The Vista Sept. 24, 2009

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IINOIILD13 Eat your Vegtables

Ryan Croft explains the importance of a vegtable based diet and reducing or eliminating beef altogether


Making healthy choices

Emily Leahy defeated the odds by changing her eating habits


UCO debate team looking to continue

One of the oldest organizations on campus aims to improve on last year's top 10 finish PAGE 6 UCO football back on the road

The Bronchos take on the Texas A&MCommerce Lions PAGE 10

Gas leak at Buddy's "a challenge" on. As of Wednesday afternoon, workers were makCopy Editor ing sure connections were secure before a final test. A recent gas leak outside If that test passes, the of Buddy's on Monday kept gas should be turned on everything that operates on within a few hours. gas in the cafeteria inoperBuddy's staff noticed able until Wednesday evethe smell of gas outside ning. the building on Monday, "It's been a challenge," and since then the gas has Greg Schwartz, director of been turned off. Dining Services, said. "It Schwartz said that there wasn't something that was was an old pipe undercontrollable." neath the building, and Because a majority of they have now replaced the ovens and ranges at what was under the buildBuddy's use gas, other food ing with a new pipe. had to be brought in to Because there is no serve to diners. hot water to wash hands, "We've been cooking Buddy's has put out hand Photo by Laura Hoffert food in the UC," Schwartz sanitizer in both bathsaid. "We've been putting rooms and at the entrance it in hot boxes and then Dan Damron, left, Buddy's kitchen supervisor and Dan Nyagol, grill cook, grill to the building, Adrienne hamburgers outside of Buddy's cafeteria due to the gas leak that occurred bringing it up here." Nobles, UCO director of Additionally, some food earlier this week. "It made my day much better when I found out I could work communications and marlike hamburgers have been outside," Damron said. keting, said. cooked outside the buildBuddy's does have a ing on an outdoor grill. for replacing the gas pipes, Work has been finished quality test from the envi- temporary water heater Workers for Trade "were working until 3 a.m. on the pipes, he said, and ronmental safety depart- for the staff to wash their Mechanical, the contrac- last night," Schwartz said. they were waiting on an air ment to turn the gas back hands though, Nobles said.

Caleb McWilliams

OKC Thunder donates equipment to UCO would like to donate that, and that UCO would be a good place for that to go," said Jeff McKibbin, director of UCO's athletic training program. Both modalities, the MegaPulse II Shortwave Diathermy and Precision Micro Current Electrical Muscle Simulat N, will serve as valuable training additions to the current curriculum, he said. McKibbin said the equipment will serve as a practice unit for our students in a controlled setting, to learn how the different parts of the

Nelson Solomon Co-Editor

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UCO's Athletic Training Education graduate program in the College of Education and Professional Studies recently received a donation of two essential modalities for its athletic training lab from the Oklahoma City Thunder organization. 'The Oklahoma City Thunder called, and had upgraded some of their equipment, and felt like they

Finding your Genius Tiffany Brown coif 11 filet

Think Like Leonardo Da Vinci: Seven Steps to Genius Every Day,"

A world renowned author, juggler, consultant and inspirational speaker spoke to the UCO community. Michael Gelb, a former professional juggler who once performed with artist such as Bob Dylan and the Rolling Stones, spoke and hosted a workshop as part of the "Everyday Genius: Finding Your Genius" event. It was the first of several creative series events to be hosted by UCO creative Leadership Council.


Leonardo da

Photo Provided


Michael Gelb's book, "How to Think like Leonardo da Vinci." Gelb spoke to UCO students about being a genius.

NI■N MD YOU MOW.02 During the Supreme Court's first term in 1790, it had no docket & made no decisions. When the capital moved to Washington D.C. in i800, the Supreme Court did not even have a courtroom. Congress provided a small committee room in the basement of the Capitol, where the Court remained until the Civil War.

machines work. "It will be critical, because we're gonna try to expose them to as many different modalities that exist in a clinical setting," he said. "It adds another piece to our transformative learning that can't be acquired in a lot of different clinical sites." McKibbin said the donation evolved from previous meetings held between the Thunder and their department. "We had planted a seed and said `We're here, we're here in Edmond.'

that could help students make the process of studying easier. It could also help students improve their memory and have fun in the process. Gelb said he had been teaching in the Creative Learning filed for a while before the book was created. He explained how he was invited to speak for the Young President's organization in Washington, D.C. Yet he knew the group was hosting an event in Florence, Italy. He said Florence was his favorite city and he wanted an invitation to speak at that event. After he finished speaking in Washington, he was approached by the education chair from Florence and asked if he were invited to Florence what would he speak about, Gelb said. "I looked him right in the eye and I said how about how to think like Leonardo da Vinci," Gelb said. Gelb said he was asked if he could really present a topic about how to speak like da Vinci. "I said sure," Gelb said. "So I see GELB, page 4

Tiffany Brown .S/r?,//l 1 'rite/.

In the midst of near recordbreaking heat temperatures and ice cream dripping from cones onto the hands of children over this past summer, Eileen Parks and Kerstin Allison spent much of their time in the University of Central Oklahoma Science lab studying bats. Allison and Parks are studying

the bumps on the ears of Mexican Free-tailed Bats to see if the bumps are used for an aerodynamic purpose. "Half of the reactions I get from people are, 'Why?"' Parks, a UCO medical technology student, said as she sat at a chocolate-colored table along with her lab partner Kerstin Allison, a UCO nursing student, outside of Barnes and Nobles. "Our goal is to make a 3-D model see BATS, page 5

Photo by Tiffany Brown

Eileen Parks and Kerstin Allen study a Mexican Free-tailed bat. The two researched the bumps on the ears of the bats to see if they are used for an aerodynamic purpose.




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And the relationship is probably going to grow," he said. The talks between the department and the Thunder started in early summer this year and included many informal conversations as well as two formal meetings, McKibbin said. He said- the equipment - will sharpen the program's students and make them "more remarkable." "When, at some point they have see THUNDER, page 3

Students study bat ears

Gelb outlined the several principles presented in his New York Times Bestselling book "How to

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Partly Cloudy, slight chance of showers

egiN Check the blogs UCO360.COM "Inside the Lines" with Chris Wescott



If you had a theme song play every time you walked into a room, what would it be and why?

