University of Central Oklahoma
TUESDAY September 10, 1996
The Student Voice Since 1903
Regents narrow presidential candidates 1hree finalists will be interviewed Sept.
27 before a final decision is made By Leslie Wakulich Staff Writer
he search for UCO's next president will come to an end Sept. 27, but students, staff and faculty still don't officially know who's in the race. It has been narrowed to three candidates, said Regent Mike Brown of the Board of Regents of Oklahoma Colleges (BOROC). The board won't release the candidates' names but only that all three will be interviewed Sept. 27 and a decision will be made at that time. ...if they don't have The president of UCO's open enough Faculty Senate, Dr. Roberta communication with their Sloan, thinks an open forum schools to say they're with the candidates should be looking for a job, it's held on campus before the probably not the kind of Regents make a decision. Sloan was a member of the person we want anyway. 12-person committee who —Dr. Roberta Sloan selected the original eight president of UCO's Faculty candidates. Senate "I do think we had input at that point," said Sloan. "However, I do think we should have more input before the decision is made." She said she has a "pretty good idea" of who the three finalists are but cannot comment because her hunches are not confirmed. "I don't see personally why there needs to be secrecy," she said Thursday at the Faculty Senate meeting. One of the reasons given to justify the secrecy is that "people might lose jobs if their schools find
On Broncho Lake... Students are reflected in Broncho Lake as th ey dance the Macarena Wednesday at the Students' Back-to-School picnic. (Staff photo by Laurette Graham)
out," said Sloan. they don't have open enough communication with their schools to say they're looking for a job, it's probably not the kind of person we want anyway," she said. "I think all three are worthy of interview and I don't see why we can't meet all three of them. "I don't think it would hurt any of the three that I think are the finalists to have an open forum on campus," she said. Only one of the eight original candidates requested confidentiality, said Sloan. "And I don't think, in my opinion, that he'll be one of the people invited to interview." During the recent search for the vice president
for administration, open meetings were held on campus with the candidates. Those who attended were able to ask questions about specific areas of concern. Questions were written on cards and handed to the candidate to be answered. On June 30, Sloan sent a letter urging the Regents to hold open forums on campus with the finalists for the presidential position. She has yet to receive a response. Brown, to whom the letter was sent, said he could not comment until after the Regents' meeting Sept. 13. Dr. Betty Leone, executive director of BOROC, said the board would discuss the forums at that time.
Campus Quotes
Sports 6,7 Around Campus ... 11 Classifieds 12
SCHOLARSHIP Find out about the overseas exchange program the Fuibright scholarship offers.
SPORTS Sophomore Ryan Logan was one of three running backs who made a mess of Mesa State Saturday.
POLITICS Read about Clinton's proposal- in The Vista's final series of the Campaign 1996 coverage.