The Student Voice Since 1903
Seminar to highlight women's health ■ UCO Wellness Center will hold a seminar for National Women's Health and Fitness Day. by Lauren Pulsinelli Senior Staff Writer
A celebration of women's vitality in recognition of National Women's Health and Fitness Day will be from noon to 6 p.m. Sept. 29 in the Wellness Center. "It's a wonderful opportunity for women to make or renew a commitment to physical fitness, smart health choices, and to receive useful health information," said Danielle Dill, Wellness Center assistant director for programs and services. The event will feature a free, one-hour wellness seminar, hosted by the Student Health
Advisory Committee, titled "It's a Woman Thing," from 1 until 2 p.m. by guest speaker Andrea L. Doeden, M.D. Doeden is a practicing obstetrician/gynecologist at the Renaissance Women's Hospital of Edmond. She will discuss the importance of yearly clinical exams, sexually transmitted diseases and breast health. "The seminar will basically be like a female clinic exam with questions and discussions," Dill said. People can ask whatever questions have been on their mind, whether it's about the most common disease among women, heart disease or STDs.
"She (Doeden) can pretty much talk about anything and everything," Dill said. Audience members will be given blank pieces of papers for audience members to write questions on. "This way, no one will know who asks the questions, and people can be anonymous," Dill said. Seminar participants will be entered into drawings for Wellness Center memberships, heart rate monitors, exercise videos, T-shirts and weight lifting gloves. A booth will be located in the foyer of the Wellness Center with information related to women's
health and fitness, including handouts about general screening and immunization for women, cholesterol and heart disease, pregnancy, breast cancer and heart healthy recipes. Dill said this is the first year UCO is hosting this event, but that the Health Advisory Committee consisting of students, faculty and staff has been active in focusing on student health. Free parking for the event will be available on the north side of the Wellness Center. Participants wanting to attend the free seminar are asked to RSVP by calling the Wellness Center at 974-3150.
Photo by Justin Avera
Jessica Sabedra, politcal science freshman, works out Sept. 27 in the Wellness Center. The Wellness Center will host "It's a Girl Thing," a women's health seminar Sept. 29.
Former students issued warrants
Shaq Attack Freshman goes head-to-head with basketball legend by Caroline Duke Editor in Chief
What started with a 60-second tape of Shalayne Dulan's basketball moves turned into a three-day trip to Los Angeles to hit the court with Shaquille O'Neal. Dulan, a psychology freshman from Midwest City, entered the "To get that Nestle Crunch respect from Hot Shots Nestle and Shaq contest in June by was incredible." recording her basket- Shalayne Dulan ball skills Psychology freshman at an event i n Oklahoma City. Three months later, she was playing one-on-one with basketball legend O'Neal. "They selected my tape from thousands and thousands of tapes," Dulan said. "I thought I did terrible, but I guess it was good enough for them." Dulan found out she was one of 10 winners nationally chosen just a couple weeks before the event. She was the only one from Oklahoma. "I was excited and shocked," she
said. "I was speechless and didn't know what to do or think." Dulan said her mother and father, who accompanied her to Los Angeles, are proud and support her dedication to basketball. "I'm glad they let me play in the house all the time — breaking stuff," she said. "It paid off." Dulan and her parents checked into the Loews Santa Monica Beach Hotel Sept. 17. The next day she met Shaq. "He's a big kid," she said. "Real silly, real down to earth — a real good guy." Dulan and the nine other winners took turns playing one-on-one with O'Neal. She was the first to score on him. "He seemed like he was having more fun than we were," she said. Dulan said the camp allowed her to showcase and improve upon her talents for "streetball" and organized basketball, which are "two completely different worlds." "I really enjoyed that we got to do both," she said. "(Streetball) can be restrictive," she said, "so you have to know when to turn it off." "It was a total blessing, especially being a female basketball player," Dulan said. "To get that respect from Nestle and Shaq was incredible and a complete honor."
