The Vista Oct. 11, 2005

Page 1

Weekend sports roundup, Pg. 12

Review of "The Pajama Game" Pg. 5



Central Plaza gas siphoning incident lands pair in jail

Deadlines moved up for spring, fall 2006 graduation applications Students planning to graduate must make early cutoff or face penalty fees

Police crack down on fuel bandits by Trisha Evans

Too many last minute applications cited as reason for new deadlines

Vista Senior Staff Writer

Erika Thomas, a UCO student, called campus police Sept. 29 when she discovered more than $30 of gas had been stolen out of her car. Police said 11 gallons were siphoned from her tank some time between 9 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. when her car was parked in the commuter lot south of the 7-Eleven store at the corner of Ayers and University streets. Officer Sherrick McCray, who responded to the call, said this is the first instance of siphoning he can remember in the seven years he has worked at UCO.

by Trisha Evans Vista Senior Staff Writer

The application deadline for graduation has been moved up almost two months and late students will now have to pay a $25 fee. November 1 is the new deadline for students graduating in the spring, and those hoping to graduate in the fall should apply by March 1. by Vista photographer Naomi Takebuchi Students waiting until the last Bronze and blue runs more than skin deep minute to apply is the main reason for the new deadline and UCO fans, including self-described "Captain Broncho" cheer and display their school pride Oct. 8 at Wantland Stadium. The Bronchos late fee, said Todd Milam, UCO football team lost to Texas A&M Kingsville 41-38. The Bronchos are 2.5 on the year. Next up they face East Central Oct. 15 in Ada. assistant registrar. Please see GAS, page 3 Milam said the Degree Certification office is usually "inundated" at the last minute, making it very hard for the two part-time employees to process all the late applications. He said only 70 percent of spring graduates, half of all fall graduates and 30 percent of summer graduates apply on time. Milam said the new deadline by Nathan Winfrey will also allow the staff to do Vista Staff Writer Wantland remodeling and recent bomb more complete degree checks incident at OU prompt searches In honor of National Coming by making sure applicants have Out Day, UCO's Gay Alliance met UCO and Regents requirefor Tolerance and Equality will ments. sponsor several events Oct. 11. "The early dates are for the Members of GATE will staff benefit of the student," Milam an information table beside said. Broncho Lake from 11 a.m. to He said the earlier deadline 2 p.m. to distribute resources on will allow his staff to notify stugay, lesbian, bisexual and transdents before the last day to add a gender issues. A Henna tattoo class if they haven't met all the artist will also be present. degree requirements. "We're going to be handing "It's a good thing—a positive out different things like little for students and faculty," said rainbow flags attached to piecStephanie Dake, public relations es of paper that explains what senior. "We all know that we are National Coming Out Day is and all procrastinators, and this just its significance," said Nathan pushes us more." Huseman, president of GATE. Students can apply without GATE will also sponsor a being enrolled in classes. If a candlelight vigil at 8 p.m. under student enrolls in something difthe pavilion at Broncho Lake. ferent than stated on the appliby Vista photographer Brett Deering "It should last from an hour to cation, they can change their UCO Department of Public Safety Officer Brian Maloy searches a 40 minutes and we'll have time application without any penalty, for reflection," said Dr. David bag Oct. 8 at Wantland Stadium. Under a new policy, all bags are Milam said. Macey, GATE faculty advisor. subject to search. "National Coming Out Day by Vista photographer Brett Deering Please see DATES, page 4 Jeff Harp, director of the UCO is a national event...we've done by Brett Deering Department of Public Safety, something on this campus for a Vista Staff Writer in reference to the explosion at number of years now," Macey Oklahoma Memorial Stadium, Sam Rolle, 10, pokes at 'living statue' Troy Scott Oct. 8 outside said. "It is a vigil intended for UCO's Department of Public Oct. 1. everyone in the community, gay Wantland Stadium. Scott, a performance artist, was hired by Safety implemented new rules "The only visible difference or straight. It's a chance for peoUCO to entertain fans before the football game. ,., and security procedures for that I think any fan is going to ple to reflect on the courage and sacrifices involved with coming entry into Wantland Stadium see, whether a high school game or one of our (UCO) games, is out...what would it take to make Oct. 7. "I think every event venue in that we are going to be deny, $ 4 this a more tolerant, more incluthe country, in light of Saturday's ing entry of larger hand—carried sive world." --. incident, are evaluating their items, back packs included," policies and procedures," said Harp said. Please see OUT, page 3 Harp said DPS will not deny UCO's Dr. Patricia the entry of diaper bags, small Loughlin recently purses, blankets, seat cushions wrote a book and held and similar small items. He said a book signing Oct. 5 anything hand-carried is subshort introduction of the selectby Lauren Hyer ject to a possible search, which ed moderator and the issue to on campus. Vista Staff Writer has been a long-standing DPS be discussed that evening. An See Pg. 6 policy. hour-long movie relevant to the A film and discussion series Harp said the new constructopic will then be played so Movie Review dealing with four different scien- the audience can have an overtion at Wantland Stadium had "Domino" by Vista tific themes of the 21st century view of what will be discussed. prompted DPS to re-evaluate staff writer Nathan started Oct. 6 its security procedures over the The secat the Ronald summer to address items that Winfrey and hour is "What I love about designated J. Norick people bring into the stadium. See Pg. 8 Downtown this series is that it is a for group "Denying access is someLibrary. Photos thing that is new, but it is concommunity-building discussion TheUniversity sistent with most athletic ven'Broncho Football conducted of Central discussion on how these by the modues security procedures," Harp Spirit!' Oklahoma's issues impact their lives." erator. said. "It is one (procedure) that See Pg. 5 College of we knew we would be imple"What I Mathematics menting, and this seemed like a INDEX love about and Science, Gwen Dobbs, Friends of the this series logical time for us to do that. the Friends Library is that it is "Our trick is going to be to Opinion 2 of the Library 3 News do it in a way that doesn't create a commuand the Metropolitan Library nity-building discussion on how Classifieds 10 any undue delay or any negative by Vista photographer Justin Avera System partnered for the third these issues impact their lives," Sports 12 feeling about what people may annual Research Revolution Dr. Kathryn Gage, vice president of Student Affairs, won the Series. www.thevistaonline com Please see RULES, page 4 weekly 'Bronze and Blue' award Oct. 7. See Pg. 8. Please see FILMS, page 3 All meetings begin with a

National Coming Out Day events planned next to Broncho Lake


Cow poke?

Scientific film, discussion series starts at downtown Oklahoma City library

New security measures introduced at Bronchos weekend football game

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