs were and are appropriate for our students,"

Clinton said. "The timing was just not right to begin a new program—Media Arts." The college's website is also changing. The new website is currently going through the process of development to complete CAMD's new image. It will be finished in December 2009. The CAMD current name was not changed this semester, because it was going through the regents for approval. Any changes made during this semester would cause confusion due to the fall catalog being printed the previous semester. The Spring 2010 catalog will reflect the name change. The name is not the only alteration the college is undergoing. In the past the theater and dance department were together. "While theatre and dance have some similarities, there are significant differences in program development and curriculum," Clinton said. "I think it's important to give each department its own identity." Along with the new transformations the university is undergoing, each department will now be separate components that help comprise the College of Arts, Media and Design. "This change allows both theatre and dance to focus on their academic area while still maintaining a close curriculum relationship." The separation of the Dance and Theater department does not mean the curriculum or classes will change. "To my knowledge there are not any new programs or classes that are the result of the changes," Clinton said. "Our primary goal was to better identi fy who we are

Photo by Byron Koontz

The College of Arts, Media and Design will change its name to the College of Fine Arts and Design starting after the beginning of the new year.

our areas of expertise." One component that will remain familiar to students, faculty and staff is the location. The college will not be changing facilities. The name change will take effect on January 1, 2010. and




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Page 8

September 10, 2009

Writer works with watercolor Kory Oswald ihmaf:Ting Editor

Dr. Terry Clark is a polymath of communication. A professor of journalism and former chair of the mass communication department for 19 years, former copy editor for The Daily Oklahoman and former owner and publisher of the Waurika News-Democrat. Clark is also a watercolor artist whose work will be on display at the Paseo Studio and Gallery for the next month. "Water-color is a series of solving problems, and you forget everything else," Clark said. Born in Texas to an artistic family, Clark grew up in New Mexico and moved to Oklahoma where he earned a doctorate in Mass Communications and Higher Education at Oklahoma State University. The geography and southwest elements serve as the primary inspiration for his work. Clark is also a photographer and takes a point-andshoot wherever he goes and uses the photographs that he has taken of the places he has been for his work. "I love the southwest, where I grew up," Clark said. "And I love the skies of the Great Plains. The best paintings come from where you've at least been and have a feeling, an emotion about the place that can be a story."

Photo by Kory Oswald

Dr. Terry Clark, UCO journalism will sell his watercolor paintings throughout September at the Paseo Studio and Gallery. Some of the work al so comes from Clark's own creative mind. He said that he tried to create his paintings as exact representations early on but as he progressed with his work he began to use his artistic license more freely.


"I learned composition primarily as a photographer," Clark said. "And then as a journalist I started out trying to be very...faithful to the reality to either the picture or the scene or whatever, but the more I get into this, the more liberties I take, the more I've learned to be able to improve my art." Clark has been doing watercolor for ten years. He started after a friend suggested he try it. He said he enjoys it because he can't completely control the medium and it releases him from being a control, type A person. Dr. William Radke, UCO provost and vice-president of academic affairs, attended the opening. "This is another side of Terry that a lot of faculty and administration don't know," Radke said. "I just really enjoy his artwork, the southwest is one of my favorite places...I'm really, really proud of Terry's work." The opening was last Friday during Paseo's Artwalk Festival and Clark's work will be on display through September, to view more of his artwork visit his blog at . Vista Managing Editor Kory Oswald can be reached at

