University of Central Oklahoma
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THURSDAY September 29, 1994
The Student Voice Since 1903
Election hopefuls debate higher ed at UCO forum Gubernatorial candidates, Regents, presidents & volunteers are among lineup at meeting to discuss future of Oklahoma higher education •
By Roy Howe Staff Writer
ax incentives for businesses which hire Oklahoma graduates, giving the State Regents more decision making abilities and telecommunications are some remedies to the concerns facing higher education according to the state's three gubernatorial candidates. The three candidates, along with a State Regent, college and university presidents, a state volunteer with ties to education one U.S. Senate candidate and two Senate candidate representatives addressed more than 100 people in Ballroom A in the University Center Tuesday evening. Sponsored by The Daily Oklahoman and moderated by Terry Clark, UCO journalism department chairman, the forum was designed to hear the concerns facing the future of higher education by those who work in it. Then, gubernatorial and Senate candidates were given five minutes each to air what they would do to remedy the issues if elected to office. ✓ Freshmen and sophomore classes being taught by graduate students is to blame for many of the students quitting college, said Rubye Hall, a community volunteer. "If we had more real professors teaching smaller freshmen classes, the retention problem would be much less," Hall said. Hall also said Oklahoma doesn't have enough technical jobs with high salaries. To educate students who did not complete high school, or adults who have not entered higher education is a main concern and central mission for Oklahoma State University— Oklahoma City, said Jerrilee K. Mosier, OSU—OKC vice president. "We need more money to do that," Mosier said. "At the two-year level we are all very
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concerned about serving those under prepared indi-viduals..., those who need to come back and brush up on their skills prior to entering collegiate level training," she said. Reiterating money woe s , Marvin Keener, OSU provost, said higher education financing is a problem more than just skin deep. "We've gone past the meat, through the bone and into the marrow," Keener said, regarding reallocating funds to provide students an education. State Regent Fred McCann said the regents are working with both common education Panelist, Oklahoma State University Provost Marvin Keener, and community volunteer and higher education institu- Rubye Hall discuss views about dropout rates. The forum was held Tuesday evening in the tions to improve the number of University Center. (Staff Photo by Christopher Smith) in college graduates as governor, higher education will be one duplications must be addressed along Oklahoma. He said an emphasis should of the top two priorities, including trans- with efficiency. be placed on better preparing students for portation," he said. Other panelists sharing concerns ✓ the work force. Mildren said education has been in his about the future of higher education "Oklahoma needs an additional 50,000 family for a long time, with his father included Joe Anna Hibler, Southwestern college graduates to match the national being a history, teacher he said he learned Oklahoma State University president; share of college graduates. the importance of an education at an early George Nigh, UCO president; Earnest L. ✓ Democratic gubernatorial candi- age. Holloway, Langston University president; date Jack Mildren, Republican Frank He said he is for more State Regent J.R. Morris, University of Oklahoma Keating and Independent candidate Wes responsibility and for easily transferred interim president; Joe M. Kinzer, Watkins addressed these concerns and credits between institutions. Northern Oklahoma College president used the opportunity to explain their platMildren also said Oklahoma colleges and Larry Nutter, Rose State College forms if elected. and institutions need feedback from busi" Those of us up here are graduates nesses and industries to see what they're president. The forum on higher education is one from the Oklahoma State System of looking for from graduates. of three being sponsored by The Daily Higher Education," Keating said. "And Watkins said he is a first generation Tinker Air Force Base is the Oklahoman. we can make these degrees more worth- college graduate. topic of the next forum Oct. 4, and crime while by placing higher education in a "My parents didn't have a college eduhigher priority classification in the state." cation," he said. "I was born in dirt-poor will be discussed Oct. 11 at the Juvenile Keating said that as governor, his top poverty. I know first hand what an edu- Justice Center. The UCO chapter of the American priorities would be transportation infra- cation means to youngsters across the Association of University Professors will structure, higher education and job cre- state." host a discussion regarding higher educaation. Watkins says he appreciates his college "In today's work force, we have to education more than anyone could possi- tion with the three gubernatorial candidates from 2 p.m. until 4 p.m. Oct. 13 in have a highly skilled and highly educated bly imagine. worker," Keating said. He said businesses and private sectors the Pegasus Theatre in the Liberal Arts "The reality is, we don't have any must be involved in higher education. Building. money..., obviously, we need to prioritize. The discussion will be open to all stu"There's a lot we have to do for higher And under my administration, if selected education," Watkins said, who added dents, staff and faculty.
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