COMM. BUILDING, RM. 131 100 N. UNIVERSITY DR. EDMOND, OK 73034-5209 405-974-5549

"It would probably be MIA's 'Paper Planes' because that's just kind of like my gangster song."

The Vista is published as a newspaper and public forum by UCO students, semi-weekly during the academic year except exam and holiday periods, and only on Wednesdays during the summer, at the University of Central Oklahoma. The issue price is free for the first copy and $1 for each additional copy obtained.

EDITORIALS Opinion columns, editorial cartoons, reviews and commentaries represent the views of the writer or artist and not necessarily the views of The Vista Editorial Board, the Department of Mass Communication, UCO or the Board of Regents of Oklahoma Colleges. The Vista is not an official medium of expression for the Regents or UCO.

LETTERS The Vista encourages letters to the editor. Letters should address issues and ideas, not personalities. Letters must be typed, double-spaced, with a maximum of 150 words, and must include the author's printed name, title, major, classification and phone number. Letters are subject to editing for libel, clarity and space, or to eliminate statements of questionable taste. The Vista reserves the right not to publish submitted letters.

Tim Robbinson Sophomore Music Education and Psychology



DESIGN Kayleigh Adamek

ADVERTISING Stacey Sprague

ADVISER Mr. Teddy Burch

EDITORIAL Kaylea Brooks, Tiffany Brown, Steve Vidal, Jenefar De Leon, Bryoney McCaslin,

Staff Writer Staff Writer Staff Writer Staff Writer Staff Writer

PHOTOGRAPHY Byron Koontz Allison Rathgeber Amanda Siegfried


"I would say it would be Britney Spears 'Circus,' because every time I do walk into a room, everybody stares."

Skylar Pittman Senior PubliC Relations with a minor in business

"The theme song from robot Chicken because I just had a friend look at me and say, 'It would be the theme song from Robot Chicken."'

Address letters to: Editor, The Vista, 100 N. University Dr., Edmond, OK 73034-5209, or deliver in person to the editor in the Communications Building, Room 131. Letters can be e-mailed to .

Laura Hoffert, Co Editor Nelson Solomon, Co Editor Kory Oswald, Managing Editor Caleb McWilliams, Copy Editor Chris Wescott, Sports Editor

SEPTEMBER 24, 2009





Jamie Shepherd Senior Instrumental Music Education uM

"Probably that `Fresh Ptince of Bel Air.' It's just badass."

Jessica Jacobs Junior Kinesiology

"The Spice Girls'

"Eye of The Tiger because it would be my luck that I got the song that wasn't even appropriate to me at all."

`Wanna be'... just listen to the lyrics, it speaks volumes about how I feel about the people around me."


