The Vista September 22, 1988

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22, 1988 Vol. 87,

No. 8


Thursday Edition

Central State University, Edmond, Oklahoma

Students vote on new constitution By Mark Mitchell Student Writer The revised Student Association constitution was placed before voters yesterday for their consideration during the fall SA elections. Central State University Student Association President Lisa Coen signed the revised constitution after the senate met Monday. Results of the election were not in yet at press time. In other business, Coen made two appointments, one to fill the Residence Halls Association vacancy on the senate and one to the Supreme Court. Coen urged the Continuum Committee and the senate to approve Amanda Qualls as RHA representative to the senate and Kimberly Mentor to the Supreme Court.

Vice President Jerry Blansett informed the senators that each must serve an hour at the polls during the election Wednesday. Blansett announced there would be no elections in the Colleges of Math and Science, Education, or Business, however there would be a mandatory election in the College of Liberal Arts. Resolutions dealing with student access to the lights at the tennis courts after 11 p.m. and school color use at homecoming both failed. Resolution 88-101 dealing with the chess tournament was referred to committee and will be brought before the assembly Sept. 26. Resolution 88-103 Student Assembly by-laws will also be considered at that time.

Water rate increase delayed by council By Tina Davis Student Writer The Edmond City Council decided Sept. 19 to hold off raising water rates again until the need can be investigated further. Prior to a July 1 rate increase, Central State University and Edmond public schools were paying a flat rate of $1.23 per 1,000 gallons of water. On July 1 the rates for CSU and the public schools increased from

the flat rate to a two-tier system of $2.95 for the first 1,000 gallons and $1.83 for each 1,000 gallons thereafter. The flat rate was deleted in order to meet a debt service from Arcadia Lake, according to Assistant City Manager Patsy Sandefur. It is presently costing the city about $3 per 1,000 gallons to treat and deliver the water, said City Manager Max Speegle. Please see Water on page 8.

Presidents of the business clubs present sweat-shirts to Central State University President Bill Lillard for University Fest. Pictured with Lillard, from left are: Jeff Tebow, Finance Club president; Cheryl Smith, Management Club president; Stacey Gaylord, Accounting Club vice president and John Hawk, Decision Sciences Club president. The shirts will be given to the deans and vice presidents of each school on behalf of the business clubs. They are the same shirts that will be sold next week by the business clubs at the University Fest business tent, said Dr. Joe Kinzer, dean of Business. CSU crest sweat-shirts will sell for $17. All proceeds will benefit the business clubs. CSU faculty will be wearing the shirts next Wednesday to help promote sales and participation in University Fest activities, said Kinzer. (Photo by Daniel Smith)

Political activities planned Young Democrats Young Republicans By Valli Covert Associate Editor Central State University's Young Democrats will be registering voters Monday and Tuesday. "Our main goal is to get as many people registered as possible," said Bret Purser, president of CSU Young Democrats. A booth will be set up in the Liberal Arts Building in the lobby Sept. 26 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Voters can register Sept. 27 at the University Center, first floor by the Oklahoma Room, from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. People interested in joining the Young Democrats can do so by signing up at voter registration booths. The next meeting will be Sept. 24. The group will discuss plans for its University Fest booth. Information about the Young Democrats will be available during voter registration, Purser said.

By Dee Reisman Student Writer The College Republicans, a group of college students interested in actively promoting Republican ideals on campus, have planned several activities for the semester, according to Julie Conatser, acting chairman of the Central State University chapter. Conatser said the CSU chapter is an active branch headed up by State Chairman Robert Fits, a student at CSU. The College Republicans will have a booth for homecoming to help educate students about the differences between the presidential candidates, said Conatser. College Republicans will also support a voter registration on campus some time this semester, said Conatser. The sponser of the CSU chapter is Leroy Crozier, chairman of the political science department, Conaster said.

Regents may boost admission standards

Governor Henry Bellmon spoke at Central State University Monday to nearly 400 people from agency boards and commissions on the topic "Achieving Excellence Through Service as a Regent, Board or Commission Member"

By Martha Giglio Editor The Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education recommended for discussion a proposal to raise admissions standards at both comprehensive and regional schools in Oklahoma Sunday, said Jeanie Edney, director of information. Central State University's proposed admissions requirements would mandate that students be in the upper half of their high school class rather than the upper two-

thirds. Also, admissions would be based on both students' class standings and their ACT scores rather than one or the other, Edney said. If passed, new admissions requirements would go into effect in 1990 for OU and OSU, and in 1991 at CSU and other regional institutions, said Edney. Public discussions are planned for Oct. 17 in Tulsa and Nov. 9 at the regent's office at the State Capitol. Please see Regents on page 8.

Democratic vice presidential hopeful Lloyd Bentsen stopped in Oklahoma Tuesday to greet supporters and attend a fundraising luncheon. Please see related story on page 8. (Photo by Chris Rush)

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