The Vista September 10, 1992

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This issue: Environment

University of Central Oklahoma

The Student Voice Since 1903

THURSDAY September 10, 1992

\,. 1" WRAP Rape suspects sought WORLO 1


Living together breeds divorce WASHINGTON (AP) — The notion that marriages will last longer if people first live together to find out if they are compatible is wrong, according to research by two sociologists. The sociologists, writing in the August edition of the journal "Demography," said the experience of setting up unmarried households "produces attitudes and values which increase the probability of divorce.' "Because cohabitation often is viewed as a trial relationship, it probably attracts people who are, on average, more accepting of the termination of intimate relationships," the researchers wrote.

Police search for UCO employee's abductors abducted the morning of Sept. 1 while walking to work and was not released until the next morning, said UCO Police Chief Bob Roberts. Roberts said the victim was walking The University of Central Oklahoma from a convenience store to work Police Department began their search last between 4:30 a.m. and 5:30 a.m. when week for suspects in the alleged rape of a three men in a dark blue, four door Ford UCO employee. grabbed her at the corner of Washington The victim told police that she was and Thatcher and pulled her into the car. By Angela Mitchell Staff Writer

It's Doomsday for Man of Steel

Library professor dies

NEW YORK (AP) — Could this be the end for Superman? The Man of Steel will meet his match in a four-part series of comic books scheduled to reach dealers Nov. 18., said Mike Carlin, editor of DC Superman comic books in the trade magazine Advance Comics. Superman will die fighting to save Metropolis from a super-lunatic called Doomsday, a new villain who is an escapee from a cosmic insane asylum, Carlin said.

Rodger Grubbs, 54, a University of Central Oklahoma library media professor, died Monday. Dr. Kenneth Elsner, dean of the College of Education, said Grubbs had worked full time at the university since August 1986. "He spent all of his time in the area of library science. He was recognized throughout the state as a person who was very active in the library science program," Elsner said. Services were held yesterday afternoon. Any donations can be given to Dr. Douglas Sprung, chairman and professor of the Curriculum and Instruction Department.

Iron latest factor in heart attack risks NEW YORK (AP) — High levels of iron may be a major risk factor in heart attacks, according to a study published today in a scientific journal. The theory suggests that iron helps form the plaque that hardens artery walls and blocks the flow of blood. See World Wrap, back page

She stated that she was later put in the trunk and taken to an unknown location. "Approximately 19 hours later the three men brought her back to a location near the campus," said Roberts. "911 was called and an ambulance took her to the emergency room at Oklahoma Memorial Hospital. From there the Edmond Police were contacted," said Lt. Hayes Forbes, UCO police officer. The Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation (OSBI) was called in to assist the campus police, said Roberts. The police have begun procedures to subpoena the victim's medical records to verify the rape. "The medical records will show whether or not the woman was raped, but for now we're going on with the investigation full steam ahead," said Roberts. "We are following many leads at this moment and hope to have something concrete by the end of this week." Anyone with information is being asked to contact the UCO police department at 341-2980 ext. 2345.

Ryan Russell of Edmond takes his shot in the game room in the University Center. (Photo by Wes Hale)

Murder mistrial for Edmond teen; jury's 5-1 decision ends in new trial By Angela Mitchell Staff Writer

Edmond teenager ended in a mistrial Friday night after a six-member jury failed to reach a verdict.

The murder and arson trial of an See Trial, page 11

Relief donations needed for hurricane victims Red Cross drop boxes are located around campus through September to collect donations for the victims of Hurricane Andrew. Items needed are bottled water, non-perishable items and canned goods. Envelopes for cash donations are available in the Student Activities Office. Contact Susan Thompson at ext. 2363 for more information.

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