The Vista Sept. 15, 2009

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HASA kicks off month-long celebration


Rory Oswald The Bottom Line

President Obama should have shaped the health care reform debate from the beginning. PAGE 2 'Four Freedoms' forum today

The American Democracy Project is hosting a forum today about the four freedoms from FDRs 1941 address to Congress. PAGE 3 Myths about Obama's Healthcare Reform

Vista writer Bryoney McCaslin looks into four myths and rumors about Obama's reform plan.


Football falls to No. 11 Texas ABM - Kingsville

UCO fell to 1-2 on the season after losing to TAMUK 46-17 in Kingsville, Texas this weekend. PAGE 12


The Hispanic American Student Association kicked off the beginning of Hispanic Heritage month yesterday with a fiesta of free food, pinatas and dancing. "I think it's a good way to show our culture at UCO," Mike Chavez, president of HASA, said. "I'm looking forward to just showing the whole campus that there are Hispanics here and we are proud of our culture." Despite a damp and cloudy afternoon, Chavez estimated that approximately loo students stopped by to take advantage of the free food and festivities. "I'm excited that so many people came out and supported us," Chavez said. "Everyone had fun." Photo by Byron Koontz Along with food, dancing and piñatas, the presentation featured a jalapeno eat- Alma Folklorica, a high school dance group dances yesterday during the Hispanic ing competition. Lotteria, which Chavez heritage Month kickoff. The group is from Guymon, Okla and was asked to dance by described as "mexican bingo," and the the HASA president, Mike Chavez, a sophomore at UCO, who danced with the group for dancing of Alma Folklorica, a high school more than three years. In this picture the group is performing a dance from the state of dance group from Guymon, Okla. that Chihuahua, the vibrant costumes are authentic from the region. Chavez danced with for more than three the whole Hispanic Heritage month," during one of the final events of Hispanic years during high school. Heritage month. "Latin Fusion," a dance Andrea Pisani, the HASA treasurer, said. The group has danced in competitions "I hope the [UCO students] see that party on October 9 on the third floor in the professional adult level and has won we are not all from Mexico. There's more Balcony of the University Center, will last awards for best choreography, technique from other countries. I really hope they get from 7:30 p.m. to midnight. and form and best costume. "Our culture is kind of different from to know our culture better." Yesterday the group performed approxToday the association will host "Latin America's and it's a good way to show it imately 20 dances from five different Fiesta Volume One," which is one of three by dancing...and showing some of our cusregions in Mexico. dance lessons that will feature many styles toms," Chavez said. They wore colorful costumes that of Latin dancing. According to the U.S. Census Bureau are typical of each region for the dances Volume one will focus on Salsa dancing website,, Hispanic Heritage they performed. Terri Mora, the group's and will be held in room 201 in the Nigh month was created by Lyndon B. Johnson. director, traveled to Mexico to procure University Center and it will last from 7 It began as Hispanic Heritage week but the clothes from the states of Veracruz, 9 p.m. was expanded to a month long celebration Tamaulipas and Chihuahua, a northern Latin Fiesta Volume Two will be held at in 1988. state of Mexico that runs along the border the same time but will focus more on the It officially starts Sept. 15 and ends of Texas and New Mexico. Merengue and will be Sept. 22 in Ballroom October 15. Sept. 15 is the anniversary of During Hispanic Heritage month, HASA A in the Nigh University Center. independence of Costa Rica, El Salvador, will have events that the association hopes The third volume of Latin Fiesta will be Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. will create an awareness and appreciation held in Ballroom A again and will focus on Mexico and Chile celebrate their indeof the Hispanic culture. pendence days on Sept. 16 and Sept. 18, the Bachata dance. "It's the first time we are doing things All of the dance lessons will be applied respectively.

Scientist reveals lies of tobacco industry Maintaining and gaining weight

UCO360's health and fitness writer talks about maintaining and gaining muscle mass. VIDEO


Maintaining and gaining weight

NewsCentral looks into complaints of mold at Central Plaza. Students are now having to uproot their belongings and move out. ON NEWSCENTRAL TONIGHT Dr. Victor DeNoble

Watch NewsCentral tonight at 5 p.m. to see video footage of tobacco whistleblower Dr. Victor DeNoble's presentation. Watch NewsCentral on Cox Digital Channel 125.

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Nelson Solomon co A,/,,o,

On April 14, 1994, seven leaders of the American tobacco industry, including William Morris, then president of Philip Morris USA, testified to Congress under oath that "cigarette smoking is not addictive," according to hearing reports. What those executives didn't know was that one of the men responsible for proving that the nicotine in cigarettes is in fact addictive wag in a warehouse in Washington, being protected by the president's Secret Service and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Dr. Victor DeNoble, a researcher hired by Philip Morris in the 198os to find a "safe" cigarette, one with no cardiovascular risk, testified two weeks later about research he'd done with colleague Dr. Paul Mele on rats that proved nicotine is addictive. "I told Congress under oath that nicotine changes the way a rat's brain works while I worked inside a tobacco company," DeNoble said. DeNoble spoke at a presentation yesterday put on by the Oklahoma County Tobacco Use Prevention Center, the UCO Wellness Center, the UCO Kinesiology and Health Studies Club, UCO Leadership Central and the UCO Community Health Club. DeNoble's story began 29 years ago when he was studying alcohol addiction at the University of Minnesota. "I had a group of monkeys, they would get drunk, and I would try to figure out

somm°1>DED, YOU MOW..? Most U.S. automobile horns honk in the F key. The shortest full sentence in the English language is "Go".

More money is spent each year on alcohol and cigarretes than on life insurance. AIM

DeNoble took the job, though uninterested at first, on the advice of his psychiatrist, who asked, ironically, "how much trouble could you get into?" Upon arriving at the company and attending his first meeting, he was told that Philip Morris "kills 138,000 people a year from heart attacks and brain strokes." "My job was to find a substitute for nicotine, a man-made drug, a drug that could be put into a cigarette and not produce heart problems," DeNoble said. DeNoble and Paul Mele, his friend and colleague, had a laboratory in the company "trying to find out if rats get addicted to nicotine and if we could find a different drug, a drug that would go to their brain but reduce heart problems." Toward the end of their experiments, the rats were taking in nicotine equivalent to 90 cigarettes a day. DeNoble said the tobacco industry says people smoke because actors smoke in movies, to lose weight or because pf advertisements in magazines. Photo by Allison Rathgeber "Now rats have never read a magazine Dr. Victor DeNoble presented his lecture, or been to the movies. I've never seen a "Inside the Dark Side: The Science Behind rat try to lose weight or be sexy for the rat Tobacco, The Truth Behind Lies" yesterday next door," he said. at UCO. DeNoble said he understands that's why people start smoking, but "the reawhy," he said. "It wasn't a hard job; If you son people continue to smoke is that nicohaven't seen 12 intoxicated monkeys, you tine is a drug and it changes the way our haven't lived." brain works." He got a phone call from Dr. William DeNoble went to Philip Morris execuDunn, of Philip Morris. This call would tives and told them that nicotine changes take him on a journey to being in the center of the struggle between the tobacco compasee TOBACCO, page 10 nies and the government.