Laura Hoffert Stephen Hughes


Michael Stewart Senior Music Theater

Athena Gonzales Sophomore History Education


Health fashion: salad's the new beef Ryan Croft

were fed either a balanced vegan diet, high in fiber and meals. low in fat, or the more commonly used American Diabetes So, while many meat-eaters believe a yegetarian or 11/eb Editor Association diet. vegan diet lacks protein and vitamin B-12 — nutrients My eager, sweaty fingers wrapped tightly around The vegan diet consisted of unrefined vegetables, readily found in meat — statistics show the majority of my self-awarded prize for an extra-hard band practice. grains, beans and fruits, with no refined ingredients, such those meat eaters actually consume too much protein. The thin newsprint rolled back and forth between my as vegetable oil, white flour, or white pasta, according to "I recommend balance and moderation ... whatever thumb and forefinger, waiting impatiently to be yanked the study. style of vegetarianism someone chooses can absolutely be from my pocket and traded for the "2-FOR-1 ROAST The study also stated the vegan meals averaged just io a healthy diet as long as they make sure they include all BEEF'N'CHEDDAR" it promised. percent fat, as a percentage of calories, and 8o percent the essential nutrients," said Tiffany Shurtz, UCO's dietetMy amp was still warm and my bass still hung heavily complex carbohydrate, while offering 6o-to-7o grams of ic internship director. "There are lots of non-animals on my shoulder when I received the fateful call from my fiber per day and no cholesterol. sources of protein — beans and nuts ... tofu is an excellent then-girlfriend. There would be no Roast Beefn'Cheddar. PCRM stated those on the ADA diet ate a few more source." Not for me. Not that day. Not ever again. plant-based ingredients than the average American dies "Not everyone who chooses a vegan lifestyle does it My wife's friend had just heard from a friend all the but still ate mostly chicken and fish. The ADA diet was because of animal ethics or religious reasons," Shutz said. gory details of a PETA, People for the Ethical Treatment fat and 5o percent carbohydrate. Those on the 30 percent "Sometimes they just want the health benefits." of Animals, video featuring some baby chicks being turned ADA diet consumed 3o grams of fiber and 200 milligrams Fruits and vegetables provide essential vitamins and into somebody's McChicken and cows getting pumped full of cholesterol per day. nutrients that aid the body in everything from weight of sickening hormones to help them overproduce milk. "The vegan group clearly had the edge in many of the She informed me she no longer wanted to "eat all those management to preventing and fighting diseases. results," according to the study. "Fasting blood sugars "Compared with people who consume a diet with only poor little chickens and drink that gross milk" and asked decreased 59 percent more in the vegan group than in the small amounts of fruits and vegetables, those who eat for my support. And, while the vegans needed less medication ADA group. more generous amounts as part of a healthful diet are Let me put this in perspective — I, as I imagine many to control their blood sugars, the ADA group needed just likely to have reduced risk of chronic diseases, including of those reading this are, was the guy who always, always, as much medicine as before. The vegans were taking less stroke and perhaps other cardiovascular diseases, and always had to have meat on everything. medicine, but were in better control." certain cancers," according to a Center for Disease control My most beloved motto was a "a pizza/salad/pasta/etc The study showed a significant difference in weight loss . dietary website, is not a pizza/salad/pasta/etc without some kind of dead between the two groups. A fruit and vegetable-based diet has even more health animal on it." "While the ADA group lost an impressive 8 pounds, on However, for almost a-year-and-a-half now, my diet benefits than you might realize. average, the vegans lost nearly 16 pounds," according to has not only completely lacked dead animals, it has conthe study. "Cholesterol levels also dropped more substansisted only of non-animal-derived products. tially in the vegan group compared to the ADA group." I am a vegan. By the end of the study, one participant's diabetes comLet me again put myself in perspective — I am not a pletely reversed and the participant no longer took blood card carrying, flag waving PETA member and I am not pressure medication, and another took less asthma medihere to ask you to give up your dietary way of life or call cation because the diet made breathing easier. you a heartless murderer or do any of the other things we I have discovered, in my discussions with non-vegans, vegans are often made fun of for doing. one of the most common misconceptions about veganikn I would like to dispel a few myths, make a few points is that those who don't eat meat, or at least eggs, must and, to the ardent carnivore and Big Mac junkie, offer a severely lack in protein. warning. Nicholson's study also debunked that idea. I'd like to end this article on a positive note, so I'll start "Diabetet can cause serious damage to the kidneys, with the negative — my warning to the meat-craver. resulting in protein loss in the urine," the study stated. According to the Weight Control Information Network's "Several of our subjects already had significant protein Web site, about two-thirds of American adults 2o-yearsloss at the beginning of the Study, and the ADA group did old or older are overweight or obese. That means, in the not improve in this respect. In fact, their protein losses U.S., 65 million women and 68.3 million men are above a actually worsened ... over the 12 weeks of the study." healthy height-weight ratio. Photo Illustration by Byron Koontz "The vegan group, on the other hand, had a large reducAmericans are no longer sticking to the occasional tion in protein losses." hamburger or four-piece chicken nugget meal. We no Shurtz put the health benefits of a veggie-based diet "When you eat fruits and vegetables, the amount of longer require simply fast food, but mass food — we desire further in perspective. bacteria in your mouth is diminished. That is why people larger portions more often. "If you take meat out of a diet, you're automatically who are on a vegetarian-style diet have less to worry about This growing unhealthy trend is hitting America in going to add more fruits and vegetables," Shurtz said. "So, when it comes to bad breath," according to diethealthandmore places than just the gut. [a vegetable diet] does tend to be a healthier diet, gener"The proteins that are in meat cause much "A recent study estimated annual medical spending due ally Speaking. We always want people to consume more of the bacteria that flourish in your mouth. So another to ... obesity ... to be as much as $92.6 billion in 2002," fruits and vegetables than less." natural bad breath remedy is to eat less meat and more according to the WCIN site. Shurtz also said she believes a meat-incorporated diet fruit and vegetables." The site went on to say that figure makes up 9.1 percent can be just as healthy as one a vegetable-only diet. Bad breath is not the only health issue for which vegof all U.S. health expenditures. While the general consensus could be that, whether anism and vegetarianism might serve as an unorthodox In his book, "Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the your diet has just veggies or includes meat, moderation cure. All-American Meal," journalist Eric Schlosser cites statisand balance are key and both diets are equal. In 2005, dc Jr Andrew Nicholson worked with tics that show Americans spent $6 billion on fast food in However, Nicholson's study, as well as Shurtz' words Georgetown University to conduct a "carefully controlled 1970. By the year 2000, we have increased our spending that more vegetables are better than less, is a clear indicatest" to see if a vegan diet could positively affect diabetes, to over Silo billion, according to Schlosser. Although the fast food industry does not rely solely according to the Physicians Committee for Responsible tor that increasing the amount of fruits and vegetables and decreasing the amount of meat will give you the healthiest on meat and dairy, they are the main features or at least Medicine's Web site, . diet possible. The test subjects, non-insulin-dependent diabetics, an ingredient of the majority of fast food and restaurant



THUNDER to apply this modality to a patient, they'll already be trained, because we put our students in this lab setting, they have to show us how to use it in a scenario and they have to apply it to a real person," he said. This is all under supervision." "Once they've completed all three, they're certified as competent to use all these machines. Once they come certified and licensed by the State of Oklahoma, they can apply it in their work-place," he said.

Continued from page 1 McKibbin tried to initiate the development of curriculum for an athletic training program starting in 1991, but his efforts came to fruition upon meeting with UCO President W. Roger Webb in 2 004. McKibbin said he thinks the relationship will grow over time. "I think they'll continue to utilize UCO and Our resources in maybe other capacities. I truly believe that our program and the OKC Thunder will have a direct relationship," he said.

"Ultimately, we'd like for that to be a clinical rotation site for our students," he said. "If that evolves, I think it'll do nothing but grow." He credited Webb and Ed Sunderland, the clinical coordinator for the program, and other players for making the program successful so far. Developed in 2005, the Master of Science in Athletic Training degree is the only one of its kind in the state.

The 45-hoiur program is designed as an entry-level athletic training degree that will provide graduate students with the knowledge, skills and clinical education necessary to meet the Board of Certification eligibility. For more information or to donate to the program, contact Judy Reyes-Henderson, development manager for the College of Education and Professional Studies at 9742763 or .

Sophomore makes healthy choices, defeats diabetes and asthma lenefar de Leon She overcame asthma, defeated her odds from developing diabetes and she saw how much improvements she was making in school. How did sophomore Emily K. Leahey do it?

Leahey did all that by changing how she ate every day, and wants to inspire other UCO students to do the same. The Peer Educators Program directed by the Wellness Center Health Education is hosting UCO Campus Cook, which was inspired by Leahey's story, tonight in the

Human Environmental Science kitchen at 8 p.m. Leahey will be a hosting the night by showing how students can cook healthy meals, while maintaining a budget. "I want to motivate healthy choices," Leahey said. "It changed my life completely."

Photo by Byron Koontz

Sophomore Emily Leahy defeated her odds of developing diabetes and overcame asthma by changing her eating habits. The Peer Educators Program is hosting UCO Campus Cook, a program inspired by Leahy's story.

