University of Central Oklahoma
TUESDAY September 17, 1996
The Student Voice Since 1903
Faculty members challenge policy By Cynthia Chung and Leslie Wakulich These areas of concern include what Law and the department, he said. Jacob concurred. "That's not the task of this task others see as a lack of clear procedural guidelines for Staff Writers
he fmal draft of the faculty conduct policy may find its way to President George Nigh's desk - for approval in the next few weeks. But if some concerned faculty members have their way, the document will not get there until they see it first. Dr. Stephen Law, past president of the Faculty Senate, has expressed reservations on how faculty input was solicited for the revision. On Nov. 10, 1995, Dr. Clyde Jacob, vice president for academic affairs, sent a copy of the _initial draft, which covers issues such as plagarism, falsification of data and sexual harassment, to faculty members. The policy was accompanied by a letter seeking their suggestions for improvement. A four-page response, written by Law on behalf of himself and eight other faculty senators, recommended changes to specific areas of the policy. •
filing a grievance. In addition, they are concerned about maintaining confidentiality and the rights of both the accused and the accuser. In defense of the policy, Jacob said a procedure is included to deal with conflicts internally before they become a legal issue. But to some, that procedure seems vague. In his letter,. Law said, "The complexities of this need to be more emphatically laid out. "Why is there no mention of the specific procedures that faculty must follow to obtain legal representation from the attorney general's office?" he asked. Equity Officer Brad Morelli said the univeristy should have a common set of procedural guidelines 'that apply to all sections of the campus community when dealing with a grievance. This set of guidelines should be drawn up by a presidential forum appointed by UCO President George Nigh and not fall upon the shoulders of one college or
force." The Professional Conduct Task Force falls under the guidance of Academic Affairs and is strictly charged with developing a faculty conduct policy. However, Jacob contends that the procedural guide of the policy will receive "minor changes." Of the reported 692 faculty members employed by UCO this time last year, only 15 to 20 of them submitted suggestions or comments. All responses were given consideration and will be "woven into the policy," Jacob said. Law said he hopes the document will go back to the Faculty Senate for further input. However,- Jacob maintains that the fmal draft will go back to the task force for review and then to Nigh for final approval. In a March interview with The Vista, Jacob said the original target date for implementation of the policy was July 1, 1996. 0:1)
Express food court prices compare to sister stores By Joanna Owen-Clouston Staff Writer
Raft. " • We,
UCO's new food court has prices that are close, if not exactly, what their sister stores around town charge, but they don't run specials. Rob Archuleta, food court manager, said there have been a few_ complaints about the cost of the food. Cost of menu items from the franchises were set based on prices in town and at Oklahoma State **UK . . • University's food court. aa:040: IPAISt4tURPs 3***, He said the biggest difference is when the franchise has a special, :;:goto:Ige like Burger King's 99 cent Whopper. Another reason prices are slightly higher is because the more food bought, the cheaper it is. The food court doesn't use that much, so they pay a higher cost for the food. Students stand in line waiting to place their order for lunch. The management has received "We are in business to make money but that's not why there is a several complaints about the prices. (Staff photo by Lacy Amen) YSee FOOD COURT, Page 3
INSIDE TODAY INDEX Editorial 2 Sports 8,9 Around Campus 15 Classifieds 16
FEATURE UCO's Dr. Marco Roman describes the experiences of teaching in Paris, France.
SPORTS The UCO football team fought off Southwestern to win for the 500th time in school history.
CAMPAIGN '96 TheUCO Political Science Department courses clears up the election confusion.