The Vista October 1, 1996

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University of Central Oklahoma

TUESDAY October 1, 1996

The Student Voice Since 1903 FAMW.V..‘,MW



A little patience goes a long way...

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Sequayah Middle school student Gospel Esaenwi, 12, waits for the 1996 Homecoming game to start. See related stories inside. (Staff photo by John Clanton)

Spending decrease ordered to alleviate deficit By Mary Reinauer Staff Writer

ix areas funded by the UCO student activity fee as well as revenues generated by 104 student groups were told to make a 10 percent across the board decrease in expenditures Sept. 25, said Sharon Martin, director of the budget. These steps are being taken in order to reduce the $800,000 deficit in UCO's 1996/1997 budget. Thrifty tactics will also be implemented in the Educational and General (E&G) Budget, she said. "For example, because the student technology fee is earmarked, those funds will need to be reduced to meet projected revenue," said Martin. The cuts have already impacted all

99 For example, because the student technology fee is earmarked, those funds will need to be reduced to meet projected revenue.


—Sharon Martin director of budget areas of the Campus Activity Fund, said Martin. The budget came up short because enrollment dropped by 853 students for the fall semester and similar reductions are projected for spring, announced UCO President George Nigh last week. These areas will also identify money that was over-budgeted last year and appropriate reductions will be made to the budget, Martin said.

That is, if an organization's budget showed a balance last year, that amount will be subtracted for the new budget, she said. The total effect will be that student organizations will have to scale down their activities. Vice president for administration, Dr. Cornelius Wooten sent letters to campus activity budget managers last week with instructions for "reduction efforts and conservative management practices."

Department chairs will review the areas where less can be spent and make reports to Martin within two weeks. If these measures are insufficient, more cuts will be made, stated the letter. The E&G expenditures will naturally reduce somewhat because there are fewer students to serve. In addition, the president's management team will identify areas where cuts are appropriate, said Martin. The Vista's efforts to reach Nigh for comment were unsuccessful. Wooten refused to meet with reporters until he talked to Nigh. There is no plan to cut employees or wages and the 3 percent raise for faculty and staff is still scheduled to begin in January, Martin said.

INSIDE TODAY INDEX Editorial 2 Letters


Homecomi... 8,9,10,11 Sports


Around Campus ... 18 Classifieds


HOUSING Dr. Dudley Ryan explains why the UCO housing /visitor policy still stands.



Dr. Cornelius Wooten outlines his plans for the administration office.

HOMECOMING Relive Homecoming 1996 with The Vista's coverage of the thrills, chills and spills.


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