Leahey said when she was in high school; she couldn't concentrate in school and had terrible health. She couldn't retain information from her classes, and felt tired every day. But it all changed when she set foot in her kitchen. She started to prepare healthy meals, and soon she saw a major change overall. "When I started to make my own meals, I saw how much improvements I was making," she said. "My health was better, I could concentrate in school, plus I saved lots of money." Leahey said that making healthy choices is the key; it will help boost your metabolism and keep you energized. She said the main reason students make unhealthy choices is because of money. "Money is the root to their diet," she said. "Students don't know how to budget. Students don't realize by making healthy Meals, it can last you a week unlike a meal from the dollar menu. We hope with this program we can get students into a healthy high that will motivate them to make healthy choices that will affect them in the long run." The UCO Peer Educators are a group of students trained by the Wellness Center Health Education staff to motivate, educate and interact with other students in promoting a healthy

lifestyle. "Its students helping students," Tim Woods, Peer Education Coordinator said. 'This program is a small step that students can take to start making healthy choices. Life is all about choices anyways." Peer Educators promote programs that help bring awareness on topics such as health, sexual, alcohol and fitness education. And UCO Campus Cook is part of the program. Leahey will be making Spanish tortillas, and she will show step by step the process of making a healthy meal. She said a healthy diet has to have whole grain, fiber and vitamin C. Leahey is not only passionate for a healthy lifestyle, but is also a dedicated golfer for the UCO team and is passionate about GIVE. GIVE is a student organization to help rescue Joseph Kony's child soldiers in Uganda. They want to bring awareness in the kidnapping of children, and forcing them into war in Africa. Leahey said that she wants to help as much as she can. "We are all in this together," she said. Peer Education will be hosting UCO Campus Cook for the next three months. The event is free for all students and faculty to attend.

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Continued from page 1

British skydiver built da Vinci's parachute using material available in da Vinci's time to recreate the parachute the inventor drew in his notebook and it worked. Gelb said one way to increase curiosity is to keep a notebook or journal like da Vinci. Da Vinci's journal was unorganized because his mind was free and he was able to move from one subject to the other and make connections that have not been made before, Gelb said. Students can make a journal and draw doodles and write whatever they want to write, Gelb said. The first accurate drawing of the embryo in the womb was done by da Vinci because he wanted to know the secret of life, Gelb said. "Curiosity is the begining." The second principle is Dimostrazione, which translates into demonstration. "It's the word Leonardo used in his notebooks to refer to the process of thinking for yourself," Gelb explained. "To cultivate independent thinking." The challenge of independently thinking during the time of da Vinci was the lack of information. "Books were rare," Gelb said. Da Vinci taught himself Latin to read classics as they became available. According to Gelb the challenge to independent thinking today is too much information. "How do you cut through the tsunami of spam and really think for yourself?" Gelb asked. The third principle is Sensazione, which means sensation. "Leonardo said the five senses are the ministers of the soul," Gelb said. "He trained his sensory awareness like an Olympic athlete trains their body for cornpetition." "Five hundred years ago, in Tuscany, Leonardo wrote that the average person `looks without seeing, hears without listening, touches without feeling, breathes Photo by Byron Koontz in without awareness of aroma or fragrance, eats without tasting, and talks without thinking, — he said. "And that Michael Gelb signs of his book, "How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci." Gelb spoke to UCO about "Finding your Gewas 500 years ago in Tuscany! Before the nius" and his studies of Leonardo da Vinci and the seven principles for thinking like da Vinci. Kardashians." Honing the five senses can give stuGelb said he was asked if he wrote seven principals for dents the competitive edge in the workhad six months to make it up." "It was okay because Leonardo was one of my child- marketing purposes, since the number seven has been force. Having the ability to understand what's happening proved to be an effective marketing strategy. in the environment around you is important. hood heroes along with Superman." "I tried to find an eighth principal and I couldn't do it," Using the five senses is also important to enjoying life, "I discovered that Superman was only a comic book Gelb said. "I tried to consolidate down to six. It couldn't Gelb said. character but Leonardo da Vinci was real," he said. "Surround yourself with beauty to nurture the soul," he "The more I learned about him, the more he seemed to be done." "It turns out there are seven principles for thinking ... said. "Leonardo advises to cultivate the soul." embody the power and potentiality that every single one like Leonardo da Vinci - irreducible and complete," he The fourth principle is Sfumata. Translated, Sfumata of us has." "I took the opportunity to go to the place where said. means "fume." This can be understood through the con"That summer I wrote a paper on the seven principles cept of going up in smoke. Leonardo was born and I went to the place where he died," and I sent it in to the committee in Florence." Gelb said. Da Vinci's technique was demonstrated through his From that research came Gelb's book. "I literally walked in his footsteps in able to look at the paintings such as the Mona Lisa. The first principle is Curiosta. Curiosta is the Italian world from his point of view." The secret to life is the harmony of opposites, Gelb said. Gelb said he went to museums to study his work; he word for curious. The Chinese of spnbol of Yin and Yang teach us there's an "Leonardo da Vinci was probably the most curious per- opposite to every thing, Gelb said. talked to da Vinci scholars. Gelb said he even read da son who ever lived," Gelb said. Vinci's notebooks over and over. What matters most is have, "the ability to smile in the Da Vinci was curious about truth, beauty and goodness face of uncertainty to maintain your center ... this is the "I started dreaming about him," Gelb said. "From and he invented the parachute before anyone could fly. A essence of Sfumata," Gelb said. those dreams seven principles emerged." "Have you noticed that the world is changing and its changing faster than before," Gelb asked. In the face of change its important to be able to deal Stephen Kinzer with your environment. Sep lAla Constitution Hall "The Sfamata principle is critical to thrive in face of Monday, Sept. 28 ambiguity, uncertainty and change," Gelb said. is Noon-1:15 pm. The fifth principle Arte/ Scienza, translates into art and "Turkey: America's science. Science and art are subjects that intertwine. Starting at $8 an hour. We need part and New Best Friend?" Leonardo says it's the science of art and art in science, full time employees for retail sales and Gelb said. In contemporary terms it would mean "use The first New York Times internet sales. your whole brain," Gelb said. "Don't leave your left brain bureau chief in Istanbul, at home." journalist Kinzer suggests Da Vinci implemented Science in the Mona Lisa through Turkey and the USA share values and strategic We need 3-4 his implementation of proportions in the Mona Lisa. interests. He argues a partnership between these two Gelb explaned how da Vinci felt strongly about learning countries--perhaps with Iran as a third partner--could employees and exploring the two subjects together. have profound impact on the Middle East and the world. now The sixth principle, Corporalita, means body and Bulent Atalay and mind. NUC room 304 "Learn to preserve your own health," Gelb said. 12 more in Wellness experts teach the balance of body and mind in Thursday Oct. 1 January. today's society. 9:30-10:45 a.m. He explained how balancing the body can help balance "Leonardo's Turkish the mind. Connection" The seventh principle Connessione, means connection. We offer Professor Atalay's new book Gelb explained how everything is connected to everything on Leonardo da Vinci has employee else. This principle can also be seen in da Vinci's the Last been released by National Supper. discounts and Geographic. New evidence By utilizing the seven principles, Gelb said the brain As lit AlAt Kii iH V'AN11.1.V will work suggests da Vinci once had can be improved. around school ambitions to work as an engineer for the Turkish sultan. Gelb also signed books after the speech and workshop. He was made an honorary Broncho and given a Broncho schedules. statue after the event was over.


