The Vista Sept. 13, 2005

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Bronchos lose to West Texas A&M, See sports Pg. 12


Webb oversees Wantlitnd Stadium ribbon cutting, See Pg. 7

The Student Voice Since 1903



News summary: tumultuous times for Brown

UCO grad Brown resigns as FEMA head after relief of duty in Gulf Coast credentials and fitness for the job questioned as inconsistencies arise in distinguished grads record of service at UCO and in Edmond by The Vista Staff and The Associated Press by Vista photographer Naomi Takebuchi

UCO graduate and Federal Emergency Management Agency director Michael Brown resigned Sept. 12 after being relieved of his duties in the Gulf Coast relief efforts Sept. 9. In a statement to the Associated Press about his resignation, Brown said, "in the best interest of the agency and best interest of the president the focus has got to be on FEMA, what the people are trying to do down there." The AP reported Brown was relieved of his duties by Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff. Time Magazine reported on its Web site Sept. 8 that Brown had "discrepancies in his online legal profile and official bio." It is still in question whether Brown taught at UCO, with or without distinction, and his claims about service to the City of Edmond and his involvement in managing a local nursing home. UCO News Bureau Director

Buddy Broncho leads a cheer at the football game at Wantland Stadium Sept. 10. The Broncho's lost their first home game of the season 44-31 against West Texas A&M.

Fun, games, football at Broncho opener by Trisha Evans by Associated Press

Vista Senior Staff Writer

Federal Emergency Management Agency Director Michael Brown in a 2004 photo. The UCO alumni was relieved of his duties in hurricane cleanup and recovery Sept. 9 in the Gulf Coast by Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff. Brown resigned from FEMA Sept. 12.

Excited fans adorned in bronze and blue engulfed the home bleachers of Wantland Stadium Sept. 10 for the first home game of UCO's centenCharlie Johnson confirmed that records so far. He said uni- nial football season. The Bronchos played for a Brown graduated from UCO, versity paper records, kept offpacked house that many stuwhich was then Central State campus, will be examined to dents and faculty members said University, with a bachelor's verify whether Brown was a they have never seen before. degree in political science in professor at CSU. Johnson said that while he UCO President, Dr. W. Roger 1978, but said he has yet uncovered no evidence of Brown has made statement s to both Webb said the stadium isn't the local and national media, he only thing recently renovated, teaching here. "Our records do not indicate hasn't been contacted by school spirit has been renewed as well, due largely to the new that he was on our faculty," Brown's office. stadium. Johnson said, and added that "It's elevated pride and he has only checked electronic Please see BROWN, page 4

enthusiasm and respect that both athletes and students have for this place—for this school," Webb said. "It positions us to determine how far we want to go in terms of our program." He said he thinks the emphasis on school spirit will continue to grow as the program continues to grow each year. Pointing to former UCO players and a former UCO coach who were among the many watching the game from the new sky-box, Webb said the university's athletic programs are built on the foundation of former students and athletes. "The program is just going

Please see GAME, page 3

Freshmen raise funds for hurricane victim relief by Nathan Winfrey Vista Staff Writer

The freshman members of the President's Leadership Council, an exclusive student leadership organization that, awards scholarships to its members, raised more than $2,000 for hurricane relief as of Sept. 12.

Hurricane Katrina left thousands in Louisiana and the Gulf

Please see FUNDS, page 3

New signs point UCO in right direction by Brett Deering Vista Staff Writer

New signs have been placed on the UCO campus this semester to help people locate buildings and places of interest like the Nigh University Center and the Melton Gallery. David Stapleton, university architect and director of UCO's Architecture and Engineering Department, said that $50,000 was allocated last year for campus location signs along with

long-term plans to have the same style of signs installed on the inside of buildings. "Eventually we will have external signage (leading) to internal signage for certain areas," Stapleton said. Future installation locations are contingent on the recommendations of a UCO-funded master plan project which will take into consideration funds available for new buildings on campus and their possible approval, Stapleton said. At present, funding is secured

for 15 or 20 of the exterior signs, but in the interim "we need four or five in critical areas," Stapleton said. "If someone is parked on the west side of campus, they'll need directions to the UC or the Administration Building." The "critical areas" will be identified and signs installed "in the next couple of months," Stapleton said. Stapleton said the first two signs are prototypes and "they are the same type of signage as in downtown Edmond."

See Pg. 9

INDEX 2 Opinion 3 News Announcements 4 9 Crossword Classifieds 10 Sports 12

Sept. 11 remembered

Editorial Michael Brown, charlatan? Maybe. Scapegoat? definitely See Opinion Pg. 2 Suicide prevention seminar Four UCO students who are working together to raise awareness about the important issues of suicide among college students will hold a meeting at 7 p.m. Sept. 20 in West Hall lobby. See Pg. 4

Please see SIGNS, page 3

by Vista photographer Justin Avera A time to remember More than 100 UCO students attended a candlelight vigil Aug. 8 by Broncho Lake for victims of Hurricane Katrina. The event was sponsored by Phi Beta Sigma.

Biz building gets plasma screens


Game day photos

The downtown signs are part of Edmond's "Wayfmding Program," said Mike Clark, project coordinator for the city of Edmond Public Works Depaitment. "They were in the first phase of the (city of Edmond's) `Streetscape' project." One of the UCO signs is located at the northwest corner of Broncho Lake with directions to the University Center

In recognition of the fourth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, about 115 UCO students served dinner at fire stations around Edmond and Oklahoma City Sept. 11. See Pg. 5

by Lauren Hyer Vista Staff Writer

"We need to get the information to them in a timely matter," Bridges said. "The screens run

one downstairs. The screens cost $7,000 each, Bridges said. "The money for the plasma screens came from the Campus Activity

The Business Administration Building account," Gage said. recently acquired two "This account is new plasma television funded by money we screens. receive from the state Dr. Timothy Bridges, and is used for differassociate dean of the ent projects to improve College of Business campus." Administration, said Bridges said this instead of displaying system will highlight information on bulletin important dates such boards and windows, as the last day to add/ he wanted to capture drop classes, and keep the message and disstudents up to date on play it using a high-tech campus events like approach. football games and Bridges said he constudent organizations. tacted Dr. Kathryn Gage, "We want the stuvice president of Student dents to really know by Vista photographer Justin Avera Affairs, last March with and understand what a proposition of using A plasma screen perched outside the offices of is going on," Bridges plasma screens as a way the College of Business Administration serves as said. to communicate with a bulletin board. He said they run the students. screens from comput"He had a great new er using PowerPoint idea of how to get information simultaneously and display a in a slide show format and out to students in a way that was variety of information." Photoshop for the pictures. They very eye catching and effecThere are two Pioneer plastive," Gage said. ma televisions, one upstairs and Please see SCREEN, page 3

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