University of • Central Oklahoma
TUESDAY October 4, 1994
The Student Voice Since 1903
New SGA president in 'hot water' Stories by David L. Hanigar
Staff Writer
UCO Student Government president accused of discrimination
Ben Harris, president of the Student Government Association (SGA), made a mistake in a meeting Wednesday that could cost him his office, SGA Speaker Doug Redus said. Defending against allegations brought against him in a meeting Wednesday, Harris disclosed personal information about a senate applicant. The information was about UCO student Charley Harjo's grade point and hours attempted. Using a social security number from Harjo's application, Han -is admitted he accessed the information through use of the enrollment office's computer terminals. The access of personal records without permission could be considered invasion of privacy. Harris said he was using the terminals to
verify the information submitted on the application and felt it was implied consent. "That information is available to anybody on the computers at the administration building," Harris said. The matter will be addressed in the next senate meeting, Redus said. Other issues, such as a discrimination charge against a senate applicant and the vice president election, will be postponed until this is resolved, Redus said. "This, in my opinion, could potentially become very harmful to SGA," Redus said. Although he doesn't want to see Harris leave office, it will be a decision of the student body, either through senate or an appeal to the supreme court, Redus said At the time The Vista went to press, hearsay of an impeachment was spreading.
Because there is not a vice president, Speaker Redus will temporarily become acting president and the executive speaker Thompson will become Speaker. An election must occur within two weeks, Redus said. Redus said he will not run for the office and does not want to see Harris leave office. "Ben has the potential to be an excellent president...he's got a lot of good ideas and he truly has the student body at heart," Redus said. What happened was unfortunate, Redus said. Harjo said he is glad that SGA is taking care of the matter. Although he said he personally feels it is being taken care of, he does not know if he will pursue legal action. 4D
Student Government Association (SGA) President Ben Harris was accused of discrimination in an informal meeting Wednesday. Harris was accused by Adam Harwood, head of the SGA continuum committee, of withholding UCO student Charley Harjo's senate application because of Harjo's sexual preference. Harjo is a member of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance for Student Support (GLASS). Under SGA guidelines, after a review and interview is conducted with the senate applicants, the president sends what he considers the most qualified senate applications to the continuum committee, where another review and interview is conducted. Once approved by the continuum committee, the senate appointee is sworn in at a meeting. Wednesday there were only two seats available in the senate. The continuum committee had five applications. Harjo's was not one of them. V See PREJUDICE , and See RELATED COLUMN, Page 13
Editorial 2 Letters 2 World Wrap 6 Around Campus 15 Sports 8-9 Comics 15
UCO professor, Dr. Jim Watson and student Mike Morkes of the Clock Tower Studio, used this comical car as a "vehicle" to voice their opinion on parking. The car, which had been used as decoration for over a year in the Clock Tower Studio, was displayed on a sidewalk in front of the Art Building last week. (Staff Photo by Christopher Smith)
FOUL! Rumors run amuck about alleged "missing funds."
SPORTS UCO Bronchos football team played the East Texas State Lions Saturday.
Gilliland was awarded for helping the physically challenged.