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24, 2009

Continued from page 1

of the bats ears," Allison said. captured the bumps, which has been the They have tried to make molds out of main focus of the study. The two explained several different materials, but they have how the study was originally done on not found anything that works yet. humpback whales. Humpback whales use Although the cast they tried has cap- rounded bumps called tubercles on their tured the mold of the bats ear, it has not flippers for hydrodynamic purposes.

Photo by Byron Koontz

Chemical Health Science junior Lacey Smith studies mammology with one of the Mexican Free-tailed bats used in Eileen Parks and Kerstin Allison's study on the bats' ears.

Rounded tubercles were regularly interspersed in a unique row along humpback whales flippers. Researchers have found that the tubercles significantly increase the whale's hydrodynamic efficiency. The study done on whale fins suggests that it may possible to replicate the diesign on aircraft wings and wind turbines to make them faster and more effective. Researchers have studied bats before, Parks and Allison explained, but no studies have focused on the function of the bumps. "It would be a big deal if we figure this out," Parks said. Although the two have done research together, their roles are quite different. Allison measures the distance between the bumps and counts them. The measurements are taken in micrometers, so it has to be done carefully, Allison said. Parks measures the volume of the bumps and compares the measurements to other Mexican Free-tailed Bats studied in the lab. The bats are analyzed under a microscope that is hooked up to the computer in the UCO science lab. Working with the bats has not always been easy for the two. "Trying to figure out how to position the bats so we can get a picture was a challenge.," Allison said. "It's sort of trial and error," Parks said. "That's what research is ... you see what works and what doesn't." The female Mexican Free-tailed Bats are easy to work with, Allison said. But the males are more difficult. "We've torn a few ears," Allison said. The bats ears have to be stretched out so a good view of the bumps can be seen under the microscope. Since the bats are kept in alcohol, the ears quickly dry out from being exposed to air. "The bats that we get, we keep them in a jar of alcohol," Allison said. Parks and Allison said the bats come from Biology professor Dr. Bill Caire's collection, featured in the UCO Science Museum. "When people hear about the study they always ask 'Are they alive?"' Allison and Parks said. Allison said people typically think the bats are kept in cage, or they're flying around the lab when they examining them under the microscope in the lab.

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They also said it was hard to learn how to use the statistical analysis program , SigmaStat. Parks and Allison said they had to make sure they entered the right data for accuracy. They are now putting together the data they have collected from the research. They will have the opportunity to present their information at Oklahoma State University on Oct. 3. The two will he presenting for Oklahoma Minority Participation in Science (OKAMP) research day. The two recPived an UCO OKAMP scholarship for the research they are doing. Allison and Parks will also have the opportunity to present in November for Oklahoma's research day. They have reaped more than financial benefits from doing research. The study offered "an opportunity to help [them] grow and become well-rounded," Allison said. Parks said the study provided a basic foundation of learning the process of research and learning what type of work will be done in graduate schools. Allison said since she is a commuter student there has been limits to what events she can be involved on campus. The research has given her the opportunity to be more involved and feel more connected to the campus, she said. Parks said she has learned how to present projects to other people. "Before, I didn't know how to do this," Parks said. Even though Parks and Allison have worked together most of the time, the two have had few opportunities to work together this fall semester. "We worked together a lot during the summer," Allison said. Since Allison and Parks have conflicting schedules, they have been separated. "Right now, we're working individually," Parks said. Allison and Parks said although the research has been time consuming, it has been a good experience. "I've enjoyed it," Allison said. "I mention it to a lot of people because I'm excited." Parks said she liked doing the bat research because there is a lot to learn. Everyone thinks all the animals have been discovered and we know everything they do, but this is not the case, Parks said. Allison and Parks offered insight to how much the study meant to them. "I think that it's a big deal [to] us because we've spent time with it and know that it will make a difference," Parks said. "It's exciting to have something that's going to get published as your own." They explained how their research now could possibly impact the future. Until the research is finished it may just remain within the UCO community. "I don't think it will catch more attention until it's published," Parks said. Allison has been researching bats for about a year. Parks has been a part of the study for about five or six months. The bat study is being done under the direction of Dr. Caire. When Allison and Parks need help or have questions, Caire is available to offer assistance. Both Parks and Allison will continue to work on the bat research project, until they graduate. For Parks, it may be sooner rather than later since she will be a senior next semester. Until then, they are both excited to be a part of something that could have an impact on the society whether it is big or small. Just as Oklahoma weather has its uncertainties, so does Allison and Parks on where the study will take them. Nothing is keeping them from imaging the possibilities. And as the seasons change, so will knowledge the two stand to gain from the research process.