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Technology - the relationship assassin

The Vista Comm. Building, Rm. 131

Chris Nelson

100 N. University Dr. Edmond, OK 73034-5209 405-974-5549

Indiana Daily

Imagine you're on a date. The moon is full, the air is crisp and you're standing toe to toe, saying goodnight. On your way home, you keep thinking about the taste The Vista is published as a newspaper and public forum by UCO students, of her lips and how excited you are to see her again. semi-weekly during the academic year except exam and holiday periods, and Then your phone lights up and reads 'Thanks for the only on Wednesdays during the summer, at the University of Central Oklahoma. The issue price is free for the first copy and $1 for each additional copy great night" with a tacky smile afterwards. obtained. Now, for me, this is one of the biggest turnoffs after any date. EDITORIALS When you drop someone off, even if you had a great Opinion columns, editorial cartoons, reviews and commentaries represent the views of the writer or artist and not necessarily the views of The Vista Editorial night, you dropped him or her off. You don't want them Board, the Department of Mass Communication, UCO or the Board of Regents clinging to you via text till dawn. You don't want to get of Oklahoma Colleges. The Vista is not an official medium of expression for the sick of the person after only one date, especially if they Regents or UCO. paid. LETTERS Before cell phones ran our lives, you could wait days The Vista encourages letters to the editor. Letters should address issues and before calling someone. ideas, not personalities. Letters must be typed, double-spaced, with a maximum Now though, you're always within reach, even when of 150 words, and must include the author's printed name, title, major, clasyou don't want to be. sification and phone number. Letters are subject to editing for libel, clarity and space, or to eliminate statements of questionable taste. The Vista reserves the And don't think not responding will work. You either right not to publish submitted letters. need to respond immediately if you ever want to see them again or decide it wasn't worth it and call it quits Address letters to: there and then. Editor, The Vista, 100 N. University Dr., Edmond, OK 73034-5209, or deliver in person to the editor in the Communications Building, Room 131. Letters There's no escape anymore. can be e-mailed to vistauco@gmaitcom. Technology has embedded itself in the deepest roots of society's tissue. This has led to some pretty serious EDITORIAL problems. MANAGEMENT John O'Neill, the director of addictions services at Kaylea Brooks, Staff Writer the Menninger Clinic in Houston, says our addiction Laura Hoffert, Co-Editor Tiffany Brown, Staff Writer Nelson Solomon, Co-Editor Steve Vidal, Staff Writer to technology is "an impulse disorder that can be as Kory Oswald, Managing Jenefar De Leon, Staff Writer socially damaging as alcoholism, gambling and drug Editor Caleb McWilliams, Copy Editor Ryan Croft, Web Editor Chris Wescott, Sports Editor

DESIGN Kayleigh Adamek


Bryoney McCaslin, Staff Writer

PHOTOGRAPHY Byron Koontz Allison Rathgeber Amanda Siegfried

If you could live in any decade of the 20th Century, which would it be and why?


"The 60s. Music, Beatles, and can't forget the hippies."

Laura Hoffert Stephen Hughes

Stacey Sprague

ADVISER Mr. Teddy Burch

addiction." So to me, dating someone who does an after-date text is like dating an alcoholic. But instead of getting thrown up on and turned off, the inevitable text will finish the job. Even if you stay with an after-date texter, you still might be out of luck. That clever text they send every, night, which melts your heart every time, might not even be coming from them. Enter Girlfriend Keeper. This iPhone application texts your possible soul mate random, romantic sayings periodically throughout the day. It also remembers to text for birthdays and anniversaries. So now, you don't only have to worry that what they're saying is true — you have to worry it's actually them saying it. Furthermore, the texts really aren't that suave. "Did you know we started dating 37 days and 8 hours ago?" is one of the examples from the Web site. I don't know about you, but I'd run for the damn hills if I got this text. So it's official. Technology is trying to assassinate everything dating once stood for. Don't shoot yourself just yet, because, ladies and gentlemen, I have the solution. Just steer clear of the post-date text and everything will be wonderful. Wait a few days, send that text and enjoy dating the way it should be. Come to think about it, don't text at all. Grow a pair and call them.


COMING UP IN THE NEXT ISSUE: - The Vista investigates allegations of students becoming sick after eating at the campus cafeteria, Buddy's. - Read all about the UCO Debate team, their successes and what's to come.

Jared Adey

Megan Hickman

Sophomore Public Relations

Freshman Bio Pre Med

"I would probably live in the 20s. I really like the fashion that was then and it seemed like a much better time and they also had a lot more fun. And I like fun. There Amber George weren't too many Sophomore problems. Pre Med

- Are universities to blame for the economic downturn?

"I want to be in the 50s because because of the cool cars and sex."

Brent Steele Senior Public Relations

"I guess the 50s because it was before things got really bad but it was also a slower time. Like, not paced."

"From 20 to 30 because of the music and think I would be a gangster."

- Find out about the university study on ergonomics, and what's being discussed to prevent officerelated stress injuries. Riley DeLong

Senior Outdoor and Community Recreation

"I was thinking the 20s [because of] mobs and all the chaos that as going on then. Everybody were rebels."

Keeley Gibson Junior Nursing

Compiled by Byron Koontz and Nelson Solomon

Obama's weakness on shaping reform debate

After months of debate and argument over President Barack Obama's push to overhaul and reform the health care system, things are finally coming to a head. In an interview broadcast on CBS' 6o Minutes Sunday, he expressed a continuing hope for a "good" bill: "I believe that we will have enough votes tapass not just any health care bill, but a good health care bill that helps the American people, reduces costs, actually over the long-term controls our deficit. I'm confident we've got that," he said. He added that "there are those in the Republican party who think the best thing to do is just to kill reform. That that will be good politics." Obama wants to use the public option that he emphasized during his campaign to inject competition into the health care insurance industry, but Republican leaders are opposed to the public option and have their own plan, according to the Associated Press. Their plan involves a not-for-profit cooperative system. Those backing such a system contend it would substantially lower health insurance premiums by cutting out private-industry profits and guarantee coverage to all who want it, according to the Associated Press. Sen. Olympia Snowe, of Maine, is a key Republican vote for Obama. She said on Sunday that the public option



"is not on the table. And it won't be." Snowe sits on a six-member panel - three from each party - of the Senate Finance Committee that is writing a version of the health care overhaul bill. The panel is pushing for the not-for-profit cooperative system. Both sides have stated their case, and what will happen from here on out is important for all Americans. In this process, it is essential that there is a compromise on this issue and that the final result is the best possible result for everyone in this country. Obama promised during his campaign to "establish a new public insurance program" alongside private health care plans, and that issue split those involved in the discussions.