Continued from page 6

UCO housing depart- surveys. knowledge about the the desk workers in the "For us, we really focus University of Northern buildings who are interact- ment is more equipped to on what we are low in Iowa, that school was cho- ing with students day in and handle dining services. Options such as to-go and try to improve them," day out seem to do a good sen. Out of this group of six job trying to work with stu- services at Buddy's and Overocker said. "The things dents understand what it shifted hours are imple- were doing well we want to UCO ranked high. "We ranked #1 in 13 out is students need help them mented as a way to accom- keep doing well." Last year cable TV was 19 categories in the Select have a good experience on modate students' needs. Also, comment cards are installed in the dormitories, 6; #2 in 3 categories, #3 in campus." "That's probably where available for students to because students asked for 2, and #4 in one. UCO ranked lower on the vast majority of our voice their concerns about it on the surveys. "The students told us issues concerning security success is," he said. "I think dining service. Many students corn- something that they wanton campus and dining ser- that says a lot about...our ment about the variety of ed. We had the opportunity front line staff members." vices. Student staff members food available in Buddy's to reach out and make it Security is not something happen," Overocker said. the housing department included those who worked Cafeteria. "That's what we're using One way the school is tryhas control over, but din- in the housing department. The same issues that ing to address this problem this for," he said. "To get ing services is. According to the survey, students felt ranked low in the select six is to have students to sub- feedback on what are our slightly safer in their rooms group are the same issues mit recipes for their favor- areas we can improve in." "The housing tries to than they did walking that ranked low in the ite home cooked meals. The comment cards use the Tou asked, we lisaround campus particular- Carnegie classifications. Safety and security was have been available for sev- tened type of approach,"' ly at night. Overocker said the 99 out of the 269 and din- eral years now, but the staff Overocker said. Although other state is working to make them department continues to ing services was 66. UCO police services are more visible and readily institutions such as Tulsa upgrade services to give are included in the national students more options. available 24 hours a day for available to students. Overocker said the man- rankings, their rankings are The renovation of the food students, faculty, staff and gers meet to discuss the unavailable for comparison. court is an example of that. guest. With this system, indi- comment cards turned in Each institution receives its The second classification UCO is ranked among is the viduals can get a police to address the problems own results. The surveys are not meant for competiescort from their present students are having. Carnegie Classification. "Last year a lot of what tion. This classification location to their vehicle or "We continue to try to includes large master grant- another location on cam- we got was the ice cream ing universities such as pus. It can also be used to machine was broken," do a good job," Overocker Oklahoma University, Duke report suspicious activity at Overocker said. "We spent said. "The rankings are a a lot of money this summer nice bonus." University and Central the university. "We would encourage Michigan University. This Safe walk buttons are to make sure we got ice students when they get the year 77 schools were ranked available in buildings and cream up and running" Overocker said even surveys to fill it out honestly under the Carnegie classifi- main hallways across camthough UCO ranked low in because it helps us evaluate pus. cation. "we ranked # 1 in The campus is working a few areas, these services how were doing and what 6 out 19 in the Carnegie to make the Safe Walk pro- ranked better than half of we can do to get better," the schools that completed Overocker said. Classification and in the gram more visible. top 3o in all categories." Topics such as satisfaction with college environment ranked 3o and sense of community ranked 26. The third classification is the national rankings for all 269 schools ranked. "Over the past two or three years we've been pretty high in overall housing satisfaction," Overocker said. Nationally, UCO ranked live culture yogurt 44 crepes 15 out of 269 in overall housing satisfaction. "Not every one of these surveys comes back with glowing reviews," Overocker said. "But certainly the majority of them do." "We try as staff to talk to students, identify what needs to be done," he said. "We continue to try to • • . • •L make improvements" •-• r:r Part of why UCO conON 33RD & BROADWAY NEXT TO SPRINT tinues to rank in housing is due to the student staff "The satisfaction with Follow us on Twitter at •••• ••• our hall and apartment •• ••• • student staff which is our ••• RA's and hall staff was #4 •••., ••••• • • ••• "... 01 kirOfto itii0.*.Li00910; in the nation," Overocker • live culture yogurt said. "The RA's on the floor

Photo by Byron Koontz

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Page 9

The Vista is now accepting personal classifieds!

September 10, 2009



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Wish your friends a happy birthday, give a shout-out or send any message you want. All ads are subject to approval. EMPLOYMENT

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Researchers at OU Health Sciences Center need healthy volunteers ages 18 to 30 who have a parent with or without a history of an alcohol or drug problem. Qualified participants will be compensated for their time. Call (405) 456-4603 to learn more about the study and to see if you qualify. The University of Oklahoma is an equal opportunity institution.

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Flexible hours. Fall garden clean-up. 410-2645. Transportation available.

File Clerk.

A local insurance agency is looking for a file clerk to work approximately 6-8 hours a week filing ans assisting with other administrative duties. The pay rate is $8.50/hour. Please email your resume to Kristen at kristen@ if you are interested.

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Big Sky Bread Company is looking for an energetic, reliable, and hardworking person for a customer service position. Duties include slicing bread, helping customers, and come cleaning. 6606 N. Western.

Enjoy the Outdoors.

