University of Central Oklahoma
September 10, 1991
The Student Voice Since 1903
Regents offer assessment plan Policy to focus on students' academic successes Bush decries ad WASHINGTON (AP)—President Bush on Wednesday decried a slashing TV ad that attackes liberal senators expected to oppose Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas, calling it "offensive" and totally counterproductive." Administration officials contacted Democratic Sen. Edward Kennedy, Joseph Biden and Alan Cranston, whose ethics were questioned in the 60-second commercial, as the White House sought to blunt comparisons with Bush's 1988 Willie Horton campaign ad controversy. Officials telephoned the senators "and expressed our concern over the ad," which was sponsored by two groups, Conservative Victory Committee and Citizens United, said White House spokeswoman Judy Smith.
By Barbara Dewailley Staff Writer Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education recently announced a proposed policy for systemwide assessment of colleges and universities. The policy is to assess students and survey the alumni. The main focus will be academics, but counseling, financial aid and student services will also be examined and is to increase student success, said Regent Chancellor Hans Brisch. Plans ere for student assessment to be evaluated at three levels: when they enter college, during the sophomore or junior year, and again as seniors. "Examining the achievements of students at various stages of their academic careers and receiving feedback from the stu-
dents about their education will allow insti- In the student satisfaction evaluation tutions to make improvements in a number phase, surveys and interviews will be used of areas which contribute to a student's to see how students view student services, overall collegiate experience," Brisch said. financial aid and resident-hall facilties. Another assessment component will eva"Nationally, assessment is fast becoming luate student satisfaction. Entry level as- a critical issue in higher education," said sessment will determine students' academic State Regents' Chairman Donald B. readiness, evaluating them in basic reading, Halverstadt. writing, math and science skills. "Oklahoma higher education is moving Mid-level assessment will determine to the forefront of this area by devising a progress and will include academic standing, grade point average and standardized system that not only provides feedback to the institutions for instructional improvetests, Brisch said. ment but also serves as one measure of acThe third assessment phase will measure countability to the citizens of Oklahoma," how students are meeting the goals and ob- Halverstadt said. jective in their major. Colleges and univerEach college and university will submit sities may use the Graduate Record Exam, Natonal Teacher Exam or a number of vari- to State Regents', for their approval, an asous licensing examinations as measuring sessment program outlining how they will evaluate students at the required levels. V tools.
Suburban mother receives 15 years HOUSTON (AP)---A jury Wednesday sentenced a suburban homemaker to 15 years in prison and fined her $10,000 for trying to hire a hitman to kill the mother of her daughter's rival for a spot on their school's cheerleading squad. Prosecutors had asked for the maximum life prison term for Wanda Holloway, 37, of Channelview, who was convicted Tuesday of solicitation of murder. Mrs. Holloway was convicted of solicitation of capital murder in attempting to hire a hitman to kill Verna Heath. The crime carried a possible sentence of five years to life in prison and fines up to $10,000.
Dottie West dead NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP)—Country singer Dottie West died Thursday morning of injuries suffered in a car wreck last week on the way to performing at the Grand Ole Opry. The 58-year-old singersongwriter, who won country music's first Grammy for female vocalist, died at 9:43 a.m. CDT, said Barbara Cramer, spokeswoman for Vanderbilt University Medical Center. She was probably best known for the hit song "Country Sunshine" and duets with Kenny Rogers, who praised her as someone who "sang emotions" rather than words. Her career spanned more than 25 years and yielded solo hits like "Here Comes My Baby," the 1964 hit that won the first Grammy for country music performance by a female. See WORLD WRAP, back page.
Go Bronchos The Fall 1991 Broncho cheerleaders were announced Dennis Coon, Amy Merz, Aaron Cox, Shawna Cargill and last week. Six new members join the squad chosen last Kristen Laymon. spring. Front row, from left: Emily Bible, Amy Brooks, Kristi WilkBack row, from left: Duston Belcher, Jennifer Andrews, erson and Genny Umdenstock. (Photo by Dan Smith)
Students earn Reductions in Some students The College of credit and military disapprove Business spending take a easy monthly of the proposed has earned creslice out of ROTC conversion of the payments as lenders dit of its own by identify students as programs nationBroadway Extension meeting standards set to a turnpike. wide. As a result, good credit risks. by ACBSP. UCO quotas will be down.
UCO Bronchos lose the season opener to Northwest Missouri 38-14. Sophomore Tyrone Jones scored both touchdowns.