For eight months, Obama danced around the issue, and did not effectively sell the idea. A Sept. 12 New York Times news analysis described him as being pragmatic, flexible and indecisive at different times. I would respect Obama's position on the system if he had made it clear from the very beginning of the debate what his specific goals were, instead of leaving a vacuum of details. And that opened the door for critics to twist and distort his plan. This is one of the early weaknesses of the Obama administration, in that they could not engage the American public from the start with specifics about their intentions with health care reform, and initiate the debate with solid information. But at this point, as a compromise is being reached, my hope is that Obama does not simply push the bill through Congress without Republican support, as that would not help a country that is divided come together. Whether it's the public option or a not-for-profit cooperative system, the final bill that passes Congress and is signed by Obama should help fix this nation's health care system and help make things work better for Americans. If that is not accomplished, Obama simply pushed through a bill for his presidency's legacy, and not a helpful bill to this nation.



Forum to discuss four freedoms for Constitution Day have the freedom to speak their mind. We have access to thousands of documents of the truth Tiffany Brown and what people think is truth. Americans on ,Staff I I 'liter a daily basis have the ability to discuss this information. In your opinion do you believe that Americans have 'too much freedom' to speak More than 220 years ago, the world witnessed the birth of new nation. The founding fathers their minds about this information?" The question allowed students to address brought with them the concepts of a nineteenthwhy this generation has not been as active in the century English poet named John Milton to credemocratic process as older generations. ate what we now call a democracy. "In my era...we went out to the streets," Susan Democracy places the power in the hands of Scott, ADP coordinator, said. the people. Yet, it requires the people to particiScott recalled how many citizens weren't pate in the democratic process. At the core of the modern democracy in the afraid to protest in the streets on issues that may "'have impacted their lives when she was growing United States of America is the Constitution, up. which gave many generations freedom and the Bill of Rights with the concept that all American "What happened is, we gave you guys so much that we forgot to teach you," Scott said. citizens were given basic rights. Johnson Aranda, a broadcast student, said, The signing of the Constitution on Sept. 15, "I believe someone said, with freedom comes 1787 has led several organizations to become civiresponsibility. cally engaged and encourage other University of "I've been in this country for two years," Central Oklahoma students, faculty and staff to celebrate its birthday. Aranda said. "What I noticed is that people tend to think that freedom means you can say anyThe American Democracy Project (ADP), thing even when it's not based on fact." with the help of the UCO Student Association When compared to other countries like Iran, (UCOSA), Pi Sigma Alpha, the New York Times Americans have many freedoms that people are and UCO's Leadership and Civic Engagement currently suffering and risking their lives for. class, have organized a forum to discuss how "It's astounding [to] me most of the times important it is for this generation to become when I look at the amount of information that active in government. people are able to access and the things that ADP is a national organization that challenges students nationwide to become "informed and people can read," he said. When freedom is abused, it can have a negaengaged citizens" to continue the concept of tive impact and it becomes dangerous, Aranda democracy. said. Students like Tim Deffebaugh and Amanda Gamble have dedicated their free time to organize Students will have the same opportunity to voice their opinion at the Four Freedoms events for Constitution Day. Thoughts on Democrocy leadership and Civic Forum as those who attended the ADP meeting, On Sept. 17, five panel members will discuss Deffebaugh said. the four freedoms and the consequences of abusFour Freedoms forum Engagement Workshop ing it. It will be held at 7:oo p.m. at the Pegasus "I believe that any student, regardless of politTuesday, September 15, 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm Thursday, September 17 • Pegasus Theatre ical party, interest in politics, etc., should come Theater in the Liberal Arts building with pizza free Pine @ 6:30 p.m. NUC Heritage Room to this forum to learn what fellow students have being served at 6:3o p.m. forum @ 1:00 p.m. Speaker - Abby Mesa of CIRCLE to say about the freedoms that we 'currently' "The purpose of the American Democracy possess, and challenge their own way of thinking Project is to promote civic engagement on our For more information: www.ucosedu/adp in a positive manner," Deffebaugh said. campus, and with this forum we want to show Photo provided "Our slogan for the forum and other events people that civic engagement can be fun, excitthat we plan to host this year is 'Bringing a real ing and even risky, yet that is the joy of it all, " from want . . . everywhere in the world. The fourth is freeDeffebaugh said. world to real students,' and that is exactly what "I wanted to create this forum so that students would dom from fear . . . anywhere in the world." we are going to do," he said. This speech was delivered at a time when the Europe Abby Kiesa will be speaking to students during a have an opportunity to voice their concerns about our Leadership and Civic Engagement Workshop at too on freedoms, while hearing the opinions of their fellow was being dominated by Nazi Germany. "College students like discussions, not lectures, and this Sept. 15 in the Nigh University Center Heritage room as a peers," he said. "I feel that if we are going to impact our forum is designed to draw the 'I'm not into politics' kind part of Constitution Day. whole campus, we need a forum like this, with students of students to discuss the four freedoms and what they Although the constitution was signed by the founding and faculty/staff members, to bring our campus together mean," Deffebaugh said. fathers 222 years ago, freedom has not wavered. Through to share our thoughts with one another." Students such as Deffebaugh want to make the Four the democratic process, Americans are given the right to The Four Freedoms Forum is focused on Franklin Delano Roosevelt's 1941 address to Congress when he was Freedoms an annual Constitution Event. exercise that freedom and UCO students are doing just "This is the first year that the knurl- will be field and that. president. In the speech, Roosevelt list four freedoms individuals because I am confident in the success of this program, I am sure that this will become an annual event for the week should have. Roosevelt said, "We look forward to a world founded of Constitution Day," Deffebaugh said. Vista Writer Tiffany Brown can be reached at During the first ADP meeting held Sept. 4, several stuupon four essential human freedoms. The first is freedom tbrown@uco360.corn. of speech and expression—everywhere in the world. The dents discussed the Four Freedoms and what the concept second is freedom of every person to worship God in his of freedom means to this generation. The discussion focused on the statement: "Americans own way—everywhere in the world. The third is freedom



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PAGE 4 15, 2009

Project Clean and Green Laura Hotted Co-Edllor

Ashley Forrester found what her friend Rex Campbell called, "the motherload" of debris and trash near the shore of Lake Arcadia. After three bags were filled, the team left the site to collect all the bags.

Ashley Forrester decided something had to be done at Lake Arcadia after she and her friends were cooking out on the campsite. She said she was so distracted by all the trash that washed onto the shore and into the surrounding area, she was unable to enjoy her time. As a law school hopeful, Forrester decided Project Clean and Green would not only look good on her application, but would help the environment as well. She contacted Streck & Associates and Air Compressor Supply, INC. to help fund the project as well as other local businesses. "I have so many memories of Arcadia from my youth, that I feel we should preserve our environment and provide the same opportunity for future generations," Forrester said. She posted fliers around campus buildings in search of people who wanted to better the campsite and over 20 joined her cause. On the morning of Sept. 12, after a breakfast of Krispy Kreme Doughnuts and soda, the volunteers broke into teams and drove to the Scissortail Campground of Lake Arcadia. Each person was given a trashbag and searched for debris and trash. Commonly found items included tattered styrofoam containers, old fastfood bags, cups and straws. "We found a buoy, toothbrushes, a hard hat, spray paint cans, condoms and coke baggies, we found a lot of stuff you wouldn't even think would be there," she said. Though Forrester knows the Clean and Green Project will look good on her transcript, raising awareness about polluting is more important, she said.

