The Vista September 24, 1992

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Campaign '92 This issue: Crime

University of Central Oklahoma

THURSDAY September 24, 1992

The Student Voice Since 1903

Crime down American POW's worthy of Bard MOSCOW (AP) — The Russian co-chairman of a commission looking for American war prisoners said today that no U.S. POWs are alive in Russia. "I am deeply convinced that there is not a single American (POW) alive in the country," said Gen. Dmitri Volkogonov. "We are finding graves, we are finding details about the fates of many Americans, which are often worthy of Shakespeare's pen," Volkogonov told The Associated Press during a recess in the Russian Supreme Soviet legislature.

Normal temp not normal at all CHICAGO (AP) - It may make some traditionalists hot under the collar, but new research suggests the century-old mark of 98.6 degrees as "normal" body temperature isn' t normal at all. Doctors at the University of Maryland School of Medicine say 98.9 degrees in the early morning and 99.9 degrees overall should be regarded as the upper limit of the normal oral temperature range in healthy young adults.

Recession hits Buckingham LONDON (AP) — Times are tough even at the top. Princess Diana has given up her Mercedes and will drive one of the cars leased by her household. "Everybody is affected by the recession," a Buckingham Palace spokesman said Monday. "The prince and princess of Wales do not have a bottomless pit from which to draw money, and she is tightening her belt like anybody else." See World Wrap, back page

Despite alleged rape, campus stats decrease By Tarn! Watson

Staff Writer The alleged rape earlier this month may have some University of Central Oklahoma students shaken up, but UCO campus police records show campus crimes have declined over the past year. When compared to other regional universities, UCO ranks very favorably, said Bob Roberts, UCO police chief. "It's gone up in some areas, but in most areas it's gone

down," said Roberts. Much of the decrease may be due to the high visibility of the officers, said Roberts. "We've stepped up patrol and we like for our black-and-whites to be seen at all hours of the day," he said. Campus safety seminars have also made students aware of campus crime and how to prevent it, said Roberts. "We like to take a pro-active approach to crime," he said. "We would rather prevent a crime than solve one."

No suspects pinned to rape of UCO worker By Roger Groce

Staff Writer Nearly three weeks into the investigation, University of Central Oklahoma police still have no suspects in the Sept. 1 abduction and rape of a university employee.

We have absolutely no suspects. Right now we're at zero.

—Bob Roberts UCO police chief

"We have absolutely no suspects," said Police Chief Bob Roberts. "Right now we're at zero." The crime supposedly took 1991 Misdemeanor - 17 Felonies 14 DUI - 1 DUS - 2 -

Crimes Burglary I - 2 Burglary II - 17 Petty Larceny - 39 Grand Larceny - 66 Robberies - 0 Arson - 1

place the morning of Sept. 1 as a UCO maintenance worker was walking to the university. After stopping at the 7-11 on the corner of University and Ayers, the woman noticed a blue four-door Ford sedan following her. Three men, two white and one black, jumped out of the car and grabbed her near the corner of Thatcher and Washington. She was then reportedly taken to a ball field north of the UCO campus and raped. Afterward, the woman said she was taken to an unknown location north of the campus and placed in the trunk of the car for about 18 hours before finally being released. The case is currently under investigation by local authorities, said Roberts.

Simple Assaults -5 Aggravated Assaults - 2 Alcohol Offenses - 14 Narcotic Offenses - 3 Harassments - 33 Rape -0 Other Sex Crimes - 4 Stolen Vehicles -2 Recovered -2 Vandalisms - 49 Trespassing - 36 Stolen Property: $37,260

University of Central Oklahoma marching band members Amy Hunt and Brent Lollis take a break after Tuesday's practice. The marching band will perform during halftime of Saturday's Broncho football game. (Photo by Whitney Wheeler)

A Look Inside: ✓ Credit cards cash in on college coeds, page 3 ✓ "Quilters" comes to UCO theater, page 5 ✓ Organizations, clubs and events listed, page 10

1992 Misdemeanor Felonies DUI DUS

Crimes Burglarly I Burglarly II Petty Larceny Grand Larceny Robberies Arson

-12 -3 -2 -6 -1 -3 - 19 -16 -1 -1

Simple Assaults - 5 Aggravated Assaults - 1 Alcohol Offenses - 10 Narcotic Offenses - 0 Harassment -12 -0 Rape Other Sex Crimes - 2 Stolen Vehicles - 0 Vandalisms - 41 Trespassing -20 Stolen Property: $31,696



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