Students were issued warrants for unauthorized computer use. by Joseph Wertz Staff Writer Arrest warrants were issued Sept. 22 for Sarah Wall and Harry Motter in response to an incident occurring Sept. 15 in a campus computer lab. Both Wall and Motter are each charged with one count of unlawfully using a computer or computer network. The incident occurred around 9:30 p.m. on Sept. 15 in a computer lab located in the Art Building. The UCO Depaitment of Public
Photo Provided
UCO freshman Shalayne Dulan takes on Shaquille O'Neal Sept. 18 in Los Angeles. Dulan was one of ten players nationwide.
Scholars address women's rights in Mideast ■ A UCO professor and visiting professor from Morocco discuss women's rights around the world making the Islam World better understood. Mansour said many Islamic counThis year UCO received a grant, tries are currently witnessing profound which allowed for Mohamed El changes, one of which is a change in Mansour, a Muslim professor from family laws that have been revised to Morocco, to visit campus for one month provide more gender equality. "Polygamy is through a program progressively called "Understanding and Contemporary Islam." "Thanks to the spread of prohibited the right to Mansour spoke on campus Sept. 22 on education, more women divorce is "Women in Islam," an are joining the work- extended to the spouse as well," event hosted by UCO's he said. "Thanks Phi Alpha Theta and the force." to the spread of Association for education, more - Mohamed El Mansour Women's Studies. women are joinMoroccan professor "This will help ing the workprospective teachers in force." future encounters with Mansour said Muslim students in classes," said Dr. Kenny Brown, profes- women in Morocco are judges, doctors sor and chairperson of the history and and pilots. Muslim women are also running for geography departments. elected political positions, he said. Two American universities started Indonesia, the most populated Muslim the program, and it is their job to select and send professors and teachers from country, is run by a woman. "In fact, if we make the exception of the Islam world to teach, with the aim of by Lauren Pulsinelli Senior Staff Writer
a country like Saudi Arabia, the status selected to present her paper at the of women is improving throughout the meeting of the Oxford Roundtable, held Muslim world despite growing conser- this summer at Oxford University's St. vative tendencies, often linked to the Anthony's College Conference on perceived threat of Western materialist Women's Leadership. Mayfield read several women's jourcivilization," Mansour said. As well as lecturing on campus, nals on how women felt after the Sept. 11 attacks. Mansour speaks "There are women at high schools in who keep pushing for Edmond and "Women haven't been human rights, education Oklahoma City. He spoke at a silent. It turned out for girls and boys and Baptist church women from all over the medical care for she said. Sept. 26. world were writing about women," One woman "Activities are Mayfield notes was quite diverse their feelings." Shirin Ebadi who won a because I try to Nobel Peace Prize, the reach out to the - Dr. Sandra Mayfield Nobel Peace Laureate community peoUCO English professor in 2003, for calling ple," he said. attention to the Dr. Sandra strengths of Muslim Mayfield, UCO English professor, has also done women. "Women haven't been silent," research on Muslim women, some of which is included in her paper entitled, Mayfield said. "It turned out women "The Responses of Women to from all over the world were writing Terrorism." She was one of only 16 scholars see WOMEN'S RIGHTS, page 3
■ The deadline to register to vote for the presidential election is Oct. 8. Forms are available at The Vista, Rm. 107 of the Communications Building. ■ Pi Sigma Alpha, UCO political science honor society, will host a voter education booth from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the east end of the Liberal Arts Building through Friday. Voter registration forms will be available. ■ National Women's Health and Fitness Day will be Sept. 29. The Student Health Advisory Committee will host a free seminar from 1 to 2 p.m. in the Wellness Center. Seminar participants will also be entered to win Wellness Center memberships, heart rate monitors, exercise videos, T-shirts and weight lifting gloves. INDEX Opinion 2 News 3 Campus Events Out & About 3 Sports 4 Classifieds 6 American rkmocracy iicet
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