The National Organization for Women partnered with Forrester, for which she serves as the Environmental Officer of the student group. A cookout was scheduled for 4 p.m. but was canceled due to rain. On Sept. 19, NOW is organizing a Frisbee Golf tournement at 2 p.m. Following the game, a cookout featuring burgers from Chili's will be served. "We are holding a raffle for various items that have been donated and also at the cookout we'll be accepting donations for new trashcans at the Frisbee Golf course," Forrester said. Rebecca Warner, NOW President, and Kara Hanas, NOW Vice President can be contacted at and if more people are interested in the cookout.

The group found a tire that was believed to have washed on the shore. The tire was wrapped in barbed wire and was carried out to be disposed of seprately from the trash bags.

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A broken buoy off the shore of Lake Arcadia was unable-to be moved but Lake authorities were told of it's presence. When the water rose to the treeline, it brought with it debris and litter that Project Clean and Green team picked up and threw away.

PHOTOS BY LAURA HOFFERT Local businesses that donated to Project Clean and Green included W&W Tire, Crest, Fat Cow Creative, Pops and Flip'd.


Beer cans and styrofoam were among the most popular finds at the campsite. Many of the items looked as though they had been decaying for months, if not years.

Jessica Price turns to receive more trash from Forrester to place in her trashbag. Price is a freshman Biology major currently attending UCO.

Rex Campbell, a volunteer and friend of Forrester, found a piece of orange plastic he said was, "probably a pretty important piece to be missing from whatever it came from." Campbell also found an oil can and a SpongeBob Squarepants fishing lure.

Litter scattered around the lake took nearly 30 minutes to clean. For more photos of Project Clean and Green, go online to

For more photos of Project Clean and Green, go online to UCO3 60 .COM

After four hours of clean-up, Project Clean and Green collected over 25 bags of trash and a tire. Forrester plans to do more environmental projects around UCO. She hopes to plant more trees around the campus next semester.



UCO alum donates $10,000 for Excellence in Teaching Tiffany Brown

on giving in my heart and mind," Neely said. Neely stated the importance teaching is to the world academia and how it is sometimes taken for granted. "Teaching does not write one paper, one book, or one grant." "It just costs money, time and effort," Neely said. "Often, teaching is devalued when compared with revenue generation or research productivity." "This posture is short sighted and basically wrong," he said. "Teaching is the fundamental reason for an academic institution to exist." "From these objectives, the conclusion was simple; honor the very people who do the work, the teachers," Neely said. "Money speaks. Teaching needs a big voice." He also recognized the important role and contributions an institution can have on the profession. "The next step was to tie that dedication to the very fabric of the University so that it might endure and enhance the mission of the institution," Neely said. "The University of Central Oklahoma is and has always been dedicated to teaching." "President Webb and his administration made this possible and we contractually agreed to establish a perpetual endowment to support the Excellence in Teaching Award," he said. "Over the years, we have been able to give one, then two awards." Dr. Wei Chen, a professor of Engineering and Physics and Dr. Jeanetta Sims, an assistant professor of Marketing, were this year's Excellence in Teaching recipients. Both were nominated for the award by their department chairperson. Sims and • Chen received $1,000 reward and their names were inscribed on the Excellence in Teaching plaque on the UCO Wall of Honor. "This award is our (mine and the University's) recognition of personal excellence in meeting the fundamental challenge and mission of academia," Neely said. "It is the highest honor I can imagine." "I am fortunate to be able to make it happen," he said. A luncheon is held to recognize each recipient of the Teachers in Excellence Award. "Each year we have a luncheon in which all the awardees over the years gather. I am always enriched by this exercise," Neely said. UCO's Excellence in Teaching award has been


Dr. J. Gail Neely gifted $10,000 to the UCO Foundation for the Excellence in Teaching Award fund. Neely is a surgeon and professor at the Washington University School of Medicine. The Excellence in Teaching Award was founded at UCO by Neely. He established the award as a way to give honor to his parents El Roy and Lucile Hawker Neely, who were also UCO graduates. "The endowment that supports this award was established December 4, 1998," Neely said in an e-mail. "I wanted to honor my mother and father, who hungered foeknowledge and passed on that hunger to all who would listen." He also established the Excellence in Teaching Award to recognize professors for the work they do in and out of the classrooms. "I have always cared to do what I could to assist those who would strive for excellence," he said. Dr. Neely recalled how UCO helped him establish an educational foundation to build upon. "I left UCO in 1961 to attend the University of Oklahoma School of Medicine," Neely said. "When I was planning for medical school, the word around Oklahoma was that if you made it through UCO, you could make it in medical school anywhere." "I found that to be true," he said. "Some of my most cherished grades were the ones earned while at UCO." While attending UCO Neely double majored in Chemistry and Biology. Afterward Neely attended several other universities. "As my education continued after medical school at the University of Oregon Medical Center, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, House Ear Institute and Clinic, Los Angeles and Yale University School of Medicine, competition was intense," Neely said. "However, the fundamental tools of education-beyondexperience learned at UCO prepared me well and I never felt undereducated or intimidated by anything or anyone." The donation made to the foundation, became his way of giving back to the UCO community. "I wanted to give something back to the University that had given me so much, and kept


Photo provided

UCO Excellence in Teaching award recipients Dr. Wei Chen (left), a professor of Engineering and Physics in the College of Mathematics and Science and the 2008 U.S. Professor of the Year, and Dr. Jeanetta Sims, an assistant professor of Marketing in the College of Business Administration pose with award creator and Central alumnus Dr. J. Gail Neely at a luncheon in their honor.

awarded for ii years. Eighteen professors have been recognized for their contributions to higher education. "All can be done well and the rewards grow from that, but teaching is fundamental," Neely said. Currently, Neely is a surgeon and professor at the Washington University School of Medicine. The foundation was established with the mission of providing scholarships to students and support to faculty. "The UCO Foundation raises funds to support the mission and the goals of the university which includes scholarship support for students and development of relationships with alumni, friends, donors, and the campus community," Reagan Hamlin, UCO Foundation Coordinator of Public Relations and Marketing, said in a press release. "This is the only award through the UCO Foundation that recognizes professors," she said. Vista Writer Tiffany Brown can be reached at .

The nuts and bolts about healthcare reform Bryoney McCaslin Staff 7l

Health care reform - H.R. 3200: America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009 - has become the hottest topic this year, following the economic crisis and big government bailouts. Since President Obama announced his plan to reform the health care system, airwaves, news pages, and email inboxes have been flooded by misinformation and scare tactics. One of the main causes of this has been a chain email, the information within it coming from a conservative blogger who sent his information via tweets on twitter. Following are four of the most heard rumors and the facts that dispel them, along with the pages on which the information can be located in the bill. Your health care will be rationed!