If you're interested please contact: Keyvan Kamooneh at 918-8054553, or Dr, Greg Famell at 405974-5304, gfamell@uco,edu

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Sorority to host social to discuss its history site said. The Tea and Pearls Social will be held from 7:22 pm - 9:oopm on Friday, September 25, 2009; at UCO in the Nigh University Center, Room 104. It is open to undergraduates, graduate, alumni, faculty and staff that are interested in Greek life. Participants are asked to wear Business attire. Those who have pearls may also wear them. Tea, hors d' oeuvres and dessert will be served. For more information about Sigma Gamma Rho visit the website at: http://www. Anyone who has questions about the social is asked to contact Shontesa Jones at or Lakeisha Bryant at

Tiffany Brown A University of Central Oklahoma sorority will host its annual Tea and Pearls Social. Sigma Gamma Rho Soroi Inc. will be discussing its "unique" and interesting history and giving information about membership. The sorority was founded in 1922 in Indianapolis at Butler University It is a non-profit social and social organization. Since its beginning it has expanded to over 500 chapters internationally and it has more than 90,000 members worldwide. According to the Web site, the mission of the sorority is to "enhance the quality of life within the community." "Sigma Gamma Rho addresses concerns that impact society educationally, civically, and economically," it said. "Sigma Gamma Rho offers its members opportunities to develop their unique talents through leadership training and involvement in the various sorority activities," the web-

Vista Writer Kaylea Brooks can be reached at .

Top-ranked debate team looking to build on last year's top ten finish Two teams qualified for the national debate tournament last year, a feat not accomplished in 22 years Kaylea Brooks II

Photo by Byron Koontz

Sean Wynn, philosophy and political science sophomore, prepares for a debate on Wednesday, Sept. 23, in the Liberal Arts building.


UCO's top finishing debate team is looking forward to a new year, said debate director Eric Marlow. The team's top speaker, Chris Spurlock, was ranked as the secondbest speaker in the nation last year, and he is returning to what Marlow said is one of the biggest debate squads at UCO in the last 20 years. The team currently has 24 people, and Marlow said that UCO students of any major or skill level are welcome to join the debate team. "It's open to everyone on campus," he said. "Everyone from different experience levels." "People are just really interested [in debate this year]," he said of the reason for the jump in numbers. The debate team is one of the old-


UCO Debate went to Gonzaga last weekend and placed in the quarter finals, and received a top 20 speaker award as well. Their only losses were to Baylor Northwestern and University of California. "We're hoping for a top to finish in nationals this year," said Marlow. "We're really looking forward to a great year this year." The team has launched a campaign with the UCO library called, "Read," and they will be doing a demonstrational debate at the library Oct. 27 at 4 p.m. Marlow, of Bristow, Okla., has been the head debate coach for the last four years, and previously was at Southeast Louisiana University for six years. He has coached five national champions in debate. Vista Writer Tiffany Brown can be reached at tbrown@uco360.corn.


A Success Central class has planned their philanthropy for this semester. The class will hold a penny wars competition Monday, Wednesday and Friday the week of Sept. 28 to Oct. 2.

est organizations on the campus, getting its intramural debut in 1898 and becoming a university-sponsored organization by 1903. The team only practices team cross-examination or policy debates, and Marlow said individual debate has now become its own separate entity. This year's team is looking to be very promising, with most of the debaters returning from last year. They qualified two teams for the national debate tournament last year, a feat that hasn't been done since 1987. They finished in the top eight according to the Cross Examination Debate Association, and both the novice and varsity teams were ranked 13th in the nation. Standing alone, varsity debate was ranked sixth, just one point ahead of OU, said Marlow. President Webb named it one of the top to accomplishments of UCO last year in the newest edition of the alumni magazine.

They will set up in Buddy's and in the Nigh University Center. They will also have supplies to write letters to our troops. The proceeds will be given to the Edmond Hope Center to go to those in need and the letters will be mailed to our active duty troops. Come by from 12 p.m. —1 p.m. to donate your change and support those who fight for us everyday.

Wearing ghillie suits, Iranian troops march during a military parade ceremony marking the 29th anniversary of the start of the 1980-1988 Iraq-Iran war, in front of the mausoleum of late revolutionary founder Ayatollah Khomeini, just outside Tehran, Iran, Tuesday, Sept. 22, 2009.

AP Photo by Vahid Salami





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to fill part time positions. Several 9am - 1pm and 1:30 pm - 5:30pm shifts are available for Mon-Fri. We pay $10 per hour for energetic phone work educating senior citizens on healthcare issues. No experience is needed we will train. Business is located at 1417 NW 150th St. in Edmond. Call 879-1888 to set up an interview. Ask for Megan Parris.

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MUST be submitted by noon Tuesday for the Thursday publication and Friday noon for the Tuesday publication. PRICES: Classified ads cost! $7/day for the first 20 words and $.10/word thereafter PAYMENT IS DUE WHEN AD IS PLACED. Classified Display ads (one column boxed ads on classified page) have same deadlines and prices as regular display ads. Call 974-5549 or 974-5918 for info .

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Hockey team looks to rebound against St. Louis University, The No. 12 Bronchos will try to bounce back from their 0-2 start this weekend ACHA for 12 years, far longer home for 23 games this year. than Central Oklahoma who is Jake Roadhouse currently entering only their fourth year leads the Bronchos in goals as a program. The Billikens have scored with one. UCO played two made three national tournaments goalies last week, Justin Sgroon in their 12 year existence. It took Friday and Cory McGlone on only three years for the Bronchos Saturday. to reach their first national tourIn the first set of rankings nament. to come out in ACHA Division The Bronchos-Billiken series I hockey, the Bronchos rank started in UCO's first season. The 12. Lindenwood, Illinois, Penn two teams first met in November State, Delaware and Oklahoma of 2006. UCO swept St. Louis in rounds out the top five. UCO two games, scoring ri goals to sits one spot below Robert Saint Louis' two. UCO opened Morris, who they defeated 6-1 last season with another sweep in the national tournament, but of Saint Louis winning the first rank above three other national game 5-2, and the second, 9-2 in tournament teams. Edmond. The Bronchos lead the This week's series against series 4-0. Saint Louis will take place at This series versus the Billikens Arctic Edge Arena in Edmond is the second in a three home with one game on Friday, and series stretch which started with one game on Saturday. Both Lindenwood and will end with games will start at 7:30 p.m. Robert Morris next weekend. The Bronchos will then compete Vista Sports Editor Chris in the 2009 ACHA Showcase. Wescott can be reached at They will not return to Edmond cwescott@uco360. corn. until October 23, when they face Indiana in a two game home series at Arctice Edge Arena. All in all the Bronchos will play at

