University of Central Oklahoma
The Student Voice Since 1903
TUESDAY September 27, 1994
To catch a lion by the tail . Bronchos rally spirit; make, break UCO school records By Julie Dye
Staff Writer
rom the crowning of UCO's first homecoming king to setting records on the football field, homecoming 1994 made its mark on the history of the university. Alumni from around the country joined current UCO students at Wantland Stadium to watch the Bronchos demolish the Langston Lions with a 38-10 final score. On the field, Gary Howard became the second football coach in UCO history to cross the 100-win mark and senior Joe Aska broke a UCO football record with his fast feet, rushing 312 yards in a single game. • At half-time, pre-med major Aaron Montgomery broke UCO homecoming's record of gender bias by becoming the fast man to wear the crown. Montgomery has served as student body president and a member of the Interfratemity Council and been selected as Outstanding Greek Man. He is the current president of Alpha Tau Omega fraternity, who sponsored his race for homecoming king. Kristi Wilkerson, a physical education/health and english education major, was named UCO's homecoming queen. Wilkerson, sponsored by the Porn Pon squad, is a member of the senior honor society, Mortar Board, the President's Leadership Council and is the Sigma Kappa sorority activities chairman. Both Wilkerson and Montgomery received a $500 cash award from the UCO Alumni Association for the honor. Other candidates for homecoming queen were Melissa Presnal and Dana West. Chris Elerick and Mike Layhew competed with Montgomery for homecoming king. Also honored at half-time were the winners of the Laff Olympics and homecoming parade float competitions. Fraternity Sigma Tau Gamma swept the opposition, taking home $450 for their triumph in the Laff Oympic games
(Above) Broncho football player Joe Aska blocks the opposition during the homecoming game Saturday. (Below) A Langston player struggles to get a handle on the ball. (Staff Photos by Christopher Smith) and another $500 for their first place float. Sigma Tau Gamma member Kelly Collyar said this was the fraternity's third consecutive year to prevail in the games. "We worked really hard in the off-season preparing for mud volleyball," he said. The team placed third in the event, but Collyar said the shaving cream tug-of-war turned the tide for them. Member Lindy Simpson said the newcomers made all the difference. "We had a lot of new pledges who got fired up for this." Shawn Leckie said the pledges enjoyed helping make the winning float, which was a conception of Old North and a giant compass whose arrows pointed inward. The float's
slogan read: "Don't go North, Don't go South. Go Central." Member Chad Baker, who escorted Queen Wilkerson, said the fraternity will use the $950 prize money for renovations on their house. The Collegiate DECA took home $200 for placing second among the 72 float entries. The Baptist Student Union won $100 for their third place position. The UCO Scholarship office accrued $200 for their first place entry in the faculty and staff division of the float cornpetition. The Acacia fraternity was second in the Laff Olympics, winning them $250. Sigma Kappa Sorority placed third in the games, which garnered $150 for the group.
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