This is not true. The new bill will remove the caps many insurance companies already have on what they are willing to spend on a person in one year or their lifetime. On the flip side, it caps what individuals and families can annually pay out of pocket. The limit is currently set at about $5,000 for individuals and $1o,000 for families. A government committee will decide what treatments and benefits you get (and, unlike an insurer, there will be no appeals process)

In reality, page 3o of the bill sets up a "public-private advisory committee," lead by the Surgeon General and mostly comprised of private sector medical professionals. Those people would be chosen by the President and comptroller. The committee merely recommends what should be included in the different health care plans, such as basic and premium insurance plans. Those recommendations don't have to be used. Also, they have no say in what treatments, procedures, or doctors any policyholder should or should not receive. The federal government will have direct, real-time access to all individual bank accounts for electronic funds transfer Again, this is false. Page 59 of the Bill gives the government the option to offer policyholders a way to pay online, as many people already do with many other bills, such as utilities and credit cards. Death panels for senior citizens! "It is a lie, plain and simple," Obama said to Congress on September 9. The new health plan does not affect senior citizens in any way other than to ensure to anyone eligible for Medicare or Medicaid is enrolled. Senior citizens are not required to enroll if they already have private insurance. President Obama felt there were other concerns the American people wanted to hear addressed when he spoke to Congress










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Assistant Director of Health Promotion. "Any student interested should come by the Wellness Center or check out the information on line." For the tens of millions of Americans without health insurance, whether because they cannot afford it or have been denied because of preexisting conditions, this legislation will help them get coverage. It will create an insurance exchange, like a competing market place, where insurance companies will have to conform to the guidelines in the new bill to compete for business. This is how most federal employees get insurance at such low prices. This exchange will force the companies who want to compete to instate fair practices, but it will not take effect for at least four years. There will also be a public option offered by the government, as explained earlier in the piece. The new bill requires anyone who can afford coverage to have coverage. It is people without health coverage who go to the ER and cannot pay who are causing rates to rise for those with insurance. People who cannot afford insurance will be offered a tax credit or voucher. It will be against the law to not have at least the most basic health insurance. Those without it will be fined, just as they would be if they had a car and no auto insurance. "If Americans can't find affordable insurance, we will provide it," Obama said. Many people have expressed concern about who will pay for all of this. Creating Healthier Lives" Obama made it clear that this would not be passed Start your career today and have the earning until there was a way to pass it without increaspotential of $65,000.00 within 4 years! ing the deficit. He said he would go through the budget and make cuts if the Come learn how to put your financial freedom and savings they project don't success on theFastTRACK with a company that has materialize. plan is for it to pay been providing health and wealth for over 50 years, forHis itself. He said the public option would operate like Join us for a RECESSION PROOF Opportunity any other insurance company in that they would Tues, Sept 15th, 6:45pm - 8:00pm operate off the money they collect on premiums, mak1413 S. BLVD. (Energy Force Office) ing it self sufficient. RSVP (405) 715-1616 (Pizza will be provided) He did not address the concern about taxes being $50.00 Visa Gift Card Drawing rasied, except to imply that the wealthiest in the nation would be the first to feel it if they are rasied.


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on September 9: who is going to pay for the new plan and the details. The details of the new reform were scarce as Obama explained the framework for the new reform and admitted "the finer details need to be ironed out." People who already have health insurance will be able to keep their current coverage and "nothing in the plan will require you to change anything in your plan or what you already have," he said. "We want to make your plan work better for you." He said the reform will make it illegal for insurance companies to deny coverage based on preexisting conditions and to withdraw or water down coverage when the policyholder becomes ill. He will also include provisions requiring insurance companies to cover regular check ups and preventative medicine. So, any students who have coverage through UCO will not lose or be adversely affected by the government reform. Any student enrolled in nine or more hours and any graduate student enrolled in six or more is eligible for coverage. This health insurance covers basic needs of all students such as check ups and prescriptions. However, coverage is terminated after graduation. "We have many parents who hear about the coverage we offer and drop their student from their insurance and enroll them in our plan," said James Allen,

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Vista Writer Bryoney McCaslin can be reached at bmccaslin @uco360. corn.



Eight years later: Students pay tribute Tiffany Brown smil•,

It had been roughly 8:45 a.m. and 9:02 a.m.; 56 minutes and 102 minutes; and 12 seconds. This was time the twin tours were struck, the amount of time the burning Twin Towers stood, and the time it took for the buildings to stand no more. The words New York City, World Trade Center Twin Towers even the Pentagon and terrorists, bring back memories millions of Americans may never forget. The thick gray smoke that blackened the skies, the freighted look of people in photographs or the images of men and women covered in ash being broadcast on the latest news cast. For those who were personally affected, the hurt has not yet healed nor the pain of losing loved ones or surviving a tragedy relieved. Yet, many have found ways to triumph over adversity. The tragedy has become a source of inspiration for some. At the University of Central Oklahoma, student volunteers paid tribute to all who perished on Sept. ii, 2001.

Photo by Tiffany Brown

Mariah Moore, freshman Dance major, helped place the flags around Broncho Lake on the eight anniversary of Sept. 11.

While some were sleeping in their beds or attending morning classes, students came out to help plant American flags on campus at 9:00a.m. The Volunteer and Service Learning Center hosted its eighth annual Sept. 11 commeration. Approximately 100 students volunteered to help plant the flags and about 2,500 flags were planted around Broncho Lake. Later that evening, students volunteered to cook dinner for firefighters around the metro. At Station 5, located on 22" street the firefighters on duty welcomed visiPhoto by Tiffany Brown tors with open arms. Kim American flags were placed around Broncho Lake, there were 2,500 in Paige, Brittni Walker, Ashley Slayton, Bianca all in remembrance for the lives lost on Sept. 11, 2001. Robinson and Robinson's 5-year-old daughter Tianna As a result many of them could understand the loss that Nolan were among those impacted New York City so deeply. who spent several hours volunteering at the station. Firefighters working together become more than just Before dinner was served, Lt. Sallee gave students a co-workers, they explained. They are bonded together in tour of the station. Included was the weight room, the a brotherhood, because they go through situations regular medical equipment room where Haz mat tools were citizens don't experience. stored, the living room, which several reclining chairs and "We see the worst of everybody's life," the team the room where on duty firefighters slept. explained. He explained how firefighters work 24 hours a day for With every call they respond to, someone is having a three to four days. bad day. They deal with things such as animal cruelty to UCO volunteers were also given the opportunity to ride senior citizens calling for help, because they were scared around the corner on the fire truck. and didn't have family members to call. After, every one gathered around the table to enjoy a Although the job requires them to put their lives on the meal of spaghetti, salad, and rolls. They took the time to line at times, they did not think highly of themselves. get to know UCO volunteers while eating. "We don't look at ourselves as heroes," Corporal Matson Among those served dinner were, Major Hansen, said. "This is our passion, this is what we do." Lieutenant Sallee, Lieutenant Record, Corporal Hoskinson, Station five has 3o firefighters. Others who were not Corporal Henderson, Corporal Matson, Corporal Barton present while UCO students were volunteering include: and Corporal McKellar. Chief Keith Bryant, Williams, Parasich, Osban, Cox, During dinner, the team spoke of their families and Barnes, Hamby, Wilson, Tucci, Harris, Greenwood, answered questions from volunteers. Wright, Mollman, Rails, Carbajal, Thomson, I.,ene, Shook, The room was filled with smiles and laughter as the Anpilla, Bivin, and two others. firefighters commented on how good the dinner was and Students were split into several groups and went to thanked the volunteers for taking the time to cook for firehouses in Edmond, Midwest City, Oklahoma City and them. other locations. After dinner, the table was cleared and the dishes, pots Nearly 123 firefighters were served dinner in the majorand pans were cleaned. ity of locations in the metro by 124 UCO volunteers. A total The team put into perspective just how much was lost of 14 houses were served. on Sept. 11. They explained how the 343 firefighters and Although America experienced great losses on April other-rescue workers lost in one day would be devastating 19, 1995 and Sept. 11, 2001, all was not lost. What was to Oklahoma. not taken away was hope and the ability to come together If Oklahoma were to lose that many firefighters, several in a time of crisis. The 223 UCO volunteers who dedistations would be left depleted of the manpower needed to cated their time to give back on Sept. 11, 2009 became an respond to emergencies, they said. example of that. Most firefighters in Oklahoma have personal experiences with an event such as Sept. 11. During the Oklahoma City bombing on April 19, 1995, all stations were disVista Writer Tiffany Brown can be reached at patched downtown to deal with the tragedy. tbrown@uco360. corn. Alb


