University of Central Oklahoma
THURSDAY September 11, 1997
The Student Voice Since 1903
UCO student lives his baseball dream his parents and coaches he decided to go for it. Staff Writer Haley said he was chosen in the t 21, Ryan Haley may 42nd round of the June baseball look like he just stepped draft and began playing rookie out of high school, but baseball in Burlington, N.C. the UCO senior already has a big After about a month he moved up career ahead of him. to a Class A team, the Haley, a public relations Watertown Indians, which major and former second is a farm team for the baseman for the Broncho's Cleveland Indians. baseball team, got a call a Haley said he got a few months ago from a signing bonus plus a baseball scout who came to monthly salary and watch him play. traveling money. "He asked if I was Though he didn't get to interested in becoming a see all of the United States professional baseball last summer, he traveled Ha ley player," said Haley. by bus to most of the New It was a surprise that he wasn't England states. quite ready for, but Haley said it "It's not quite as glamorous of a was a lifelong dream. life as the major leagues," said "I always wanted to play Haley. During the season, Haley said he professional baseball," said Haley. Though it was a big decision, had to get acclimated to the whole Haley said after discussing it with V See HALEY, Page 3 By Colby Grieser
`Stranded in Moscow' author to speak The UCO Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists (UCO/SPJ) will sponsor former UCO student Rick Furmanek, author of Stranded in Moscow, who will speak at 7:30 p.m. Sept. 16 in the Pegasus Theater in the Liberal Arts Building. Furmanek is the brother-in-law of Paul Tatum, a former Edmond resident and businessman who was murdered in Moscow in 1996.
Along with his wife, Robin, he will talk about their experiences living in Moscow. Tatum's mother, Millie, is also scheduled to speak. The event is open to the public and is free. For more information on the speaking engagement or UCO/SPJ, call Sandi Craig at 341-2980, Ext. 5915. or Farzana Razak at 3412980, Ext. 5303.
Crunch... Midwest City Wrecking Company trackhoe operator Larry Murray moves debris from the General Classroom Building Friday. The building is being torn downbecause officials say it would cost more to maintain and repair than to tear it down. There has been no announcement of plans to construct a building in its place. (Staff photo by Bryan Terry)
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DANCE Dance artist chereographs for UCO's Kaleidoscope and teaches jazz class.
Monty reveals depth and subtlety in lively comedy.
AROUND TOWN Check out 1 1 what's happening around OKC this weekend.