University of Central Oklahoma
THURSDAY September 18
The Student Voice Since 1903
Mid-term grades abolished effective immediately By Steven E. Wedel Staff Writer
Cable guy... Daniel Delgado, an employee of Metroplex Sprinklers of Edmond, helps lay cable into the ground north of Broncho Lake. The cable is part of an underground sprinkler system being installed on campus. (Photo by Bryan Terry)
eginning this semester, there will be no more mid-term grades issued by UCO instructors. On Sept. 4, President Webb approved a recommendation made by UCO's Faculty Senate to eliminate mid-term grades, said Roberta Sloan, senate president and chair of the theatre arts department. The measure had already passed in UCO's Student Association. Less than 15 percent of the student body ever inquired about their mid-term grades, said Sloan. The cost, in terms of time spent and dollars expended, was not justified by the returns, she said. The grades were not meaningful, according to Sloan, who expressed the feelings of some students who had inquired about their mid-term grades. "Sometimes a mid-term grade, coming when it does, is not a true evaluation of how the student is doing in the class," Sloan said. "What's indicative at the end of the semester may not be the case only eight weeks into the semester." Many other universities, and community colleges, have already abolished the mid-term process, said Sloan.
"Northeastern State University in Tahlequah, where President Webb is from, has not had mid-term grades for a long time," Sloan said. "I think that may be why he was in favor of this proposal and responded so quickly." The new policy is expected to save the university $1,000 per year, said Jerry Legere, assistant vice-president for enrollment management. The adoption and implementation of this proposal will save money by reducing costs in printing, circulation, and recording of mid-term grades, Sloan said. The money saved is expected to be reallocated to offset unbudgeted expenses encountered by the enrollment and admissions office, said Legere. Those expenses include such things as the scholarship guide published this year, he said. Any student who wants to know what their grade is at the mid-term point can still ask the instructor to give them the grade, said Sloan. "I would certainly encourage the students who want to know how they are progressing in the course to do that," Sloan said. The abolishment of mid-term grades does not necessarily mean the end for mid-term exams,she said. .fin
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