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ACM@UCO building has further ties to UCO Nelson Solomon What does an information technology technician at the Forensic Science Center and a UCO adjunct professor have to do with UCO's new Academy of Contemporary Music? Norman Reynolds III has been with the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation for 15 years, and his wife Vicky Reynolds is an adjunct professor in the Human Environmental Services department. Norman Reynolds' family history dates ack to the beginning of the Oklahoma Hardware Building, where the ACM@UCO is currently housed. Vicky Reynolds is also a marriage and family therapist. Her husband worked to set up the Forensic Science Center and now works in IT at the center. When construction started on the forensic center, Norman Reynolds was assigned to set up the phones and computers throughout the building. He now works to maintain those systems. Norman's great grandfather, A.W. Boyd, was one of the original founders of the Oklahoma Hardware Company, said Vicky Reynolds. His family immigrated here from Scotland andwas one ofthe first families to arrive in Virginia. The hardware company originally started on Grand Blvd., and then moved to their location in Bricktown. A.W. Boyd later moved to Oklahoma and he and his cousin, S.E. Clarkson, founded a hardware distribution business. A.W. Boyd was the vice president of the company, and they organized the company with a capital stock of $40,000 in 1900, according to his Nov. 14, 1930 obituary. The business thrived for over 6o years in Bricktown. The descendants of both the Boyd and Clarkson families have watched the changes in the building over the years. "The family is very excited about seeing the building used for educational purposes and in such a creative way," Vicky Reynolds said.

Photo by Byron Koontz

The Oklahoma Hardware Building currently houses UCO's new Academy of Contemporary Music. Norman Reynolds Ill, a UCO information technology technician and his wife, Vicky Reynolds, a UCO adjunct professor are "very excited about seeing the building used for educational purposes and in such a creative way," as descendents of a co-founder of the Oklahoma Hardware Company.

Vicky Reynolds had been a guest speaker for years for an interim class in HES before becoming a professor. "My colleague and friend taught the class and she knew I had taught at other local colleges so she eventually rec-

ommended me to teach at UCO," she said. "I have had a great experience there and am very impressed with the programs they have."

Dining in the Dark blindfolds diners lenefar dolmen ,S'icrlf11

Students for an Accessible Society is hosting the second annual Dining in the Dark at the Nigh University Center ballroom on Sept. 28. The organization is built on bringing awareness on campus for those who have disabilities. Dining in the Dark invites students and friends to experience a dinner like no other. While guests have their dinner, they will be blindfolded, and will have to use their other senses to help guide them. "We really want to provide this experience again,"

Sharla Weathers, interpreter specialist and adviser said. "It's a great experience to show student what it is like to rely on your other senses like hearing and taste." Tickets can be purchased from the Disability Support Services Office in the Nigh University Center room 3o9B for $25. All proceeds will go toward the organization to help fundraise spring events during Disability Week. During the week, the organization will set up challenges in which students can see what it is like to have a disability. "go percent of people will encounter some sort of disability either with themselves or someone else," Weathers said. "We want to limit those barriers." Dining in the Dark was first inspired by a similar dinner hosted by the Heartland Council for the Blind. She

thought this would be a unique experience for students at UCO. "I have gained a lot of appreciation for those who take on these disabilities," she said. "It has showed me that people do care." Most of her members in the organizations are students who want to bring awareness and accommodate those who face disabilities. "UCO has come a long way," she said. "You can't provide every need, but UCO has been open to suggestion and has followed up with them." "I don't want to show it as negativity, but bring awareness," Weathers said. "We want everyone to come with a positive attitude. It's a great experience."

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38. Responsible person 8. Make. as money 66. On the safe side, at with admirable chara9. Notlonger new sea teristics 10. Confer an 67. Archer, at times 40. Type of jettengine academictdegree upon 68. "Your majesty" 41. Graceful bird 11. Change 69. Bank 12. Came down 42. Bearing 70.Permitting the un wanted passage of fluids 13. Information unit 48. Don't believe it 51. Garbage 18. "The have it" or gases 52. Tomato blight 22. Hawkeye 71.Flightless flock 53. Spoil, with "up" 24. Handttool for bor 54. "Heartbreak House" ing holes Down writer 25. Curb, with "in" 55. Far from ruddy 27. lazuli 1. Carpentry tool 56. Horace volume 28. Discompose 2. Air force heroes 57. Ashtabula's lake 29. Zoroastrian 3. Tail motions 59. First part 4. "Forget it!" 32. Light flintlock 60. Almond musket 5. 30-day mo. 61. The Beatles' " 33. "All My Children" 6. Backboard attach Leaving Home" vixen ment 64. "A rat!" 34. Change, as a clock 7. Fresh from the 65. Bawl 37. Caught shower



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SEPTEMBER 15, 2009

TOBACCO the way a rat's brain works. The company responded by saying DeNoble couldn't prove it was the brain. DeNoble proposed putting the nicotine right in the rat's brain to prove his point. The company disagreed. "They said, 'What are you doing? We're not paying you to do this. We're paying you to find a drug that reduces heart problems in people. Where is it?' I said, 'I'm working on it. The company told him to "go back to the lab and do what you're paid to do." DeNoble and Mele did the experiment to prove that the brain is impacted regardless, and found that the nicotine goes to the area of the rat's brain that controls drug addiction. DeNoble started putting nicotine in the rats' brains everyday and found that by day 15 of the experiment, the brain had gotten used to the nicotine and had changed. DeNoble told Philip Morris executives of these and similar findings repeatedly. Each time they sent him away, telling him to "do the job he is paid to do." But DeNoble continued his experiments, shifting from rats to a monkey's brain and eventually a human's. When the tobacco executives found out that DeNoble