Work outside on tree farm. Flexible hours. Great for students. Call 405-3405488 for interview.

The Athlete's Foot

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Available @ Pearl's Lakeside. Apply within. 748-6113

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Hiring for wait staff, bussers, dish washers, host, bartender. Apply in person at Northpark Mall (NW 122nd & N. May) after 5:30pm. 749-0120

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for Edmond Daycare. FT/ PT. Experience preferred, competitive wages. Apply in person @ 24 NW 146th. Call Camelot C.D.0 7492262

Senior Services Of Oklahoma

Is looking for students to fill part time positions. Several 9am - 1pm and 1:30 pm - 5:30pm shifts are available for Mon-Fri. We pay $10 per hour for energetic phone work educating senior citizens on healthcare issues. No experience is needed we will train. Business is located at 1417 NW 150th St. in Edmond. Call 879-1888 to set up an interview. Ask for Megan Parris. SERVICES








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Page 1( September 10, 200c

Upset puts UCO back in top 25 rankings Chris Wescott ciao,

returned to the national top 25 rankings. After a 42-13 season opening loss to Pittsburg State, the Bronchos fell out of the top 25 from their original ranking of UCO is back in business after Saturday's 16. After the upset win over West Texas, upset win over the 13th-ranked team in the UCO was voted 24th in the nation by the NCAA Division II football. The Bronchos American Football Coaches' Association. traveled to Canyon, Texas and handed the The Bronchos will be on the road for the WTAMU Buffaloes a 24-17 loss Saturday third week in a row this Saturday as they night. face Texas A&MKingsville in Kingsville, The Bronchos fixed some of their season Texas at 7:oo p.m. It will also be UCO's opening mistakes, including the run-game. third game in a row, where they play In their season opener, the Bronchos only a nationally ranked team. Texas A&Mhad 45 yards rushing the entire game. That was the complete opposite this past Kingsville is currently ranked iith in the Saturday when UCO dashed for 288 yards, nation after jumping out to a 2-0 record to the most UCO has rushed for since 2003. start the season. Kingsville opened their season against The Bronchos relied heavily on senior Delta State and won the game 28-17. In running back Jason Palmer who led the that game TAMUK ran for 200 yards, team with 148 yards and two rushing while limiting Delta State to just 80. touchdowns. Ben Birmingham had 72 Kingsville also doubled their opponent's yards as well. passing yards, posting 306, to Delta State's Quarterback Brandon Noohi had anoth154. Turnovers kept the game close as the er successful night through the air, as he Javelinas lost a total of three fumbles and threw for 198 yards and a touchdown in 19 two interceptions. completions in 31 attempts. The Javelinas fixed some of their seaThe Bronchos seemed to be clicking son opening mistakes and ran over East on all cylinders, including defense as they Central by a score of 39-7. Fueled by a limited a high-powered offense to just 320 22-point second quarter, and over 300 total yards. That is the least amount of yards passing for the second week in a yards the Buffaloes have had since 2006. row, the Javelinas crushed the Tigers. It was a team win, and one that UCO head TAMUK is led by quarterback Billy coach Tracy Holland thought was a great Garza, who through two games, has comone. pleted 60.7 percent of his passes and has 5 "What a great, great win for this football touchdowns through the air. The Bronchos team," Holland said after the game. "Our will need to stifle the pass and pressure defensive coaches had an incredible game plan and I can't say enough about the way Garza if they want to pitch their second we were able to run the ball; that was the upset in as many weeks. The game is scheduled to air on 1340 key to the game." AM in the Oklahoma City area and starts With a 1-1 record, and at 1-0 in Lone at 7:oo p.m. Star Conference play, the Bronchos have

Photo Provided

The Broncho football team is now 1-1 and 1-0 in conference play after an exciting upset victory over number 13 West Texas A&M University on Saturday. With that win, UCO moved back into the top 25 rankings and currently sits at number 24 in the nation. UCO takes on number 11 Texas A&M-Kingsville this Saturday in Kingsville, Texas at.7:00 p.m.