Chris Wescott s,„„,,

The No. 12 UCO Hockey team lost both of their games against the No. 1 Lindenwood Lions last weekend. The Bronchos will look to bounce back from their season opening series in which they only scored one goal to Lindenwood's 15. UCO takes on the Saint Louis University Billikens this Friday and Saturday at 7:30 p.m. The Saint Louis Billikens are sporting a new head coach who got his first win as a head coach last weekend as Saint Louis went 1-1 in their opening weekend. Todd Ewen was announced the Billiken's new head coach in May. Last week the Billikens lost their home opener to the Illinois State Redbirds 7-4. However Saint Louis would bounce back and win the second game of the series 5-1. In their first game, the Billikens got goals from four different players and played both their goalies. The Billikens have been in the


Photo by Amanda Siegfried

UCO goaltender Cory McGlone sits at the edge of the UCO bench during a 7-1 loss to No. 1 Lindenwood last Friday night. Ut/EI76057' UCO would lose 8-0 on Saturday to start the season 0-2. The Bronchos will look to turn it around this Friday and Saturday se t and zalliBr)Er West night as they take on the Saint Louis University Billikens in a thewestand eseottshow iffialLeom two game series.


and eseot

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SPORTS Cross country squad shows signs of improvement


stronger after returning from an off-season knee injury, and was Steve Vidal the first Broncho to cross the Sports Writer finish line taking 74th place out of 359 runners. Senior Evelyn Berko, who along with Istrate, The UCO Cross Country has led the Bronchos all season, team continues to show signs of took wog' place with a time of improvement. This time they fin- 19:58.35. "We were pleased with everyished 22nd out of 41 teams on a tough course at the Southern thing," UCO Head Coach J.D. Stampede in Joplin, Missouri on Martin said. The team ran withSaturday. This field was the larg- out sophomore Heather Braley est and toughest they have faced who will miss the entire season all season, and included Division I due to an injury. Martin said she Arkansas who won the team title. had surgery and should be ready Host team Missouri Southern, for the start of next season. The freshman runners for UCO Dallas Baptist, Pittsburg State and Harding rounded out the top had a big day as they continued to transition from high school to the five. Junior Alina Istrate finished longer courses of college cross with her season best time of country. Angelica Martinez fin19:30.49 in the five- kilometer ished in 136th at 20:24.92, Cara race. Istrate continues to get Cox in 168th at 20:44.70, Angel

Vick in 203rd at 21:07.99, Hannah Pempsell in 210th at 21:12.93 and Iasha Keller in 264th at 22:01.38. Junior Julia Crocker continued to contribute finishing 197th with a time of 21:03.53. UCO is coming off of a fifth place finish the week before at the Friends Invitational in Wichita, Kan. At that meet Istrate was the top Broncho finishing 15th with a time of 2o:o3.0o. The field was much smaller only including 15 teams. Crocker, who is the team captain this season, continues to be a team leader and a big influence on the younger players along with Istrate and Berko. While the place finishes may not look that impressive, Martin said that almost every girl improved their time over the previous meet including Cox, who improved by almost a min-

ute. Martin is also encouraged because UCO finished second out of Lone Star Conference teams at the meet only behind Midwestern State who won the conference a season ago. UCO will get this weekend off from competition. They return to action Saturday, October 3, at 8 a.m. at the Cowboy Jamboree in Stillwater. "We have gone back into a hard training routine," Martin said when asked what the team will do differently with two weeks off instead of one between meets. They have been practicing twice a day everyday this week instead of just twice on Tuesdays and Thursdays during a normal week. The upcoming cowboy jamboree will have a much tougher field then anything UCO has seen

this season. The event, hosted b. Oklahoma State University, wi include many Division I team from all around the country an every Lone Star Conference team The meet will include a five- kilo meter and six- kilometer race. UCO will enter in the six- kilo meter race. It will be the 0111, opportunity for UCO to run tha distance before they see it agaii coming up at the conference ani regional meets at the end of th season.

News Briefs Theft at Wantland


While Del Ciy football players should have been celebrating a win over Edmond Memorial High School this past weekend, they were too busy trying to find their missing items. While a local high school football game was being played at Wantland Stadium on the UCO campus, items were being stolen from the visitors locker room. Among the items reported stolen were electronic devices such as mobile phones and ipods. UCO police found some of the stolen items, but there are no suspects so far.

Alli Miller wins Lone Star Conference honors



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Central Oklahoma's Alli Miller has been named Lone Star Conference Defensive Player of the Week, it was announced Wednesday by the league office. The senior fullback from Norman headed up a dominating defensive effort that carried the Bronchos to a pair of easy shutout wins last week. Miller and her mates allowed just nine shots -- including only two on goal -- in wins over St. Mary's (4-0) and Texas A&M International (6-o). A three-time first-team All-LSC performer and the reigning LSC Defensive Player of the Year, Miller has helped lead UCO to five straight shutouts as the Bronchos have bounced back from an 0-3-1 start. It's the second straight week for a UCO player to earn the league's defensive award, with McKenzie Caldwell taking the honor last week. The Bronchos put their five-match winning streak on the line Thursday, hosting NAIA No. 18-ranked Oklahoma Christian for a 7 p.m. contest at Wantland Stadium.

