University of Central Oklahoma
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TUESDAY October 7, 1997
The Student Voice Since 1903
Pass/Fail grades proposed for some elective courses
It's a stretch...
By Steven E. Wedel Staff Writer
students dropping courses they are genuinely CO students may soon have interested in the option of taking elective simply because courses without the threat of they are worried harming their GPA. about the grade," Dr. Hans Nollert, assistant professor of Nollert said. German, has introduced a bill to the The proposal Faculty Senate that would allow students would have a to take one regular course, up to five minimal impact on credit hours, per semester on a pass/fail budgeting, Nollert basis. said. Academic "It would open possibilities for some students to take courses without worrying Affairs would need so much about damaging their GPA," to develop Nollert said. procedures for The courses that could be taken registering pass/fail would be decided by the pass/fail credit departments, the Academic hours, but Affairs Council, and the existing UCO construction colleges or instructors, forms worker Eugene according to Nollert's such as Chilson unties a rope proposal. t h e around scaffolding "No faculty member irregular inside the University should be forced to allow a enrollment Center. The course to be taken form, scaffolding was taken pass/fail," Nollert said. could fill down after painting "But if a chemistry that role, was completed major wants to take an he said. Wednesday. (Staf English course, but is T h e photo by Bryan Terry) Nollert worried about the grade, only why not let her take it pass/fail for credit drawback rather than audit?" he said. Nollert can foresee would come if a Nollert said. Nollert's proposal would let a student student decided to change his or her "The instructor would grade the complete credit hours toward graduation, major to a subject where the student had student like usual, then the registrar without demanding that each and every accumulated pass/fail grades. would put the pass/fail grade on the course be treated as a class in his or her "That could be avoided by not transcript." major. notifying the instructor which students If the student later changed majors, the "On the last day to drop a class we see are taking classes on a pass/fail basis," registrar's office could change the
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pass/fail status to the grade originally given by the instructor. Nollert's proposal is currently being considered by the Academic Affairs Committee of the Faculty Senate. It is unknown when the proposal will come to a vote.
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