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UCO volleyball on a roll Chris Wescott ,S'portsii"riter

The UCO Volleyball team now has a winning record after they traveled to Wichita Falls, Texas this past weekend. The Bronchos entered the Midwestern State Invitational with a 2-2 record. The volleyball girls then went on a four-game winning streak before losing to fourthranked Emporia State University 1-3. On UCO's four game run, UCO outscored their opponents 9-3. UCO beat Northwood University, Southwest Baptist University and Drury University all by scores of 3-1. "It was a good weekend for us," UCO coach Jeff Boyland said. "We beat some good teams and had some players step up when we need them to." Those players included Kristen Wilson, Zuela Adorn and reserve middle blocker Carly LeMay. Wilson had 13 kills and 17 digs in the win against Drury. Wilson also added four blocked shots in that game to the stat sheets. Adorn had io Alex Richardson led the Bronchos in their loss to Emporia State with 11 kills. Zuela Adorn came in second with 7 kills. Courtney Whitlow had 4 blocks in the 3-1 loss. Through eight games, UCO has a total of 347 kills and 160 errors. The Bronchos

have a total of 1077 attacks, with a .174 attack percent. And have 11.2 kills per set. Kristen Wilson leads the team in kills through eight games with 89. She is followed by Zuela Adorn who has 65 and Jessica Legako with 51. UCO currently stands at 5-3 overall, 0-1 away and 4-3 on neutral turf. The Bronchos will now return to Edmond and play in the four-game Broncho/Fairfield Inn and Suites Invitational. The Bronchos will play Missouri Southern State University, Saint Edward's University, Truman State University, and the University of ArkansasFort Smith. All four matches will be played in Edmond, in a two-day stint beginning on the Sept. 11 and ending Sept. 12.

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UCO assistant volleyball coach Eric Duda talks to the team during a scrimmage this summer. The volleyball girls went on a four-game win streak before losing to fourth-ranked Emporia State University at the Midwestern State Invitational this past weekend.The Bronchos are now 5-3 and will play in Edmond for the first time this year on Sept. 11-12 in the Broncho/Fairfield Inn and Suites In itational.












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September 10, 2009

Page 11

MO women's soccer record now 0-3-1 Steve Vidal Sports!! liter

The UCO Bronchos women's soccer team finally found some success Sunday, but were not able to come up with a win. The team earned a hard-fought 1-1 tie against 7thranked Truman State in Kirksville, Mo. The game was nearly won by the Bronchos twice late in overtime. Freshman midfielder Shayna Kindsvater and sophomore forward Katelyn Cropp both had excellent chances to win the game. Kindsvater's shot came at the 118:06 mark of the game was blocked by the Truman State defense. Cropp's shot came right before the final buzzer only to see the same result. Truman State got on the board first only 2:04 into the game with a goal by Riley Mahn. The Bronchos had to wait until late in the half to answer, but they did with a goal by Kindsvater at the 42:43 into the half to tie the game. The game remained tied, however it looked like UCO

may be able to win very late in regulation on a corner kick Kashwer tacked on a goal assisted by Katelyn Cropp for by sophomore forward Katy Kashwer. The chance was UCO late, but it wasn't enough. After two rough weekends on the road, the Bronchos turned away. Truman also had a great chance to win late in the first overtime but was denied by UCO sophomore now have a 0-3-1 record for the season. They will finally have a chance to play in front of the home fans today takgoalkeeper Megan Riley. The Bronchos played in Kirksville on Friday as well. ing on Dallas Baptist University at 4 p.m. They will look They faced another tough opponent in Nebraska-Omaha. to see if they can carry any momentum from the tie with The Mavericks downed the •Bronchos 5-2 in a game that Truman State into their upcoming games. The team will get a chance to play for the first time after saw them rack up a 22-9 shot advantage. The Mavericks jumped out to a 1-o lead on a goal by the renovations at Tom Thompson Field. The field feaNicole Baier 5:57 into the first half. Leading 1-o at the tures a new archway and new bleachers along with some half, they then added on to their lead in the second half other improvements. The field has been under construcwith a goal by Jessica Powers and another goal from Baier tion for almost the last year and the improvements are set to make it 3-o. UCO's struggling offense finally came alive to make it more fan-friendly. The game against Dallas Baptist will kick off an exciting with a goal by freshman forward Brittni Walker at the weekend of soccer at UCO. Saturday and Sunday is the 63:08 mark of the game. Nebraska-Omaha put it away with a goal by Powers Dr. Pepper Alumni Weekend, with the alumni game on about three minutes later. Baier then scored her third goal Saturday and a game against Newman on Sunday. giving her a hat trick for the game at the 75:13 mark. Katy

