The Vista Oct. 13, 2005

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The Bronchos look to improve their 2-5 record this weekend, Sports Pg. 12

Choreography concert Oct. 14 15 Pg. 5 -

VS . 0



Design students will turn school gym into library Project requires students to do work for non-profit organizations; new look to come from children's book idea by Courtney Bryce Vista Staff. Writer UCO's Charles Evans Studio is designing a library in Westwood Elementary School in Oklahoma City for their semester project. Laci Lackey, director of interior design, said the studio is made up of four students. They're picked by the faculty and it's for them to get experience," Lackey said. "All the work we do is for non-profit organizations or organizations that can't pay." Sandy Futrell, Westwood -

UCO Golf Management program works toward PGA accreditation by Lauren Hyer Vista Staff Writer The UCO College of Business Administration submitted a proposal seeking accreditation for the Professional Golf Management degree program to the Professional Golf Association Sept. 30. Bob Phelps, PGM internship coordinator, said the process to become accredited by the PGA takes about six to nine months and the goal is to become accredited by fall 2006. Phelps said ifthe PGA accredits the program it would benefit students by earning them instant credibility in the industry, which would open up more doors in their career opportunities. He said many jobs in the golf industry require PGA membership, which can only be obtained by a self-study course or gaining a degree from an accredited program. Phelps said another advantage to having the PGA program at UCO is there are only 17 other universities that have acquired accreditation. He said the two closest universities that have earned approval from the PGA are Sam Houston State University in Huntsville, Texas and the University of Nebraska in Lincoln, Neb. The PGM currently has 10 students enrolled. Phelps said many students interested in joining the program are not

Elementary librarian, said a new principal came to the school last year and made reading the main focus for the students. "The majority of the kids in our school are probably two grade levels behind as far as reading goes," Futrell said. "It's because they come from a different culture and their parents speak Spanish." ' Futrell said about 85 percent of the student population is Hispanic. She said this is the first year the school has been off the "at-risk list," which is based on reading levels, in four years.

Futrell said the room the UCO students will design was actually an old gym. She said the new principal made the decision to use the gym, located in the center of the building, as a library. "Reading is our focus and we're so far behind," Futrell said. "So, it needs to be in the center of our school." Futrell said she and the principal decided to design the library to make a fun and encouraging atmosphere to get students to read. "I watch all those design shows on television and I knew

we were going to change," Futrell said. "I knew we were going to need professional help." Futrell said she studied design at Oklahoma State University and her first thought was to call their students. "I thought it would be good for students to reach out to other students," she said. Futrell said she decided to call UCO first because it was closer. "I thought if they (UCO) said no, I'd call OSU. But they said yes," she said. Lisa Smallwood, student

organizer of the group, said construction on the library hasn't started yet and they're still working on designs. "The librarian had a book called "House of Wisdom" that she wanted us to base the design off of," Smallwood said. Futrell said the children's book is about a boy in Baghdad who doesn't like to read. The boy's father, also a librarian, sends him on a mission to travel around the world looking for books for the library. After finding all the different books

Senate gives thumbs down to extended university weekend hours resolution Measure would have kept library, labs and food court open later by Trisha Evans Vista Senior Staff Writer

A resolution, suggesting the university extend weekend hours for the library, computer Please see DESIGN, page 3 labs and food centers, failed in the UCOSA senate Oct. 11, after much debate. Barrett Dye, senate president pro tempore, and House Representative Scott Jaggers wrote the resolution which is concerned with UCO being a more residential oriented campus. "The University of Central Oklahoma has been moving from a commuter university to a more residential university for a number of years," the resolution stated. It also stated that students leave campus on the weekends because of a "lack of resources available for them." Jason Hines, senator for the President's Leadership Council, asked Dye and Jaggers if students leave for the weekend because of the limited services or vice versa. Dye said extended service hours would benefit students who live on and off campus. He said the 2,000 students who live on campus are using the services along with many other cornmuter students. "It's a resolution," Dye said. "It doesn't necessarily do anything but say we have a problem." by Vista photographer Justin Avera "The only thing you've been given is stories and anecdotal evidence. I would be happy to support this if we had more eviFrom left: Austin Gardner, undeclared freshman, Josh Covatch, business junior, and Stephen Dungey, business junior, kick up their dence," said Ty Reindenbaugh, heels Oct. 10 in Constitution Hall as part of the yearly Kappa Sigma Labor Auction.

Kickin it

Please see UCOSA, page 3

Education college will hold event to recruit prospective ISC meeting focuses on leadership students, future teachers skills, parliamentary procedures

teacher education program has fallen off at UCO in recent years and her department is looking for ways to reverse the trend. The The UCO Department of committee, which was created Please see PGM, page 3 Professional Teacher Education in spring 2004, was designed to will host its first freshman address the problem. orientation event for prospec"It's a national trend, a lot tive teacher education candi- of people are not going into the dates Oct. 25 in the Education field," Brown said. She said low Building. teacher pay and public percepSPORTS The "freshman orientation tion of educators has contribUCO student and boxer for teacher uted to the educaRichie Scifo will fight "We (UCO) are the downturn. tion majors "The the Oklahoma lightpizza party" premier education prestige is weight champion Oct. 14 is aimed not what in Dublin, Ireland at fresh- school in the state." it used to man that See Pg. 9 be in the are inclined public's Dr. Kathy Brown, eye of toward careers as Associate professor, teachers," teachers, said • Brown Dr. Kathy education said. "It Brown, used to associate be the professor in the Department of most honorable profession you Professional Teacher Education could go into, and now there is , , and chair of the Teacher so much public criticism," she Education Recruitment and said. Retention committee, which UCO student's genetic "We (UCO) are the premier organized the event. education school in the state," research on rats. Brown said the orientation Brown said. She said one of See Pg. 8 is for education majors and for the main goals of the commitstudents who intend to declare tee was to increase recruitment, INDEX as education majors. "We're even at the high school level. going to talk about the program Opinion 2 Brown said one attempt to and the requirements, but it's increase awareness of the teachNews 3 also to have fun." Classifieds 11 Sports 12 Brown said retention in the by Brett Deering Vista Staff Writer


Please see EVENT, page 3

Fall break trip to Arkansas approved; treasurer elected by Trisha Evans Vista Senior Staff Writer

The International Student Council met to train leaders and discuss new business at its weekly meeting Oct. 10 in the Robert S. Kerr Room of the Nigh University Center: The council paused for a moment of silence in respect for earthquake victims in Pakistan, India and Afghanistan. A representative from Pakistan requested that ISC hold a fundraiser for those affected by the earthquake. Jonathan Nazari, ISC parliamentarian, instructed the council in the basics of parliamentary procedure. by Vista photographer Justin Avera "We all represent international students--different ISC President Lanre Daniels, at the podium Oct. 10 in the Robert countries, different cultures S. Kerr Room during the weekly ISC meeting. and when we come together in a meeting often times it "If you fail to plan, you are The council approved a budcan get hectic," Nazari said. planning to fail," Daniels said. get proposal of $1850 for the "Different languages are spoJosephine Mangoli, ISC vice fall break trip to Arkansas. The ken. People don't always under- president, discussed the roles of council will visit the Clinton stand what's going on." the secretary and vice president Presidential Center in Little Lanre Daniels, ISC presi- of groups. Rock, Petti Jean State Park, dent, talked to the council about Azusa Maida, international Subiaco Abbey and Academy leadership skills like character trade freshman, was unaniand planning. mously elected ISC treasurer. Please see ISC, page 3

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