Continued from page 1 had continued his experiments, they threatened to fire him, until they found out he had developed the drug that would not harm the heart if smoked. "This safe cigarette consisted of two filters and would eliminate 8o percent of cancerous material," he said. Things changed five months later. "On April 5, 1984, they called me upstairs to the sixth floor of the building and said, 'I'm sorry to tell you this, but lawyers have told us we can't make your cigarette," DeNoble said. "They said the problem is we can't make your cigarettes because they'll save people's lives," he said. The reasons the company gave included that the tobacco industry had been telling the government since 1953 that there's nothing wrong with smoking. "He said we've been lying to the government for 33 years. We make your cigarette, they'll figure out we lied." The other reason the company gave for not making his cigarette was that they make 60 kinds of cigarettes. "They said, 'If we make your kind of cigarettes, and it does help people, we can't sell the other ones, because the other ones, we know, hurt people. We can't sell those because we'll lose money. We're not gonna lose money. We're gonna let the people die. —

DeNoble and Mele were fired and forced to sign a gag order. This silenced them until January 1994, when seven top tobacco industry executives were to testify before Congress. After io years of silence, DeNoble decided to reveal his story to a federal judge and the investigation began, resulting in a $710 billion lawsuit against Philip Morris. The tobacco industry has since been fined $780 billion and can no longer sell cigarettes at sporting events, among other events. "Fifteen years ago, there was only one state in the country that was smoke-free, that was California, today there are 3o states that are smoke-free," DeNoble said. "More importantly, there are cities and towns and colleges and universities that are now smoke-free," he added. A round of applause was given due to UCO being one of those universities that will become tobacco-free on July 1, 2010.

Vista Co-Editor Nelson Solomon can be reached at

Ancient sport keeps modern interest lenefar de Leon Fencing is considered the physical chess of all sports. "It is considered one of the oldest sports," Dr. Darian De Bolt, professor of Philosophy and Greek, said. "It utilizes the body and mind and it is highly competitive." Fencing can be traced back to the ancient Roman and Egyptian times. Fencing is considered a sport of power and glory according to . It is most often recognized as what the popular Three Musketeers did, while they dueled for their honor. But historically it was also one of the five original Olympic sports De Bolt said and it continues to be taught at UCO. Fencing club meets every Thursday at 5 p.m. in the Health and Physical Education building for free. "It is at no cost, we provide the all the supplies and equipment for the training," De Bolt said. "Fencing club has been here before I even arrived in 2000," Dr. John Bowen, associated professor of Chemistry said. "It's lots of fun." Bowen and De Bolt, both sponsors of fencing club, have been fencing for several years, and are both skilled in the fencing sword technique of Epee. In modern fencing there are three types of fencing technique: Epee, foil and sabre. Epee allows the entire body to be a target, unlike foil and sabre. "It's all about strategy," Bowen said. "Within minutes you read your opponent's body technique... before your opponent figures you out." Epee is all about speed and strategy, much like the popular board game of chess or like dancing.


"It's not all about physical appearance. It's about tactic, and strategizing your opponent," Bowen said. "It's like a dance," De Bolt said. "You are moving back and forth seeing what movements your opponent is making." Fencing is not like some sports in which size matters; both sponsors agreed that speed is important to the sport. Most successful fencers are women, because they can be faster with their feet, and their size helps when they duel, Bowen said. But in fencing club, they have an equal amount of female and men to train the skills of Epee. Bowen said that he loves to teach his students the technique of Epee, and this semester they have had a good turnout of students. "People think this sport is for the upper class, but once they get into it, they realize it's not what they originally thought," he said. Dr. De Bolt said he welcomes all students to the class to really see what fencing is about. "If you try it and don't like it, then that's ok," he said. "But there are the ones that do come back." Fencing will be taught throughout the fall semester, and he hopes it will continue on to the spring semester. One of the main concerns that both sponsors have is that they do lack sufficient amount of equipment like swords and gear, but Dr. De Bolt says that they work with what they have, and students continue to come. Fencing club is open to all students.

41 ,

Vista Writer Jenefar de Leon can be reached at .


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Photo by Tiffany Brown

Lt. Sallee at Fire station #5 helping Tianna Nolan, 5, down the steps of the fire truck and her mother Bianca Robinson reaching for her.

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PAGE 11 SEPTEMBER 15, 2009

MO golfer on his way to the PGA Steve Vidal

end of the spring season. Over the summer Shrum qualified and played in Sports 11/ titer the U.S. Amateur National Tournament in Tulsa at the Southern Hills golf course. Sometimes dealing with a lot of success can be diffi"It was interesting. I learned a lot from it," Shrum cult, especially in sports. For someone who has a chance said. He said that while he wasn't nervous, he did to make a lot of money on the PGA tour one day UCO struggle. Overall he had a great time and really enjoyed senior golfer Colby Shrum is as down to earth as it gets. playing on that kind of a stage. He hopes to qualify and Since arriving on campus in the fall of 2006 Shrum play in it again next year. has won six college tournaments and been named a Shrum's favorite courses have been ones that he Division II All-American golfer twice, along with being played on, inCalifornia and Washington. He likes seea legitimate national championship contender. His sucing all of the green around them, and especially enjoyed cess goes back to high school as well, where he helped playing on courses in Washington because of all of the Perry High School win their first ever 3A golf state tall trees. He named Mission Viejo in California where championship as a senior. Shrum won the state tourhe played last year, along with Southern Hills this sumnament individually by an impressive 17 strokes that mer at the amateur tournament, as the toughest courses season. he has ever played. It all started for Shrum in his hometown of Perry. He In academics, Shrum is majoring in Industrial Safety. started hitting balls when he was three or four years old He was unsure what he wanted to do when he came after his dad put some clubs out in the yard for him. He to UCO, but after taking a class in Industrial Safety, it played on his first real course at age nine. became something he got a lot more interested in. He "It was basically because my dad went to play it all hopes to have a career in it someday if his PGA tour the time and I liked to go out there with him," Shrum aspirations don't work out. said on what got him interested in golf. "That's basically Shrum gave advice for a young person wanting to get what got me interested in it, was watching him have fun into competitive golf: doing it." "My only thing I would tell them is to be as dedicated Shrum's love of golf continued into high school where to it as they possibly could because golf is not something he led Perry to consistent top five finishes at state, finally you can have good hand-eye coordination and just go breaking through to win it in his senior year. That is still play," Shrum said. He said that you can play, but to be the only golf championship for a school that is known good enough to go somewhere you have to spend hours much more for its wrestling tradition than golf. and hours practicing everyday. "The courses are different, but not only that, the "Be willing to give up a lot of your free time to go praccompetition is a lot better," Shrum said on the biggest tice," Shrum said. He says that golf takes more practice differences between high school and college golf. Shrum time than almost any other sport. Luckily for him he also said the courses are a lot smaller in high school, and loves being out on the course. that getting to play out of state in places like California, Shrum also says that people in warmer climates do Arizona and Washington is a big change as well. have a practice advantage over people in cooler cliAfter not being recruited by any of the schools that he Photo Provided mates. For example people in California or Florida can really wanted to go to, Shrum was convinced by friend play year-round compared to Oklahoma where there is Chance Tatum, who was already playing at UCO, to UCO golfer Colby Shrum wil take two semesters off only an average of seven to eight months of solid golf become a Broncho. Shrum and Tatum met while play- as he has chosen to red-shirt. The Broncho phenom weather. Because of this, Shrum said the team practices ing junior golf. wanted to take a year to practice and come back his longer and harder when the weather is nice to make up This season Shrum has made the decision to red- senior year at a higher level. Shrum will return in the for the time they are not able to practice, especially in shirt. This means he will not be playing in any of the fall the winter months. fall semester of 2010. or spring college tournaments. As for five years down the road, Colby Shrum sees "Everyone's got an opportunity to red-shirt before himself competing on the PGA tour making money. In after I get done there try go play on tour and make it on they graduate," Shrum said. "I just figured that that would the meantime his talent will help propel UCO to be one of the PGA tour." be the best solution for me is to spend an extra year practhe best golf programs in the country. While they'll have Shrum says that the extra year of practice and competicing and come back my senior year and play, and then to wait another year, fans will definitely look forward to tition will help him before he will try to go out and play seeing Colby Shrum get back out on the golf course as a professionally. Outside of golf, Shrum likes to play basketball. He Broncho again next fall for his senior season. played basketball at Perry and even made the all-conference team. He also likes to play softball and loves to watch football. Vista Writer Steve Vidal can be reached at In a normal college season, Shrum will play about svidal@uco360.corn. 10-12 tournaments. It is usually five in the fall, five in the spring and then the conference tournament, regional tournament and finally the national tournament at the

