University of Central OklahOma
THURSDAY September, 14 1995
The Student Voice Since 1903
Benz's speech commemorates censure removal By Susan Reger Staff Writer
George Benz, a former UCO assistant professor of economics and sociology, waited 26 years to have his say in public. Benz was guest lecturer Sept. 11 at the UCO chapter of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) tribute to the end of 26 years of Former UCO professor George Benz discusses changes on campus during his tenure. His censure at UCO. speech was a condition of lifting the 26-year censure against UCO. (Staff photo by Bill Benz, a tenured faculty Wilkinson )
member, said his contract with UCO was abruptly discontinued in 1966. Following investigation of the Benz case, the UCO administration was placed on the national AAUP censure list in 1969 where it remained until June 10, 1995, said Dr. Tom Guild, professor of law in the UCO college of business and president of the state AAUP chapter. V See BENZ, Page 6
Faculty Senate to focus on 'academic affairs' focused on economic expenditures of the budget," said President Dr. Stephen Law. Reduced travel expenditures, "This year, our focus will be on academic affairs." equity in The Faculty Senate kickoff teaching meeting was called to order Sept. loads and 7 with an address from Gary lack of new Fouch, a representative of the programs are Faculty Advisory Committee. a few of the Fouch stressed a desire to issues increase communication between concerning his committee and the Faculty UCO's Senate. 1995/1996 The committee wants to have Faculty Law more faculty perspectives on Senate. "Last year, the Faculty Senate issues, said Fouch. By Susan Reger Staff Writer
Law said he believed a recent Faculty Senate report on faculty raises surprised many members. The report states that raises were not the 5 to 7 percent increases requested in resolution last year. In reality, faculty received only a 4 percent raise instead of the 5.7 percent raise quoted by the administration which is padded by summer salaries and promotions, said Law. "Issues of raises will continue to be a hot topic," he said. Mike Shirley, executive assistant to President Nigh, said
Nigh was sincere in his efforts to try and give everyone a raise, but he was unable to speak about the figures on the report. Law said he believes President Nigh's initial perception of faculty was that it was underworked and overpaid. "He (Nigh) would joke about lack of faculty on campus in the afternoon," said Law. Apparently, Nigh had also joked at the end of an afternoon faculty meeting about everyone heading for the golf course for the rest of the day. "Faculty saw this as a barb
leveled in our direction," said Law. "Faculty works an average of 57 hours per week." Legislators share a similar misconception that teachers spend 12 hours in a classroom and that's it, he said. The fact is that teachers take two to three hours to prepare for each class, hold office hours, work on committees and take exams and papers home to grade on weekends, said Law. Shirley said he believes many in the public are confused about V See SENATE, Page 6
INDEX Editorial
Campus Quotes .... 2 Around Campus 15
repuTbi an par Pâ– I nomination is no yet set. UCO Young C.) Republican; president speal
Sports 10,11 Campus Crime 3 Comics 15 Classifieds 16
Demacrats around the nation expect 'resident Clinton run again. See what UCO Young Demacrats ,resident says.
SPORTS The men's en's cross country team finishes first during the Oklahoma Christian Triangular.