September 24, 1987 Vol. 86, No. 8
Thursday Edition
VI Central State University, Edmond, Oklahoma
Weekend to feature Arcadia Lake grand opening By Janet Patterson Student Writer Edmond will mark the addition of its newest outdoor recreational facilities, with the grand opening of Arcadia Lake. The grand opening will be from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday and from noon to 4 p.m. Sunday. Grand opening ceremonies will begin at 11 a.m. on Saturday, at the site of the future lake marina facility. Arcadia Lake is located east of 1-35 and encompasses two area parks, CSU and Edmond Park. The lake opened for camping, bank fishing and picnicking last Friday. Each of the three parks will have varied themes with musical entertainment and dancing from 7 to 10 p.m. Saturday. A hayride and excursion boat ride around the lake will be offered. Edmond Park will be transformed into the Arcadia Ballroom featuring CSU jazz band, The Civilized Tribe. A beach bash with 50s and 60s music
by radio station KKLR, will set the scene for Central State park. A fireworks spectacular visible from all three parks will begin at 9 p.m. Saturday. At the opening ceremonies, Edmond Chamber of Commerce president Neal McCaleb will serve as master of ceremonies. Edmond Mayor Carl Reherman and Congressman Mickey Edwards will also speak. Sandi Davis-McLaughlin, Edmond Chamber of Commerce visitor development director said, all activity fees except camping, will be waived for the grand opening weekend. Parking in and around all parks is free of charge, with overflow parking in the MetroChurch parking lot. A shuttle bus will be provided to the parks from the church lot. Arcadia Lake will be open for swimming and boating in Spring 1988. Additional informaton may be obtained by calling the project office at 396-8122 or by picking up an activity fee schedule from the ranger station.
Photographic Services: Tom Gilbert
Sarah Williams, a senior elementary education major (left) and Eileen Riddle, a graduate student marketing major, (right) capture the beauty of Arcadia Lake. Arcadia Lake will have its grand opening Saturday and Sunday.
Fees listed for lake entrance Daily Entrance Fees (collected at gate) 1. pedestrian-$1 2. horseback-$1 3. bicyclist-$1 4. passenger vehicle-$4 5. motorcycle-$2 6. commercial bus-$20 7. passenger vehicle with current state registered watercraft-$8 8. watercraft only-$4
9. horse trailer-$4, $5 with horse Annual Passes 1. annual passenger vehicle-$35 2. second vehicle-$5. 3. annual motorcycle-$20 4. annual passenger vehicle with state registered watercraft-$70 5. annual watercraft-$35
3. equestrian-$6 4. primitive-$6 Group Shelter Rental 1. rental plus deposit-$75 2. rental only-$35 Miscellaneous 1. group area private rental-$150 2. duck blinds Discounts 1. persons 62 and over-20 percent 2. legally blind and legally disabled-no charge
What's Inside.. .
Camping Fees 1. regular-$12 2. full hook up-$13
Oklahoma Theatre Center to re-open-pg. 4
17 senators to join Student Association
Lake Arcadia ready for public-pg. 5. CSUs first football cards-pg. 6 Yearbook staff ;submits survey-pg. 8
From Staff Reports Only 260 students voted in the Student Senate elections Wednesday on the first floor of the University Center. Seventeen of the 22 positions were filled. The election results are as follows: College of Liberal Arts, Kevin Hunter, Hoang Levan, Jeff M. Blansett, Terry LaFrance and Morgan Barnes. From the College of Business: Minhazul Choudhury, Lisa S. Coen, Glen Sannders, Sherry L. Lamp and Bradd Rostochil.
From Math and Science: A. Shahin, Asim Abbasi, Timothy B. Bolin, Dan N. Winfield, Jr. Students did not vote in the departments College of Education or Special Arts and Science, because these positions were filled by applicants who represented or equaled the number of openings. At press time, these names were not available. These elected members will join the Senate in its meeting at 12:40 p.m. Monday.
Placement Office Interview Schedule A.L. WILLIAMS COMPANY Tues. Sept. 29 - Part time or full time juniors/seniors/or alumni for Financial Planning. SHERWIN-WILLIAMS COMPANY - Wed. Sept. 30 Marketing/Management/General Business - Dec. grads. THE HORMEL COMPANY - Fri. Oct. 2 - General Business/Business Admn./Marketing/Finance/Agriculture/ Economics for entry level sales Dec. grads. RUSS BERRIE COMPANY - Mon. Oct. 5 - Dec. grads & alumni for sales FINLEY & COOK C.P.A. - Tues. Oct. 6 - Accounting majors Dec./May/July grads for Audit Department. AMOCO CORPORATION - Wed. Oct. 7 - Computer Science majors - Dec./May grads for Information Services Dept. TOUCHE ROSS - Thurs. Oct. 8 - Accounting majors Dec./May/July grads. ARTHUR ANDERSEN - Tues. Oct. 13 - Accounting majors Dec./May/July grads. ARTHUR ANDERSEN - Tues. Oct. 13 - MBA & Computer Science majors - Dec./May/July grads. CONOCO INC. - Wed. Oct. 14 - Computer Analyst - Dec./May grads - Computer Science/Business Admn. or Math with emphasis in Computer Science. ST. PAUL FIRE & MARINE INSUR. - Wed. Oct. 14 - Industrial Safety majors - Dec./May/Alumni. ARTHUR YOUNG & COMPANY - Wed. Oct. 14 - Accounting majors - Dec./May/July grads. PEAT MARWICK - Thurs. Oct. 15 - Accounting majors Dec./May July grads. THE PHOENIX COMPANY - Thurs. Oct. 15 - Any major for Dec./May grads & alumni for Financial Planning & Insurance. PHILLIPS PETROLEUM COMPANY - Thurs. Oct. 22 - Material Management grads only. E & J GALLO WINERY - Thurs. Oct. 22 - Marketing/Management/Business Admn./Communication majors for sales July or Dec. 1987 grads. RADIO SHACK - Fri. Oct. 23 - Any major for sales/Dec. grads/alumni. FORD MOTOR CREDIT COMPANY - Tues. Oct. 27 - Business majors - Dec. grads. KERR-McGEE CORPORATION - Tues. Oct. 27 - Accounting & Finance majors - Dec./May grads. KERR-McGEE CORPORATION - Wed. Oct. 28 - Computer Science majors - Dec./May grads. XEROX CORPORATION - Wed. Oct. 28 - Business or Liberal Arts majors with basic computer knowledge & keyboard skills for sales trainee-Dec. grads. FIRST INVESTORS CORPORATION - Wed. Nov. 4 Business/Public Relations majors. -