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1 PAGE 12 SEPTEMBER 15, 2009

No. 24 UCO falls to No. 11 TAMUK 46-17

game, receiving for UCO as he caught five balls for a total Sports Editor of 50 yards and a touchdown. Matt Jackson also found himself as one of Noohi's favorite The University of Central targets as the wide receiver Oklahoma football team caught six balls for a total of was looking for their sec45 Yards. ond upset in a row this past UCO's scoring consisted Saturday when they travof a 23-yard touchdown pass eled to Kingsville, Texas to from Brandon Noohi to Ryan take on their third-ranked Gallimore, a 29-yard touchopponent in as many weeks. down run from Noohi and a However, on the rain36-yard field goal from kicksoaked field of the number er Ross Weaver. 11 Javelinas, the Bronchos On the defensive side came up on the short end of the ball Giorgio Durham of a 46-17 rout. Texas A&Mhad an interception. Prentice Kingsville jumped out to an Muse led the Bronchos with early lead and didn't look 10 total tackles, four solo and back UCO fell to 1-2 with six. assisted. Terrence Hill their loss Saturday, 1-1 in the also had 10 tackles. Lone Star Conference. The Bronchos will face The number 24 Bronchos their fourth-ranked oppofell to an early deficit as the Photo Provided nent in a row next week, but Javelinas put on a big-play this time it will be at home. scoring clinic. The Javelinas UCO quarterback Brandon Noohi ducks around defenders in a game late last season. Noohi passed for UCO makes its home debut scored on a 65-yard intercep- 122 yards and one touchdown and ran for 57 yards and a touchdown in a losing attempt this weekend. against number 22 Tarleton tion return, a 70-yard run The Bronchos will now face another ranked opponent when they play No. 22 Tarleton State in Edmond State in an important game and an 88-yard pass before that may determine the the game had even reached this Saturday at 6:00 p.m. UCO is now 1-2 on the season, and 1-1 in conference play. Bronchos' post-season fate. the ten-minute mark. The game is scheduled to half, and that may have contributed to up solid numbers, completing 16 of 29 The Bronchos tried to come back toward start at 6:oo p.m. at Wantland Stadium. the end the first, cutting the lead to 28-14. UCO having only 52 total yards in the final passes for 122 yards and one touchdown. Noohi also rushed for 57 yards on seven However, TAMUK hit a groove late in the two quarters. "We gave up too many big plays and you attempts. second and carried the momentum into can't do that on the road against a good Jason Palmer once again led the the third to put the game beyond reach, team," UCO head coach Tracy Holland Bronchos in rushing. Palmer ran the ball scoring 15 straight unanswered points. said after the loss. "We fought hard to get for 13 times and 79 yards for an average For the second week in a row UCO had back in the game after getting down early, of six yards per carry. Ben Birmingham good balance on offense. The Bronchos but we just didn't play well enough to win added 39 net rushing yards to UCO's rushpiled up 249 yards in the first half. tonight." ing total of 177 yards. However, a torrential downpour struck UCO quarterback Brandon Noohi put Ryan Gallimore had another solid the stadium at the beginning of the second

Chris Wescott

Inside the Lines with Chris Wescott

Opinion: Five things to expect from UCO hockey's opening weekend Chris Wescoll Sports Editor

The UCO hockey team will begin its fourth season as an American Collegiate Hockey Association Division One program this weekend. There is a lot of hype surrounding the Bronchos as they are a team coming off an exciting, national tournament-qualifying year. The Bronchos made it to the national playoffs in only their third year in existence and shocked the league in the process. As if that wasn't a big enough storyline, the Bronchos will kick off this season by facing the

reigning national champions, the Lindenwood University Lions. Here are the five things, in my opinion, that you can expect from the Bronchos vs. Lions matchup: 1. Expect a fast, attacking defense from UCO. The Bronchos have prided themselves on solid defensive play the past few seasons. This year they add two defensemen who are sure to help the Bronchos continue that mindset. Tony Bruno and Nick Novak are entering their first season as Bronchos and are leaving behind an impressive offseason. Both seem to be very fast and aggressive, and should see some play-time on Friday and Saturday night.

2. Expect a slow start to the Friday night game. In college hockey, when two highly ranked teams meet, they tend to feel each other out for the first ten to twenty minutes of the game. There is often some conservative play by both squads until they feel it is safe to hit the throttle, and then sit back and watch the show. 3. Expect the Bronchos to come out swinging. UCO has been

salivating at an opportunity to open the season with a win over the national champs all summer. As the underdogs, the Bronchos know how important it is to come out and show your opponent you came to play and UCO loves to play hard on their home ice. UCO already has a win over a number one team, as they defeated Illinois last season in Edmond. 4. Expect Lindenwood to be big and fast. Lindenwood is one of those hockey teams that never needs to rebuild. They reload year after year by adding more talented players on their team. Their physical presence will be visible this weekend when the Lions step onto the ice to begin the 2009-




Expect Brian Thompson, AJ Alfrey and Matt Cohn to come out ready to play. All three were captains last season and were among the team's top scorers. They all have been waiting to get back on the ice and should get off to a fast start. Thompson, in particular, was on fire the first half of last season, however all three make up a solid UCO offensive attack. The two-game series will be played at Arctic Edge Arena in Edmond on Friday and Saturday night, at 7:30 p.m. both nights. You can buy tickets at the door, or you can log on to for season tickets.




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