The Vista Oct. 12, 2004

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Homecoming 2004 begins

Campus flu shots affected by shortages ■

The UCO Student Health Center has received 180 flu vaccinations. by Caroline Duke Editor in Chief

Photo by Gavin D. Elliott

Kevin Griffin, of the band Better Than Ezra, performs Oct. 10 at Hamilton Field House. The event was one of several that kicked off Homecoming Week. For more Better Than Ezra photos, see page 4.

Weeklong series of events welcomes back alumni ■ Several activities are planned throughout the week to celebrate Homecoming, which will culminate Oct. 16. by Sarah Skinner Staff Writer

The 2004 Homecoming celebration, themed "Showdown at O.K. Central," began Oct. 10 and will continue through the week. The UCO Homecoming Committee planned the week for almost a year and worked to improve the celebration since last year. Many student organizations have signed up to participate in Homecoming, and the committee is receiving support from the student body. "We have had a lot of volunteers

through the volunteer meetings," said alumni banquets, beginning Oct. 14. Daresa Poe, UCO spirit coordinator. Among these is the 2004 Distinguished Former Alumni Awards "Homecoming is always Dinner, sponsored by the a big deal, and we get a g "Homecomin is UCO Alumni Relations lot of student participa- tion." always a big Department. Former students lionStudent-organized deal, and we get ored this year are Brig. homecoming activities, such as "Adopt a a lot of student Gen. LaRita Aragon of the National Guard at Morning" gatherings, the participation." Air Tinker Air Force Base; Dr. "LAFF Olympic Lee Beasley, a dentist Games," cookouts, a blood drive, a volleyball - DARESA POE, with Endodontic UCO spirit coordinator Associates; and Marita tournament and a talent Hynes, former University show, will be held of Oklahoma associate throughout the week. The different colleges will hold athletic director. Other awards being

Discussion to focus on U.S. foreign policy ■ Panel experts will speak on eight topics relating to the United States' role in the world. by Michael Robertson Staff Writer

UCO will host a public discussion titled "American. Power and Global Security" from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Oct. 12 in Ballroom C of the Nigh University Center. The event, which is designed to stimulate dialogue among the public about U.S foreign policy and our role in the world, is free and open to the public. Eight topics will be discussed, including sources of American influence abroad, America's diplomatic priorities, foreign perceptions of the United States, the war on terrorism and how Americans should balance international responsibilities while keeping national interests.

Jennifer Geren, of the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, said the members of the panel will speak for about an hour, and then questions will be taken from the audience. Ret. Gen. Dennis J. Reimer said the most important question about U.S foreign policy is the strategy to synchronize our power responsibly in the post-Cold War world. "The Cold War world was so different than the polarized world we live in today. Since we are such a large superpower, we have additional responsibilities to the world than other countries," Reimer said. The forum will feature a panel of experts, including: Dr. Don Betz, UCO provost and vice-president for Academic Affairs; Dr.

WHO: Panel of foreign policy experts WHAT: "American Power and Global Security" public discussion WHEN: 6:30 8:30 p.m. Oct. 12 WHERE: Ballroom C of the Nigh University Center WHY: To stimulate public discussion about U.S. foreign policy and its role in the world -

Randal Jones, a UCO political science professor; Retired General Dennis J. Reimer, director of the National Memorial Institute for the Prevention

see TALK, page 3

given are the "Central Family of the Year" award to the Bob Thomas family and the John Kessler Award, which will go to Virginia Peters, who worked at UCO from 1958 until 1992 as a professor, depat tinent chair, coach, women's athletic director and coordinator of HPERD graduate studies. "These honorees are wonderful symbols that recognize the thousands of alumni who join our ranks each year," said Stacy McNeiland, Alumni Relations executive director. "This event is the high point of the year." Other events going on during home-

see HOMECOMING, page 3

On the Issues: a six-part series of articles affecting voters

The Vista starts a new political series aimed at getting students engaged before the Nov. 2 presidential and local elections.

Oklahoma residents who can't show up to the polls on Nov. 2 can still vote with an absentee ballot. Any registered voter may vote with an absentee ballot, and no reason is needed for voting absentee. Absentee voting for the Nov. 2 election can take place in person from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on

CAMPUS ANNOUNCEMENTS ■ "Make a Difference Day" will begin at 9 a.m. Oct. 30. Sixty volunteers are needed for the service project, and anyone interest should sign up by Oct. 27. To sign up, contact Derek Burks, UCO Volunteer Center Coordinator in Room 414 of the Nigh University Center, at 9742621, or e-mail .

■ Homecoming 2004 T-shirts are now on sale in the Campus Life Office. Short. sleeve shirts are $7, and Long sleeve shirts are $10.

Time remains to vote absentee before election Stall Writer

see FLU VACCINE, page 3

■ UCAB will host a free movie night Oct. 14 and will show "Spiderman 2" at 7 p.m. in Constitution Hall.

Part One: War

by Joseph Wertz

The UCO Student Health Center will begin giving flu vaccinations Oct. 25 but will follow the Centers' for Disease Control and Prevention recommendations regarding priority groups for vaccination. The CDC announced last week that a limited number of influenza vaccinations will be available this fall due to the license suspension of the company that manufactures one half of the United States' expected supply. Misha Mowdy, of the health center, said the center will follow the CDC's interim recommendations for the week of giving vaccinations. "We will give them starting on the 25th to the priority group of people according to the CDC's recommendations," Mowdy said. She said, as of Oct. 11, the health center received 30 percent of its entire order, about 180 shots. After the first week, the health center will give vaccinations to any student, faculty or staff member not included in the CDC's recommendations. "I anticipate we will receive some left into the next week, but I'm not promising," Mowdy said. Students, faculty or staff members who believe they are eligible to receive the

Oct. 21-22 and Nov. 1 at county election boards. Applicants may also choose to write a letter to the State Election Board to apply for absentee ballots. Any absentee ballot that is sent through the

■ The Student Health Center will give flu vaccinations Oct. 25 for $15. For more information, call the Student Health Center at 974-2317.

INDEX Opinion 2 News 3 Campus Events 3 Sports 6 Classifieds 8

American Democracy


see ABSENTEE, page 4 For more information on absentee voting, see page 3.

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