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PAGE 10 SEPTEMBER 24, 2009

Bronchos take on Lions Saturday UCO (1-3) heads to Commerce, Texas to take on Texas A&M Commerce (0-4)

Chris Wescott

New Mexico 76-56. , TAMUC has had a tough start,to the season, beside their 0-4 start, their defense is prone to giy,ing up points. Commerce allbWed 76 points to Eastern New Mexico, 20 to Abilene Christian, 41 to Southeastern Louisiana and another 21 to Angelo State. The Noohi-led Bronchos will try to exploit that and get their own explosive game back on track. Through four games, UCO is averaging 17.8 points a game, while allowing 35. The UCO offense has put up a total of 71 points this season so far. Jason Palmer leads the team in rushing yards with 354 net yards and he has three rushing touchdowns and has a 5.1 yards per rush average. Ben Birmingham is second on the team with 123 yards, and quarterback Brandon Noohi has ruri for 113 net yards, and a touchdown.: Noohi has started all four games; throwing for 853 yards and four touchdowns and four interceptions. Matt Jackson leads all UCO receivers in catches with 28 for 221 yards. However, wide receiver Ryan Gallimore has all four of Noohi's touchdowns, and has caught the ball 17 times for 284 yards.

Sports Mum

The Bronchos dropped to 1-3 this Saturday after a devastating loss to Tarleton State. The Bronchos led the game 14-7 at half-time but were steamrolled in the second half by the Texans high powered offensive attack. The Bronchos were out-scored 21-to-3 in the final two quarters and lost a heartbreaker, 35-17. The Bronchos need a win this week to keep the hope alive, but they will have to go on the road to get it. UCO faces Texas A&M- Commerce this Saturday in Commerce, Texas at 6:00 p.m. Commerce is 0-4 this year and are hungry for their first win of the season. Last week, the Texans shut down UCO's powerful rushing attack, keeping the Bronchos to only 87 yards on the ground. Noohi was sacked twice for a loss of 22, while managing to Photo Services rush for only 5 positive yards totaling a 17-yard output. Jason Palmer, UCO's leading rusher, was held to UCO quarterback Brandon Noohi (above) dodges the Tarleton State defense in a 35-17 94 net yards. The Bronchos will need loss on Saturday. The Bronchos now head to Commerce, Texas to take on the Texas to bounce back this week in order to A&M- Commerce Lions. The Bronchos (1-3) are looking to bounce back after two back to back blowout losses to Lone Star Conference opponents. turn the ship around. Commerce's record does not project some of their achievements. Commerce's quarterback showed last of 61 passes for a school record - 447 Vista Writer Chris Wescott can be TAMUC played the 2nd-ranked team in week that he can play. Commerce junior yards and four touchdowns. However, reached at the nation down to the wire, losing to quarterback Adam Farkes completed 32 Commerce would lose the game to Eastern cvvescott@uco360.corn. Abilene Christian 20-14 on September 12.

Bronchos on a five game win-streak The UCO soccer team has won five games straight and shows no signs of slowing down the half, red-shirt freshman Summer Grantham scored with an assist from Sports we, sophomore Beth Helm at the 4o:52 mark, making it 2-0. UCO cruised in the second half, They say defense wins championadding two more goals including a ships. If this is true the UCO Soccer tip of a deflected ball into the net for team is well on their way. The team a goal by sophomore Katy Kashwer. won five games in a row, all of them Kashwer is part of a group of young shutouts. players that has really stepped it up The latest two victories came during a road trip to San Antonio last for the Bronchos during the current winning streak. The Bronchos domiThursday and Saturday. The Bronchos nated St. Mary's in total shots, 13-4. team, which was struggling to score "We've got a very good team, we're goals early in the season, is now a just very young," UCO Head Coach scoring machine, beating St. Mary's of Mike Cook said. The defense was Texas, 4-o Thursday and Texas A&M stifling again, holding St. Mary's to International. 6-o Saturday. only four shots for the whole game In the game against St. Mary's, freshman forward Brittni Walker got and only two shots that required a save by the goalkeeper. Sophomore UCO on the board with an unassistgoalkeeper Megan Riley made both ed goal at the 18:57 mark. Late in saves and went the distance to record

Steve Vidal

r(rj,,irjjk, 1_• (j, JiOrirlr., C_It 1( I 1.1,"_/11. if ill,

fir lc.) h ILA! tr -fi' h idiv14 -1( trii I (. - ric , !; 1,,,j f!, )( 1 CIL, ,,:111,1 i Ilf ti )1(1 I f",ecg, , ,r1 )(A fir) I c(,t

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UCO goalkeeper Megan Riley goes up and makes the save in a game on September, 10 2009. It was UCO's first win this season.

another shutout. The story was much the same or. Saturday as the Bronchos faced Texas A&M International. Kashwer scorer at 8:2o into the game. The =assist& goal was one of two she scored in the game. The next two goals came from ar unlikely source - sophomore fullback McKenzie Caldwell, who hac scored just one goal in thirty career games. Caldwell scored at the 20:0, and 28:41 marks of the first perioc to put the Bronchos up comfortabl) 3-o. The first goal was assisted b) Helm along with senior midfielder Tiffanie Meek and the second ww. scored when Caldwell headed in corner kick by freshman midfielder Stephanie Fleig. Caldwell won Lone Star Conference Defensive Player of the Week the previous week. Coach Cook is happy witf the way the entire defense has player during the run. UCO finished out the game witf three more goals in the second hal] including goals from Kashwer, senior midfielder Meghan Saliba, and freshman forward Katelyn Cropp. ThE defense was smothering in front a sophomore goalkeeper Samantha Rusk allowing only five shots, none a them on goal. Rusk went the wholE way for the shutout. "We're better than we were, bur we're still not where we want to be,' Cook said about the team as the) head toward conference play. Coot also said the team is pretty health) right now. The team has one more game tc go before starting conference play They hope to continue the wirminE and the shutout streak when the) take on cross-town rival Oklahoma Christian tonight at 7 p.m. at Wantlanc Stadium. Vista Writer Steve Vidal can be reached at .

Dennis Chaumont, CLU Agent 325 N Bryant Edmond, OK 73034 (405)341-4581


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