University of Central Oklahoma
THEVIsrik The Student Voice Since 1903
THURSDAY October 5, 1995
13-person panel shares success tips on job search By Nicki Cormier Staff Writer A panel of 13 professionals answered questions from the audience and gave advice on the many aspects of successful job hunting 'during last week's "Job Hunting Forum," sponsored by UCO's Career Development and Placement Services. Many of the professionals were human resource managers from companies such as BancFirst, Williams Companies Inc. and Dayton Tire. The education field was represented by Dr. David Goin, director of elementary education of Edmond public schools and Tom Cameron, superintendent of Deer
Creek public schools. "I enjoyed the forum. It was fun and very beneficial as far as job hunting tips and re'sume' structuring was concerned," said Keith Weber a junior public relations/political science major. Some of the advice the panel gave Was: • Be genuine and sincere. It's better to say that you left your last job on bad terms than to hide. it. • Don't hesitate to apply for different jobs. You may be more qualified than you think. Don't be motivated by money. Look for a job you will enjoy doing. The panel also gave tips on writing re'sume's and cover letters. The panel members
Michael Rogers, vice president and human resources officer of BancFirst, advises students on the many aspects of successful job hunting. Also shown from left are Laurel Brennan, human resources assistant for Dayton Tire, Patricia Smith, recruiter from CW Systems, Barb Denny, audit manager from Arthur Andersen & Co. and Tom Cameron, superintendent of Deer Creek Public Schools. (Staff photo by Joy McNutt) advised students to make sure that both were grammatically correct. They also stressed the importance of spelling correctly the company and contact name
that one is addressing the alumni with the skills necessary re'sume's to. to conduct a sucessful job Student Services offer several search. For more information seminars and forums throughout call, Carrol McAllister at 341the year to equip students and 2980, Ext. 2951.
UCO family housing receives funds for playground By Mike Gustafson Staff Writer The Broncho Apartments, UCO's family student housing facilities, recently received $4000 for the improvement of grounds and recreational equipment from the Student Government Association (SGA) and the auxiliary services. Of the $4000 received, half
came from student activity fees while the other half came from the auxiliary services, which matched the first $2,000 dollar for dollar. The proposal, submitted to the SGA last April, was designed by family student housing resident Suzy Bussert, who served on the university's Student Senate last spring. "I felt that there was a need for the equipment," said Bussert.
"The kids didn't have enough playground toys." The family student housing units received a total of four park benches, eight picnic tables, a new basketball goal, a large volleyball court and a children's fort. The fort contains five levels with bridges, slides and swings surrounded by 110 tons of sand, said Bussert. The addition of the recreational equipment has
drawn UCO residents closer to each other with new social events. "The families are enjoying cookouts and the kids are outside more," said Bussert. "Adults can also enjoy volleyball now." Although the new equipment has made families happier, they still worry about some problems they face. "Some residents are concerned with broken glass that
is being left around the playground," said Bussert. "We would really hate to see any of the kids get hurt." With work on the sand volleyball court almost complete, the only things needed to finish the project are trash cans. "I think that if we had a few trash cans around the grounds, glass may not be a problem," said Bussert.
Campus Quotes .... 2 Around Campus 15 Sports 11,12 Comics 15 Classifieds 16
MANEUVERS ROTC cadets show Vista writer Jessica Haffiburton, the art of rapid descent
SPORTS Bryson finds new role on the Bronchos as the veteran leader of the team.
RUSSIAN ART UCO students travel to visit Russian art exhibit for an additional college credit