University of Central Oklahoma
THURSDAY October 10, 1996
The Student Voice Since 1903
SGA constitution in limbo By Jessica Halliburton Staff Writer
The projected date of a student vote on the new Student Government Association constitution is two weeks overdue, stuck in administrative limbo. Dudley Ryan, vice president of student services is currently reviewing the constitution. Ben Harris said that when he projected the date students would vote on the constitution, he assumed Ryan would only be reviewing it for correct constitution format and structure. "I thought that there would be three channels the constitution would take: Dean Ryan would be in charge of structure and format, students would be in charge of approving content from their point of view and the president would be in charge of approving content from an administrative point of view," said Harris. Ryan said that because this constitution is so important, more revision by his department is needed.
"Anything they change in their constitution has to be in harmony with university," he said. "My office has authorization to make sure this happens." Ryan acknowledged that usually the constitution would not be reviewed for content until it reached the president, but he said an extra step is being taken in the process because this constitution will dramatically affect all campus organizations. "The president wants to make sure this does not change what he's doing with students," said Ryan. Harris said that he expects Ryan to give him an idea of changes that need to be made in the constitution by Friday, so those changes can be made and prepared for a student vote. Ryan would not say if he found any content problems in the constitution. He only confirmed that he found minor clarity and grammatical problems. "I regret that it takes this much time, but I don't know how else I can alleviate that."
Job Search Week set for Oct. 14 - 18 By Lisa Tatum Staff Writer
You can dot your i's and cross your t's but a perfect resume is only the first step toward finding that perfect job. The ins and outs of successful job hunting will be the focus of UCO's Career Development & Placement Services' (CD & PS) first annual "Job Search Week."
Various free sessions will be held Oct. 14-18, including mock interviews, resume critiques and job search help sessions. The week will begin with a job hunting forum Monday. Employers from local businesses will give job hunting advice and answer career questions, said Carrol McAllister, career guidance specialist. "They can offer valuable
information since they are the people who do- the actual hiring at their companies," she said. Half-hour job search sessions will be held Tuesday that will cover trends in resume writing, job searching and interviewing. Students are encouraged to bring questions to the sessions. Mock interviews on Tuesday and Wednesday
Balancing act... A UCO construction worker hangs out of a fourth floor window of the
newly expanded University Center to inspect the window panes. (Staff photo by John Clanton)
VSee JOBS, Page 7
INSIDE TODAY INDEX Editorial 2 Sports 10, 11 Entertainment 12, 13 Around Campus ....18 Classifieds 19
EDITORIAL The right to die issue sparks controversy. Read opinions from both sides of the issue.
SPORTS Charles Bornman defeated teammate Alan Harris for the ITA regional title Monday.
ENTERTAINMENT The Vista's Vista's critics pick the best of the best in Science fiction and spy videos.