Three Bronchos receive LSC honors Chris Wescott


Sports Editor

Last Saturday the Bronchos ran away with a 24-17 upset victory over the highly ranked West Texas A&M team. That upset brought Lone Star Conference honors to three UCO players. Redshirt freshman defensive back Anthony Anderson took home the Special Teams Player of the Week award. Anderson had a huge blocked punt that rolled out of the back of the end zone resulting in a safety and gave the Bronchos a 9-3 lead. Senior linebacker Terry Hardeman also took home a player of the week award, this one on defense. After a stellar first week, Hardeman continued to play at a high level in week two. Hardeman had a team high of io tackles, 7 solo. The senior linebacker frequently wreaked havoc on WTAMU by getting after the ball. Hardeman turned in three tackles for a loss and a sack. There was also no surprise as senior running back Jason Palmer took home the ISC offensive player of the week honors. Palmer ran for 148 yards on a career high 28 carries. He also scored twice and lifted the Bronchos past the number 13 Buffaloes. UCO now has had four LSC players of the week through the first two games of the season. The Bronchos will face their third nationally ranked team on the road for the third week in a row when they travel to Kingsville, TX to face Texas A&M-Kingsville on Saturday. Kick off is scheduled for 7:oo p.m.



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Page 12 September 10, 2009

Women's cross country places second Steve Vidal ritcr

The UCO women's cross country team had a strong showing Saturday at Mitch Park in Edmond. The runners endured fog and slightly cooler than normal temperatures for the UCO Land Run, which is an annual meet hosted by UCO. The meet included UCO, Oklahoma Baptist University, Oklahoma Christian University, Southwestern Oklahoma State University and Southeastern Oklahoma State University. The Bronchos finished second as a team overall with a total combined time of 1:43:45.32 right behind Oklahoma Baptist who had the winning team time of 1:42:32.76. UCO runners also had the lowest average individual time at 20:30.56. Individually, junior Alina Istrate was the first Broncho to cross the finish line and took third place with a time of 20:01.14. Nicole Lair of Oklahoma Christian took second and Chelsey Dillon of SWOSU came in first with a time of 19:13.08. The race is 5K, or approximately 3.1 miles. "It was the first race, so you don't know what to expect," Istrate said. "I'm coming from an injury where I was not running for three months." Istrate, who took first in the event last year in her first ever meet as a member of the Bronchos, was happy with her performance after just returning to practice only a few weeks ago. Other Broncho runners who finished in the top ten were senior Evelyn Berko in fifth with a time of 20:08.13 and freshman Angelica Martinez in tenth with a time of 20:47.15. Other standouts were freshman Angel Vick running unattached for individual time only in 18th, along with freshman Cara Cox in 19th and junior Julia Crocker in loth. Martinez, Vick, and Cox were all running their first college cross country races. The 54-runner field included eight UCO runners. The disappointment of the day was with sophomore Heather Braley, who was the only member of the team unable to run due to injury. Braley has a knee injury that will require surgery, according to UCO head coach J.D. Martin. The injury could sideline her for anywhere from a few weeks to the entire season, which may force her to use her red-shirt year. "I'm really pleased with the kids that ran," Martin said. "My biggest concern is good effort." Martin said he was happy with the effort and was not that concerned with times yet in this early portion of the season. "The thing I emphasized to the girls before is that we compete and you don't worry about your time as much as you worry about how many people you can beat in the last half-mile," Martin said. He said that the last half-mile is when the runners can

Photo by Byron Koontz

The Broncho Cross Country team finished second overall in the UCO Land Run, the annual meet is hosted by UCO, approximately 3.1 miles long. The team will travel to Wichita, Kan. for the Friends Invitational, hosted by Friends University on Friday night. really start "picking some people off," meaning if they are in position, they will be able to start passing some people and make their move with a strong effort. Martin was also very pleased with Alina Istrate's effort coming off of her knee injury. The team will look to improve on last week's performance with a trip to Wichita, Kan. for the Friends Invitational, hosted by Friends University, on Friday night.

"Now that they've had a race they'll feel a little different about practice," Martin said. "They'll feel a little better about how hard they practice." Martin said that now the girls will definitely have a better idea on what they need to work on, now that one race is in the books. That practice will be key to helping the team improve not only next week, but throughout the season.

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